Hi! So this is my second account where I'll be posting all my witchy stuff from now on. Take it easy on me guys, I'm still pretty new to this!
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Recommended Reading: Candle Magick Advanced Candle Magick: More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose - Raymond Buckland The Art of Hoodoo Candle Magic in Rootwork, Conjure, and Spiritual Church Services - Catherine Yronwode Candle Burning Magic With the Psalms - William Alexander Oribello Candle Magic: A Coveted Collection of Spells, Rituals, and Magical Paradigms - Phillip Cooper Candle Magic for Beginners: The Simplest Magic You Can Do - Richard Webster The Candle Magick Workbook: Why and How Candle Magick Works - Kala Pajeon Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs - Jacki Smith Exploring Candle Magick - Patricia Telesco A Little Book of Candle Magic - D.J. Conway The Magic Candle: Facts and Fundamentals of Ritual Candle-Burning - Charmaine Dey The Magical Power of the Saints: Evocation and Candle Rituals - Rev Ray T. Malbrough Master Book of Candle Burning - Henry Gamache Practical Candleburning Rituals: Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose - Raymond Buckland Witches Guide to Candle Magic - Lady Gianne Image Credit: Unknown Click Here For More Recommended Reading Lists
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Witchcraft & Meds
For everyone with mental and physical stuff that they have to take medication for! I’m both mentally and chronically ill and take a LOT of meds each day. There’s so much negativity about magic and meds, so let’s find a way to incorporate both into your life! <3
Pill bottles:
Charge the bottles (while empty), the bowl you place your dose in, or your pill organizer in the sun or moon
Decorate them to look more witchy! Don’t cover up important labels. [X]
Draw sigils on the bottom to help minimize side effects and so you don’t forget a dose!
Use empty bottles for anything witchy (spell bottles, herb storage, etc.) [X]
Place crystals or herbs around/on the bottle
Use color correspondences - doodle on the lid or bottom
Keep in cool pill boxes
Whisper an enchantment or blessing over them for desired effects (easy to swallow, less side effects, doing their job, etc.)
Think or say an affirmation with each one (I say so many affirmations a day!)
Take with (drinking safe) moon water or infused water.
Also use a cool cup, could be decorated, covered in sigils, using color correspondences, and more!
Coat your pills with honey before taking them to sweeten up your life (especially helpful for the gross tasting/fast dissolving meds)
IV treatments and injections (no needle mentions):
Listen to witchy music
Draw healing/soothing sigils
Keep crystals in your pocket or bag
Bring infused water with you (if using herbs, check for interactions)
Bring a spell bottle/sachet to your treatment for good vibes, quick healing, minimal pain, and the like.
Sigils on the band-aid!
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“My medications work as intended” and “My medications aid me” sigils
Well being in a pill bottle spell
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Chronically ill + Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Tips for taking meds
Herb interactions
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herb masterpost
master post of herbs <3 if anyone has any new herbs that they’d like me to add, comment / repost and i’ll add suggestions!
acacia : protection, psychic powers, money and love spells adam & eve roots : love, happiness adders tongue : healing african violet : spirituality, protection agaric : fertility agrimony : protection, sleep ague root : protection alfalfa : prosperity, anti-hunger, money alkanet : purification, prosperity allspice : money, luck, healing almond : money, prosperity, wisdom aloe : protection, luck aloes, wood : love, spirituality althea : protection, psychic powers alyssum : protection, moderating anger amaranth : healing heartbreak, protection, invisibility, anemone : health, protection, healing angelica : exorcism, protection, healing, visions anise : protection, purification, youth apple : love, healing, garden magic, immortality apricot : love arabic gum : spirituality, purify negativity and evil arbutus : exorcism, protection asafoetida : exorcism, purification, protection ash : protection, prosperity, sea rituals, health aspen : eloquence, anti-theft aster : love avens : exorcism, purification, love avocado : love, lust, beauty bachelor’s buttons : love balm, lemon : love, success, healing balm of gilead : love, manifestations, protection, healing bamboo : protection, luck, hex-breaking, wishes banana : fertility, potency, prosperity banyan : luck, happiness barley : love, healing, protection basil : love, exorcism, wealth, flying, protection bay : protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength bean : protection, exorcism, wart charming, reconciliation, potency, love bedstraw, fragrant : love beech : wishes beet : love belladonna : astral projection benzoin : purification, prosperity bergamot, orange : money, success be-still : luck betony, wood : protection, purification, love birch : protection, exorcism, purification and cleansing bistort : psychic powers, fertility bittersweet : protection, healing blackberry : healing, money, protection bladderwrack : protection, sea spells, wind spells, money, psychic powers bleeding heart : love bloodroot : love, protection, purification bluebell : luck, truth blueberry : protection blue flag : money bodhi : fertility, protection, wisdom, meditation boneset : protection, exorcism borage : courage, psychic powers bracken brazil nut briony : image magic, money, protection bromeliad : protection, money broom : purification, protection, wind spells, divination buchu : psychic powers, prophetic dreams buckthorn : protection, exorcism, wishes, legal matters cabbage : luck cactus : protection, chastity calamus : luck, healing, money, protection camellia : riches camphor : chastity, health, divination caper : potency, lust, luck carawy : protection, lust, health, anti-theft, mental powers cardamon : lust, love carnation : protection, strength, healing carob : protection, health carrot : fertility, lust cascara sagrada : legal matters, money, protection cashew : money castor : protection catnip : cat magic, love, beauty, happiness cat tail : lust cedar : healing, purification, money, protection celandine : protection, escape, happiness, legal matters celery : mental powers, lust, psychic powers centaury : snake removing chamomile : money, sleep, love, purification cherry : love, divination chestnut : love chickweed : fertility, love chicory : removing obstacles, invisibility, favors, frigidity chili pepper : fidelity, hex breaking, love china berry : luck, change chrysanthemum : protection cinchona : luck, protection cinnamon : spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, lust, protection, love cinquefoil : money, protection, prophetic dreams, sleep cloth of gold : understand animal languages clove : protection, exorcism, love, money daffodil : love, fertility, luck daisy : lust, luck damiana : lust, love, visions dandelion : divination, wishes, calling spirits datura : hex breaking, sleep, protection deerstongue : lust, psychic powers devils bit : exorcism, love, protection, lust devils shoestring : protection, gambling, luck, power, employment dill : protection, money, lust, luck dittany of crete : manifestations, astral projection dock : healing, fertility, money dodder : love, divination, knot magic dogbane : love dogwood : wishes, protection dragons blood : love, protection, exorcism, potency dulse : lust, harmony dutchmans breeches : love ebony : protection, power echinacea : strengthening spells edelweiss : invisibility, bullet-proofing elder : exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity, sleep elecampane : love, protection, psychic powers elm : love endive : lust, love eryngo : travelers luck, peace, lust, love eucalyptus : healing, protection euphorbia : purification, protection eyebright : mental powers, psychic power fennel : protection, healing, purification fenugreek : money fern : rain making, protection, luck, riches, eternal youth, health, exorcism feverfew : protection fig : divination, fertility, love figwort : health, protection flax : money, protection, beauty, psychic powers, healing fleabane : exorcism, protection, chastity foxglove : protection frankincense : protection, exorcism, spirituality fumitory : money, exorcism fuzzy weed : love, hunting galangal : protection, lust, health, money, psychic powers, hex-breaking gardenia : love, peace, healing, spirituality garlic : protection, healing, exorcism, lust, anti-theft gentian : love, power geranium : fertility, health, love, protection ginger : love, money, success, power ginseng : love, wishes, healing, beauty, protection, lust goats rue : healing, health goldenrod : money, divination golden seal : healing, money gorse : protection, money gotu kola : meditation gourd : protection grain : protection grains of paradise : lust, luck, love, money, wishes grape : fertility, garden magic, mental powers, money grass : psychic powers, protection ground ivy : divination groundsel : health, healing hawthorn : fertility, chastity, fishing magic, happiness hazel : luck, fertility, anti-lightning, protection, wishes heather : protection, rain making, luck heliotrope : exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth, invisibility hellebore, black : protection hemlock : destroy sexual drive hemp : healing, love, vision, meditation henbane : love attraction henna : healing hibiscus : lust, love, divination hickory : legal matters high john the conqueror : money, love, success, happiness holly : protection, anti-lightning, luck, dream magic, balance honesty : money, repelling monsters honeysuckle : money, psychic powers, protection hops : healing, sleep horehound : protection, mental powers, exorcism, horse chestnut : money, healing horseradish : Purification, Exorcism horsetail : Snake Charming, Fertility houndstongue : tying dog’s tongues houseleek : luck, protection, Love huckleberry : luck, protection, dream magic, hex breaking hyacinth : love, protection, happiness hydrangea : hex breaking hyssop : purification, protection indian paint brush : love iris : purification, wisdom irish moss : money, luck, protection ivy : protection, healing jasmine : love, money, prophetic dreams jobs tears : healing, wishes, luck joe-pye weed : love, respect juniper : protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, health kava-kave : visions, protection, luck knotweed : binding, health ladys mantle : love ladys slipper : protection larch : protection, anti-theft larkspur : health, protection lavender : love, protection, sleep, chastity, longevity, purification, happiness, peace leek : love, protection, exorcism lemon : longevity, purification, love, friendship lemongrass : repel snakes, lust, psychic powers lemon verbena : purification, love lettuce : chastity, protection, love, divination, sleep licorice : love, lust, fidelity life everlasting : longevity, health, healing lilac : exorcism, protection, beauty lily : protection, breaking love spells lily of the valley : mental powers, happiness lime : healing, love, protection linden : protection, immortality, luck, love, sleep liquidamber : protection liverwort : protection liverwort : love looestrife : peace, protection lotus : protection, lock-opening lovage : love love Seed : love, friendship lucky Hand : employment, luck, protection, money, travel mace : Psychic Powers, Mental Powers maguey : Lust magnolia : Fidelity mahogany, Mountain : Anti-Lightning maidenhair : Beauty, Love male Fern : Luck, Love mallow : Love, Protection, Exorcism mandrake : Protection, Love, Money, fertility, health maple : Love, Longevity, Money marigold : Protection, Prophetic Dreams, business and Legal Matters, Psychic Powers marjoram : Protection, Love, Happiness, health, Money, Healing master Wort : Strength, Courage, Protection mastic : Psychic Powers, Manifestations, lust may Apple : Money meadow Rue : Divination meadowsweet : Love, Divination, Peace, happiness mesquite : Healing mimosa : protection, love, prophetic dreams, purification mint : money, love, luck, healing, exorcism, travel, protection mistletoe : protection, love, hunting, fertility, health, exorcism molukka : protection moonwort : money, love moss : luck, money mugwort : strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, astral projection mulberry : protection, strength mullein : courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcism mustard : fertility, protection, mental powers myrrh : protection, exorcism, healing, spirituality myrtle : love, fertility, youth, peace, money nettle : exorcism, protection, healing, lust norfolk island pine : protection, anti hunger nuts : fertility, prosperity, love, luck oak : protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck oats : money olive : healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust onion : protection, exorcism, healing, money, prophetic dreams, lust orange : love, divination, luck, money orchid : love oregon grape : money, prosperity orris root : love, protection, divination palm, date : fertility, potency pansy : love, rain magic, love, divination papaya : love, protection papyrus : protection parosela : hunting parsley : love, protection, purification passion flower : peace, sleep, friendship patchouly : money, fertility, lust pea : money, love peach : love, exorcism, longevity, fertility, wishes pear : lust, love pecan : money, employment pennyroyal : strength, protection, peace peony : protection, exorcism pepper : protection, exorcism peppermint : purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers pepper tree : purification, healing, protection periwinkle : love, lust, mental powers, money, Protection persimmon : changing sex, healing, luck plot weed : protection pimento : love pimpernel : protection, health pine : healing, fertility, protection, exorcism, money pineapple : luck, money, chastity pipsissewa : money, spirit calling quassia : love quince : protection, love, happiness radish : protection, lust ragweed : courage ragwort : protection raspberry : protection, love rattlesnake root : protection, money rhubarb : protection, fidelity rice : protection, rain, fertility, money roots : protection, power, divination rose : love, psychic powers, healing, love, divination, luck, protection rosemary : protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep, youth rowan : psychic powers, healing, protection, power, success rue : healing, health, mental powers, exorcism, love rye : love, fidelity saffron : love, healing, happiness, wind raising, lust, strength, psychic powers. sage : immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection, wishes sagebrush : purification, exorcism st. johns wort : health, power, protection, strength, love, divination, happiness sandalwood : protection, healing, exorcism, spirituality sarsaparilla : love, money sassafras : health, money savory, summer : mental powers scullcap : love, fidelity, peace senna : love sesame : money, lust shallot : purification skunk cabbage : legal matters slippery elm : halts gossip sloe : exorcism, protection snakeroot : luck money snakeroot/black : love, lust, money snapdragon : protection solomons seal : protection, exorcism sorrel wood : healing, health southern wood : love, lust, protection spanish moss : protection spearmint : healing, love, mental powers spiderwort : love spikenard : love squill : money, protection, hex breaking star, anise : psychic powers, luck stillengia : psychic powers straw : luck, image magic strawberry : love, luck sugar cane : love, lust sumbul : love, luck, health, psychic powers sunflower : fertility, wishes, health, wisdom sweetgrass : calling spirits tamarind : love tamarisk : exorcism, protection tansy : health, longevity tea : riches, courage, strength thistle : strength, protection, hex breaking, healing thistle, holy : purification, hex breaking thistle, milk : snake enraging thyme : health, healing, sleep, psychic powers, love, purification, courage ti : protection, healing toadflax : protection, hex breaking toadstool : rain making tobacco : healing, purification turmeric : purification turnip : protection, ending relationships urva Ursa : psychic workings valerian : love, sleep, purification, protection vanilla : love, lust, mental powers venus flytrap : protection, love vervain : love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, chastity, sleep, healing vetch, giant : fidelity vetivert : love, hex breaking, luck, money, anti-theft violet : protection, luck, love, lust, wishes, peace, healing wahoo : hex-breaking, courage, success walnut : health, mental powers, infertility, wishes wax plant : protection wheat : fertility, money willow : love, divination, protection, healing wintergreen : protection, healing, hex breaking winters bark : success witch grass : happiness, lust, love, exorcism witch hazel : protection, chastity wolfs bane : protection, invisibility wood rose : luck woodruff : victory, protection, money wormwood : psychic powers, protection, love, calling spirits yarrow : courage, love, psychic powers, exorcism yellow evening primrose : hunting yerba mate : fidelity, love, lust yerba santa : beauty, healing, psychic powers, protection yew : Raising the Dead yohimbe : love, lust yucca : transmutation, protection, purification
**some of these herbs ARE toxic. i didn’t mention which ones were/weren’t, please do some further research before consuming any of these herbs!!**
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✨ Some Herbs, Flowers and Plants in Withcraft✨
ALLSPICE: increase energy, love, healing, luck
ANGELICA: protection, purification
Benefits for health: improve digestion
ARTEMISA: dream divination, clairvoyance
AZUCENA: sentimental improvement, progress, peace
BASIL: economic success, money, prosperity, peace, protection, happiness, purification, tranquillity, love
BAY: fosters loving vibrations, protection, wards off negativities in a home, success, wisdom, divination
BAY LEAF: protection, purification, healing, strength, good fortune, money and success
BIRCH: protection, purification
BLACK PEPPER: protection, courage
CALENDULA: happiness, prosperity, love, psychic power, harmony
Benefits for health: treat skin irritation (like eczema, bruises, scars, scrapes)
CARAWAY: protection against negativity, health, mental abilities, fidelity
Benefits for health: antitheft
CARDAMOM: passion, sex, intimacy
CARNATION: cosmic energy, magic, disease, protection, strength energy, luck, healing
White: peace, healing
Red: sex, love, passion
Yellow intellectual movement
Rose: disappearance of disagreements
CHAMOMILE: brings love, healing, relieves stressful situations, prosperity, peace, healing, harmony, happiness
Benefits for health: sooth stomach problems, calm headache, calm nerves
Benefits for health: astringent, cooling (topically), demulcent, relieves itchiness
CINNAMON: aphrodisiac, passion, love, luck, prosperity, success, raises spiritual vibrations, purification, energy, healing, protection
Benefits for health: antimicrobial, aromatic, astringent, mild stimulant, relieves wind
CLOVE: protection, purification, mental ability, healing
COFFEE: intellect awakening
COMFREY: health, healing, protection during travel, prosperity
CUMIN: protection spell
DAFFOIL: luck, fertility, love
DAISY: love, flirtation, hope, innocence
DANDELION: divination, interaction with the spirit world, wishes
Benefits for health: bitter tonic, diuretic, liver cleanser, mild laxative
DILL: good fortune, tranquillity, prosperity, lust, protection
ELACAMPANE: protection, luck, dispels negative vibration, plant spirit communication
EUCALYPTUS: health, healing
FENNEL: longevity, protection, healing, purification
GARDENIA: harmony, healing, love, peace
GARLIC: protection against evil eye
GERANIUM: protection, happiness, mental clean up, fertility, love, healing, courage
Benefits for health: fight cold, calm stomach, suppress nausea
Benefits for health: antioxidant, heart tonic, lowers blood pressure, relaxes blood vessel
HIBISCUS: divination, dreams, love and lust
HERBABUENA: money, prosperity
HYACINTH: love, happiness, protection
INCENSE: Spirituality
IRIS: wisdom, valour, peace, harmony, love
IVY: protection, healing
JACINTO: overcoming old pains of love
JASMINE: divinatory dreams, sexuality, moon, feminine energy, seduction, sensuality, love, meditation, spirituality, harmony, prosperity
LAUREL: success, glory
LAVENDER: love, peace, restful sleep, clairvoyance, happiness, healing, money, passion, protection, relief from grief, longevity, meditation, harmony, tranquillity, purification
LEMON: happiness, love
LEMON BALM: love, success, healing
Benefits for health: antidepressant, antispasmodic, insect repellent, relaxant, relieves wind, topical anti-viral
LEMON VERBENA: love, purification
LILAC: protection, banishing negative energy
LILAS: purification, love
LILY: helps memory, love, protection, elimination of hexes, rebirth
LILLY OF THE VALLEY: enhances concentration, mental ability, encourage happiness
MADRESELVA: helps remove the vices and addictions
MANZANO: love, happiness
MARJORAM: happiness, protection, love, joy, courage, health, money
MIMOSA: divinatory dreams, love
MINT: avoid jealousy, dreams, protection, prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, lust, travel
Benefits for health: calm headache, stimulate appetite, aid digestion, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, mild analgesic, mild bitter, mild sedative, relives wind
Benefits for health: antacid, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, astringent
MUGWORT: psychic powers, protection, increases lust and fertility, prophetic dreams, divination, relaxation, tranquillity, banishing, consecration (*Do not ingest, and do not even handle if pregnant*)
NAIL: Protection spells
NETTLE: protection, healing, lust
NUTMEG: Money, prosperity, good luck, protection, psychic abilities, happiness, love, health
PANSY: divination, communication, happiness, love
PARSLEY: Protection in general, power, strength, lust, purification, prosperity
PATCHOULI: Money, sex
PEPPERMINT: Purification
PINE: Health, Healing
POPPY: tranquillity, fertility, prosperity love, sleep, invisibility, money, luck
ROMERO: Longevity, purification, prosperity
ROSE: Love, encourages closeness with nature, healing, divination, tranquillity, harmony, psychic ability, spirituality, protection, luck
Red: passion, peace, welfare
Yellow: commitments
White: spiritual love
ROSEMARY: love, lust, promote healthy rest, protection, improving memory, wisdom, health, healing, mental power, purification
Benefits for health: calm headache, stimulate circulatory, nerve and digestive tonic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic
SAFFRON: money, physical movement
SAGE: longevity, wisdom, protection, dispels negative energy, purification, health, immortality, wishes
Benefits for health: calm anxiety, antimicrobial, antioxidant, astringent, digestive tonic, oestrogenic, general tonic,reduces sweating
SALVIA: money
SANDALWOOD: spirituality, healing, tranquillity, sexuality, desire.
SNAPDRAGON: protection from illusion or deception, reflect negative energy
STAR ANISE: peace, tranquillity, awakening of psychic awareness , Luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magical power
SUNFLOWER: sun, sun energy, happiness, success, health, associated with welcome and family, fertility
THYME : health courage. Eliminates nightmares, Attracts loyalty, affection, psychic abilities
TULIP: prosperity, abundance, protections, love, happiness
VALERIAN: protection, drives away negativity, purifies sacred space
VERBENA: calm headaches, eases stress, divination, prosperity, reversal of negative activity
VIOLET: peace, hope, harmony, protection, luck, love, sleep, tranquillity, encourage peace among people, calm nightmares, fertility, abundance
WATER LILY: happiness
YARROW: healing, divination, love, promotes courage and confidence
Wicca Herbal Magic by Lisa Chamberlain
Charms, Spells and Herbs by Esteban Portela
The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson
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20 Tips to being a Safe Witch
Altar Safety
When burning anything always keep a glass of water near you, unless you are working with burning oils, then keep a fire extinguisher or baking soda on hand.
When working with essential oils(EO), do not burn them they are highly flammable
Never leave anything burning unattended, be it a burn bowl, candle, incense. DON’T LEAVE IT!
Please remove anything flammable such as paper or string from the candle, it will ignite and you will be alarmed.
Make sure that what you’re burning your candle in is fire safe, metal and cast iron are good bets. Do NOT burn in a glass, if you have to put it out and dump water on it, it will explode.
Make sure you tie back loose hair and don’t have any floppy sleeves or necklaces to get in the way.
When putting out a candle it is best to use a candle snuffer and do not use water.
Don’t burn kitchen sage, it gives off a toxic smoke. Not something you wanna inhale.
Essential Oil Safety
Please, please dilute them properly. I have a chemical burn scar I can never get rid of due to undiluted cinnamon bark oil. The proper dilution is one drop per teaspoon.
Never ingest EO, there are some that are now generally recognized as safe by the FDA, but the quality of EO are not regulated. Who knows what a bad quality EO could do to your internal organs, not something I wanna test.
Essential Oils are photosensitive, meaning they deteriorate in light store them in a dark area to prevent them from spoiling.
DO NOT put them near on your skin and get in the sun or a tanning bed, especially citrus oils, they will blister.
Water will not dilute essential oils, only other oils(canola, olive, sweet almond, olive will all dilute). If you want to use them in a bath it is one drop per a teaspoon of oil.
Please seek medical attention if anything seems off after using EO, they seem harmless but can be very dangerous
Pets can be very sensitive to essential oils(particularly cats) and it is almost impossible to cover all my bases here. The sources provided below have some great resources.
Always go by the scientific name, German and Roman chamomile are very different products.
Kitchen Magic Safety
Wear shoes if you’re doing anything, I nearly lost a toe the other day cause I dropped a knife. I got lucky I was wearing boots.
Wear correct clothing, and tie back hair. No matter if you have a gas, electric or induction stove, I’ve caught a lab coat sleeve on fire thanks to a torch while making a creme brulee.
Use your knives correctly, learn about the pinch grip and use the correct knife for the job. Using a paring knife for chopping potatoes is asking for trouble. There are tons of videos online, I like the ones from Alton Brown and Jamie Oliver.
As a side note use sharp knives, a blunt knife will do more damage than a sharp one.
Don’t leave knives in the sink, someone could begin to wash dishes and cut themselves.
Watch the steam. Steam can give a worse burn than dry heat, open pot lids away from you and don’t stick your face and phalanges in steam.
Don’t leave food products unattended.
Use your damn pot holders, they protect you and your counters.
Store raw meat on the lowest shelves, and never store cooked meat on the same shelf
Wash your hands before, wash your hands after handling raw meats, wash your hands after.
Don’t leave food that is meant to be cold or hot out for more than 2 hours, this is to decrease foodborne illness.
When using the store turn handles in, to keep yourself from bumping them off the stove.
Cook meats to proper temps(there is a chart in the sources)
If you are using herbs be sure to use kitchen grade herbs, those that are not kitchen grade are not held up to the same purity standards and could have more pesticide residue.
Herbal Safety
Please be aware a lot of herbs can work against prescription medications, or should only be taken in very specific doses( St. John’s Wort I’m looking at you.) Check in with your doctor or a licensed herbalist or naturopath before ingesting herbs.
Crystal Safety
Identify your crystals, some are water solvent some are not and it matters
Some that aren’t safe in water include malachite and selenite. They have copper and if aren’t sealed they can become toxic. There is no way to know for sure if it was sealed or not keep -ite crystals dry as a good rule of thumb.
Some crystals fade in sunlight like rose quartz, amethyst and citrine, in order to prevent fading try cleansing them with sound, flower petals, moonlight and energy.
VIV Sassmaster, WHC Blog Manager, WHC Moderator @thestudiouswitch
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🗡️ Jinxes, Hexes, & Curses 🗡️
🗡️ JINXES - quick-lasting, harmless but mean-spirited.
nox - a spell to end a source of light or positivity
your heart in my hand - to send someone nightmares and to feel a general sense of being lost in life
burn your wishes - a simple curse to destroy someone’s wishes
spell of shattered sight - a spell that makes a person only see the most ugly aspects of themselves and others around them
🗡️ HEXES - mal-intended spells with temporary effects.
burst your bubble - a simple curse to destroy someone’s ego/hope
hex for a player - a curse from scorned lovers to the one breaking hearts, to give them difficulty finding anyone to be with romantically/sexually
cerberus hex - attacks what hurts things under plutonic protection spell
breezeblocks curse - to affect someone you resent for leaving
pumpkin head - seasonal hex to “burn” those who wrong you
bad moon rising - a revenge curse, general misfortune for a month
🗡️ CURSES - intense, powerful and long lasting.
to sink a sailor - to symbolically drown someone
marooned sailor curse - a curse to strand them alone in life.
avada kedavra - a curse not to kill, but to make the target feel death’s presence in their life.
imperius curse - to make the intended feel helpless, that things in their life are out of their power and control
cruciatus curse - to create pain in the life of the intended, whether physical or emotional
seven devils curse - a curse to burn the kingdom of and haunt the target
thorn in my side - a curse for abusers
red in your ledger - to return the hurt someone has done
if you take issue with cursing, jinxing, or hexing, that is your craft, but please do not add onto this post telling witches not to curse because “karma”, “the three fold law” or whatever. mind your own craft.
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I don’t know who needs to hear this but
Do NOT cast spells for positive effects that involve:
Burning a picture of yourself*
Burning a piece of paper that anywhere contains your name*
Burning a piece of hair or other taglock*
*Unless you really know what you’re doing
I don’t know how sigil culture got people to think that burning anything = sending it off for spirits, but NO. Across pretty much every magical practice, burning involving a person = destruction. Burning as a means of generically sending things off is mainly used for offerings.
On a similar vein, do not cast spells for positive effects that involve taking a human figure and ripping up, burning, submerging in soil or water, or doing anything else to that figure that would maim or kill a real human. (unless you really know what you’re doing)
Remember the Law of Similarity. Destruction of an image = destruction of the thing itself.
Edit: I’ve seen a lot of comments of “fire isn’t just destructive!” and “burning can have other effects!” and yes, I completely agree. Hell, I can hardly do magic without a lit candle in the room. I’m talking specifically about harming images or pieces of yourself/your clients who you want to produce positive effects for.
I also made the caveat that if you know what you’re doing then there isn’t an issue. imo, “real magic” is any magic that works. If you have a technique that works for you and doesn’t cause unwanted side effects, great! My intention behind this post was to speak to those who are trying spells from online, modern spellbooks, their friends, etc. My goal is to encourage a critical eye, especially when techniques that have historically been used one way are being applied in another very different one.
Regardless, I’m glad this post is generating a lot of good conversation.
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A lot of the old accounts are super dead and I miss witchblr so y’all reblog this and I’ll follow everyone who reblogs.
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Herbal Correspondences From My Grimoire
Activated Charcoal- cleansing, purification, grief, health (banishing serious illness)
Allspice- determination, money, luck, healing
Almond- fertility, Goddess energy, beauty, self-love, prosperity, addiction, abundance
Anise- protection, warding against evil, preventing nightmares, psychic ability, happiness
Basil- money, beauty, protection, love, warding
Bay Leaf- money, motivation, protection, psychic powers, wish fulfillment, success, purification, divination
Bergamot- Manifestation, wealth, success, prosperity, adds power to magic
Black Pepper- banishing, protection, exorcism, healing (from a serious illness/banishing said illness)
Brewer’s Yeast- motherhood, femininity, warding against illness
Cashew- money, creativity
Cardamom - lust/libido, love, fidelity, arousal, sexuality, reigniting intimacy
Cayenne Pepper- catalyst, lust/ libido, confidence
Celery- fertility, psychic powers, healing (especially of the bladder, kidneys, and urinary tract), weight loss
Chamomile- sleep, stress relief, love, beauty, friendship, meditation, luck, libido (mostly women)
Chia Seed- protection, health
Chili Powder- protection, hex breaking, love, fidelity, wards off unwanted guests
Chives- protection, weight loss
Chlorella- purification, cleansing, health
Cilantro- money, protection, peace
Cinnamon- catalyst, spirituality, beauty, love, lust, romance, healing, strength, protection, psychic ability
Clove- catalyst, beauty, love, protection (especially for children), luck, driving away negativity, cleansing, prosperity
Cocoa Powder- beauty, health, love, self-love, grounding, romance, sex, powder, enhances hot herbs
Coconut- strength, love, beauty, protection
Coffee- grounding, protection, spirituality, energy (if caffeinated), dispelling negativity
Coriander- love, health, protection, easing pain of a broken heart,
Cumin- energy, protection, exorcism, protection from theft, love, fidelity, masculine energy
Dandelion- communicating with the dead, health, weight loss, wish fulfillment, divination, luck, wishes, summoning spirits, releasing
Dill- money, prosperity, luck, lust, protection (especially the home)
Dulse- lust, harmony, sea magick
Eucalyptus - Inspiration (properties - healing, protection, purification, invigorating)
Fennel- health (especially digestion), protection, money, banishing, strength, vitality, libido
Fenugreek- health (women’s issues), friendship, happiness, calming, feminine energy, libido, money
Flax Seed- fertility, health, protection (especially from sickness), divination, money
Garlic- health, banishing, protection, purification, warding, willpower,
Ginger- catalyst, energy, adventure, health, confidence, lust/libido, prosperity, success, protection
Hemp- fertility, intuition, motivation, peace, harmony, stress relief
Hibiscus- health, love, beauty, heart
Holy Basil- opens heart to love, stress relief, healing, balance, grounding
Jalapeno- energy, catalyst, money, abundance
Jet- empowerment, grounding, protection, purification
Kelp- health, money, weight loss, sea magick
Lavender- stress relief, sleep, anti-anxiety, meditation, love, anti-depression, peace, harmony, calming, healing, dreams, divination
Lemon- health, beauty, love, lust, cleansing, purification, sun magick, removing negativity,
Lemon grass- psychic cleansing, opening the Third Eye, focus, mental clarity
Licorice- love, lust, fidelity, communicating with the dead, health (digestive system)
Lime- purification, protection, harmony, calmness, tranquility, strengthening love
Maca- fertility, vitality, energy, balance, love
Maple- love, friendship, luck, happiness, wealth
Marjoram- beauty, luck, wealth, grief, cleansing, purification, warding, strengthening love, protection
Mint, Pepper- health, protection, ward off migraines, wealth, bringing about change, love, abundance
Mint, Spear- health, protection, happiness, wealth, communicating with spirits
Miso- health, prosperity, communicating with the dead, friendship
Mustard seed- courage, faith, endurance, success, luck, happiness
Nettle- grounding, health (especially allergies), banishing negativity, cleansing
Nori- health, harmony
Nutmeg- beauty, prosperity, money, luck, hex breaking, mental acuity
Nutritional Yeast- health, happiness, love, addiction
Oat- fertility, health, earth magick, grounding, wealth, abundance, prosperity
Onion- protection, health, banishing, warding, bad habits, prosperity
Orange- energy, emotional healing, beauty, health, love, friendship
Oregano- health, beauty, joy, energy, strength
Paprika- catalyst, energy, hexing
Paprika, smoked- power, see Paprika
Parsley- money, luck, success, health, weight loss
Pecan- employment and career, success, security,
Red Pepper- catalyst, love, lust, confidence
Rice- rain, fertility, money, protection
Rose- beauty, love, honoring the dead, friendship, happiness, healing, psychic awareness, opening the heart
Rosemary- mental clarity, focus, memory, health, love, lust, purification, protection
Saffron- happiness, mental health, love, lust, psychic ability, addiction, weight loss
Sage- cleansing, purification, grief, wisdom, spirituality, mental clarity, protection, grounding
Salt- cleansing, purification, grounding, protection, banishing, earth magick, absorbing negative energy
Sesame Seed- money, lust, passion
Soy- spirituality, psychic ability, fertility, intuition, grounding
Spirulina- health, wealth, energy
Sugar- beauty, sweeten attitudes, love, sex, drawing spells
Tamarind- love, health, happiness, family, protection (from illness)
Tea, black- energy, strength, courage, confidence
Tea, green- energy, health, weight loss, beauty, confidence
Tea, white- beauty, harmony, peace, health, tranquility
Thyme- money, protection, luck, grief, honoring the dead, grounding, glamours, confidence, loyalty
Turmeric- health (especially dealing with serious illness), happiness,
Vanilla- beauty, love, friendship, passion
Vinegar- protection, warding, weight loss, hexing, banishing illness
Walnut- connection with the divine, spirituality, mental strength, divination
Watercress- health, sex, lunar magick
Yarrow- banishing, death, courage, psychic powers
Sorry for the long post!
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Hi guys! I’m a baby herbal/green witch living in the U.S. and I decided I’d make a second blog for all my witchy stuff, so here it is! I’ll be posting things from my grimoire, reblogging other witch’s useful posts, and answering any questions my fellow baby witches (or general witches, but I won’t be all that helpful with more advanced stuff) might have!
#baby green witch#babyherbalwitch#green witch#herbal witch#grimoire#witchcraft#magick#magic#nonwiccan#herbalism
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