asxsweetasroses · 11 years
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Rosamund Pike in Pride & Prejudice
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
    The roof had collapsed in after last nights storm and there was no way Rosie was letting the house fall to natures bidding. The second the sun rose she'd gathered enough courage to get up onto the roof and fix the hole. Though the more she fixed the more work she found.
     She'd almost given up as Kan had began bothering her for food, cawing and flapping at her. She tried to shoo the crow away, walking along the roof and seeing someone coming towards the house, not paying attention to her footing.
      In a second her feet were swiped from under her as a roof tile slid from under her foot, making her yelp in surprise and fall back onto the roof, causing more damage she would have to repair. Though it was the tile flying over the edge she was more worried about as she quickly stood up again to check it didn't hit the person below, unable to see over the edge of the house.
        "Sorry! Are you alright down there? I was just trying to fix the roof and slipped... "
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
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I’ve gotten more Followers than I ever thought I would get! So to thank all of you for putting up with my slow replies and laziness, I’m having a little giveaway thingy because you’re all awesome and I love you. I HAD THE BEST GODDAMN SHIRTS PICKED TO GIVE AS PRIZES AND THE FUCKING COMPANY WON’T SHIP TO THE STATES WTF IS UP WITH THAT SO SORRY BUT I TRIED.
Must be following me! And don’t follow me and then unfollow me afterwards because that’s just tacky and I’ll pay attention to that.
You will be allowed two entries - one Like and one Reblog. Mostly because I’m lazy and also because I want everyone to have an equal chance instead of spamming the dash repeatedly.
I will choose a winner Saturday, September 14th
Must be a roleplay blog -I don’t think personal blogs really want promo graphics and things xD
Must be comfortable with giving me an email address to send the prizes to!
First Place
One First Place Winner will be Chosen
A $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com so you can buy your own awesome tshirt since apparently it hates me and won’t let me send one to people.
A link on my blog for a month
A pretty promo graphic (made by my husband because I suck but he’s awesome) and a promo once a week for a month
Second Place
Two Second Place Winners will be chosen
A $10 gift certificate to Amazon.com so you can buy something awesome since the stupid place hates me.
A Promo once a week for a month
Third Place
Three Third Place Winners Will be chosen
Three Random Promos throughout the month.
Fourth Place
Four Fourth Place Winners Will be Chosen
Two random promos throughout the month. 
 Sorry it’s not better but HEY PROMOS AND THINGS!! Depending on how nice my husband is feeling there might be more promo graphics thrown in, I just need to bribe him with ice cream and hugs.
75 notes · View notes
asxsweetasroses · 11 years
     A small laugh escaped her mouth when he imitated her, lightly grabbing his right wrist and putting it behind her back, just above her waist. "It's a different hold for boys, since they're supposed to lead the girl." She mused, putting her hand on Draco's shoulder and intertwining their other hands.
      "Love is a funny thing. It can come and go like the wind and you can never really hold onto it unless you've found the right one to hold onto..." She spoke softly as she listened to the music. "A bit like dancing I guess. You have to feel the music it to know how to dance."
       She slowly started to move to the music, guiding Draco and looking up at him, smiling. "Just get a feel for the music and you'll do fine."
"Je ne sais pas pourquoi?" Draco murmured softly, the slight accent coming through the nervously uttered words. Hesitating then, he shrugged and tugged the blanket up a little more, his gaze returning to the fireplace. "That’s true, but how do you know what it is, if you’ve never had it before?"
Allowing her to pull him up, he hovered awkwardly in front of her, trying to work out the beat of the music in order to dance effectively along with it. “I can try…I don’t really remember it, but I suppose I might be able to pick it up?” He frowned deeply and mimicked her position. “Like this?”
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
E - You’re friendly.
[ Thank you! hsdk youarenicetoofriendthankyou. ]
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
C - I ♥ your blog
A - I ♥ you
P - Awesome blog.
[ Now I am certain you have the wrong blog here. Who are you! ]
0 notes
asxsweetasroses · 11 years
A - I ♥ you.
B - I hate you.
C - I ♥ your blog.
D - You’re cute.
E - You’re friendly.
F - You don’t belong here.
G - I don’t like you.
H - Deactivate your tumblr.-account.
I - I’m your secret admirer.
J - I ♥ the way you express yourself.
K - You’re too boastful.
L - I miss you.
M - Stay humble.
N - You’re too popular.
O - You’re tumblr.-famous.
P - Awesome blog.
Q - I’m in love with you.
R - You annoy me.
83K notes · View notes
asxsweetasroses · 11 years
     Swinging music filtered out of the wooden cottage hidden in the garden as a young woman hummed along on the veranda, sitting on an old worn out lounge with a book in her lap. She was so consumed by her book and the music shielding any footsteps that she hardly even noticed when someone walked up to the house.
      Though a black crow landed on the veranda railing, cawing loudly and flapping it's wings, getting Rosie's attention and making her look up. She spotted the intruder immediately, closing her book and sitting up straight, The crow still fussing and cawing at the stranger.
           "Kan, stop." The crow stopped, landing on the top of the stairs leading up to the house as Rosie stood and joined her crow. "Can I help you there?"
0 notes
asxsweetasroses · 11 years
     "My pet Crow. He flew off this morning and hasn't come back for food yet so I can only guess he's grumpy." She laughed slightly, pausing at a few of the plants as she walked.
      "I don't mind at all. It's always good to have people walking through the garden and seeing all of the different plants." She walked past a rose bush before stopping and back tracking, getting her clippers from her back pocket and clipping off a rose carefully.
      "We were in the same year. I knew a lot of faces back then, even though I was in Ravenclaw. Your son is a hard boy to miss. He came here asking about some plants he'd been given by the Ministry for them to be assessed." She reached the back porch, walking up the stairs and through the wide doors, 1920s style music coming from a record player inside.
Arthur furrowed his brow, almost surprised that she knew his last name, but the hair usually gave it away. The famous Weasley red head that so many people believed to be on fire. “What’s a Kan?” the older wizard inquired.
He raised his faded fiery brow at her as his eyes danced with curiosity, “Muggle plants, you say? Now, that would be something of interest…only if you don’t mind of course.” Molly has warned him through the years to attempt not to impose on those who do not want to be imposed on.
The older man cleared his throat, “Thanks, tea would be lovely. So, how do you know my son anyways?”
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
What horror movie killer could you picture my character being and why?
submitted by anonymous.
178 notes · View notes
asxsweetasroses · 11 years
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
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We are creating a giant master-list for Harry Potter RP Indies
Must be following us
Must be an Indie Harry Potter RP blog
Please reblog, no likes
OC’s and Generbent characters may also reblog
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
        [ ooc ]
And it's off to bed with me. I've already surpassed my usual time. See you all tomorrow!
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
    "You're not the only one." She laughed, grinning. She only knew a few words from when her father talked in French. She was never properly taught, but she always had a tendency of remembering little helpful snippets. "Love is love, there's no way to describe it any other way."
    She took hold of his hand, pulling him up so he was standing. It surprised her how light he was. She'd always speculated him being the lean type though. "The same does for me. I wasn't exactly an exceptional dancer." She joked, raising her hands in a simple waltz position. "Do you remember the Waltz? If not, it's not hard to teach again."
"I’m afraid my French isn’t that great - we only went a few times throughout my childhood." Draco admitted softly, before cocking his head to the side and returning her small smile. Perking up with interest then, he nodded in understanding, listening to her talk. "Love’s a funny thing, I guess. I wouldn’t know, but my parents love always confused me."
Frowning at her outstretched hand then, he cocked his head to the side and scrunched up his nose, eyes narrowing suspiciously. Taking a deep breath, he finally reached out to take her hand, looking quite hesitant. “Of course. I promise to not step on your toes.”
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
    She raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Intéressant... You never seemed like the French type to me. I guess that's what you find out if you have a bit of a chat." 
     "My mother had French origins but she was born and bred in Scotland and had the accent of a Welsh woman, thick as they could come. You couldn't tell at all that she'd once been the grand-daughter to an elegant French woman. What my dad saw in her still eludes me."
     She laughed slightly before she considered for a moment offering Draco to dance. She hadn't danced in years, living alone. She squinted slightly before her smile grew wider, offering her hand out to Draco. It was ridiculous, but it was a bit of fun for a rainy night indoors.
         "It's been a long time for both of us. That means both of us aren't up to scratch. May I have this dance?"
"My family has French origins - my mother spend some time there as a small child, with her grandmother, I believe." Draco observed all of a sudden, latching onto the topic of discussion with an eager enthusiasm. Nodding then, he listened to her tale with a rapt attention, the music washing over him and somehow, causing all of his worries and the tension rising in him to simply wash away for the moment.
Blinking with surprise at the seemingly random question, Draco hesitated then, pondering over the request. “Fourth year, I believe. At the Yule Ball. We never had any parties at the Manor after that. It’s been a few years now.” 
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asxsweetasroses · 11 years
    She smiled softly, running a hand over the pile of records that looked as if they'd been bought the day they were released, the paper stained with age.
        "My father was a French man. He met my mother in a cafe while she was travelling. My father used to tell me about the day they met, it was like one of those silly love stories you read in books. One romantic sunset on a river they fell in love. For years and years neither of them knew that they were both wizard and witch and were relieved when they both found out."
     It took her a moment to realise a tear had escaped her eye and quickly brushed it away, turning away from the record player to look back at Draco and smiling, the soft music filling the room.
                       "Well, have you ever danced?"
      She merely meant it as a joke as she walked back over to the fire near Draco, throwing another log onto the fire to keep it going. She stood up straight and looked at the blonde with a warm smile. 
                 "Certainly you've danced at least once. hm?"
"How are you at fixing the mind?" He whispered softly, voice so low and hushed that it was barely audible over the crackle of the flickering flames as the wood burned away until it was nothing more than ash. Draco’s head bowed low then, so that his white-blonde fringe flopped down to obscure his eyes, a troubled expression flickering across his face.
Then the awkward silence fell upon them and Draco tensed further, wondering what she was thinking and whether she pitied him, or was disgusted by him. He didn’t dare lift his head to see and instead continued staring into the depths of the fireplace, huffing out a soft, shaky sigh.
Jumping with surprise as she suddenly stood, he lifted his head to watch her pad across the room, shrugging helplessly at her question. “I’ve never really listened to it much, I’m afraid.” He commented quietly,  before falling silent and listening to the music filling the room with a captivated expression.
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