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atheneush · 1 day ago
Omg, I could imagine an MC where they sang the song "Brooklyn Baby" by Lana del Rey up on stage while the MC is dating Ariel and he gives them a side eye when they sing that part where it goes "Yeah my boyfriends pretty cool, but he's not as cool as me. Cause I'm a Brooklyn baby."
We love reading headcanons. We invite you to leave us more and if there are enough we will create a masterlist to group them together.
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atheneush · 2 days ago
its already kinda showed in game but how do the LIs react to an MC that likes playful/flirty banter? do they take well to lighthearted teasing?
Hey, anon! Thank you very much for your ask! Here's what we think about it
Maske: It is very easy to make them nervous by being playful and cheeky with them. They're very cautious when it comes to more intimate matters, and if the MC dares to tease them in a more physical way, it will often get on their nerves. 
However, in a moment when they feel very confident, they can be the one who turns the situation around and it’s the MC who comes out blushing...
Akane: She's like that herself, and she likes to provoke as much as she likes to be provoked, so an MC of that type would be something that would go very well with Akane. If you know her well enough you can even exploit her weak points and make her blush a lot, or get her to do what you want. 
Kyeran: He may seem very quiet, but as has already been seen several times in the story, the moment you give him a cue, he will catch every flirt on the fly and will never miss an opportunity to join them. He will even be the one to take the initiative on many occasions, secretly enjoying catching the MC off guard. 
Ariel: It would be his ideal situation. Although it would be difficult for the MC to be more playful and flirty than Ariel himself... Any insinuation he made would be taken in the most literal way, and before the MC themselves would realize it, they would be dragged to the nearest intimate site. 
Zihel: Flirting with Zihel can be a dangerous game. One minute he may take it well, the next he may try to take it to a slightly more extreme level and turn it into a competition... What is certain is that Zihel, as annoying as it may seem, will always prefer an MC who challenges and provokes him to one who doesn't do it at all. 
Pin: At first he would take it as an innocent game and would even join in in a friendly way with that kind of what he would consider “ jokes”. But as he became more aware of what the MC's flirting and innuendo entailed, he would become more nervous but determined not to come off as a naive boy, so he would try to practice being able to do it himself as well. 
Arael: She also wouldn't know at first if they were mere jokes or were serious insinuations, though with time and her powers would help her know with more certainty when she should take them seriously or just laugh and joke about it. Likewise, the more she learned, the easier it would be to make her blush and tease her. 
Hasiel: He wouldn't always catch all the MC's insinuations, and when he did he would get flustered quite easily, so continuous playful flirting would be a bit stressful for him. Partly because he would actually like to be able to show himself as confident and be able to behave the same way more often without overthinking everything so much.
Joe: Playing and flirting are Joe's middle names. She would love the MC who joins her carefree and shameless energy, and together they would be a duo that wouldn't stop seeking out and teasing each other in the silliest and funniest ways.
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atheneush · 3 days ago
Hi! Hope this finds you well! I have a little ask that has been on my mind for a minute. How would the Ros react to the MC being flirted with & made uncomfortable? Love the game by the way, Zihel and pin are my favorites!
Thank you very much, anon, we are doing great and working to get the next patch out as soon as possible.
Akane: She's jealous, so she'd be nearby, sniffing what's going on, ready to get mad at the MC or attack. She would approach without any subtlety and start yelling at the stalker that he was annoying and that she doesn't want them near you.
Pin: He would try to take over the conversation, in such a way, that the stalker forgets about the MC or simply gets bored of being interrupted.
Hasiel: He would openly say that they're bothering you, without being very aware that this may lead to an argument. Then he would get very overwhelmed having to deal with something like that.
Arael: She could feel the discomfort with her powers. She would try to come up with an excuse to get the MC away from the person bothering her, but maybe she would end up replacing the protagonist. I guess her sacrifice wouldn't be in vain xD.
Maske: They would watch silently and with a lot of annoyance and when They would be tired of putting up with the situation They would tell them to accompany him to a more private place. Afterwards you won't know what they spoke or said to the stranger, you'll just see that they won't bother you again.
Zihel: He would get possessive and violent. This is not uncommon for him. He would push the person away and if he had the nerve to reproach them for something, he would beat them up without hesitation.
Joe: She is the stalker who makes the protagonist feel uncomfortable.
Ariel: He would mark territory in the most physical way possible. First by draping an arm around the MC's shoulders and if the message still doesn't get through he would start taking it up a notch, touching provocatively or blatantly kissing you.
Kyeran: He would draw a fake smile, but deep down he is annoyed. He would try to make the other understand that he is interrupting. If he doesn't succeed he would take the MC away.
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atheneush · 4 days ago
Hiii i love your game, its so fun to play all the different routes! (I love Pin and Maske so so much!) How would the LIs react to catching the MC changing on accident?
Thank you very much, anon! We're so happy that you enjoy Chronicles. Pin and Maske have a special place in our hearts too, and we love to see you fall in love with their stories, a thousand thanks again! And here we go with the answer to your question:
Maske: They are very modest with their own body, so, they would try to cover the protagonist with a towel or whatever they had at hand. They would make an unintentional circus and attract the attention of everyone nearby.
Kyeran: He has no sense of shame, on the contrary, the body is something so natural to him that he would only feel the need to apologize if he sees the MC uncomfortable by his presence. What's more, if he gives him the chance, he would be encouraged to do the same, he might even take it a little further and decide to do nudism.
Akane: She would turn red with embarrassment, but she wouldn't stop looking at you. One is shameful, but also perverted and really likes what she sees...
Ariel: He would take it as a sexual invitation (yes, even if it was him who entered without permission) and would try to take you to a more comfortable place while whispering dirty things to you.
Zihel: He would stare shamelessly, up and down, even raise his eyebrows and pick on some part of your physique. He'd probably say you have no muscle and you're embarrassing. But he doesn't really want to hurt your feelings, it's just how cavemen flirt.
Pin: He'd be very surprised and a little overwhelmed by what he's seen, and what it does to him... For sure he'd make some awkward comment about how good you look, in an attempt to make the moment less awkward and suffocating.
Hasiel: In an attempt to pretend it didn't affect him he would end up even worse. He would start stuttering and would hit the door frame and anything in his path. 
Arael: She might feel embarassment, if she understands what embarassment is. She would ask if she could come in, as if nothing was going on. She would even compliment the MC's underwear if she thinks it's pretty, while sitting quietly near them. Joe: Nothing would happen. She can't see what you just did... So she'd walk in with her usual shameless, nonstop blabbering. If the MC ever brought it to her attention, she would dramatically regret missing the moment because of her blindness, and try to get them to let her replay the moment and "see" them using the feel of her hands...
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atheneush · 5 days ago
The kid ask got me wondering... how would they (the male ROs because it wouldn't make sense otherwise) react to the MC being pregnant but not telling them because they knew/thought they wouldn't want kids? You can totally ignore this question but know I am OBSESSED with your game! So excited to see more <33
We could never ignore your questions! We love reading all the curiosities you have and the love you give to Chronicles <3 So please, never stop! hahaha We could talk all day about the game, so we'll gladly answer anything. And here we go with your question!:
Maske: Their first reaction would be to say something really inopportune, asking the MC if they're sure that this child is theirs... But not because their first thought is to imagine an infidelity, but because the idea of having a child of their own is something that worries them a lot due to the problems they've been carrying for a long time. But after that first moment, an important conversation would take place between them, where finally they would'nt want or be able to walk away and leave them.
Kyeran: He would be very surprised, as he has always believed that his relationship with the MC is very sincere and they can deal with absolutely any topic, without either feeling judged by the other. Kyeran would want to have a serious conversation, in a reasonable way and in which they could tell him all the fears that had pushed them to keep that secret. He would sincerely apologize if he had done anything that had given them the wrong impression about him or his reaction to the news. But most of all, he would want them to know that he would be there to support them and give them everything they needed from him. 
Ariel: He would dislike it if the MC tried to lie to him, even if he is aware that he has also hidden important things from them, and that as a father figure he left much to be desired... But his pride would not let him admit it. However, he couldn't lie that the reality is that he doesn't want a baby, nor would he promise to carry all the responsibilities that a child entails. But finally, after so many years of searching for the MC, she couldn't let them go either. 
Zihel: He would be offended and would burst out in anger (what a surprise, huh? xD) more than by the news of the pregnancy, by the fact that the MC is lying to his face. Although the truth is that the idea would get on his nerves and frustrate him. He would ask if they are in time to do something or if the MC has already decided for both of them, and with his great tact and sensitivity, added to the impulsiveness that characterizes him, he would make it clear that he doesn't want any of that, and the conversation would turn into an argument with very unpleasant words....
Pin: He would feel very sad and think that the MC didn't want to tell him because maybe they don't see him ready for something so important. He would promise and insist that he would work very hard, that he was not going to let the MC or the baby down, and he would even try to behave in a more serious and mature way from then on... Although without much success. 
Hasiel: He would be in shock, for not realizing that something so important had happened... Pained to feel that he is being taken away from a family again, but also very guilty. He is aware of his problems and that he has had a hard time opening up and trusting the MC, and maybe that's why he hasn't received that trust back either. He would confess to the MC that he doesn't really feel ready, but that he' is's willing to stand by their side in whatever they decide.
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atheneush · 6 days ago
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Hello everyone!
How are you doing, have you been able to enjoy the whole chapter? We are very excited about the reception it has had, so we can only thank you.
And since we know Maske is very well liked around here, we're still talking about the beginning of the episode with them.
We love it when Maske opens up with the MC, admitting their most painful and hard-to-express thoughts…. But another side we adore about Maske is the kind of familiar, prickly confidence they can get with their friendships. They He seems quiet, but if you give them a little confidence, things like their funny relationship with Akane happen, where they keep picking on each other, in an almost sibling-like way.
And you guys, what are the interactions between characters that you like the most 👀.
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¡Hola a todos!
¿Qué tal estáis? ¿Ya habéis podido disfrutar de todo el capítulo? Nosotras estamos muy emocionadas por la acogida que ha tenido, así que no podemos más que daros las gracias.
Y como sabemos que Maske es muy querido por aquí, seguimos hablando del comienzo del episodio con él.
Nos encanta cuando Maske se abre con el MC, admitiendo sus pensamientos más dolorosos y difíciles de expresar... Pero otro lado que adoramos de Maske es el tipo de confianza familiar y picajosa que puede llegar a tener con sus amistades. Parece calladito, pero si le das un poco de cuerda, suceden cosas como su divertida relación con Akane, donde no paran de meterse el uno con el otro, de un modo casi fraternal.
Y a vosotros, ¿cuales son las interacciones entre personajes que más os gustan? 👀
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atheneush · 10 days ago
Hi!! I absolutely love your game, and I just wanted to do a little ask. It's a little angsty though. How would the LIs react to the MC having a coping mechanism where they become inactive. Like where they just sleep all the time, not taking care of themselves and stuff. If this makes you uncomfortable or if you don't understand, I totally get it! <3
Hello, anon! Thanks for your lovely comment and don't feel shy to ask anything you want.
Ariel: He would probably try to get the protagonist out of his routine by playing nice music for MC. Although he may seem carefree, he can become very attentive, even if he denies it. He understands that if he can boost the protagonist's morale he will give up his bad habits.
Joe: If the MC doesn't communicate this to her, she wouldn't realize it was happening. Unfortunately, it's possible that she would take the issue somewhat superficially.
Maske: They would notice any change in the MC's mood right away. They would try to tackle the problem before it arises. But if they can't help it, they would try to give space and spoil the protagonist from a distance. Maske would hate to overwhelm the MC so that they would recover quickly.
Zihel: He wouldn't know how to deal with the situation. It just frustrates him, so he would leave the MC alone after releasing some lapidary phrase such as: “You're on your own”.
Arael: At first he would not understand what is happening and if it is normal. I would probably ask Hasiel or another acquaintance about it. Then I would try to talk it over with the MC, to look for some option or something to help improve the situation.
Akane: Get ready for your house to be filled with fast food wrappers. She would bring food, all the time and every day from a different place, each time getting stranger and funnier. She understands that if anything can help you out of this situation it will be food.
Pin: He would suggest doing more activities at home with the CM. Trying what could help them and, at the same time, it could be things that you can do together like playing video games or watching series.
Hasiel: He would look for articles on the subject and comment out loud. He would have good intentions but it's likely that instead of helping he would make the situation a little worse.
Kyeran: He would try to convince the MC that what they need is a spiritual retreat and lots of love and although it sounds good, spending the day doing yoga and eating homemade yogurt may not be the best option.
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atheneush · 13 days ago
New chapter it's here!
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💝 Happy Post-Valentine's Day Saturday! 💘
How was your Valentine's Day, did you spend it with any of our protagonists? 😏
In case you didn't, today we show you the start of each of the routes, from where we left off in the last chapter, to wake you up the mood to play.
If you play the Kyeran route you will find yourself in a very serious predicament and you will literally have your life in your hands with this new mini-game. Don't let the float get empty, or it will be the end of your story.
If you play for Maskeguy or Akane instead, neither of them are very optimistic…. That something happened to Kyeran is upsetting, and not just because it's their friend.
What do you think could have been the reason for his accident?
If you have theories, let us read them in the comments!
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💝 ¡Feliz Sábado post- san valentín! 💘
¿Qué tal fue vuestro día de los enamorados? ¿Lo pasásteis junto a alguno de nuestros protagonistas? 😏
En caso de que no, hoy os mostramos el inicio de cada una de las rutas, desde donde lo dejamos en el último capítulo, para despertaros las ganas de jugar.
Si juegas la ruta de Kyeran te verás en un aprieto muy serio y tendrás, literalmente, vuestra vida en tus manos con este nuevo minijuego. No dejes que el flotador se vacíe, o será el fin de tu historia.
Si en cambio juegas por Maskeguy o Akane, ninguno de los dos se muestra muy optimista... Que algo le haya pasado a Kyeran es preocupante, y no sólo porque se trate de su amigo.
¿Cuál creéis que puede haber sido el motivo de su accidente?
¡Si tenéis teorías, dejadnos leerlas en los comentarios!
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atheneush · 15 days ago
[Eng/Esp] The twelfth chapter is now officially available / El duodécimo episodio está oficialmente disponible
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Kyeran does not seem to be well. He has fallen ill with an extra condition and seems not to be himself. It seems that all the main characters are very close to facing their greatest fears.
New episode update:
3 CGs.
5 sprites.
1 new object.
Other implementations and improvements:
Bug CG Ariel episode 1.
Change icons of the Cities episode 3.
Error in the gender in episode 12.1 (English version).
Change in the background and doors of the episode.
Change shadow episode 1 and 6.1.
➡️➡️➡️ Go to Itch to download
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Kyeran parece no estar bien. Ha enfermado con una extra afección y parece no ser él mismo. Parece que todos los protagonistas están muy cerca de enfrentarse a sus mayores miedos.
Actualización del nuevo episodio:
3 CGs.
5 sprites.
1 Objeto nuevo.
Otras implementaciones y mejoras:
Bug CG Ariel episodio 1.
Cambio iconos de las Ciudades episodio 3.
Error en el género en el episodio 12.1 (versión inglés)
Cambio en el fondo y las puertas del episodio 5.
Cambio sombra episodio 1 y 6.1.
➡️➡️➡️Ir a Itch para descargar
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atheneush · 20 days ago
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Hello everyone!
We are very excited, there is only one week left for you to play the new chapter!
Also, on such a special date…. 😏💘 Get your best clothes ready (the best and most comfortable pajamas in our case) to spend a day in the company of Maskeguy, Akane and Kyeran.
While the day arrives, another question….
What would be your ideal date with them? 💐💝
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🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧 ¡Hola a todos!
Estamos muy emocionadas, ¡sólo queda una semana para que podáis jugar el nuevo capítulo!
Además, en una fecha tan especial... 😏💘 Preparad vuestras mejores galas (el mejor y más cómodo pijama en nuestro caso) para pasar un día en compañía de Maskeguy, Akane y Kyeran.
Mientras llega el día, otra pregunta...
¿Cuál sería vuestra cita ideal con ellos? 💐💝
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atheneush · 22 days ago
Hey! Quick ask, does any of the LI want kiddos?
Hi, rinx707! Thanks so much for your ask <3 It's a really fun idea for us, and I must admit that at first I thought there were going to be a lot more 'no' in the answers... Anyway, I hope you enjoy them!
Akane: No. Her past experience makes the last thing she wants is to be a mother. She doesn't think she could be a good one, and she's not willing to ruin an innocent child's life. However, she is not able to refuse to help a child in need... So she's probably more open to the idea of having them if they're adopted and not her own. 
Maske: Yes. They love children, and they are very good at taking care of them. In fact, in an ideal life, where they didn't carry all the problems and traumas on their back, they would be a happy and loving parent of a big family. 
Kyeran: Yes. He would be the least strict father with the fewest limits in the world. But he would do his best to raise them with affection, respect and to make them freer and their horizon expand more than it was for him in the small druid community.
Zihel: No. Don't bring those useless and irritating beings near him. Although we have discovered throughout the story that Zihel takes a certain interest in small and seemingly helpless things... But let's not fool ourselves. He would make the worst father in the universe. The only good thing we can say is that, in the unlikely event of having a baby, at least it would be well protected. 
Ariel: No. What the hell is the point of a drooling, noisy, demanding little thing? He's not someone who likes responsibility, plus he doesn't like the idea of sharing the MC's attention with any other living thing. He might be fascinated by the idea of having someone who belongs to and resembles the MC, as a good romantic.
Pin: Yes. He would love to have them, several even. He wouldn't be the most serious father in the world, and those kids would probably do with him whatever they wanted, but he would work his butt off for them and devote every minute of his day to them. 
Joe: Yes. But all in her delulu mind and with zero thoughts of all the responsibility and sacrifice it would require to have them. What she likes is the idea of being able to buy them outfits and dress them up like little dolls, walk them around the park, and all the cute part, but changing a diaper? Not a chance. 
Hasiel: He would have a lot of doubts. Just starting to be able to take care of himself, he would feel very insecure about whether he could raise a child without passing on his worst qualities. But with the MC he would feel more confident, and he would end up being a somewhat awkward but attentive father, who would teach everything to a child with whom he would very much like to spend time. 
Arael: Yes, she would like that very much. She already spends a lot of time with the children at the orphanage, and although she doesn't exude much authority, she wins the children over by her character and her kindness to them. Also, her empathic abilities would be very useful with the babies, she would know exactly what is wrong with them, if they are sad or just hungry, or in pain, and the first few months would be made much easier with her. 
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atheneush · 23 days ago
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Summary of some of the posts from the month of January on Patreon.
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Resumen de algunas de las publicaciones del mes de enero en Patreon.
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atheneush · 24 days ago
Hi! Tengo dos preguntas relacionadas a los LI.
1- Como seria vivir con ellos o tener una vida domestica con ellos?
2- Como se veria la boda de sus sueños?
(Una devota simp de Kyeran)
¡Hola Anon! ¡Nos alegra conocer a una devota de Kyeran! Sus encantos no son pocos…🤭 Esperamos que disfrutes mucho el próximo capítulo, donde tendremos Kyeran para rato. Ahora vamos a responder tus preguntas 🤗
Vida doméstica: Ha vivido sola muchos años, y volverse a acostumbrar a convivir con alguien le costaría un tiempo. Eso de recoger las cosas y no acumularlas, o de no procrastinar la limpieza… Bueno, digamos que no es lo suyo. Sabe cocinar lo justo para no morirse de hambre, y seguro que por su pareja haría el esfuerzo de hacerlo a diario, pero siempre preferirá pedir comida a domicilio. Mucho más cómodo y rico. Akane es una chica enérgica, así que con ella tendrías una vida activa en cuanto al ejercicio y actividades se refiere. Le gusta salir a sitios divertidos o a entrenar, no serían pocas las veces que se le ocurriría un plan impulsivo y te arrastraría con ella sin posibilidad de decir que no. Pero los ratos de acurrucarse en el sofá o en la cama, tampoco serían pocos. Se considera una chica independiente, pero lo cierto es que te costaría quitártela de encima cuando se aburra o simplemente quiera tu atención. 
Boda ideal: Su boda ideal sería obviar toda ceremonia y pasar directamente a la celebración posterior, donde poder olvidarse de la vergüenza que le produce todo el tema de la boda… Y para poder seguir su tradición favorita de esos eventos: comer hasta hartarse. Pero si tuviera que pasar por una ceremonia, cuanto menos numerosa, tradicional y más casual mejor. Podría acceder a llevar un vestido y arreglarse, pero seguramente no sería el más clásico, evitando el blanco y el estilo más formal. 
Vida doméstica: Es el compañero ideal para convivir en casa. Ordenado (quizá demasiado), con gusto por las tareas domésticas y en especial por la cocina, por lo que viviendo con él no faltará nunca una comida casera, deliciosa y elaborada en la mesa. Tendría tablas y listas de organización para todo, desde los gastos hasta el reparto de las tareas. Es muy celoso de su intimidad, así que aún viviendo juntos, guadaría cuidadosamente el acceso a sus cosas. Si te gusta la vida social y el ocio, quizá no sería el mejor compañero, ya que prefiere el trabajo y los ratos tranquilos e íntimos en el sofá antes que salir por algo que no sea verdaderamente necesario. Aún así, con insistencia suficiente (o pequeños engaños inocentes) se le podría convencer de hacer cosas que no le apetecen hacer de primeras.
Boda ideal: Aunque es lo último que podría parecer, Maske en estos asuntos es de pensamiento muy tradicional. Y aunque así sería principalmente su boda, esta también tendría elementos diferentes como el ritual de unión de manos con lazos, en lugar del típico sermón. También la ropa se saldría del tono tradicional, no le verás con un traje de chaqueta, pero sí con prendas que le harían destacar, más cortas y ajustadas de lo que acostumbra. Así que en conjunto podríamos decir que sería una boda algo rara, a simple vista, pero no por ello menos bonita.
Vida doméstica: Si para ti son indispensables las comodidades y los lujos, la vida con Kyeran no sería la mejor. En cambio, la vida con él en su casa llena de objetos y muebles reciclados, sería pacífica y cálida. Un hogar con todas las letras. Te animaría a compartir su rutina de levantarse a la salida del sol para poder tomar infusiones juntos y después ejercitarse un rato y meditar para comenzar el día de la mejor manera. Pero si ese no es tu rollo, te respetaría y haría lo posible por que te sientas cómodo, incluso cambiando algún hábito propio. Las peleas de verdad con él serían algo muy raro. Con Kyeran se vive al día, no hay apenas horarios ni reglas, prefiere dejarse llevar por lo que siente o necesita en cada momento. Por eso a veces podría ser un poco impredecible, teniendo gestos más provocativos de lo que su aparenta personalidad tranquila… 
Boda ideal:En lo material, sería una boda muy sencilla. Probablemente toda la decoración que hubiese sería hecha a mano por el propio Kyeran o reciclada, con esa estética extraña tan propia de él. La ropa que llevase seguiría el mismo estilo, alguna especie de túnica blanca, o con algún estampado peculiar. Sí llevaría accesorios como acostumbra, como collares o pulseras, con algún simbolismo y significado especial. La ceremonia sería más espiritual y emocional, quizá con algún rito del té o un momento de meditación conjunto. Le gustaría celebrarlo con sus amigos y conocidos, pero al final del día preferiría la intimidad con su nuevo/a compañero/a de vida.
Vida doméstica: La vida con Zihel… Seguro que no es para cualquiera.  Prepárate para tener que lidiar cada día con su humor de perros, hasta para la más pequeñas de las cosas. Si ya fue un reto agotador que accediese a hacer de su habitación del Seven Sins un sitio habitable, imagina lo que será intentar que la casa no sea una pocilga o que no queme algo en un arrebato. Sin embargo, si has llegado hasta el punto de vivir con él, seguro que ya sabrás cómo manejarlo. Una vez le coges el punto y sabes cómo tenerle bien atado, digamos que hasta podría ser una vida donde no tendrás tiempo para aburrirte. No cocinará, ni lavará los platos sin una extensa pelea… Pero reclamará tu atención constante, y si para conseguirla tiene que ceder en algunas cosas, lo asumirá y hasta llegará a comportarse… A ratos. 
Boda ideal:Lo más cercano que podemos imaginar a Zihel en una boda, sería en algún tipo de “pacto” muy poco delicado en el que mezclaran la sangre de ambos en una herida o se hicieran quemaduras en conjunto… Pero pensando en algo un poco más civilizado, digamos que su ceremonia ideal podría ser hacerse algún tipo de tatuaje a juego, y luego celebrarlo en el Seven Sins sin la molesta compañía de nadie más. 
Vida doméstica: Vivir con Pin sería como vivir con tu mejor amigo, con los pros y los contras que eso conlleva. No habría nadie más voluntarioso para todo, querría encargarse de cada tarea y obligación para que no tuvieras que hacer nada más que relajarte y estar a gusto con él… Pero conociéndole a él y su entusiasmo y torpeza, es evidente que no podría con todo. Así que tendrías que pararle los pies y ser tu quien pusiera un poco de orden a su cabeza loca y la casa. Los días se pasarían muy divertidos su mayoría, saliendo a los recreativos o jugando en casa, acompañándole a entrenar o hacer deportes de ocio juntos. El mayor sobresalto que se podría tener es Rubi haciendo de las suyas cuando consigue hacerse con el control, o alguna imprudencia por parte del alocado muchacho que lo metiese en un apuro. 
Boda ideal: Criado en el seno de la iglesia oscura, Pin no se imaginaría otra forma que no fuera la tradicional satánica que allí se practica. No es tan terrible como puede parecer. Quizá sea necesaria un poco de sangre, pero nada demasiado grave, o eso dice él… También nos lo podemos imaginar fantaseando con tener que pasar alguna prueba épica para demostrar que su amor es fuerte y real. 
Vida doméstica: Una vida con Ariel sería movimiento constante, no tanto en cuanto a distancia se refiere, pero sí en el sentido de pasar la mayoría del día recorriendo lugares en ambas ciudades, conciertos de todo tipo, con la preparación que eso conlleva, eventos y fiestas… Pero al final del día, regresar junto a él a casa y olvidarse del mundo. Aunque su trabajo y su carácter le hagan ser el centro de atención, la suya estaría puesta en esa persona especial y no podría esperar a tenerle sólo para él. La casa tendría su propio orden, aunque no estuviera todo muy recogido, y las tareas domésticas no le preocuparían lo más mínimo, al punto de contratar a alguien para no tener que hacerlas él mismo. 
Boda ideal: Una ceremonia rápida, en algún sitio clandestino o de muy poca seriedad al más puro estilo Las Vegas, con fotos de recuerdo extravagantes y locas con las que reírse a la mañana siguiente al descubrirlas. Para la celebración tampoco necesitaria a nadie más, con correrse una buena juerga y no separarse en toda la noche (cuanto más literalmente, mejor) le bastaría. 
 Vida doméstica: Normalmente Hasiel se pasa la vida absorto entre libros, saliendo muy entrada la noche de su trabajo en la biblioteca y sin apenas contacto social… Pero con alguien compartiendo su espacio y su vida, pondría de su parte para intentar cambiarlo. No lo diría de primeras, pero tener alguien esperando por él en casa sería algo que le llenaría de felicidad. Se disculparía de mil maneras los días que llegase tarde, e intentaría compensarlo pasando más tiempo al día siguiente o haciendo algo especial, como un regalo o intentando cocinar algo (casi quemando la cocina en el intento) un poco a la desesperada. No es el mejor con las tareas domésticas, pero pondría todo de su parte, estudiando de forma concienzuda el funcionamiento de los electrodomésticos, e intentaría ser el “manitas” arreglando todo lo que se estropease. Una de sus actividades favoritas en casa serían las tardes de lectura, comentando y discutiendo los libros que leyerais.
Boda ideal: Aunque, por sus orígenes, la idea de una boda le gusta, esto también le traería de vuelta parte de su conflicto interno. Siempre se ha sentido apartado, diferente, pero es posible que si se le permite, su deseo de ser aceptado por los suyos finalmente le hiciera decantarse por una ceremonia clásica de la iglesia. Para la temática de la celebración seguramente sería algún tipo de ambientación histórica, con una rigurosa investigación previa por su parte para asegurarse de que todo está bien representado. 
Vida doméstica: Vivir con Arael sería tremendamente fácil y apacible. Nunca se oiría una voz alzada en esa casa. Con su don sabría exactamente cómo te sentirías y en el momento que supiera que hay algo mal trataría de hablar para solucionarlo. Sería el tipo de casa en el que hay una habitación con dos set ups de ordenador montados, uno al lado del otro, para así poder jugar online en conjunto o simplemente estar cerca mientras cada uno juega a lo suyo. Habría una o, con el paso del tiempo, hasta varias mascotas. Cualquier animalito necesitado que se cruzase en el camino de Arael, se convertiría en miembro oficial de la familia.
Boda ideal: Si alguien tendría una boda de lo más clásica, esa sería Arael. En la iglesia no ahondan mucho en enseñarles todas las costumbres humanas, pero su juventud y su curiosidad han hecho que haga sus propias averiguaciones, y todo lo que sabe sobre bodas se remite a lo más tradicional y clásico. Haría muchas preguntas a su pareja, querría estar segura de que es lo que ambos quieren, pero al final acabaría siendo una ceremonia en una iglesia con muchas flores, vestidos bonitos y mucho color. 
Vida doméstica: Una casa con Joe es una casa que nunca está en silencio. Siempre se escucha música, a Chewy, o hay algún programa o podcast de fondo de temas de moda o cotilleos, cuando no es la propia Joe la que está charlando con su entusiasmo habitual… Las paredes estarían llenas de fotos, luces de neón y lamparas de todo tipo de colores iluminando, habría prendas de ropa desperdigadas por casi cualquier habitación… No, el orden no sería lo que reinara, pero en cambio el ánimo nunca faltaría. Joe haría pucheros y se haría la víctima desvalida a causa de su ceguera cada vez que le tocase hacer alguna tarea aburrida. En cambio no pondría ningún impedimento a salir de compras, a dar un paseo o a cenar a algún sitio de moda. 
Boda ideal: Joe es el tipo de persona que tiene una carpeta llena con todas sus ideas para su boda desde la adolescencia. Lo que es seguro es que no sería una boda discreta. La decoración, la temática y hasta las invitaciones tendrían el estilo más moderno y trend del momento, todo con luces y colores llamativos. Hasta tiene creados hashtags y pensados qué videos y fotos exactos quiere hacer. El photocall en la entrada sería obligatorio. Si no logra que ese evento se haga notar en ambas ciudades enteras y hasta en la base, habrá fallado en su empeño. 
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atheneush · 26 days ago
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We can finally announce a date for the next patch. You have a date on Valentine's Day!! New chapter of humans on February 14.
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Por fin podemos anunciar fecha para el siguiente parche. ¡¡Tienes una cita en San Valentín!! Nuevo capítulo de los humanos el 14 de febrero.
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atheneush · 27 days ago
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Happy first Saturday of February!
It's getting closer every day until we can give you an official date for the new chapter! In the meantime, let's keep testing your knowledge….
One of our human protagonists has developed a more special relationship with the mutants, do you remember who?
As a small spoiler we bring you forward that, specifically, Anjali has become quite close to the character we are referring to. Can you imagine what kind of relationship it could be? 👀
Leave us your answers in the comments! And stay tuned to our networks for more news, coming soon.
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¡Feliz primer sábado de Febrero!
¡Cada día queda menos para que os podamos dar una fecha oficial del nuevo capítulo! Mientras tanto, vamos a seguir poniendo a pruebas vuestros conocimientos...
Uno de nuestros protagonistas humanos ha desarrollado una relación más especial con los mutantes, ¿recordáis quién?
Como pequeño spoiler os adelantamos que, en concreto, Anjali se ha convertido en alguien bastante cercano para el personaje al que nos referimos. ¿Os imagináis que tipo de relación puede ser? 👀
¡Dejadnos vuestras respuestas en los comentarios! Y seguid atentos a nuestras redes para más noticias, muy pronto.
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atheneush · 1 month ago
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Hello hello!
We still don't know what Maske has against gymkhanas…. But we certainly would have loved to see them participate, and I'm sure Akane and Kyeran would have enjoyed it too.
And while we're at it, here's a question for you to think about: what kind of activities would you like to see the Chronicles characters in? What do you think they would like to do, or in what games or actions do you think they would have the hardest time? Anything goes! 🤭
Tell us your ideas in the comments, we read you all! 👀
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¡Hola hola!
Aún no sabemos por qué le tiene Maske tanta ojeriza a las gymkanas... Pero sin duda nos habría encantado verle participar, y seguro que Akane y Kyeran lo hubieran disfrutado también.
Y aprovechando el momento, os dejamos una pregunta para que penséis: ¿en qué tipo de actividades os gustaría ver a los personajes de Chronicles? Qué creéis que les gustaría hacer, o en qué juegos o acciones pensáis que lo pasarían más en apuros... ¡Cualquier cosa vale! 🤭
Decidnos vuestras ideas en los comentarios, ¡os leemos a todos! 👀
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atheneush · 1 month ago
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Fun fact: Hasiel is in a slightly advanced phase of degradation. If he continues without transforming, he could end up becoming a Fallen. 🕳️
Happy birthday! 🎂
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Dato curioso: Hasiel está en una fase poco avanzada de degradación. Si sigue sin transformarse podría acabar convirtiéndose en un caído.🕳️
¡Feliz cumpleaños! 🎂
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