atrw · 5 years
we all going to hell 🤦🏽‍♀️
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atrw · 5 years
i think the hardest thing to realize is that is wasn’t that you weren’t right for me-
it was that i wasn’t right for you.
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atrw · 5 years
my thoughts on deja vu: it’s the universe telling you that you’re on the right path or you were meant to be right there in that moment. i used to be afraid of it but now i just take it all in 🍃
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atrw · 5 years
been there sis you just gotta do it
how do you politely ask a boy for his entire natal chart and/or exact birth time?
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atrw · 5 years
don’t forget health insurance
Full time work should entitle someone to enough pay for rent, food, bills, and leisure activities. Full time work for a full life wage. You put in your 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? You should be able to afford the basic shit you need in life, no matter where you work.
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atrw · 5 years
Ya MCM don’t say Goodnight, he just stop replying.
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atrw · 5 years
“Don’t fear failure. Fear being in the same place in a year from now.”
— Unknown
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atrw · 6 years
May 17th 4:15 PM
keep reminding myself:
if he wanted to be with you, he'd be here.
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atrw · 6 years
9:26 pm
i'm really just annoyed wth.
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atrw · 6 years
May 16 1:07 AM
i really start posting more on here. i have a lot of things that need to be let out creatively and unfiltered
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atrw · 6 years
because i feel bad for wanting to be happy, without you.
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atrw · 6 years
because i write hearts on everything... every chance i get
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atrw · 8 years
man i miss the old tumblr, like from - 2011.
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atrw · 8 years
February 6 - 9:51am
#Bernie2016 needs more media coverage y'all. help
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atrw · 8 years
January 17 2016 - 7:15pm
i'm so down for like all of us moving to a separate part of th e country, start takin over and making profits in our own community. if my race could just stick together.
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atrw · 9 years
December 30 - 12:19am
it’s funny how i have so much of my life already planned out from what i chose as my profession to what kind of animals i want as pets and even their names. but when it comes to romance i’ve drawn a blank. no matter what it seems to boil down to however, the answer comes out to two. you and you
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atrw · 9 years
December 25 -11:38pm
the one thing i truly wanted for Christmas was to find out what the fuck happened to Frank Ocean.
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