atoxmem · 4 years
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Salve Satan! Sinta a Luxúria dEle. O indizível Prazer de se entregar à Sagrada Sodomia! A delícia de sentir crescer em você a Chama Fálica! Adore o Senhor Phallus e diga com os Irmãos da nossa Fraternidade: “Salve, Satan! Salve, Deus da Foda!”
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atoxmem · 4 years
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James Hamilton - Marine
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atoxmem · 5 years
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8K notes · View notes
atoxmem · 5 years
““I can’t forget things, or ignore them–bad things that happen. I’m a lay-it-all-out person, a dwell-on-it person, an obsess-about-it person. If I hold things in and try to forget or pretend, I become a madman and have panic attacks. I have to talk.””
— E.Lockhart ,   Real Live Boyfriends (via goodreadss)
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atoxmem · 5 years
“The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore.”
— Rumi (via goodreadss)
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atoxmem · 5 years
“I love the rain. I love how it softens the outlines of things. The world becomes softly blurred, and I feel like I melt right into it.”
— Hanamoto Hagumi, Honey and Clover (via goodreadss)
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atoxmem · 5 years
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Jules Joseph Lefebvre - Diana
886 notes · View notes
atoxmem · 5 years
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80 notes · View notes
atoxmem · 5 years
“The sky was gray, and you could hear the thunder. I think it was just this perfect atmosphere. I find myself being really energized by storms.”
— Chelsea Wolfe, from an interview featured in “Westword,” c. October 2019 (via violentwavesofemotion)
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atoxmem · 5 years
“And the air cool, as if drifting down from wet hemlocks, / Or rising out of ferns not far from water, / A crisp hyacinthine coolness, / Like that clear autumnal weather of eternity,”
— Theodore Roethke, from “Carnations,” Words for the Wind: The Collected Verse of Theodore Roethke (Indiana University Press, 1961)
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atoxmem · 5 years
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Triumph Of The Will: The Challenge (Detail) - James Tissot
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atoxmem · 5 years
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My friend Agustin Lazo, 1945, Remedios Varo
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atoxmem · 5 years
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Two Satyrs, 1619, Peter Paul Rubens
Medium: oil,wood
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atoxmem · 5 years
Hand study
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16K notes · View notes
atoxmem · 5 years
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294 notes · View notes
atoxmem · 5 years
“You are a slave of what you need in your soul.”
— Carl Jung (via quotemadness)
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atoxmem · 5 years
“Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,
from Flight to Arras
(Harcourt, 1942)
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