becca’s walk
167 posts
started 3/27/22trying to manage depressionsocial anxietyprocess trauma gain self confidence find out my spark
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atiredsisyphus · 18 hours ago
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it’s the day again ♥️
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atiredsisyphus · 5 days ago
people will really be bothered from you for being soft, and living life at ease. i’m sorry, i don’t run on chaos, cortisol, and victim mentality. i show up for myself. i put in the work. i’m kind because it keeps my spirit light, not for applause. you should try it, and you’ll feel less triggered from others living with calmness and appreciation.
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atiredsisyphus · 5 days ago
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atiredsisyphus · 5 days ago
Just as you wish to hug and protect your younger self, your older self wishes the same for you
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atiredsisyphus · 10 days ago
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Solange for Document Journal. Photos by Joshua Woods.
I am literally speechless.
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atiredsisyphus · 10 days ago
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Solange for Document Journal
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atiredsisyphus · 11 days ago
“Be crazy for her, for the female isn’t tempted by the love of the sane.كن مجنوناً لأجلها .. فالأنثي لا يغريها حب العقلاء”
— Nizar Qabbani
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atiredsisyphus · 21 days ago
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THE LITTLE PRINCE (2016) — dir. Mark Osborne
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atiredsisyphus · 1 month ago
A Basic Guide to Vedic Astrology
I think many of you are new to Vedic astrology, so I thought I'd give a little intro to some of the concepts, terminology etc
First and foremost, Vedic astrology dates back to 5000 BC - 10,000BC, which means it only takes into account Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the 2 nodes of the Moon, Rahu & Ketu along with your Ascendant. Outer planets like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto along with asteroids are NOT calculated as most of them were discovered only in the last 2-3 centuries.
A conjunction takes place when two planets are placed in the same nakshatra within 5 degrees of each other. Even if they are placed more than 5 degrees apart, so long as they are in the same nakshatra, they can to some extent be considered as conjunct (the effect will be less potent than an exact conjunction basically) BUT if you have Sun in Ashwini and Venus in Bharani, you DO NOT have Sun conjunct Venus in Aries, that is NOT how it works. Those two nakshatras have entirely different themes, mythologies, purposes, deities, planetary influences and lessons, how on earth can they be considered "conjunct"???
That said, wherever you have a conjunction in your chart will have a major influence on you. It is a very potent energy. Dont ask me if having Saturn conjunct Ketu in Ashwini makes you a Saturnian or a Ketuvian because that's not the point, its that those two planets have a specific relationship with each other in your context and to understand the functioning of one, you must look at the other (along with its placement, aspects etc etc)
There are 12 rashis, corresponding to zodiac signs and each rashi is divided into 2 or more lunar mansions called "nakshatras". If you've wondered why say Arieses all act so different, its because they're either UBPs or Revatis in their Vedic chart, contributing to vastly different personalities.
In Vedic astrology, we have the concept of 7 charakarakas all of which indicate a different purpose:
Atmakaraka aka the soul indicator. it is the planet at the highest degree and represents your soul/being. its your compass and points towards the calling of your soul
2. Amatyakaraka, it typically points to your career/profession and works alongside your atmakaraka. it is the planet at the second highest degree
3. Bhratrukaraka (planet at 3rd highest degree) points to relationships with siblings
4. Matrukaraka ( planet at fourth-highest degree in your chart) signifies your relationship with your mother or maternal figures. It represents the nurturing qualities within you and helps illuminate your connection to your mother or motherly figures in your life.
5. Putrakaraka (planet with the fifth-highest degree in your chart) reveals your approach to parenting and your potential for creativity. It provides insights into your connection with your children and your capacity for artistic expression.
6. Gnatikaraka (the planet with the sixth-highest degree in your chart) indicates obstacles and adversaries in your life. It reflects your ability to overcome challenges and confrontations, making it a valuable guide for navigating life’s hurdles.
7. Darakaraka (the planet at the lowest degree) it is associated with your spouse and romantic relationships. It uncovers the qualities you seek in a partner and offers insights into how you relate to your significant other. Understanding the Darakaraka can provide clarity on your love life and partnerships.
Read about the mythology behind your nakshatras. This helps shed light on its nature.
Look at your nakshatra's yoni consort. Read about what the yoni animal symbolically represents
Similarly, read about your nakshatra's deity, ruling planet, other naks under the same planetary influence etc
There are 4 purusharthas (aka motivations) in vedic astrology according to which nakshatras are classified. understanding the different classifications behind each nak helps us understand its nature better
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similarly naks can also be classified by their ganas which describe the nature of these naks:
Deva = godly, Manushya = humane, Rakshasa = demonic
if you have a rakshasa gana nak, it does not mean you're a demon. it just points towards traits like selfishness, lack of generosity etc AND the person you are is sum of your whole chart, not just the gana of one nak, so don't beat yourself up
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Naks are also classified on the basis of their qualities of which there are 7
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they can also be classified on the basis of caste:
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(all tables, pyramid etc by me so any mistake is mine oopsies)
4. Chart Ruler
The ruling planet of your ascendant sign is your lagna lord. If you're Mrigashira Rising, then your lagna lord is Mercury/Venus (based on whether your nak falls into the Taurus portion or the Gemini portion).
5. Navamsa or D9 chart
Look at your D9 after you've studied your D1 otherwise it'll feel like too much info you don't fully understand. Navamsa is consulted along with your D1/Birth chart. you can think of it as D1 promises certain things and D9 is if/how those things materialise. its like part 1 and part 2 of a story
I can't think of anything else that should be covered🤡but if you have doubts you can ask!!
I hope this was helpful!!
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atiredsisyphus · 2 months ago
You're just a mammal. Let yourself act like it. Your brain needs enrichment. Your body needs rest. You feel hunger and grow hair. You need to pack bond with other sentient things so you don't become unsocialized and neurotic. You are biologically inclined to seek dopamine and become sick when chronically stressed. Outrage about hedonism is made up to place moral value on taking pleasure in sensory experiences. I am telling you that if you don't let yourself be a fucking mammal, as you were made, you will suffer and go insane. No grindset no diets no trying to be above your drive for connection. Pursue what makes you feel good and practice radical rejection of the constructs meant to turn you into a machine. You're a mammal.
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atiredsisyphus · 2 months ago
your life is not an optimization problem
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atiredsisyphus · 2 months ago
• keeping small + manageable promises to yourself daily
• healing your attention span (ex: reading books, watching movies without scrolling, letting yourself be bored)
• moving from "I'll try" to "I will"
• reframing pain + difficulty as often where the growth happens
• showing up as the person you want to be
• making mindful & nourishing choices VS choices that result in instant gratification
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atiredsisyphus · 2 months ago
hey, I was just at "things got better" island and everyone there is talking about how excited they are to meet you
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atiredsisyphus · 3 months ago
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atiredsisyphus · 3 months ago
bitch you better not be sitting and staring at your old wounds forever wtf
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atiredsisyphus · 3 months ago
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atiredsisyphus · 3 months ago
It is your responsibility to heal, but you know what? That wasn’t fair. And I want to acknowledge that.
You don’t deserve to have to heal from the things others did to you. You didn’t deserve what happened.
While you do have to do the work to heal, it’s okay to be angry that you have to in the first place. And it’s easy to get stuck on the fact that you shouldn’t have to. And I get that. But please don’t give up. You should heal because you deserve to be the healed you. It’s not fair you have to do it, but you deserve to heal.
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