asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
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I felt that I graduated with my former Angelican classmates! My heart was filled with joy! Thanks for all the people who never gave up on me👩🏻‍🎓
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
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Another World ………. Submission
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
Electric Lover 06 🦋Fearsome Truth🦋
On the 16th of June 2020 Kazuto told Ishizawa the truth that Kami-sama sent him to take care of her and to love her that happened because their is no source where he came from. She accepted the fact and devoted their love to each other but after they confirmed their love Kazuto lost his life because the deal is to never tell Ishizawa the truth about him. After several months and graduation the only person who knew he died was Ishizawa whom she loved and before he died he left a letter to Ishizawa saying that when I die please I want you to live no matter what. I want you to remember "iLoveü Ishizawa" no matter what happens. And then she swore " That you are my Absolute Boyfriend no matter what happens you will stay in my heart" 🌹The End🌹
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
Electric Lover 05💏Lunch🍢
Its about Lunch time while Ishizawa and Kazuto are eating their bento that Kazuto made and Ishizawa was surprised because the bento he made was so delicious. She asked Kazuto what secret he used on it and he answered "just some love". Then she stopped talking and just ate. Ishizawa is moved by all of the action Kazuto showing her. Slowly she now realizes her feelings towards Kazuto are real and sees him as a real Human and forgotten that he is only a machine.😍🦋
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
Electric Lover 04💏❤️🌹
Did you forget that you wished for a guy who will treasure you! I am that boy! he said. OMG😱!!! Ishizawa shouted. My wish came true ?!?!!! Yes! the boy spoke to her later on saying I will take care of you and like the wind and stars you will be surprised that I know where you are anytime anywhere. 1 week have passed and Ishizawa saw the gentleness, love and care of Kazuto for her. He even enrolled the same course and school just to watch over her. A few minutes later while the teacher is asking a question to every student she stared at the sky because her seat is next to the window. Words floating on her head like LOVE,CARE and GENTLENESS??? All the things she likes about a guy is in him and she asked herself saying could it really be true? Then she realized the teacher asked her the question the third time and she answered on a shocked tune "WHAT?" Then she said "ummmm". Since she can't continue Kazuto answered the question on behalf and then the teacher asked "Alright newbie what is drama?" "Drama is a fiction represented in performance. It also explore to express human feelings." The teacher was surprised and said "Thank you sir Miyamoto for that excellent answer" 🌹To be continued🌹
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
Electric Lover 03💏❤️💋
The next day... Ishizawa took Kazuto for a walk in the park then suddenly the she spoke to the boy and said to him "where did you come from?". Then Kazuto answered the question without a second thought and said "FROM THE STARS IN THE SKY." Ishizawa sighed.😓 She said "Really? Seriously?" To be continued🤔🦋
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
Electric Lover 02💏❤️💋
Suddenly she receives a package that she did not know where it came from and when she opened it she was shocked. It was a guy that is so dazzling handsome so she took it although its powered by electricity. Later on she red the instruction to boot up the sleeping boy. Step 1: Kiss in the forehead to boot, then she kissed it and then said to her "Hi girlfriend!". Ishizawa was shocked and quickly replied "girlfriend?!". Then she asked the boy "what's your name?" The boy replied saying "you will give me a name girlfriend" then Ishizawa said "oh! Is that so?!" Ishizawa: Lets see? How 'bout Miyamoto Kazuto! Boy: Miyamoto Kazuto?! Ishizawa: Yes! Kazuto: Okay girlfriend! To be continued~🦋
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
Electric Lover 01💏❤️💋
Once upon a time their was a girl named Nanika Ishizawa who wanted an Ideal Lover. Since from Junior High to College she was always used and never experienced true love even though she dated many guys in her lifetime. She was a friendly girl to all boys and girls. She afford to trust people very much. The only thing other girls was jealous about her is popularity, kindness and the beauty she has. On her 18th birthday spending it with friends she discovered that his boyfriend is cheating on her. At that night she cried from that day to another she always wept every night and day with no stoping of tears. On the 14th of February year 2020 she shouted at her window “PLEASE LET ME MEET A BOY WHO WILL TREASURE ME!!!”. On the next day she suddenly receive a package indicating on the card “YOUR WISH” To be continued~
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
A failed grade😢
I curse myself for being such a dumb girl. Why is it I am looking for.? Why is it in my family every relatives is a genius. While I only see false hope of becoming like them I wish to be like them maybe thats why!
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
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Sana man lang natuwa ka pero nakakalungkot😢
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
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Let us play
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
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On my way to Pampanga my dad stopped at Petron on NLeX and grabbed the daily offering of Starbucks which is so delicious.
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
It's so freaking hot!
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asunayuukikob-blog · 7 years
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#100studytips TALK YOUR NOTES OUT
When you see people studying they’re normally fairly quiet if not sleeping. This study method may sound a bit odd at first, but it’s a very valuable study hack. Here’s how and why it works.
1. CREATE YOUR STUDY MATERIAL. Just as you normally (well hopefully) would. Create your usual study materials extracted from your messy class and/ or text book notes. eg. flash cards, mind maps, audio notes, diagramed notes etc.
2. TIP. Make sure these study materials are chunked and categorised per topic and sub-topic. This is fairly obvious.
3. TIP. Make sure your study notes are associated and are able to answer and address a number of questions that could be asked. ie. Teacher-type questions that would be found on a test.
4. TALK YOUR NOTES OUT. Go to a private place where you won’t look like a loon. Study your notes, and then recite and talk them out aloud. Because you’re so focused on talking them out correctly, your brain naturally triggers more memory pathways in the brain. It creates a physical context and memory association to the information, which in turn helps when you need to recall that information in a test.
5. EXTRA TIP. Even better than ‘talking your notes out’ is teaching someone else the information. It has a similar effect, but it probably keeps you a lot more focused on the task, because when you’re involving someone else, you inadvertently try even harder and ultimately learn the information even faster and more efficiently.
Hope this is helpful. And happy April !! x
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