atlas-sys · 3 hours
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atlas-sys · 3 hours
sometimes i worry that i'm not actually plural and that it's just my MaDD or my imagination making stuff up, but i've come to respond to these worries with "does it matter if it is just my imagination going haywire, it's not harming me and it makes me happy so why should i worry if i'm 'actually' plural?"
because yeah. it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter if what i'm actually experiencing is just my MaDD or my imagination, because it makes me happy and it's not negatively affecting me. in general i hate the rhetoric of "you have to investigate why you think you're plural and see if you actually are (by my standards)" because like. i dont give a fuck!! my experiences feel plural, so im plural, even if it could possibly be caused by MaDD or just my very active imagination.
and i don't care why anyone else identifies as plural either! as long as identifying as such isn't harming the person who does (and i feel like that's very very rare), then why does it matter! (and even if it is somehow harming the person, then it's not really your business regardless unless they bring it up with you)
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atlas-sys · 3 hours
i can't keep living like this!!! [does not change a single aspect of my life]
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atlas-sys · 3 hours
Thank you for engaging in the mortifying ordeal of being known so that I may partake in the euphoric experience of knowing you.
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atlas-sys · 1 day
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atlas-sys · 2 days
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atlas-sys · 2 days
no offense but men dni is such a red flag to me. when i see men dni. i get the strongest sense that the person is including me in “men.” i feel like if your understanding of gender identity/gender expression and gendered oppression can be reduced to “men dni” im not fucking with you.
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atlas-sys · 2 days
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atlas-sys · 2 days
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'The Thicket'-deer in the Forest, wild roses briar thorns by Flora McLachlan
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atlas-sys · 2 days
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Abraham Hunter (@abraham_hunter_art_)
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atlas-sys · 2 days
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atlas-sys · 2 days
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Glimpse into Nature
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atlas-sys · 2 days
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Roe deer/rådjur. Värmland, Sweden (July 12, 2018).
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atlas-sys · 2 days
Normalize 'folk terminology. I've seen posts a8out it 8efore 8ut god I just love it! It doesn't matter "how you got there" in most discussions, so why mention it?
Doglink, dog therian, dog holothere? All dogfolk.
Fictive, D/A, fictionkind? All fictionfolk.
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atlas-sys · 2 days
This quote by Tamsyn Muir really stuck with me:
"For anyone on the female-identified axis this is especially hard because it seems to me that most books by anyone female-adjacent have an expectation that they will comfort the uncomfortable and discomfit the comfortable etc., whereas a guy can just tell an adventure story and be done with it. This ties in with an idea that I think nowadays that good art is moral and bad art is immoral: i.e. if a story is bad it actually has to be because the lessons are bad, and if a story is good it must somehow be beautiful on the moral scale. We go looking for why the art we love is moral even if the art we love is a donut. I think this is the pressure of capitalism on time – that everything has to double or triple up in benefit compared to the time we take on it: if we’re prepared to waste eight hours on a book we had better be able to tot up at the end how that book was also feeding us in some way. That’s brand time we just used."
From here: https://www.inthemargin.com.au/features/norman-spotlights-tamsyn-muir
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atlas-sys · 2 days
We have minimal internal communication and mostly communicate/cooperate through external means and shared memories. 99% of the time when one of us is fronting, we can't hear or sense anyone else. We can sometimes use meditation to talk internally and every once in a while a thought or feeling will come through from another member, but most of the time we're "alone" in front. The idea of being able to hear eachother during daily life honestly sounds a bit scary to most of us. We realized we were a system because of switching, not due to hearing/sensing interal voices or presences. From what we've seen, this seems like an uncommon experience, but we've accepted that this is just how our system works, at least for now.
I think we all know tons of system experiences such as being introject/fictive heavy, or having a well-made innerworld, or have active inner-conversations..
But let's normalize not having introject dominant alters in a system,
Normalize not having innerworlds stereotypically,
Normalize having silent periods despite being plural,
Normalize change of hosts, or others who interacts outside with the world,
Normalize change of roles, that can happen for reasons,
Normalize having parts that doesn't front or contribute much,
Normalize not fitting to any roles that are mainly depicted (host, etc),
Normalize smaller headmate count of a system,
Normalize experiencing difficulties communicating between parts, some are not naturally having this aspect perfect right off the bat and need to practice a lot,
Normalize having difficult alters, they're not a burden and needs lots of care and patience,
Normalize having ups and downs as in feeling blurry or doing a bit worser with internal communication that fluctuates throughout the days,
Normalize not knowing who you are when you wake up,
And lastly, normalize your own system experiences because many always asks for assurance or fear of faking (even if it is helpful once in a while), even if learning to accept them without doubt can be something difficult to achieve, everything you experience is still as real even if you think it doesn't fit the image of what a system should be like,
We should normalize about anything else that is not usually potrayed or talked about.
What else needs to be normalized more? Let's make the list longer!
- j
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atlas-sys · 2 days
lets normalize alterhumans/nonhumans who are having trouble explaining and talking about their experiences. its not easy to pinpoint at experiences, its so hard to describe what i feel.
when someone asks me what my experiences as a therian are i am simply not able to give an answer, i cannot describe it properly without thinking abt it for hours.
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