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Everyone need to read Quran everyday, even just a little.
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Allah'ım kalbime huzur ver Beni sevdiklerinden ayırma Beni doğru yoldan ayırma Beni affet ve bana merhamet et Dualarımı kabul et Âmin ..🤍🤲🏻
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Prophet Muhammad said:
"Do not delay three matters:"
1. Prayer, when the Adhan has been called. 2. burial, when a person has died, 3. and marriage when the right candidate has been found."
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi 171]
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Did they not know that Allāh knows their secrets and their private conversations and that Allāh is the Knower of the unseen?"
{Qur'an 9:78}
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Beni en çok rahatlatan şey, hepimizin Allah'ın huzurunda duracağımız ve her mazlumun hakkını alacağı bir günün olmasıdır.
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If you do good in secret, Allah will shower His good on you in public.
Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimullah)
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أسماء الله الحسنى
‘هو الذي أسعد من شاء بإرشاده، وأشقى من شاء بإبعاده، عظيم الحكمة بالغ الرشاد’
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إِنَّ وَلِۦِّىَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِى نَزَّلَ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ ۖ وَهُوَ يَتَوَلَّى ٱلصَّٰلِحِينَ
Allah’tır veOsalihlerinkoruyuculuğunu
(veliliğini) yapıyor.
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"فأطيبُ ما في الدّنيا معرفة اللّٰه، وأطيبُ ما في الآخرة النّظر إليهِ سُبحانه". - ابن تيمية.
“The best thing in this world is knowing Allah, and the best thing in the Hereafter is looking at Him, Glory be to Him.” - Ibn Taymiyyah.
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