atheliel-blog · 7 years
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm glad all of the drama about that person saying they were God stopped. This community is honestly so gross and full of drama, no wonder it's falling apart constantly. Everyone thinks its the end of the world.
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atheliel-blog · 7 years
Life Update
Hey guys, I know I've been gone a long time, and Honeyed Tongues hasn't been super busy. My Host had a miscarriage and a really bad breakup with a toxic system partner, and we have exams coming up! Things have been busy and I've been helping the Host deal with their surfacing medical issues. Melektiel is now working beside his father in Heaven, and Litanael is down here with my cousin studying in herbalism and philosophy! I am so proud of my babies and I can't believe how much they've grown <3 Feel free to send me asks! I'm feeling lonesome :P
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atheliel-blog · 7 years
Hey! I've been away so much, haha. Recently my host chose a partner for the system, so we have all been pretty busy with him. On top of that, Adna's getting everything set up to come live down here during warm weather, Melek is training back in Heaven, and Litana is with her father learning about the justice system there. Everyone on Honeyed Tongues' staff is pretty busy as well, whether it be school or work or family matters. Two of the channellers are taking bereavement time and another has been in and out of the hospital. The channellers that are still around during these times are L and J, and our prophet P is as well. P also has a new blog all to himself! Go follow him @neon-prophet! That's all for today! My inbox, as well as Adna's, are open!
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atheliel-blog · 7 years
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Saw this wonderful gentleman at the Böblingen bahnhof. The bit on his shoulders reads “Nazijäger” btw.
It’s really frightening seeing people this open with their hate.
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
It’s Important for Alterhumans to Police Their Communities
To preface, this isn’t a post about who can use what term - though lots of that stuff can factor into these points. I’m of mind that you can’t truly fake an experience, regardless of the explanations behind that experience and the communities you explore to find people you relate to. This is a post about safety and how looking into community history can help keep one safe.
Anyways, I know there’s this idea that older alterhumans are gatekeepers or otherwise elitist on this site - and in some cases, yea, it’s true. However, when an older alterhuman says something is dangerous, or talks about the history of these communities and how their experiences have confirmed how dangerous these things are, it’s not a bad idea to at least consider what they’re saying and why. These communities are 50 years old now and there’s been a decent amount that’s happened in those 50 years. In particular I worry for people who, if they’re being genuine about involuntary identities like otherkin/d, fictionkin/d, and therian identities, are setting themselves up for a lot of confusion and additional work figuring themselves out, and how lots of the trends on this site can attract or enable predators - a factor that lots of kids on this site seem to be completely unaware of, despite it being proven by our history.  
Pendulum readings, for one, are a good example. The individual people offering these readings may not be being intentionally harmful, but:
It’s still enabling abuse of someone’s identity. Letting anyone else straight up tell you what you are is a very bad practice, easy to exploit for people looking to prey on young or vulnerable alterhumans, and needs to not be seen as acceptable in any way. Offering suggestions of useful terms, resources, and things to consider is one thing, but you’re still going to have to put in work yourself to figure yourself out. 
It’s been pretty well confirmed that most of not all the answers given by pendulum blogs have been completely random in whether they’re correct or not. If you send in a few questions to any pendulum blog about things you already know the answer to, it becomes painfully apparent that these pendulums aren’t really answering anything pertaining to your questions. Which makes sense, more often then not askers are looking to someone who doesn’t know them to give them a binary yes/no answer about who they are.
Moreover, these random answers can really, truly set you up for trouble later on. Imagine finding out that the kintype the pendulum reader assured was you turned out not to be. You’ve then got to sort through everything that made you question that kintype all over again. You just can’t skip over introspection, and confirming your kintype(s) needs to come naturally to you and you only.
Other things to avoid: 
Anyone who claims they can physically shift, wholly or in part, into something non-human or claims they can gain physical nonhuman features such as wings
People who claim they have the ability to answer your prayers and/or harm you with mystical powers (one seems to find this a lot in the #actuallydivine tag)
Adults claiming that their multiplicity, kintype, or any other facet if their identity makes it ok for them date people much younger then them
In general anyone who claims to know you better then you, tells you how to identify, since that’s Bad Shit no matter where you go.
A couple of good posts about red flags and warning signs, and stuff to avoid:
This post by @girlrobot​ with an addition from @unclemurdoc​ about spiritual abuse and manipulation
This post by @fictionkinity​, which was contributed by @makkthree​, about why pendulum readings on tumblr are very ill-suited for determining kintypes
This thread about how easy it can be to mistake someone for a canonmate, etc, plus some advice how to avoid this which can also be helpful for deterring potential spiritual abusers
This thread about alterhuman and multiplicity cults, including people sharing their experiences and stories about them. These sorts of things are scarily common in these communities which is why it’s good to know the warning signs and promote safe practices in our communities.
I don’t know who you are or why you’re here, but please take care of yourself and stay safe. Many of us older alterhuman folk have already gone through these things, and are very interested in keeping the younger and more vulnerable among us safe. You don’t have to treat our word as law (duh) but please, please realize that we’re usually not telling you this sort of thing for no reason. 
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
please read if you run, or send questions to, a pendulum kin blog
i really think all pendulum kin blogs need to seriously consider what they’re doing. as a basic rule, you cannot tell anyone else what their kintypes are, nor can they tell you what yours are. if someone describes their experiences, you are free to give suggestions or help to them, but you cannot say with any certainty who or what they are ever. this is a very serious personal thing that takes time to understand and figure out, and your pendulum can help nobody but yourself figure this out. pendulums act on subconscious impulses, meaning if you want to learn things about yourself, they’re great, but they’re not great for telling anyone else who they are. 
ask yourself: how do you know you’re not just giving random answers to people? how do you know you’re not leading people astray by telling them their kintype is something it isn’t, or telling them their kintype isn’t something when it in fact is? 
i know people don’t mean any harm by this but it’s so irresponsible and has the potential to be very dangerous. the reason it’s really frowned upon to tell people what their kintype is is (a) it’s acting like you know someone better than they know themselves and (b) it’s extremely easy to manipulate people in this way (eg. telling someone their kintype is the same as yours, or that you knew each other in a past life in order to manipulate that person). 
i can guarantee you that if i sent in questions to different pendulum blogs asking if i am my kintype, i wouldn’t get all “yes” answers, so what makes you sure that your pendulum gives correct answers 100% of the time?
just because otherkin can be a spiritual concept doesn’t mean anyone should rely on a random person on the internet’s dubious magical abilities to tell them deep truths about themselves. i’m not saying all magic is false by any means, nor that pendulums are useless, but when you’re claiming to have access to knowledge of who that person is at their very core through just an (often) anonymous message on a website, you really need to rethink the place of authority you’re putting yourself in over impressionable people.
i’d mega appreciate any reblogs, i’m worried for the safety of young (and older) otherkin in the community 
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
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Sooo I found this, gave me a hearty chuckle, 
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
Sounds like me, honestly. Want to talk?
hi uh does anyone remember a young, sorta short angel with curly brown, almost shoulder length hair, green eyes, white wings with brown-ish ends, and somewhat tan skin? i recall spending a lot of time in a garden, though not really much else. can anyone help me out? i would really appreciate it!! i'm rly desperate to put a name to my face! thank you in advance ☁︎
!!!!! ^^^^
-Mod Zaph
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
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@all them metaphysical shoppesTM
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
If someone hasn't checked up on you in 2-6 months, they don't really fuck with you . And they don't deserve to know what's going on in your life now .
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
Not a personal opinion, sift through the community yourself. He has censored, threatened, and mistreated others in favour of his own opinions and thoughts. He's toxic.
Reading List
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I have received many requests for a reading list, so I will compose one here. I intend to update this post as I find/remember more good material. I’m doing it by author, because if the author is reliable, then their work as a whole usually is. There’s a lot of nonsense out there, and some of it’s really popular. Take everything in every book with a grain of salt. I promise that every single book you read will have something in it that’s wrong. Margot Adler: “Drawing Down the Moon” is the best history of Neo-Paganism I’ve been able to find. She has accurate information, and reveals some of the dirty secrets, including some of the things the early leaders (Gardner, Mathers, etc.) lied about. Good primer for the premise that everyone has something to teach, and everyone has a little bullshit to sift through. Ted Andrews: I consider him quite reliable. I’ve read a couple. Worth looking into.
Paul Beyerl: He is a master herbalist who writes and teaches on the subject, and produced a “Compendium of Herbal Magick” which is quite good. Raymond Buckland: Top name in Wiccan witchcraft. Scott Cunningham: One of the major players in making Wiccan witchcraft accessible to the uninitiated. I consider him very reliable, though he is a bit fluffy. He glosses over the dark arts and labels psychoactive herbs as “poisonous” whether they are or not.
Even if Wiccan witchcraft isn’t what you’re looking for, “Wicca: A Guide To the Solitary Practitioner” and “Living Wicca” are still worth reading. His “Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs” is excellent. He also wrote on many other subjects.
Christian Day: I’ve only read “The Witches’ Book of the Dead”, and it was quite good. I’m inclined to say anyone who can teach dark arts well is probably reliable in general. 
Mrs. M Grieve: The serious herbalist should read “A Modern Herbal”. I have a hard copy, but they can be hard to find in good condition. PDF is widely available. Keep in mind that it’s half a century out of date, but most modern herbalists cite or quote her at least once in their own books. I’ve even seen at least one steal exact quotes from “A Modern Herbal” without credit.
Mrs. Grieve does not shy away from poisonous herbs, and expounds on their medicinal properties. Though I would not rely solely on any single text to try to learn to use such things. 
Judy Hall: “The Crystal Bible” is a lovely quick reference on crystal magic. It is concise and easy to read. If you need to be able to explain what a crystal is good for quickly, this is the book you need.
Judika Illes: “The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells” is my absolute favorite witchcraft book. Everyone should have it. Well researched, and the spells are excellent. I rarely use them as anything other than inspiration to write my own, but they’re grand. Please get this book.  
Dorothy Morrison: All I’ve read so far was “Everyday Magic” but it’s one of my favorites. Strongly recommend it. her advice on modernizing your craft and working with what’s available to you is indispensable.
Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian: “The Book of Stones” (the second edition is blue, look for that) is my favorite book on crystal magic. Very detailed and very thorough.
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
The list is ok, but DO NOT SUPPORT CHRISTIAN DAY. They're gross and overall a crappy human being.
Reading List
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I have received many requests for a reading list, so I will compose one here. I intend to update this post as I find/remember more good material. I’m doing it by author, because if the author is reliable, then their work as a whole usually is. There’s a lot of nonsense out there, and some of it’s really popular. Take everything in every book with a grain of salt. I promise that every single book you read will have something in it that’s wrong. Margot Adler: “Drawing Down the Moon” is the best history of Neo-Paganism I’ve been able to find. She has accurate information, and reveals some of the dirty secrets, including some of the things the early leaders (Gardner, Mathers, etc.) lied about. Good primer for the premise that everyone has something to teach, and everyone has a little bullshit to sift through. Ted Andrews: I consider him quite reliable. I’ve read a couple. Worth looking into.
Paul Beyerl: He is a master herbalist who writes and teaches on the subject, and produced a “Compendium of Herbal Magick” which is quite good. Raymond Buckland: Top name in Wiccan witchcraft. Scott Cunningham: One of the major players in making Wiccan witchcraft accessible to the uninitiated. I consider him very reliable, though he is a bit fluffy. He glosses over the dark arts and labels psychoactive herbs as “poisonous” whether they are or not.
Even if Wiccan witchcraft isn’t what you’re looking for, “Wicca: A Guide To the Solitary Practitioner” and “Living Wicca” are still worth reading. His “Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs” is excellent. He also wrote on many other subjects.
Christian Day: I’ve only read “The Witches’ Book of the Dead”, and it was quite good. I’m inclined to say anyone who can teach dark arts well is probably reliable in general. 
Mrs. M Grieve: The serious herbalist should read “A Modern Herbal”. I have a hard copy, but they can be hard to find in good condition. PDF is widely available. Keep in mind that it’s half a century out of date, but most modern herbalists cite or quote her at least once in their own books. I’ve even seen at least one steal exact quotes from “A Modern Herbal” without credit.
Mrs. Grieve does not shy away from poisonous herbs, and expounds on their medicinal properties. Though I would not rely solely on any single text to try to learn to use such things. 
Judy Hall: “The Crystal Bible” is a lovely quick reference on crystal magic. It is concise and easy to read. If you need to be able to explain what a crystal is good for quickly, this is the book you need.
Judika Illes: “The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells” is my absolute favorite witchcraft book. Everyone should have it. Well researched, and the spells are excellent. I rarely use them as anything other than inspiration to write my own, but they’re grand. Please get this book.  
Dorothy Morrison: All I’ve read so far was “Everyday Magic” but it’s one of my favorites. Strongly recommend it. her advice on modernizing your craft and working with what’s available to you is indispensable.
Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian: “The Book of Stones” (the second edition is blue, look for that) is my favorite book on crystal magic. Very detailed and very thorough.
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
Hey there! I did have two tigers back home in my garden, but when I fell (spoilers, it was an attempted murder) I had stronger connections with lions and even earned the title Akhina Muena, which roughly translated to "lion/cat mother/warrior"!
@ the last anon, atheliel is connected to lions!
really? is it weird i get more of a tiger vibe from them? , but that’s interesting @ anon does atheliel sound familiar??
-mod hae
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
Do you remember the The Rock prompts? Well, let’s do that again. But better! Submit a celeb below. I will create a poll and include 20 celebs. 
What is going to be different?
- 15 HQ prompts in 24 hours instead of 30 prompts in 30 minutes - 7 days to vote
So, who’s it gonna be this time?
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atheliel-blog · 8 years
“For those looking to participate in the upcoming “A Day Without A Woman” strike, organizers of the Women’s March on Washington have released additional information on how to observe the day.
Three action items are listed on the Women’s March website for “anyone, anywhere,” including:
1. Women take the day off work.
2. Exclusively shop at “small, women- and minority-owned businesses.”
3. Wear red “in solidarity.”
The strike is scheduled for International Women’s Day, March 8, and is meant to recognize “the enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to our socioeconomic system, while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment and job insecurity,” according to the Women’s March website.
Learn more here
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