why i no longer support new age culture
i had the unexpected shamanic call years ago. unexpected and forced to that. i have extraperceptional abilities that make me able to see the thin veil within worlds and realms that you couldnt see with the aid of your two eyes only. after my awakening or call or whatever you want to call it, i found myself being surrounded by people of same mentality. and after long research, this is why i think new age culture is nothing but another brainwashing and delusionary culture, and most people that claim themselves to be awakened, dont know actually what they are talking about. these are not bad concepts, but they are highly highly misinterpreted.
1) new age culture wants you to love everybody, no matter who they are, no matter what they’ve done, always forgive their mistakes, always be compassionate and never judge people by their actions. this is CORRECT.  but what about setting your own boundaries? i’ve been surrounded by people with this kind of mentality, and, sorry to say that, two of them went to psychiatric institute for this behaviour. why? because universe sent straight their way some big big energetic vampires that wanted nothing but all of their friends, all of their wealth, their interior peace, the things surrounding them. and they reacted such as “but you have to love and accept everybody for who they are and help them succeed in their own dreams!”  beep beeeep... *sound of tv talent programs when you get eliminated* .... when i was trying to warn them then they would point the finger at me saying that i was not compassionate enough and i was talking shit about others and i was the wrong one in this. after some years the same people that behaved like this now they dont trust nothing and nobody, not even the universe, asking it why things like this have happened to them.
shamanism or spiritualism requires CONSCIOUSNESS. to be conscious of which energies you are sending, where are you sending them, and if the place you want to give your whole self to , is actually LOVE or just a big illusionary trap.  yes universe is made out of love, but the geometry of the lives of our planet, is catching and getting catched, eating or getting eated, whether you like it or not, you have to be conscious of your own animal and earthly connection, which also makes part of this domination/submission game, that you can find pretty much also in the plant nature. so yes, everything is made out of love, but things work like this in this earth. so always be conscious. 
2) new age culture says that you are responsible for your own happiness and for your peace and whatever you choose to think or feel it’s your own and only choice. correct? yes!  aaaand no, at the same time.  you can’t go to a child who just lost his mom and say that happiness is a choice. you can’t go to a suicidal person to say that interior peace is a choice. you just simply can’t go to a person who has gone a lot of hard things through life and say “well if you are not happy it’s your choice” .... your feelings are not a choice! you don’t choose to fall in love with someone! do you really think that all the depressed people in the world just prefered to be sad instead of happy if they could only choose? i’ve been seeing some people that claim themselves to be spiritual and awakened blabla talkers, pointing the finger to sad people or people with low energies and feeling superior about the fact that they are happy and those other people are not.  let me tell you, it is true that you are responsible for your happiness, but it’s a long and hard process to get there, maybe it will take even years.
3.1) stay away from negative energies. fear, anger, and sadness are wrong for you. you should avoid feeling them and put some love on it instead. 
true? yes... aaaaaaaaaand no!  i’ve been seeing people just feeling down and then getting avoided by everyone else just because they didn’t want to cope with “bad energies” in real life, and then posting curandero quotings on facebook feeling all shamanistic and shit. was not the purpose of all this the healing of each other and reuniting the world community together as whole again? for sure those people getting avoided simply had a bad day, or bad people around themselves, in childhood or even just now, avoiding them and then feeling superior because you have amazing energies doesnt make you an awakened visionary. it makes you an asshole. going back to 2nd point, thinking that this people just choose their state of being, and feeling superior even further without even asking if they need some sort of help. how can i not call this a brainwash?
3.2)  stay away from negative energies. fear, anger, and sadness are wrong for you. you should avoid feeling them and put some love on it instead.
now let’s talk about those spiritual people that repress this kind of emotions thinking that are really bad for them and prefering to “put some love on them instead” .  so first of all, you are judging your own self for feeling this completely natural and divine emotions. you are feeling bad for this, feeling not worthy for this, and myself too i was feeling afraid that my own spiritual fellas would judge for how i was feeling, because for new age culture, you can’t talk one day about spiritual and metaphysical shit and the next day be sad as hell. so this people repress these emotion, etiquetting them as “bad” and “unworthy to be in my body” with the only result to amplify them inside more and more. if you think that everything is divine, then these emotions are divine too. who are you to say what’s wrong and right?  my suggestion is, listen to them, take them out, because they are here to save you. if you get angry, i think it’s your own perfect self defending itself, and you have all the right reasons for it! everything in nature has something to defend itself...why we should ban it? 
4)  everything here is to teach you a lesson. 
true, and false. not all things are here to teach you a GOOD lesson. so what all the syrians getting bombed right now? all the mothers losing their babies? losing their land? what kind of lesson is this to them? is it because of the bad karma they accumulated in their past lives that now they have this lessons to occur? so they also deserve it then? (i’ve been hearing this conversations for real) did somebody said bbbrrraaaainwaasshhhingg???  the world is what you perceive, so if you want to perceive that everything here is to teach you a lesson then GOOD, what about a lesson on humanity? what about that this is a lesson to OPEN YOUR EYES, telling you that people are hoplessly dying while you attend your 300$ yoga monthly course.
5)  if you are having childhood traumas or whatever, you did something very bad in your past life so you deserve it.
this doesnt need further words... what the fuck.... another way for the spiritualists to feel like they are good enough and superior people without even trying to help you...just better and more spiritual than you...even in past lives.
i could continue further and further and i will, as long as i have more time to write, but the point of all i must say that the truth is not about being happy or joyful, it’s the unfolding of the infinite illusions. and trust me it’s a hard neverending process. much of the self-proclaimed spiritual people in fact they are still long sleeping. i am still sleeping too, in many many ways. 
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