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I agree with you. Many people tend to believe that the Switch is capable of everything, so they often call Game Freak lazy. To be honest: no gaming company would cut something like this just for the sake of not wanting to do it. Game Freak is being watched not just by their fans but by their employers and publishers too. Being lazy is the last thing you want to do when your game has “Nintendo,” on it. 
I’m sorry if this hurts some people, but saying a game company is lazy and you haven’t worked for one, let alone knowing little to nothing about the process of how the said game company operates, no one has a right to call any game company lazy. Game Development is a very hard job. 
I’m not saying that as an insult; this is true. Many people who work for game development companies suffer a lot of stress. Just because a game is being rushed doesn’t mean anything. With the right number of staff, a great game can be published in less than a year. 
You touched on this recently; people have started nitpicking details out of the game since they believe that they are going to be stuck with the gen they have. Game Freak is going to fix it and I strongly believe that they’ll find a way to do it. 
In my opinion, some of the people protesting are fantastic people and I have successfully spoken to them about the issue. Others are absolutely uncalled for and I can only hope they find their peace.
All in all, I just hope the uncalled for one aren’t brushing this negativity off onto the new players. They don’t deserve to be involved in this. 
Time for a SWSH appreciation post because all the negativity in the fandom lately just makes me sad.
Yes, the fact that there won’t be a National Dex and Mega Evolutions in these games is disappointing. Yes, the trees in BOTW look better. And yes, they’re re-using Pokémon models and attack animations from the 3DS games.
But do these games really look THAT bad? As a person who tries to remain positive at all times, i’d like to remind you all that SWSH have:
- Adorable starters who will all do their absolute best for you no matter what
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- Many other great-looking new Pokémon (Wooloo is especially amazing)
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- Cool, cute and interesting new characters
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- Big towns and cities for us to explore
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- A communication system that’s similar to the PSS from XY and ORAS
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Omg look at this little cutie, how can anyone hurt them. There are only 30 of these left in the world due to illegal fishing.
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please never forget this scene from subspace emissary
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Keeping our promise to be transparent about state-sponsored disinformation campaigns
Hey Tumblr,
This past March, we made you aware of steps we took to take down an Internet Research Agency (IRA) disinformation campaign operating on Tumblr in the lead up to the 2016 U.S. elections. The IRA is a Russian state-sponsored group that attempts to influence global political sentiment using Tumblr and other platforms. Our efforts helped indict 13 people who worked for the IRA.
We said at the time that we would be on the lookout for additional evidence of fake Tumblr accounts affiliated with state-sponsored disinformation campaigns.
In the days leading up to November 6, 2018, we were provided information by law enforcement authorities, including a list of Tumblr accounts allegedly tied to the IRA. We immediately initiated our own independent investigation and we have now identified a total of 112 accounts that we believe to be IRA-affiliated. These accounts appear to be relics of past IRA activity. None of the blogs contained any content related to the 2018 midterm elections, and all of the blogs were dormant since the 2016 election cycle.
Although these blogs posed no threat to the 2018 elections, consistent with our promise in March, we:
Immediately terminated these accounts and removed the original posts;
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U.S. intelligence officials and law enforcement continue to warn that we will see attempts at foreign influence in the future. We remain committed to closely monitoring for signs of state-sponsored disinformation campaigns and will continue to review any information made available to us.
There are also things you can do to help stop the spread of disinformation and propaganda.
Be aware that people want to manipulate the conversation. Knowing that disinformation and propaganda accounts are out there makes it harder for them to operate. The News Literacy Project has this handy checklist for spotting their tricks.
Be skeptical of things you read. Disinformation campaigns work because they know people don’t fact check. Look for reliable sources, and double-check that the source really says the same thing as the post. You can also check Snopes and Politifact. Both are award-winning resources and usually have the latest viral claim fact-checked on the front page. 
Correct the record. When you see people spreading misinformation—even unintentionally—politely say something in a reblog or reply. If it’s your friend, send them a message to let them know.
Most importantly, we’ll continue to keep our promise to be transparent with you.
11K notes · View notes
Also, a lot of things changed from the Line version of cookie run. Ovenbreak and Line Cookie Run are extremely different. If Ovenbreak was a direct sequel, why are the cookie’s escaping again? The times these two games are happening are way too different to compare them.
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Cookie run says:
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That’s not valid proof because why in the world is Wizard Cookie listed there?
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Cookie run says:
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In the game, it is never said that Cherry is a child, nor hinted, so where did you get that from? You can’t try to tell me that I’m wrong just because you assumed that ‘if they look like a child, then they are.’ 
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Cookie run says:
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No u
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Most of the cookies in cookie run are not children. There are some that are heavily implied to be children, like Apple Cooke and Pancake Cookie, but that’s about it. Every other cookie is either a teenager or a full grown adult. To add to that, there are people who say that Gumball is a child. If so, then that means its indisputably okay to give a child a freaking cannon twice their size and have no one stop them from destroying certain things in the cookie world. 
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Cookie run says:
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Rp Psa
You do not have the right to demand nsfw content from any rp blog, NO MATTER HOW THEIR CHARACTER LOOKS, you make people very uncomfortable when you send sexual asks
One of my favorite blogs (and friend) @moomoo-cookie received these asks (and several others before now) moomoo has become very uncomfortable with these asks and so has everyone else who sees them
She got abunch of these while I was typing this up
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There is real people behind these characters and you need to realize that your bullshit forces people into situations they don’t want to be in
Can you guys spread this around? The bullshit she’s getting is horrible
@ask-the-choco-couple @sick-angel-cookie @cocoa-and-marshmallows @ask-cocoa-cookie @ask-the-legendary-cookies @ask-the-cookie-kiddos @cookiesontherun @daily-raven-baby @quite-a-super-nova @askingcherryblossom @darkness-is-close @feeling-more-minty @twosidesninetails @silentsolstices @official-angel-cookie
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My brother just sent me this on snapchat I can’t fucking stop laughing this is so stupid I hate him
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Letting you guys know, I DO NOT have a Pinterest, Etsy, Heart It, Pixiv or a Facebook. If you see my work anywhere other than THIS blog, report that person for theft. My newer works will, for now on, have a watermark on them. Do not steal my art, guys.
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DON’T do this.
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Candy hunt! ‘▽’
Watch out! It’s a candy eating Vress!
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Land 8 got me like
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