Ateeya Manzooris a management strategist and partner at Mayfair
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Tips by Ateeya Manzoor to Assess Property Accounting and Financial Management Performance

Many managers and investors are not entirely comfortable with the accounting and financial management components of their business or the real estate they would like to invest their capital into. While no single article can cover accounting and finance thoroughly, there are a few specific points that can be reviewed and will offer strong guidance regarding the condition of a project.
First, this article focuses on an operating property's current results. This article does not focus on a development project or new investment from the perspective of new management. With this in mind, the following tips suggested by Ateeya Manzoor (A Property Developer and Manager) are relevant:
1) The property should have a ledger of transactions that shows each and every transaction regardless of format.
2) "Paid the Visa bill" is not an accurate recording of the transactions. The accounting records will show a payment to Visa, but Visa should be a liability account with many transactions occurring potentially on that account. Additionally, the Visa bill will have a monthly set of finance charges and fees. Ensure that each payment with the Visa is fully recorded. This can be applied to all line of credit accounts or revolving credit accounts. This also applies well to petty cash.
3) Transactions fall in several categories including receivables or income transactions, expense transactions, capital cost transactions, capital receipts, capital distributions, liability principal and interest payments. Ensure each transaction is correctly recorded.
4) The account balances should tie accurately into the balance sheet.
5) The bank reconciliation should result in the account balance being exactly to the cash balance on the balance sheet.
6) The books should be closed on a consistent date each month. At the properties I've operated, we closed the books typically at the close of the 2nd full week of the month or later for the previous month. By taking this approach, we avoided conflicting with rent collections and provided a relatively slower operating environment for the work.
7) You should have a list of required compliance payments and reports made monthly, quarterly, and annually. In general, these payments are property taxes, payroll taxes, fees with the state corporation commission or equivalent. Additionally, most states have quarterly payroll tax reports to submit.
8) The accounting records should include a copy of project HUD1s or settlement sheets, copies of current and past loan documents, all long term service contracts.
Completing these steps will generally result in accurate books. Additionally, if all transactions are recorded in full any good accounting firm can quickly recover the books totally from this information. With these items in hand, the manager has what is required for accurate, effective, and producing accounting records. Further, keeping the records in good condition is much less difficult from this position.
Ateeya Manzoor is a Managing Director of Mayfair Management Group. She is a skilled strategic and risk manager and has worked on projects in the technology, legal, hospitality, property development, engineering, oil and gas and professional development industries.
Through her keen eye, Ateeya's core gift is to convert and fully realize potential. She has a unique ability to see things when others may not. Her talent is to anchor in businesses requiring structure or a fresh perspective. Clients value her vision and unrelenting commitment to delivering tangible results.
For more details, please visit here:
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Ateeya Manzoor believes Persistence The Key in Property Development
"Due diligence is the process of 'doing your homework' on the property that you want to buy as an investment" says Ateeya Manzoor a Skilled Strategic and Risk Manager. It is the process of checking and double-checking any important information that was used to determine whether the property is a good, average or bad deal.
Property due diligence takes persistence and weeks to accomplish. Remember, that due diligence isn't used as an excuse to back out of a deal; it’s primarily a means to protect you financially and legally. There is usually no charge for you to perform due diligence and it uncovers any potential problems with the property. Potential problems can be costly and quickly turn a good deal into a bad one. Any experienced real estate investor knows and understands the importance of completing due diligence tasks.
Unfortunately there is no consistency between councils on how they deal with developers. Each council has its own rules and regulations so it is up to you to understand and know the local regulations to ensure that your development meets all the guidelines the first time.
One of the main things you need to know before jumping into a deal is how much income you need to bring in each month to at least break even in cash flow. It is stressful owning and managing negative cash-flow properties, so the question is, where do you need to be occupancy-wise to at least break even? You want to get to this position as soon as possible. Getting to the break-even point allows you to predictably turn the corner to positive cash flow and profitability.
Rental property is only a vehicle to get you where you want to go in life. Collect as much information as you can to get behind the wheel of your financial vehicle. Only YOU can turn the key to start. As you learn the corners and improve your handling, your financial vehicle will speed up. You may occasionally take the wrong turn but you can back on track again with persistence, focus, determination and a belief in yourself. Remember that action overcomes fear and creates energy.
Keep focused on your goal, overcome your problems and never sell unless absolutely necessary!
Timing in the market is difficult to predict. Timing can multiply your gains in the short term but in the long term make little difference. The main thing is to ACT. When the market is booming some people will say that the prices are too high and when the market is dead they will say that there is no future in real estate. To buy in a 'dead market' means that you are not following the herd like a lemming.
Ateeya Manzoor is the Managing Director of Mayfair Management Group and a skilled strategic and risk manager with over 20 years of experience, 12 of which have been at the executive level. Through her 20+ year career spanning Bay Street and Main Street, she has worked on projects in the technology, legal, hospitality, property development, engineering, oil and gas and professional development industries.
Clients value her vision and unrelenting commitment to delivering tangible results.
For more details, please visit here:
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The Art of Industrial Project Management by Ateeya Manzoor
A project can be defined as an endeavor to do something new to bring in a change, enhance an existing situation or setup a new venture. Since doing something new is always considered as a change it become important that this happens smoothly. Since changes or innovation are very unlikely to happen with ease if taken lightly therefore it becomes imperative that this activity is performed systematically and with complete care.
In other words we can say that doing a project systematically means 'project management'. And as the term suggests industrial project management is a technique of working for the betterment of a new or improved industrial venture in an organized way. Ateeya Manzoor says that for a project to be successful it needs to be handled in the right phases in addition to being supervised by experts. Since corporations think of expanding every now and then to beat the never ending competition it becomes almost next to impossible to manage projects and initiatives on your own.
To make your job easier there are several consultancies these days that specialize in industrial project management. This would mean nothing but shedding off your worries by outsourcing the task of managing an improvement initiative to another organization. That's because it is a well known fact that only those who specialize in an area are the best to bring in guaranteed success. There are several stages of project management, let's discuss them in a little detail.
The process starts with the conceptualization of an idea post the finalization of which one needs to get engaged in various activities. As a project manager one needs to prepare a complete layout in terms of the intention of the project and its scope. You are then required to estimate the allocation of resources, prepare schedules, assign tasks and get procurement assistance.
The project management team also needs to do risk management which means predicting any threats or hurdles in order to take proactive measures to fight them in future. This would ensure business continuity thereby saving the corporation from a potential loss. Quality assurance is another key bone in the project management process. This is because excellence is the most important aspect that facilitates the long-run success of a project.
Not to be forgotten is the role of design and engineering team that provides valuable contribution during the duration of the project. This team performs tasks like process control, single line diagrams, layout preparation, and programming and peripheral equipment interfacing. One additionally needs to do field management, check equipment status and monitor systems start-up. Selection of an appropriate site and relevant market research also happen during this time.
The activity of industrial project management is vast and involves several other responsibilities, such as getting required approvals, obtaining information about relevant subsidies and managing the funding aspect. Needless to say once you reach close to the completion/implementation of a project it is imperative to do a satisfying project marketing and advertising in order to ensure substantial long-term returns. While this may sound a little extensive; however it is also mandatory to devise a mechanism that keeps a check on the viability and tracks the operations of the project. At last but not at the least - you get satisfaction for having handled a project that fetches benefits on a constant basis. All you need is complete commitment to do one!
Ms. Ateeya Manzoor is a Skilled Strategic, Risk Manager associated with Mayfair Management Group with over 20 years of experience. Through her 20+ year career spanning Bay Street and Main Street, she has worked on projects in the technology, legal, hospitality, property development, engineering, oil and gas and professional development industries. Her talent is to anchor in businesses requiring structure or a fresh perspective. Clients value her vision and unrelenting commitment to delivering tangible results.
To know more, please visit here:
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Ateeya Manzoor Stating the Need of Listening Skills in Hospitality Management
Possessing listening skills is one of the most important requirements for holding a job in hospitality management. That may not seem obvious at first, but when you think about everything involved in restaurant and hotel management this statement makes perfect sense. Hospitality is defined as kindness to strangers and as a relationship process. The best definition focuses on the relationship and process aspects, because anyone working in the hospitality business knows that it takes ongoing attention and consideration to properly serve people in a way they appreciate.
Being a good hospitality manager means being able to identify the needs of customers and staff. This often comes down to being a good listener. A good listener pays attention when people talk and doesn't assimilate the information with pre-conceived notions. Ateeya Manzoor (a skilled Strategic and Risk Manager) says that a good listener is able to separate the important information from the rest of what is said and use that information to improve service. In other words, good listening skills can be considered both a motivational and customer service tool.
Goal Driven Hospitality
As a restaurant or hotel manager you have several goals to always keep in mind.
Keep customers satisfied with service and hospitality
Find creative solutions to potential problems
Develop ways to stay competitive
Be responsive to customer needs
Maintain productive staff working environment that promotes creativity and maintains morale
These are major goals that require a well-trained manager who has the right listening skills in addition to the ability to generate new ideas that can be successfully implemented.
Good listening skills involve much more than just hearing what people are saying. As a restaurant, hotel or even cosmetology manager you have to be able to read between the lines and determine what services or problems you need to address. People often express ideas or concerns indirectly and it's up to the manager to properly interpret what is being said. The hospitality industry is extremely competitive and that makes customer satisfaction a top priority.
But a good manager also learns to listen to his or her staff. A commercial cook, patisserie or gourmet chef, or a hotel manager must develop a team of people that work well together. The staff must have the same vision and the same commitment to customer service as the manager. Being able to listen to staff needs also is imperative in order to be a good manager.
Ideas that Motivate
The hospitality business is fast paced and demanding. The more the staff works like a team, the smoother the operation. Managers are responsible for coordinating the efforts of a diverse group of people. But staff also will have great ideas about how to improve operations and how to add or improve services to improve customer satisfaction. A sign of a good manager is one who is able to listen to the ideas and then make decisions as to their use in a way that motivates and does not discourage staff.
Hospitality management is all about creating customer satisfaction in a highly competitive and fast paced environment by motivating employees to provide great service. That's why listening skills are needed in hospitality management!
Ateeya Manzoor is the Managing Director of Mayfair Management Group and a Skilled Strategic and Risk Manager with over 20 years of experience, 12 of which have been at the executive level. Through her 20+ year career spanning Bay Street and Main Street, she has worked on projects in the hospitality, technology, legal, property development, engineering, oil and gas and professional development industries.
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The Art of Creative Business Success - Ateeya Manzoor
The Starving Artist myth proliferates because it is often accompanied by that other myth: creative people aren't good at business. With these ideas circulating, it's easy to see how artists struggle to succeed professionally.
But these are just myths. Ateeya Manzoor believes that artists and creative people make the best business people. Here's why.
Artists are experts in seeing the big picture. They can hold an expansive point of view. This creative perspective, this ability to see what isn't there and to relish possibility, is key to business success.
Good artists are adept at pinpointing the details. A painter knows the difference between cobalt and azure, a writer uses specifics to describe a character, and a sculptor's strokes will make all the difference in the end expression on a sculpture.
Artists and business people are willing to risk. There is no guarantee in art, business, or life, but creative people take risks every time they go into the studio. In fact, any art worth its salt takes the artist and the viewer outside the realm of the known and shows them something new.
Artists are able to dwell in the unknown. Art making is the biggest adventure there is. If you do not know what you are creating, if it will appeal to anyone, or if you will make any money at all, you're in good company with both artists and business people.
Business and art are fueled by a high level of passion. Any advice on running a business will preach that you need to be passionate to fuel the long stretches of challenging times. Artists thrive on passion.
All of these characteristics give artists an edge over others in the business realm. It's great to be fueled by the knowledge that you do have what it takes to succeed, and you also need to operate in a business-like way to make it happen. Here are the keys to business success:
Vision. You have to want your creative success from a deep, deep place. What is this about for you, anyway? Have a vision for yourself and your business. Write a vision statement that springs from your values and passion for your art.
Commitment. In a business or art career, there will be plenty of ups and downs. It's important to have a solid commitment that you can return to when times are tough. You will question this commitment again and again, but if you have a clear sense of your commitment at the beginning, the dips will be navigable. Write a mission statement for how you will fulfill your vision.
Follow through. Most success can be attributed to those extra actions we take - sending a thank-you note, making a call, going the extra mile, or researching a tip. Follow through is a key factor in being able to maximize opportunities, build connections and deliver on your promises. It's also a key to being perceived as professional and on top of things.
Build authentic relationships. Do business with people that you want to be around. You want to be able to be yourself with your support team (accountant, banker, coach) and your clients (gallery owners, editors, clients). Connect with people who share similar values, interests and art forms. Some people say that building relationships is the key to success, so become a master at being a good human with others.
Maintain self-care practices. Making art and building a business is a lot of work. There can be a lot of stress involved with art and business, so having a stable personal life is key. Know your needs and do what you can to get them met. Know what helps you release stress. Make sure that you have play time, too, since it can be easy to work all the time at your art business.
Perspective. This is the secret weapon. Perspective is the most powerful tool we have. How you see the world, yourself, and your enterprise all have an enormous impact on how successful you will be. If you can shift your perspective easily, you'll have a much broader range of options available to you in your art and business. Practice noticing throughout the day what perspective you are operating from. Does it feel good? Bad? In between? How does the perspective of any moment contribute to your work?
Systems. And, of course, for business success, you'll want systems for operating your enterprise, for marketing your work, and for handling all the money that comes your way. Contact systems, marketing systems, bookkeeping systems, and ways to catalogue your art and record your sales are all essential for a thriving business.
If some of these essentials make the artist in you cringe, take that as an opportunity to see where you could grow. There isn't any other work that challenges us to grow more than art and business. If you want to stay safe and unchanged, you'll want to choose another path. But why would you? Art and business are grand adventures!
Ms. Ateeya Manzoor is a managing director and management strategist and partner at Mayfair Management Group.
As a professional with over fifteen years of experience, Ateeya Manzoor has worked with a large range of clients in various industries and sizes, ranging from large publicly traded financial institutions and technology firms, large resorts to midsized oil and gas companies, to small non-profits requiring a fresh perspective.
To read more, please visit here:
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Change Management - A Structured Business Process
Change management is basically a structured approach to transition individuals, teams, and organizations from the current state to a future state. It is in fact a process during which the alteration within a system is implemented in a controlled and defined manner. Prior to implementation, pre-defined framework or models are established to ensure clarity and consistency. In the context of project management, change management process refers to formal introduction and approval of alteration to the project. This process gained popularity in view that organizations are composed of people and behaviours play a very important role towards determining organizational success.
There are a few types of organization changes. This includes technological alteration, structural changes, strategic changes, and multidisciplinary changes. Basically, the aim for a change is to align groups' expectations and integrate teams. It also seeks to communicate ideas across with deep clarity and involves the participation of leaders in terms of communication and perceived need for difference. This is important in order to design accurate strategies to avoid change failures. Changes are necessary to certain aspects of business to increase its performance.
Ms. Ateeya Manzoor believes that changes must first take place within the mindset and thinking of people before it can be translated successfully to outer, visible changes (job, place, or product switch). It involves a deeper psychology and must be tackled carefully to prevent triggering a panic amongst employees. They should feel assured that company is doing its best to increase the overall performance of people. To help ease change, many people often apply a few techniques (i.e. diagnose change, detailed planning, managing, and making the change). Often, people find it easier to accept change when it's measurable, reliable, and beneficial.
Change management and change management process needs to be handled delicately and with transparency. That way, people will open up to change.
Ateeya Manzoor is a Skilled Strategic and Risk Manager with over 20 years of experience.
Through her keen eye, Ateeya's core gift is to convert and fully realize potential. She has a unique ability to see things when others may not. Her talent is to anchor in businesses requiring structure or a fresh perspective. Clients value her vision and unrelenting commitment to delivering tangible results.
For more info about her, please visit here:
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Key Factors discussed by Ateeya Manzoor to Oil and Gas Investing
Oil and gas investing begins with the investor determining what oil and gas stocks he should invest his hard earned cash into. While some will focus on oil and gas stocks which yield a higher return on investment opportunities like oil sands stocks and Canadian oil stocks. You should begin by reviewing the following key factors discussed by Ateeya Manzoor:
1) Is the Oil Stock Over valued?
This is probably the first question you should ask yourself as a lot of oil stocks are more hype than actual value. A good indicator of an oil stocks value is the oil stocks price earnings ratio. If the price earnings ratio is greater than 20, we would suggest you further investigate why the oil stocks price earnings ratio is so high. If it is due to an aggressive growth strategy including a recent land acquisition or a large drilling program that is to take place in the future, attempt to determine the impact these events will have on the oil stocks earnings. In a lot of cases the future event's impact on the oil stock will not be what the investment community forsees.
2) Trust Unit versus Common Share
There are a significant amount of oil and gas stocks which have converted to become trust units. The main purpose of these oil stocks becoming trust units is to save and defer tax to unitholders. However, the distributions that these oil stocks (trust units) pay out require a significant amount of cash flow and therefore reduce the growth capability of the specific oil stock. Therefore if you are looking for an oil stock which will provide you with steady cash flow than an oil stock which is a trust unit is your choice. Whereas if you would like to hold an oil stock in your portfolio which has a high growth potential you should stay away from oil stocks which are trust units. This is because normal public company shares usually do not pay out large dividends to shareholders as they prefer to reinvest their hard earned cash in their capital program. Oil and gas capital programs include purchasing land, mineral rights, drilling programs etc., all of which are more likely to generate shareholder value rather than just paying these funds out to unitholders.
3) Natural Gas versus Oil
Investors should be aware what percent of their oil and gas stocks interest is in natural gas versus oil. This is important as if you buy a natural gas focused oil and gas company and the price of natural gas is at an all time high then this is probably not the time to buy. However this is probably a good time to consider selling depending on what commodity experts feel the price of natural gas will do in the years/months to come. The same goes for oil stocks, although it is our feeling that the price of oil is much less volatile as it is doubtful the price of oil will be reduced by 50%. Whereas the price of natural gas can easily be reduced by 50% in a given year. If you are planning on holding your oil and gas investment for an extended period of time then do not fret too much about the commodity prices as they should increase with inflation over an extended period of time. If you are buying and selling oil and gas stocks for short periods of time, then commodity prices become extremely important as you can make a significant return in a short period of time.
Ateeya Manzoor is the Managing Director of Mayfair Management Group.
As a professional with over fifteen years of experience, Ateeya Manzoor has worked with a large range of clients in various industries and sizes, ranging from large publicly traded financial institutions and technology firms, large resorts and entertainment venues, to midsized oil and gas companies, midsized medical and quasi medical coaching practices, to small non-profits requiring a fresh perspective.
To read more, please visit here:
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Risk Management Options Discussed by Ateeya Manzoor
Risk management as a shared or centralized activity must accomplish the following tasks: identity concerns; identify risks & risk owners - evaluate the risks as to likelihood and consequences; assess the options for accommodating the risks; prioritize the risk management efforts; develop risk management plans; authorize the implementation of the risk management plans; track the risk management efforts and manage accordingly. It is possibilities that are being accommodated. It is management's job to do the planning that will accommodate the possibilities. The customer is the final judge, but internal goals should be to a higher level than customer expectations.
The key words in risk management are: proactive; management; accommodate; acceptably; professional; possibility. The need for new risk assessment and management techniques is required to continuously track down potential and critical risks, and to develop strategies for handling these risks, for example: during product development. It is obvious that without a strong risk management plan as part of the process, a company will waste time, money, and resources, and will fail to manage the projects correctly.
Risk management is the sum of all proactive management-directed activities within a program that are intended to acceptably accommodate the possibility of failures in the elements of a program. From an organization's perspective a failure is anything accomplished in less than a professional manner and/or with a less-than-adequate result.
Risk Management Options
Risk management options are usually cited as risk handling options subdivided as: avoidance, control, assumption, risk transfer, and knowledge and research. Generally, the assessment of management options is a hip shot since the necessary decisions must occur early in a program when things are still fuzzy. However, if experienced personnel are given the facts, one can expect very good decisions since there is seldom any real mystery about the practicality of options available. (The practicality of any option is usually just an issue of schedule and funding.)
Avoidance: Use an alternate approach that does not have the risk. This mode is not always an option. There are programs that deliberately involve high risks in the expectation of high gains. However, this is the most effective risk management technique if it can be applied.
Control: Controlling risks involves the development of a risk reduction plan and then tracking to the plan. The key aspect is the planning by experienced persons. The plan itself may involve parallel development programs, etc.
Assumption: Simply accepting the risk and proceeding. However, there can be a tendency within organizations to gradually let the assumption of a risk take on the aura of a controlled risk.
Risk Transfer: Means causing another party to accept the risk, typically by contract or by hedging. Liability among construction or other contractors is often transferred this way.
Knowledge & Research: This mode is not "true" risk handling, but rather a technique for strengthening other techniques. This approach can best be viewed as an adaptation of the approach used by a student writing a thesis: intensive study with specialized testing - in other words doing your homework.
Never expect initial risk management plans to be perfect. Practice, experience, and actual loss results will dictate changes in the plan to allow different decisions to be made in dealing with the risks being faced. In order for companies to succeed in the twenty-first century, they need to excel in all aspects of their business, which includes risk management, so they can fulfill their own and their customer's goals.
Risk management is an on-going process, and is a combination of proactive management-directed activities within a program that are intended to accommodate the possibility of failures.
Ms. Ateeya Manzoor is a management strategist and partner at Mayfair.
As a professional with over fifteen years of experience, Ateeya Manzoor has worked with a large range of clients in various industries and sizes, ranging from large publicly traded financial institutions and technology firms, large resorts and entertainment venues, to midsized oil and gas companies, midsized medical and quasi medical coaching practices. She held executive positions throughout her career on Bay St. including partner of a risk management firm, National Practice Leader, Vice President of a publicly traded brokerage house. Her passion is to seek and realize potential.
For more details, please visit here:
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For my Liberal friends who are having a tough time with Conservative loved ones

For my liberal friends who are having a tough time with conservative loved ones explaining why you are so upset about a Trump victory.
(Not to be confused with Republican friends who get it, but agree to disagree on how to deal with).
Something I wrote to a friend today:
Congratulations. You got the President you deserve.
The guy who promised to swamp the drain but is filling in his cabinet with lobbyists and former corrupt CEOs.
The guy who is talking about a nuclear arms race.
The guy who appointed another guy as US Ambassador to Israel, who likened left-leaning Jews in America to the Jews who aided the Nazis in the Holocaust and then says he knows how to handle the Muslim world.
The guy who appointed another guy to deal with the environment who thinks climate change is a hoax.
The guy who uses words like n****r and has been in court for several times for racial profiling.
The guy who had been sued several times for sexual harassment and says things like grab women by the p***y.
The guy who doesn’t pay taxes and is cutting taxes on the the top 1% making the economy worse for people like you.
The guy who has filed for bankruptcy 4 times who now says he’s going to balance the books.
The guy who is blatantly using his presidency to continue to make money and is already in violation of the constitution before he even steps into the White House.
The guy who has open business dealings with Russia and Vladimir Putin and who Putin helped get elected.
So congratulations.
And also, congratulations you’re a f*****g bigot. You’re the very definition. Someone whose bias is so deeply embedded in your psyche that you can’t even see past the simplest facts, or have empathy for the people you claim to love who are impacted by all of this.
You don’t see how his Muslim registry affects someone who you call a friend.
You don’t see how African Americans have been dealing with racist cops for decades and that shootings didn’t just go up during Obama’s presidency.
You don’t see that the birther movement is straight up lies and cuts at racial and religious divides.
You don’t see how his pro-Israel policies are at the very heart of the conflict with the Middle East and will embolden ISIS.
You don’t see how your future daughters will be impacted by his loose morals and validation of ill treatment of women.
You don’t see past anything of the sort and in the end it comes down to the economy for you.
Well, congratulations and good luck when Trump fucks that up too.
I’m Canadian. In the end it doesn’t affect me.
I’ll go back to enjoying:
a great quality of life,
clean air, nice and clean cities,
working and clean infrastructure,
knowing I’ll have world class healthcare to take care of me when I’m sick,
will be provided for if I lose a job,
will have programs to help me find a good paying job if I do lose mine due to the great education the country gave me,
will be able to take paid holidays off to recharge,
can take time off to bond with my future babies, and
don’t have to worry about crazies blowing up movie theaters, malls and schools because our government doesn’t get involved in shit to drag us into places we don’t belong.
I’ll enjoy the US for what it is. A large and expansive land for me to enjoy holidays and soak up the sun, a great place for me to shop when shit is cheap because the economy sucks, and a place where new ideas can be exchanged in small circles with good people. A place where hope is prevalent and almost inspiring, but somehow tragically falls short.
I’m not going to write you off as a friend, because I know you have a good heart. But your bigotry isn’t something I’m going to put up with anymore.
And I love America. It’s my second and adopted home. But I’m not going to sit back and watch it rot in silence anymore. I love you both too much to give up on you and enough to call you out.
My name is Ateeya Manzoor and I am a Managing Director of Mayfair Management Group.
My core gift is to convert and fully realize potential. I believe in a unique ability to see things when others may not. My talent is to anchor in businesses requiring structure or a fresh perspective.
My commitment to realizing potential extends in my philanthropic work as well. Through numerous charitable causes, talks, writings and mentorship, I am committed showing those who struggle that there is always a way to ascend. I am currently working on my first book.
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Setting Up an Enterprise Information Management Program: Ateeya Manzoor
If your company is finding itself struggling to manage the stores of information that it is collection, it can be important to get linked up with an enterprise information management system. This is a unique new approach that will help companies discover a better way to structure this information for their employees. They may find that projects will get done faster and customers will generally be more pleased with the outcome that they get. There are a few steps that will need to be arranged if a company wants to create an effective enterprise management system for their office.
It will primarily be important to get your management team to understand some of the changes that will be taking place says Ateeya Manzoor. They will be overseeing the implementation of the system, so make sure that you get them the help they need to get it done right. In effect, enterprise information management will combine business intelligence and content management.
Implementing an enterprise information management (EIM) program is no longer seen as a program to undertake when the funds are available, but rather it is a core part of business that is required to maintain a healthy revenue stream. Companies that choose to undertake such a program and do so correctly will make an impact and become an industry role model.
Where to begin?
Executing an EIM program is hard work and has many components. Companies usually struggle with when to start, which focus areas to start with and how to get the initiative executed well from the onset. Ateeya Manzoor says that to wit, companies, regardless of size, should begin by developing an awareness of how such a program can benefit them and an understanding of the purposes and objectives of such initiatives.
Educating and planning are the most important steps in implementing such a program according to Ateeya Manzoor . Company executives should seek to join other organizations in collaborative discussions, encourage key employees to attend conferences and read literature to become more informed on the components of the EIM program which will help in developing the implementation strategy unique to the organization.
2. Understand where you want to go and how long it will take by preparing a maturity assessment and roadmap;
3. Involve key EIM stakeholders in strategic discussions and align the program goal with strategic initiatives;
4. Build awareness of the EIM programs on all levels;
5. Gain an understanding of resource needs and specifically the interaction model of third party resources; and
6. Determine the standards for measuring success of the program.
Conduct a periodic assessment - It is tough to know if you are on the correct course of action if you do not know where you are. Conducting a periodic assessment allows companies to measure performance and affect change to keep the program aligned with strategic objectives. No assessment is more important than the first assessment, the current state assessment.
First, everyone has their own perspective of what is going right and what could be improved. Meeting with different stakeholders allows the company to understand different perspectives to form the perceived state of the company. More importantly, the assessment allows the EIM program management group to better assess alignment between different parts of the organization so that it can determine the best strategy for affecting positive change in the organization.
Second, an assessment should be able to identify formal and informal processes that manage information assets. This allows the EIM program management team to understand and prioritize projects for improvement that will provide the quickest and largest ROI. This part of the assessment also can lead to minimize risk by reducing the amount of change necessary to implement the program successfully.
Third, the assessment allows the EIM program management team to develop an effective communication plan and drives key standards of clear definitions
Prepare a maturity assessment and roadmap - The EIM current state assessment should leverage an industry standard measurement system to identify and track the progress of the company's maturity. Metrics can be derived from the model as the company seeks to move to more mature positions in areas identified as being most critical for improving business operations.
Two components should be considered prior to conducting the assessment:
First, participants should be educated on the categories of the assessment.
Second, participants should understand the measurement system for identifying the maturity in each of the categories. Leveraging an industry standard measurement system, like Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), provides a consistent measurement for the maturity of the company in each category over time.
Develop the EIM program strategy - The current state assessment combined with the corporate, business, and IT strategies provide input into the EIM program strategy. The company's vision, mission, and value statements should be clearly understood and articulated as well as the business strategy and supporting technology strategy. If it is not, Ateeya Manzoor recommended a third party be leveraged to help develop these components. This is important because building an EIM program is not a project-based initiative.
Implementing these steps combined with becoming actively involved in collaboration and building knowledge in this space can only help executives and their companies flourish regardless of the economic environment. Ateeya Manzoor believes that those companies that understand how to best harness their information and manage it effectively are the ones that will continue to keep a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
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Extended Role of Ateeya Manzoor as a Management Consultants
The importance of consulting in any segment today cannot be denied at any cost. Most of the companies today are involved in management consulting in some way or the other. There are of course specialists who are in charge of offering consultancy services in different areas of recruitment and management. Ateeya Manzoor believes that consulting is always helpful in the sense that it largely improves the overall perspectives of the business, which in turn, helps the third party, as well. In fact, if you approach a Management services as offered by Ateeya Manzoor, you will understand the emphasis that they give to the different areas of consulting, which in turn, largely helps in the development of different businesses.
Over the recent years the ideas of management consultants have changed dramatically in both, management consulting and in other professional services. Management consultants have started to rethink and redefine their business, widening and enhancing their service offerings, merging or establishing alliances with other consultants and professional service firms, and abandoning self-imposed restrictions on the sort of work they are prepared to undertake.
These changes have been triggered by a number of factors, including the growing complexity and sophistication of doing business in national and inter- national environments, market deregulation and liberalization, new opportunities for innovative consulting, growing demand for integrated and "one-stop" professional services, competitive pressure coming from other professions and, above all, the advancement of information technologies and their rapid penetration into management and business processes. In using consulting and other professional services providers like Ateeya Manzoor the clients are asking "what will add value to my business". Rather than identifying needs, devising a solution and implementing a new and "tailor-made" system for every client, a consulting provider has a range of products that are offered to all clients (or categories of clients).
Advice and know-how have turned into a commodity. The client can choose among standard offerings "off the shelf" - diagnostic instruments, change and project management programmes, training and self- development packages, production control systems, enterprise resource planning or customer relationship management systems, e-business or knowledge management software and so on.
Commoditization of methods and systems is currently a feature of knowledge management and transfer. It responds to demands from clients, who want to get the best system, methodology or approach at an affordable price, within reasonable time limits, and with a guarantee of applicability and standard performance. This is what the commoditized professional services aim to provide. Professional service providers who have commoditized their knowledge enjoy an enormous business advantage - if the product is in demand and sells well.
Many large consulting firms have sought to internationalize their operations in searching for new markets, adapting to the changes in the international economy, and taking advantage of the new opportunities for consulting in the developing countries. In large consulting firms, foreign operations may contribute 30-70 per cent of income. Great efforts have been made to increase the long-term benefits derived by clients from consulting assignments, by diversifying and perfecting the intervention methods applied at all stages of the consulting process. Many organizations private and public have become experts in using consultants. They have developed their own criteria and methods for selecting consultants, collaborating with them during assignments, monitoring their interventions, learning from their approach and evaluating results. Ateeya Manzoor says that Consultants have become indispensable advisers in major business decisions and transactions.
For more about Ateeya Manzoor visit :
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Annual Risk Management Strategy according to Ateeya Manzoor
Organizations would be focusing on preparing the risk management strategy and plan for the year in the last quarter of the year. Normally, Chief Audit Executives, Chief Risk Officers, Head of Internal Audit, Chief Information Security Officers, Head of Compliance, Head of Ethics and are very busy in the last quarter finishing off the year-end targets, objectives and key performance indicators. The next year strategy is developed from the previous year reports, observations, balance score cards and risk dashboards.
According to Ateeya Manzoor a simplistic risk management strategy focuses on the following:
1) Financials -Developing a budget and other cost indicators
2) Operations- Preparing audit and review schedules. Listing out policies, procedures and manuals to be prepared and reviewed.
3) Resources- Formulating a hiring and training plan
4) Knowledge - Developing knowledge bases, writing research papers and upgrading risk management tools and software.
Risk management has become complex and critical in the present economic environment. Without sophisticated and skilled risk management departments the organizations may face multiple disaster scenarios. Ateeya Manzoor believes that Globalization, technology, economic environment, regulators, competitors, and speed of change, all have contributed in making business operations more complex. Risk management departments need to gear up and develop annual strategy considering these aspects in mind.
Suggestions by Ateeya Manzoor for preparing a comprehensive annual strategy are given below:
1. Break the Silo Approach
Depending on the size of the organization, the organization may have a number of departments focusing on risk management. To name some, in respect to the department heads mentioned in the first paragraph, we have Internal Audit, Fraud Prevention & Investigation, Compliance, Information Security and Business Ethics. These departments generally have some overlapping functions and turf wars. Silos are formed and the senior management has difficulty in making sense of various risk dashboards and reports presented by the department heads.
2. Determine Risk Philosophy and Appetite of the Organization
In some cases, the risk management departments present a risk dashboard to the senior management of the organization. If the CEO of the organization asks "Can I hold you on this? Are you sure that if these top 10 risks are mitigated, the organization will sail through the year?"; the head of the department generally cannot a say a definitive "yes". The answer is given with a maybe, but, if etc. but not a "yes". So the question is how a head of department should address this concern.
3. Understand and Integrate with Business Strategy
In a few companies, the annual strategies and plans of business and risk management are drawn up in parallel, with neither having information of what the other is planning. The risk management strategy cannot be internally department focused. The risk department heads need to obtain information on the business strategy of the organization to understand strategic risks.
4. Assess Competitors Strategies
The risk departments are generally happy with what they are doing and discover information about tools and methodologies from various institutes periodicals, magazines and conferences. In a few cases there is some focus on the operations of risk management departments of competing businesses and organizations.
The above mentioned points by Ateeya Manzoor are those which can be easily incorporated to prepare a comprehensive annual strategy. There are a few other things which the risk management departments can look into. Some of them are, introducing ERM, building risk management department's brand, applying collective intelligence etc.
Ateeya Manzoor is a management strategist and partner at Mayfair. She has spoken at industry events, including the annual PLUS Conference with keynote speakers Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak and has spoken at the Ted Roger’s School of Management for Freelance Camp.
As a professional with over fifteen years of experience, Ateeya Manzoor has worked with a large range of clients in various industries and sizes, ranging from large publicly traded financial institutions and technology firms, large resorts and entertainment venues, to midsized oil and gas companies, midsized medical and quasi medical coaching practices, to small non-profits requiring a fresh perspective.
To know more about her visit at:
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Programs For At Risk Youth by Ateeya Manzoor
Are you a parent keeping a teenager who is at risk? What is the solution to the problem of your children? How can you help them? At what cost? Will your child get assistance elsewhere apart from home than home? Will at risk youth programs make a difference?
Ateeya Manzoor is a management strategist and partner at Mayfair. Ateeya Manzoor is also committed to realizing potential. Having served as a Director of two non-profit schools, Ateeya Manzoor helped put a spot light on the plight of at risk youth. She allocates time each month to pro bono work, with an emphasis on causes related to at risk youth, in particular, young women, to assist in realizing self-actualization. Her love of sun and sand brought her out to Southern California.
This is just a tip of an ice berg as parents caring for at-risk youths have more questions than answers each brighter day. With the everyday life challenges that are rife in our society, like separation and divorce, people are exposed to temptations that more often than not young people have no choice but to face problems at whichever places they visit.
However, impressive programs for at-risk youth are taking center stage.
Under privileged parents are beneficiaries of wilderness camps as arranged by Ateeya Manzoor where they are supported with all the necessary facilities they need. Photos of the venue are widely posted on the site for you. While at the site, course details are blared to give you tips and more information about the youth facility.
Camps organised by Ateeya Manzoor has act so far as a major brainstorming opportunity where partners exchange knowledge through emails and telephones. However, it's nice to write down a list of your questions before the actual debate begins. Keeping your child healthy is a matter of life and death at this time that it's smart to choose the best possible camp for the rehabilitation. Keep a breast with the problems of your teen in order to come up with proper questions, though.
Consider that solved, what's the way forward?
As it turns out, camps are an absolute outdoor furnishing idea. You have to enjoy yourself. Individuals share healthy meals before starting a spirited walk to the wilderness where they kick off at risk youth programs.
The distressed youths are taught many skills among others how to light fire without matches, cooking food in the wilderness, being responsible, reducing air pollution and the need to face challenging times.
The place itself can be a boon to your child. Many young kids about town are green about natural beauty. While in the open fields the teens appreciate nature, watch wildlife and handle demanding physical duties which improves their self esteem and build their muscles.
Ateeya Manzoor believes that rehabilitation is important to at-risk youth. They must be counseled by an expert like Ateeya Manzoor. What muscles up special any camp is the rehabilitation program. It is a regular practice that is taken individually and as a group. Settle for a targeted program that can bring the solution to the problem that lies ahead of the youths.
The program ought to be as authentic as possible. A stiff, hard fact is that the youths will consume weeks and months in the camps, but will finally return home. By all means this does not hamper with their academic studies. However, it's important to incorporate normal school activities as well as the academic studies in the scheme of programs for them to be honoured back in their usual schools.
At risk youth program has spread its wings and it has schools of high profile. But what there are set to vary as a way of making them unique and be discernible.
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