athenatalks · 6 months
A New Discovery (Dark Era Soukoku-Romantic-)
Osamu Dazai is a secretive man. That much everyone knows, you can tell by the way he holds himself. The dark look in his red-brown eyes, screaming danger and mystery to any on-lookers. Though it's also equally as well known that Chuuya Nakahara is the one who knows arguably the most, though he'd deny it if asked.
-Chuuya’s POV-
This mission is fucking stupid. And it's not because the Boss forced me to dress as a woman, no. I'm well used to that now and it hardly bothers me anymore. This mission is stupid because the fuckin Mackerel got drunk off his flat ass, and now I'm stuck with lugging him back to my penthouse that he has just decided to live at.
I'm fuming as I walk through the dark back alleys, Dazai conked out over my shoulder. It is the easiest way to carry him while I'm stuck in this hideous dress, like who thought chartreuse would look good on me? Whatever, I'm getting myself worked up again.
I sigh and take deep breaths as I walk through the lobby confidently and go into the empty elevator. The damn lanky bastard is still passed out, I tap my heeled foot against the marbled floor of the silent elevator. Finally, it opens to my floor and I march to my door, grabbing my key from my purse and pushing open the door with my hip, locking it back, and going directly to the Mackerel’s room.
Keeping the lights off I toss Dazai on his bed, when he's this drunk he is painfully hard to wake up despite him being an insomniac. I sit on the bed beside him and work on getting his tie off him. I know he'll probably complain about it choking him while he was sleeping so I might as well save myself the headache. Once the tie is off I toss it to the corner where Dazai piles his dirty clothes. I notice a black dot on his neck that I'd never seen before.
I figure a tick or some shit had landed on him so I try to brush it away but it’s not coming off. I grab my phone out and turn on the flashlight. I can finally get a better look at it and it's a mole. Didn’t know Dazai had one, I poke it, and Dazai squirms, his one visible eye fluttering open, his stupidly long lashes framing his eyes, he turns his head to look at me and a hint of shock appears on his face before it is quickly masked. He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows
“Oh my~Is the chibiko trying to get handsy with me, a poor drunk boy?” I immediately roll my eyes when his stupid mouth opens
“Fuck off Mackerel, I thought I saw something on your neck. I never knew you had a mole.” I mutter, being too tired for his shit. All Dazai does is sit up and his smirk widens
“Why, I’m not obligated to tell Chuuya everything about myself, am I?” Of course he’s going to tease me over this.
“Obviously not shit-face.” I huff out, standing up and heading to the door when I hear a noise. I turn back around and see Dazai out of bed, grinning like the mad-man he is.
“How mean of you Chu-ya. Leaving a poor beautiful maiden like myself to sleep in this cold, dark room. Alone.” He fake sniffles and I throw a punch, he easily doges it, sidestepping to the right.
“Knock that shit off, you ain't no damsel in distress. And you always sleep alone, what’s changed your mind huh?” This night just won’t end will it? I just want to sleep for Arahabaki’s sake. Dazai looks a bit taken aback by my adamance he is no maiden. That’s when it clicks.
“You having ‘nother one of your dysmorphia episodes ain’t you?” He blinks and I know I’ve gotten it right.
“Ughh I hate when my dog actually uses his tiny brain.” He whines like a toddler.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” I sigh, am I actually going to do this? I probably won’t sleep, I mean what sane guy lets his sorta-best friend who he’s made out with a few times, sleep in his bed? I walk out of Dazai’s room and across the hall to my room, looking back over my shoulder I see him staring at me with those fishy red-brown eyes, reminding me of the color our sink gets stained after one of his attempts.
“What are you just standing there for? I might as well let you sleep in my room, knowing you, if I don’t let you then you will complain and bitch the rest of the week.” He grins and darts over messing up my hair
“Good doggie! Letting your master sleep in your bed like a good boy!” He taunts
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athenatalks · 7 months
my project got scrapped cause I haven't been able to work on it in a few weeks :(
I made an Akutagawa inspired stained glass project in my glass class. It isn't the best and its still a w.i.p but a friend suggested I show it off so I'm posting it on here.
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Here's the template I used which I modified so be easier to cut. (I got it from this website https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10708421)
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here's it traced
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and cut
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All the pieces on glass!
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Very slow cutting process, glass kept breaking on me
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Got all my medium shade of red mostly cut and the border completly cut
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So close to the medium red being done!
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Rashamon is completly cut out!
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forgot to take a picture for a week or so but all the pieces are cut out and now being grinded to fit!
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having to grind and fit all of these will be like a puzzle, I kinda regret this project now lol.
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athenatalks · 8 months
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…I'll try to draw less sketchily in the future
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athenatalks · 8 months
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athenatalks · 8 months
Tell me about your bsd O.C please? 👀❤️‍🩹
Thank you for giving me the excuse to talk about her Anon
So her name is Frani Felice Kafka, and she's based off Franz Kafka and his story 'Metamorphosis'. Her ability 'Metamorphosis' is where she can change anyone's appearance through touch as long as she's within a certain radius of them, she can use it on herself indefinitely and often does to gather information. She's 19, and has blonde hair with black bangs, and her eyes are iridescent like a jewel beetles wings. She is in the Port Mafia, originally she had been sold to the Port Mafia by her father when she was 12, as he had debts with them and figured giving them an ability user would forgive his debts, when she found out she had snapped and grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen, attacking him. A week later when Frani has not been delivered to the Mafia building Mori had Dazai go find out what happened and Dazai found Frani covered in blood in a dissociative state, he'd brought her back to Mori and after being cleaned by Kōyō and brought back to Mori's office, he decided that she would be trained under Dazai along with Akutagawa. Though Kōyō had wanted to train Frani due to her ability it was final that she'd be under Dazai's teachings. A few months later Chuuya had found a kid in an abandoned lab he'd been sent to investigate for a mission and Mori had Chuuya train the kid, who's name is Alex Kahler, who's ability allows him to summon puppets with different jobs that he can use to do tasks. Him and Frani were made to be partners, they quickly became friends due to their close age. Now a days Frani is working under Kōyō and Alex is working under Chuuya still. Adalia had been upset when Dazai left but had also been thankful the terrible training stopped.
More on Frani's ability, when gathering information she has 4 main 'personas' she uses for different areas. She has an older lady who lives in a very religious and gated community, a young adult woman who is often at clubs and streets where pimps and the like are. A teen girl who's in highschool. And a little girl who's at parks mostly. Each one has a full backstory and fake i.ds, all to make sure she can get information quickly. She doesn't typically go out on the field much as her ability is more reconnaissance suited, though she isn't physically weak. She just prefers behind the scenes. But when she is on the field she fights using martial arts she has learned from Kōyō, and she wears boots with thin steel plates over them along with gloves with thin steel plates during fights to make up for her lacking physical strength much.
Frani with her 4 personas
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athenatalks · 11 months
Why are you the way you are? Asking as a friend
lost track of the reasons. but i think the real question here is why are you the way you are my dearest bestie?
0 notes
athenatalks · 11 months
I made an Akutagawa inspired stained glass project in my glass class. It isn't the best and its still a w.i.p but a friend suggested I show it off so I'm posting it on here.
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Here's the template I used which I modified so be easier to cut. (I got it from this website https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10708421)
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here's it traced
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and cut
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All the pieces on glass!
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Very slow cutting process, glass kept breaking on me
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Got all my medium shade of red mostly cut and the border completly cut
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So close to the medium red being done!
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Rashamon is completly cut out!
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forgot to take a picture for a week or so but all the pieces are cut out and now being grinded to fit!
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having to grind and fit all of these will be like a puzzle, I kinda regret this project now lol.
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athenatalks · 1 year
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athenatalks · 1 year
Childe Birthday One-shot
I know its a day late, I forgot to post this last night, I’m sorry Childe.
You are walking along the streets of Liyue, the sun was shining down on you, thankfully there was a cool breeze to keep you from getting too hot. You are carrying a deep blue bag in your hands with some red tissue paper peeking out of the top, it was a gift for your boyfriend since today is his birthday. At first you’d struggled with what to get him, but when you had taken a stroll around you’d found the perfect gift for him. You quickly walk to the Northland Bank and greet Vlad, the guy who guards the bank during the day. Once you are allowed in you eagerly come inside and look around for Childe, spotting him talking with an elctro cicin mage. You wait, leaned up on a wall, waiting for their conversation to end, and it does as soon as he spots you. He ends his conversation and makes his way over to you, looking happy to see you.
“Hello there, Malishka. Here to wish your amazing boyfriend a happy birthday?” He asks, a smirk on his face.
“Hi Dà yězhū, of course I am, what kind of partner would I be if I didn’t come see you on your birthday? Now follow me, I’ve got a gift for you~” You say cheerily, looping your arm with his and taking him to a nearby empty terrace, Childe chuckles as he allows you to drag him behind you.
“Aw, there’s no need to get me a present Malishka, you being here is more than enough.” He says softly, hugging you from behind as soon as you two get on the terrace, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Though~I must say I’m curious to know what my dear Malishka has gotten me~.” He says with a chuckle, eyeing the blue bag curiously.
You chuckle and hand the bag to him, watching eagerly as he reaches in, your eyes shining brightly and a large grin on your face as he pulls out his gift. He reaches in and pulls out two....tickets? You watch him look over them as the realization dawns on his face of what it is, he looks up at you with wide eyes.
“I-Malishka, is this?” You nod happily and grin
“Yes Dà yězhū, it’s tickets for me and you to go to Snezhnaya. You’ve been talking about how you miss your family, and how you’d like to introduce me to them. So I saved up some Mora and bought us tickets to go there in two weeks!” Childe looks so happy, he puts the tickets in the bag carefully and pulls in into an embrace, holding you tight, he mutters into your ear.
“Thank you, this is an amazing gift. I’m so lucky to have a caring partner like you.”
 He presses a quick kiss to your jaw, then leans back to look at your face, his blue eyes staring into yours before he leans back in and gives a longer kiss, his hands placed on your hips, while yours wrap around his shoulders keeping him close. In the back of your mind you are thankful you chose a place where hardly anybody comes to. Once Childe breaks to kiss, he rests his forehead on yours and grins softly, rubbing his nose against yours.
“Happy birthday Dà yězhū, I love you.” You say gently, giving him another kiss.
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athenatalks · 1 year
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I really like how mine turned out actually! :)
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Tagged by: @grfygrf
rules: go to pinterest and type " [your name] core aesthetics" and create a moodboard with the first 9 images. you dont have to post your actual name in the post if you dont feel like it.
Tagging: @the-cass-meow @loriftheslime
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athenatalks · 1 year
what is your eye color. what is your favorite color. what is the color that appears most frequently in your wardrobe. what color is your favorite blanket. what color is your water bottle.
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athenatalks · 1 year
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Improbable Compatibility Store / Patreon
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athenatalks · 1 year
Bitch Jesus 😂
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i got gay daddy too 😂
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athenatalks · 1 year
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Definitely not complaining about this, he is my favorite <3
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Tagging: @kingkyoujurou @presidentmonica @laudthingcat @kampfkuchen85 @cherrykamado @bxbycake @happygoluckyalexis @tonaken + anyone who wants to <3
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athenatalks · 1 year
Check Yes Juliet and Paper Rings give me Mammon vibes, anyone agree?
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athenatalks · 2 years
Random Prompt n°35
A: "Stupid."
B: "Asshole."
A: "Idiot."
B: "Bitch."
A: "Hot."
B: "wait what-"
A: "Hotheaded."
B: "Moron."
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athenatalks · 2 years
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This is money cat. He only appears every 1,383,986,917,198,001 posts. If you repost this in 30 seconds he will bring u good wealth and fortune.
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