atracides · 9 years
this was a wild ride from start to finish. thank you tumblr user notdreamingnow for a truly good laugh
do you think the “down with cis” bus does parties
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atracides · 10 years
i have 0 regard or affection for, like, any of the queer orgs that i could feasibly claim membership in
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atracides · 10 years
i dooooo noooooooot believe the trans climate will be safe for dmab trans ppl at this school until my class graduates
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atracides · 10 years
awwww must be so hard for you :'( :'( :'(
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atracides · 10 years
lmao someone has never actually listened to queer ppl's opinions on macklemore
I’m white and cis.
I’m happy with who I am.
No I’m not evil.
I can’t help how I was born.
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atracides · 10 years
1. I do not see how hir statement was transphobic in the least. Men have violent coercive power over women. Trans men are men. I do not see how hir statement was transphobic. 2. I'm masc so i can't really comment on the "man hating" thing except to say that trans/misandry does not hold occupy a parallel position to misogyny in power dynamics, so. 3. "we always compare our sufferings" because they deserve comparison, god damn it. coming onto this website and seeing my fellow white dfab transmasc people trying to say that they have it ~just as bad~ as trans women (esp ones of color oh goodness) or that we need to ~put aside our differences and work together~ is nauseating. no. there are power dynamics at play within the "trans community". things like race and class and YES, GENDER. some transgender people have privilege over others. amazing to consider, i know.
go figure that trans men would feel “safer” at a women’s college, any man would feel safe in a space where he has violent coercive power over every single person there
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atracides · 10 years
no, you still don't get it. we dfab people do not face for one millisecond the same level of intolerance & hatred & physical danger that dmab trans people do. you can't condense what we face & what they face under "transphobic bullshit". we don't all face transphobic bullshit. you and i do. trans women & other dmab trans people face straight-up brutality. and none of this changes the fact that trans men hold male privilege over women and thus do not belong in spaces currently designated specifically for women.
go figure that trans men would feel “safer” at a women’s college, any man would feel safe in a space where he has violent coercive power over every single person there
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atracides · 10 years
If you think for one second that trans men and trans women face "the same transphobic bullshit" then you need to educate yrself. Might also wanna read up on male priv while you're at it.
go figure that trans men would feel “safer” at a women’s college, any man would feel safe in a space where he has violent coercive power over every single person there
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atracides · 10 years
"you should know better" is pretty fucking rich coming from someone still slinging that asterisk around.
go figure that trans men would feel “safer” at a women’s college, any man would feel safe in a space where he has violent coercive power over every single person there
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atracides · 10 years
i also told my greek professor that i want to tell the other professors
and he ws like "sure, come to the faculty meeting" and then he was like "wait" and i was like "no it's okay"
it's weird bc i feel like i'm going to lose a bond w/ him, which is absurd, but i also need these professors to understand me on the same level, and to understand that they are being perceived on multiple levels by trans students, and that yes i have problems yes i am scared yes i feel threatened but no it is not the same no my body is not incorrect no i am not a man
i was not kidding when i gave my gender as aporia
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atracides · 10 years
our adviser has done nothing to endear her to myself ever ever
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atracides · 10 years
i feel like if i am tender i would be the last person to find out
u know?
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atracides · 10 years
being perceived as a man sounds like the literal worst
0/10 do not want
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atracides · 10 years
It's been like two hours and I'm still pissed but like what else should I expect from the fucking genderqueer moral majority, like do you think this is some kind of fucking chess game with the institution where the mental health of first years is expendable as long as they Help The Cause? That's disgusting. I'm going to track y'all down and I'm going to tell y'all exactly where you can put your fucking game pieces.
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atracides · 10 years
you all fucked up
you all fucked up SO HARD
i leave for one semester and you start saying harmful shit to questioning first years like it's no big deal
you all fucked up
i am so angry
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atracides · 10 years
i'm existing in a weird duality rn and i can't quite tell which experience is more real
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atracides · 10 years
female to Metrobius
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