asummerofwhatifs-blog · 11 years
Chapter 19;
A/N: Wow y'all it's been way too long. After I started re-reading the story I started to ask myself 'How the hell did you ever stray from writing this?' But none-the-less I'm back and this chapter is a bit longer than what I typically write, or at least I think it is? I hope that some of y'all still keep up with the story and will leave me some feedback after you read this chapter! I'm sorry that it's been so long, but I'm definitely going to be writing more frequently now that school is drawing to a close. So without further adieu, I give you Chapter 19!
Harry’s POV
“Shit.” I muttered under my breath as the message lit up on my screen and I knew I’d screwed up. Jae had seen all the press about Halley and I and sure enough she’d read her fair share of articles and rumors about what we were actually up to. I really wished she hadn’t had to find out like this and I was hoping that all this wouldn’t put doubt in her mind about me. Sure I’d had a reputation of being a flirt and cheeky and have it easy with the ladies but that wasn’t the case this time. As I grabbed my keys and rushed out of my flat, backing out the driveway and hurrying over to her place I tried to mentally calm myself down. Pulling into the parking garage that was located behind her building I walked around to the front, continuing to be shocked by the amount of paparazzi that had stationed themselves outside of the doors.
“Hi Harry, same to you. I’m guessing since you already knew the door is unlocked that Jae is in her room.” She told me with a soft smile which I acknowledged with a nod.
“I am in fact aware of that, I’ll let you guys enjoy the rest of your movie though.” I said as I turned to head down the hallway, taking a deep breath and wiping my hands on my jeans before knocking softly on Jae’s door. A faint ‘come in’ chimed through the door and I softly turned the cold metal doorknob, pushing the door open and peeking around the side. “It’s me.” I told her as I found her laying in her bed watching something on her laptop. 
She smiled softly up at me, a smile that I loved and resented all the same. It wasn’t the bright and cheerful one that was my favorite so that was kind of upsetting. I could almost see the hesitation in just her eyes as she softly closed the laptop, placing it on the nightstand. “Hey.” Jae said softly before speaking up just a bit louder, “You can come in and close the door, my dad isn’t around to yell at you and neither is my mom for that fact.”
I smiled at that and let out a soft chuckle, glad that she kind of alleviated some of the tension, “Right, just Marley and Zayn.” Easily closing the door behind me, Jae pat her hand on the bed motioning for me to sit down. Striding the few short steps I hopped up on the bed as she sat up, leaning her back against the wall. I mimicked the same position, not getting too close to her in fear that she would be uncomfortable. “Jae-Lynn I feel horrible that I didn’t tell you about this before you got a chance to read it.” I started as I looked over at her.
As I was about to continue she interrupted me, “You don’t have to tell me everything that’s going on in your life. I don’t really see how I can expect that of you.” Jae said, looking at me for really the only first time since I’d entered the room.
“But I wanted to tell you about this, I wasn’t expecting your name to be thrown around in there. I never wanted your name to come up in this kind of stuff. I just feel like you deserved to know about this before it hit the press and I had plenty of time to tell you I just suck sometimes.” Fiddling slightly with my fingers in my lap I diverted my gaze down.
When she spoke this time her voice wasn’t quite as timid as it had been earlier, it had a bit more conviction in it, “It would have been nice to have heard it from you but I don’t think I’m even allowed to be upset about this, I don’t have a right to be upset about this kind of thing. This is your life and I’m not in any position to say that you were in the wrong here.”
I looked over at her, apparently Jae didn’t realize just how important she was to me. Maybe she wasn’t getting it because I was beating around the bush but I needed her to know that she was entitled to be upset about these tings, hell it was even flattering that she was because it meant that she cared. “I’m glad you care. I am in the wrong, I hid this from you and we are closer than that. After all I know so much about your personal life and for all I know you know nothing. I know you weren’t a hardcore follower of mine and I’m happy for that, you never got wrapped up in all the rumors. But now I’m afraid that you have and I want you to know that coming from me and not from some article, things with Halley and I are over. I don’t want anything to do with her romantically, she is nothing more that a friend to me.”
Jae sighed and I was getting frustrated by the moment, why did Halley have to come and try and purposefully sabotage something that was actually going well for me. “I don’t even know why this article frustrated or upset me anyways. We’re just friends. I have no right to be upset about the rumors of your romantic relations.”
I shifted slightly closer to her so that we were nearly shoulder to shoulder, the distance was almost non existent. “Are we really just friends? Is that what you want?” I asked quietly, my heart beating so fast I was almost sure that it would burst from my chest out of nervousness.
Looking over at me she looked guarded and unsure, “I don’t really know. It’s hard to say. Everything in me screams no, that we aren’t just friends and I don’t want to be just friends. I want more than that. But something in me causing me to hesitate, I know I’m not ready for the lifestyle that comes with being more than friends with you. I’ve seen what it has done to relationship and to the people you care about and I can wholeheartedly say that I am not strong enough for that.” She admitted in a quiet tone, looking away from me. 
When she looked away from me I wanted to tilt her head back up so that she could look at me, I wanted to take in all her beauty when I was with her. “Jae-Lynn.” I whispered in a desperate attempt to get her to look at me, and it worked. “I hear what you’re saying and it’s my worst nightmare. All of the things the press and even the fans have done to my past relationships is one of the reasons I haven’t pressured you with constant advances. Trust me I get all your fears, because I feel all the same fears when I think about what all of this could do to you.” I explained with a frustrated sigh, “I care about you, I like you a lot Jae-Lynn. You’re one of the most unique and breathtaking girls I’ve ever met. I’m willing to keep this hush, hush for as long as you’d like as long as it means I get to kiss you’re tender lips as much as I want. So long as I get to cuddle you whenever I want. I don’t care if the rest of the world knows, just as long as you and I and anyone we want to know does. Because I want to be with you so bad, I want you to be mine Jae.” The words fell from my lips in a word vomit before I could even stop them and I didn’t want to stop them. I had so many things to say and not nearly enough time to say them.
As her astonishingly beautiful blue eyes connected with mine I crashed out lips together, an audible intake of breath on her part and signaled I’d caught her off guard. Lucky for me though she didn’t push me away as my hands cupped her cheeks delicately, a contrast to my hungry lips pressed against hers. The tension in her body dissipated as she melted into the kiss just as much as I had. We kept our lips pressed together, moving in perfect synchronicity for a few moments before I pulled away, my hands attaching to her waist as I pulled in her into my lap so that she was facing me. Our breathing was slightly labored as we both just kind of soaked in the moment. “I know I never phrased it as a question, but please say you’ll be mine. When you’re ready to go public I promise you that you can borrow all the strength you need from me because I guarantee with you by my side I’m not afraid of anything.”
What happened next wasn’t exactly the response I was expecting as she pressed our lips back together. I was taking that as a yes to my question as my hands lingered on her hips, softly running up and down her sides. Jae pulled back and answered in a breathy voice, “Yes. Yes I will be yours.” I grinned from ear to ear before softly kissing her one time and continuing to smile like the happiest guy on the planet.
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 11 years
Are you done writing? Update soon..?
Wow I’m not entirely sure when this was sent, but I would say I’m more on a hiatus than anything. I finish up school in a few weeks here and then have summer break where I will hopefully do more writing with this story. If any of my followers are still interested I would thank you guys so much! I’m sorry I kind of disappeared but school will always trump everything so yeah. Love you all and just a few weeks until you hopefully get an update!
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
Chapter 18;
A/N: Finally posted the next chapter and I hope you all love it. I'm hoping to get one more done before I go on vacation so fingers crossed! Love you all and be sure to leave me feedback in my inbox! XOXO.
Jae’s POV
I had only spoken with Harry for a little bit the day after the party, we spoke on the phone for about an hour before I was ready to pass out and texted a few times. We didn’t really get to hang out though because I had a paper that was due for class the following day and he had a bunch of press to do. Not having fully recovered from the lack of sleep I had gotten the night of the infamous party I barely rolled out of bed in time for class on Wednesday. Not really wanting to put any effort into my appearance I threw on a hoodie and yoga pants, added with some Ugg boots and a scarf as I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out of the door, warm cup of coffee in my hands.
Scooting into the taxi that had kindly pulled over for me I called out to be taken to the University and off we went. The short drive was peaceful and quiet as I watched the various building blur past me on our way. Checking the time I noticed I was running a bit behind schedule but if I hurried across campus I’d make it just a minute or two before class started.
Scurrying across campus I pulled open the door to the classroom and scooted into a desk just a minute before class was scheduled to begin. The professor began lecturing about the culture of Great Britain and I found myself drifting in and out of focus, not really wanting to engage in the conversations. I honestly just wanted to curl up in bed with my laptop and a good movie because it was too cold for comfort today and I was just plain exhausted.
Finally the lecture drew to a close and I spoke with a few of the international students before telling them I’d see them on Monday. Walking to the on campus Starbucks location I ordered a white chocolate mocha before something on the magazine stand caught my attention. “Are Harry Styles and Halley Barker back together?” I quickly picked it up off the stand, paid for it and threw it in my bag, saving it for when I got home. Once my order was filled I snatched up the cup and headed out of the shop, hailing a taxi and heading for home. 
Lethargically climbing up the many steps to the apartment I slipped my key into the front door, expecting to find the apartment empty but instead I heard the TV in the living room. It sounded like Shawshank Redemption was on but I wasn’t a movie buff so I couldn’t be 100% on that. Quietly kicking my shoes off so as to not disturb Marley and any company she may have over I walked the short distance from the foyer to turn and see who was in the living room. It was in fact Marley and some company. I wasn’t quite expecting that company to be Zayn though I welcomed it with open arms.
Smiling at the both of them as Marley quickly paused the movie. The two were laying down on the couch, covered in blankets. “Hey guys.” I said in a friendly tone.
“Hey Jae, how was class?” Marley asked as she reached over to grab her drink that was on the coffee table.
“It was okay, I was too tired to actually focus though so I’m gonna have to go over the lesson again on my own.” I explained as I walked into the kitchen, drinking the last sip of my coffee before tossing the cup in the trash. It was early afternoon, plenty of time to still eat some kind of lunch. “You guys having some kind of movie marathon?” I asked as I opened the refrigerator to see if there was anything I wanted to eat.
“Not really, we’re just watching this one and another one after. Zayn and the boys didn’t have anything to do today so we decided to hang out.” That caused my eyebrows to furrow, if Harry wasn’t busy today why hadn’t he asked me what I was up to? Typically he was always trying to fit time in his schedule to hang out but I found it odd that on his day off I hadn’t heard a peep out of him.
Grabbing some yogurt from the fridge and a spoon I exited the kitchen, “Alright well you two enjoy your movie, I’ll be in my room if you need me.” I told them as I shuffled down the hallway, lightly kicking my bedroom door closed behind me.
Dropping my bag on my bed before unwrapping my scarf from around my neck I fished around and pulled out the magazine and my laptop. Opening my laptop and turning it on I let it warm up as I opened the magazine and read the article. According to the article Harry and this girl dated for about a year before splitting on good terms, but then it goes on to say that the two met for coffee yesterday and that Harry admitted to not being able to move on from Halley. I wasn’t really shocked by the article until my name was brought up, some stupid thing about Harry wanting to commit to me but not being able to get over this girl.
I was really confused by it all and had decided to look up a bit more on the internet before deciding how I felt about the whole thing. I knew I didn’t have the right to say who he could hang out with and whom he couldn’t but liking someone with the star caliber that Harry possessed was incredibly scary. An incredible amount of trust would be needed to even be able to withstand the drama that would undoubtedly follow us everywhere. I wasn’t even sure if this was a relationship I was even ready for but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about the possibility. 
Once the internet had pulled up and quit being stupid I google searched their relationship and a bunch of articles and pictures came up. They looked as though they were in love in a lot of their pictures and it was making me insecure. What if Halley was Harry’s first love? No one ever forgets their first love, not that I would know since I had never been in love before, but I’d heard about it. I also seemed to find a bunch of other takes on the article that I had read just a few moments ago and they all concluded with them predicting a Harry/Halley reconciliation and that was exactly what I didn’t want to hear about.
Figuring I couldn’t take everything I read on the internet as the truth I decided to text Harry and see what was up. I was more nervous than I thought that I would be but I needed to find out the truth one way or another. Texting him a quick “Hey.” I pulled up Netflix and decided to catch up on some much needed Gossip Girl as I waited to hear back from him.
It wasn’t a long wait, which surprised me. “Hey babe. Was just thinking about you. How are you?” I involuntarily smiled because he was so sweet and charming. “I’m okay, just a kind of stressful morning. A bit tired. How are you?” I replied before turning my attention back to the ever so swoon worthy Chace Crawford. “Why so stressful? I thought you had class and you love class.”
This was going to be harder than I thought it would. I didn’t want to bring it up because what if I was reading this all wrong. Harry would tell me if something was up right? I shrugged, typing and retyping what I wanted to say a million times before finally sending it as, “I read an article in a magazine that mentioned me, you, and some Halley girl. Guess I just wasn’t expecting it.”
A quick instantaneous reply was sent to me, “I’m coming over. I want to explain in person.” I just replied with, “Okay door is unlocked, I’m in my room. Be sure to say hi to Zayn if he’s still over.”
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
just read this story and loved it! are you updating soon? hope you haven't finished writing?!
I'm not finished writing! I've just been busy with exams and school that I haven't been able to update. Look for an update within the next few days! :) Thank you for reading though, it means a lot.
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
Did you give up on the fanfic? :(
No! I should have posted that it's on hiatus because I just haven't had the time lately to write. Hopefully this weekend I can find some down time to really plot and think up the next chapter and then soon enough it'll be christmas break and I can probably get a good amount done then :) Sorry for not posting this earlier but hopefully all my beautiful followers will stick with me!
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
You should make a page on your blog for your fanfic so it'll be easier for people to read it an nd find the spot they left off at.
There actually is one that has a list of all the chapters with links. You can click here or just hover over the sidebar and click on the link that says story c:
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
Chapter 17;
The usual routine was in place for me the next morning, I was quite used to partying and waking up at the crack of dawn. Especially since we were working on a lot of press for our American tour that would start up in a month or so. I was pretty sure it started in August but we were going over a month in advance to work on some recordings and just to enjoy a few leisurely weeks over there.
Ten minutes later I was throwing on a pair of jeans and a v-neck shirt, my usual outfit for a relaxed day chilling with the guys even though I wasn’t entirely sure what we were up to today. Management always told us in advanced what our schedule would be but I hardly ever listened to them when they droned on about that stuff. Zayn usually kept me on track since we typically rode together, he was probably my best mate in the band.
I heard the two quiet honks that let me know that Zayn was here and he wasn’t in a patient mood today. Grabbing my coat as I walked out the door my phone buzzed as Halley had texted me back, “Sounds good, see you around 1?” she asked and I sent back a simple yes as I locked the front door and lightly jogged to the car. “Sorry mate, bit of a lethargic start this morning. How are you?” I asked him as I closed the door of the car and we backed out of the driveway. 
A few things of promo and a quick recording of a youtube video later and I was headed down to the cafe down the street from the press building. I arrived before Halley but for some reason the amount of paparazzi was larger than usual. Like they knew I’d be here today and I was confused because no one had told them about this. 
Annoyed I picked my way through the mob and entered the small cafe, fighting my way through crowds of people before finally getting to put my order in. Taking a seat at a table in the back so as to get away from the madness I patiently waited for Halley, checking the time and seeing it was 2 til 1. Letting out an annoyed sigh I was curious as to how late she would be this time. She as always about 10-15 minutes late. 
As if I was being proven wrong with everything today she sure as hell walked through the doors at 1 on the dot, ordering whatever overly caffeinated drink she wanted and spotting me in the back. Smiling as she thanked the barista for the drink she came over, giving me some extravagant hug and saying “Hey! I’ve missed you!” In and overly loud and excited tone.
“Uh I’ve missed you too?” I said in a confused tone. “I don’t know what all these paps are doing here or why there are so many press people but it’s annoying me to no end so this might have to be shorter than we had expected.” I explained as I sipped my tea and added, “Besides I told the lads I wouldn’t be gone too long. They’re trying to get all the press done today before 3 so we can get home early.”
“Oh yeah, I don’t know what they’re all doing here either, I guess they’re just really interested in you ever since you were spotted numerous times with that girl. What was her name again?” Halley asked, a bit of jealousy in her normally cheerful voice.
“Jae. Although I’d rather everyone not know. I don’t want to make it such a public thing. I don’t know.” I explained more confused about Jae and I than I was two minutes ago, talking about it aloud to someone else was just so difficult. I didn’t know what was going on with us and I just couldn’t articulate what I was feeling very well.
Halley just looked at me as she took a long sip of her drink. “Is she keeping you from going public as boyfriend and girlfriend?”
I shrugged, “I don’t think we’re boyfriend and girlfriend yet. We kissed a few times at the party and we just enjoyed each others company I guess. Jae and I haven’t labeled it yet, I don’t know how she feels or how I feel yet really?” I lied. I knew I wanted her to be my girlfriend but I figured it was going to take a lot more than just a few party kisses and hanging out.
“Well what’s holding you back from doing something about it?” She asked as she studied my expression.
“Nothing really? I don’t know. I’m conflicted and just need more time to figure things out.” I told her, “But really what this whole meet up is about is that I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately. I mean I want us to be friends but you can’t seem to find that friend zone.” I explained as I rested my elbows on the table. “You are expecting things from me that I normally don’t do for friends and I just need my space. I don’t need to be getting multiple texts from you about things that we don’t really get to do together anymore. We’re not together and I kind of thought you understood that.”
Sure I was being a bit harsh but things needed to be clear cut to Halley. I was sick of the clingy texts and the complaints about how I didn’t do something for her when really I don’t owe her anything. I want to be friends with her but if she can’t stay behind the friend line then this friendship won’t work. “You’re saying I’m not understanding the fact that we’re not together. Sure we broke up but clearly feelings are still there. Otherwise you wouldn’t be having such a hard time moving on to this stupid Jae girl.” Halley said in a bitter tone.
“I don’t still have feelings for you. All my feelings for you have dissapated, I don’t want to be with you anymore. I’m ready to move on but at the same time I’m not and that’s a personal struggle. I’ve seen too many of my relationships get destroyed by the press and the fans.” I retorted, getting heated by the moment. “I am using more caution with this one because I feel like it could mean more than the rest. She didn’t know me as Harry Styles from One Direction when we first started talking. She likes me for who I am not what I am.”
“Well if you didn’t still have feelings for me we wouldn’t be sitting here having this conversation. There is a reason you wanted to see me and why you couldn’t bitch me out over the phone and this is it. You are confused about how our relationship ended and if you should move on. I get it okay. When you’re ready to settle these things and get over the fact that your being delusional I’ll be ready to talk again.” She said hastily as she stood up, “I’ll text you later Harry.”
I watched her walk away in complete shock. How could she be so oblivious to the fact that I honestly didn’t feel any romantic connection with her any longer. Talk about crazy exes. This one is about ten times as worse and there seemed to be no getting through to her. Tossing back the rest of my tea I hastily threw the cup in the trash can as I pushed my way past the paparazzi and magazine press before quickly making my way back to the press building. 
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
A little update!
Okay so I haven't posted a new chapter in a while and I feel sooo bad about that. School is kicking my butt right now and this past weekend we had family in town and I've been very busy. Hopefully, I can get something done tonight when I get home from my friends. I hope you guys haven't lost interest, that's one of my fears but I'll keep writing regardless. Just going to repeat how sorry I am about not having update you all in a while and I'm really hoping to get a chapter done tonight c:
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
Did you stop writing this story?! I hope not cause I've be reading since chapter 3 and I love it!!! Please update soon!
No I haven't stopped writing just had a bit of a busy last few weeks and haven't been able to sit down and really write! I'm gonna make a post about all of this in just a minute.
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
so keen for the new chapters! when will they be posted lovely?
Gah I really am so sorry I'm going to make a post about chapters and such in just a minute! I've been so bad at keeping up with this and I feel so bad ):
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
Oh where oh where is the next chapter? Hope you're doing well :)
I'm doing very well thank you! Just been busy as usual with school and everything. But it's the weekend and I'm home so no distractions. Hopefully I can get the next chapter up tonight or tomorrow :)
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
When are u going to write the next chapter?
Gah I'm gonna try and work on it in a minute here!
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
Chapter 16;
A/N; I'm really sorry this is short, late and kind of all over the place. I threw something together for y'all so I could get you an update. Busy weekend was busy and now I have homework to get to. Hopefully this kind of filler chapter will hold you all over until middle of the week / early weekend! Thank you for reading, you all are the best! Xoxo.
As the night drew to a close Harry called a cab for Marley and I and I had told her it would be here in ten minutes and Harry walked me outside. “Mmm, I don’t want to leave.” I said quietly as we sat down on the front steps and he pulled me close. I was tired and with the night winding down I was more than ready to crawl up in my bed and sleep for what would feel like days. “I don’t want you to leave either, babe.” Harry replied as he softly rested his chin on the top of my head. “What are your plans for tomorrow? I know you don’t have class.” “Uhm I don’t have any plans. I probably will clean up around the apartment and maybe catch up on some shows I’ve been missing.” I offered as a big yawn escaped my lips and I relaxed into his side a bit more. “Tonight was perfect Harry.” I told him as I looked up and smiled. “Tonight was pretty perfect wasn’t it?” He asked, reciprocating the smile I was offering before he leaned down to softly press our lips together, bringing a hand up to slightly tilt my chin upwards. I pressed back, my hand finding purchase on his chest, lightly sitting there before the noise of tires pulling up in front caused us to pull away. I smiled easily as I looked into his gorgeous green eyes. “Thank you for tonight. I’ll call you when I get up?” “Sounds perfect, and no need for thanks.” Harry said as we stood up and he pulled me into a tight embrace before leaning down to give me one more quick peck. And I turned to see Marley slip out the front door. “Goodnight Jae-Lynn.” He called out as Marley and I walked to the cab. “Goodnight Harry.” I said back as we slid into the back seat of the cab and I gave the apartment building address and turned to look at Marley. She was grinning from ear to ear and I for some odd reason was blushing. “Did you have fun?” I asked. It was a completely unnecessary question, seeing as the happiness could be seen clearly on her face. But I needed to jump start the conversation before things got quiet. “Jae! I had so much fun! Thank you so much for inviting me. I mean I don’t know, I’m just really glad I came with you and everyone was so nice and welcoming and friendly. I loved it. Thanks again love.” She slightly rambled with a smile on her face the entire time. I was so glad I had invited her, she was slowly becoming one of the best friends I ever had and I was extremely happy about that. “Did you have fun?” She asked with a slight raise of her eyebrows and in a suggestive tone. “I had a lot of fun. I’m really glad we came and that you had so much fun.” I simply offered. “You and Harry, huh?” She questioned, a grin still on her face. “Yeah we kissed a lot, and held hands a lot. But nothing other then that. I mean for all I know he’s just a very affectionate drunk, which we both would have in common. He’s great company and so good looking.” I sighed lightly as a grin spread across my own face. “You and Zayn seemed to hit it off from the start. I kind of had a feeling you two would get along really well.” “Zayn is a sweetheart, he really is just so easy to talk to.” Marley explained before letting out a deep breath. “But I’m not trying to get involved with anything at the moment. I just think the cards will fall as they may and if he wants to hang out he has my number.” She said easily. “You gave him your number??” I asked in an excited tone. “Yeah.” She admitted sheepishly and I could tell she had developed a little crush on him, which would be expected seeing as it was Zayn Malik. The rest of the cab ride we just laughed as we recollected memories from the night, each of us having our own unique stories to tell since we hadn’t spent the night hanging out much. When we got home we both headed straight to bed and I fell asleep almost the second my head hit the pillow. ++ Harry’s POV I stayed after to help Zayn clean up after the party while Liam, Lou and Niall all headed home for the night. They all told me how much they liked Jae and everything and it reassured me that maybe I could make things work with her. The thought made me nervous because I knew that my celebrity status turned some girls off, they liked their privacy and to be honest at some times I liked mine as well. As I was throwing one of the many trash bags into the garage my phone buzzed and I expected it to be Jae letting me know she made it home safely but when I looked at the screen it actually wasn’t her. It was an old girlfriend that the press never knew about, but we had ended things on good terms and it was mutual, or so I had thought at the time. Lately she had been texting me a lot, constantly worrying about what I was doing or if there were any parties she could come to and I had been brushing her off. But I was never one to completely ignore someone. “Thanks for the invite tonight, I thought you would always have my back.” She had texted and I was confused as to why she was so upset. Halley always had a social group of friends separate from mine when we were together. “Sorry already had my own plus one, didn’t want to overwhelm Zayn.” I responded. “Was it the girl in the papers? Was she your plus one?” Halley asked. “Yeah, her name is Jae.” I felt weird giving out Jae’s name because I wanted to keep things as private as possible but I trusted Halley, “Oh well that’s cool. I miss you Harry. Maybe we can hang out one of these days like old times. Have a good night.” She said and I texted her quickly back, “Maybe later this week? Call me tomorrow or something.” Hopefully if I just kept Halley happy she wouldn’t go all crazy ex girlfriend on me and hopefully Jae would be okay with all of this.
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
Ch 16!!!!!!!!!
I'm working on it now! I'm so so so sorry for the wait, hopefully I'll have it posted by 8 or 9 EST which is in an hour or so!
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
I check in to seeing if you updated everyday because this is such a good fanfic . Haha don't ever stop writing, you're a good writer! :)
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! I'm working on the next chapter but this week has just been full of exams and extremely chaotic so I haven't gotten much done. Hopefully I'll have something for you all posted by friday. I feel like that will be possible because I have a class canceled within the next two days. So be on the look out c: And thank you so much for reading and the wonderful compliments!!
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
Chapter 16 where are you????
Although I'm sure no one is on to read this right now, I'm going to work on chapter 16 tonight after I get something done. And hopefully I'll finish it up tomorrow or tuesday. Sorry it's taking so long!
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asummerofwhatifs-blog · 12 years
I loved this chapter it was amazing. It would be awesome if u updated more:) its sooooo hard to be patient when it's such a good story. Can't wait till chapter 16 :)
Errewgwgee. Thank you! Thank you for reading, thank you for messaging me, just thank you! It means a lot and I'm trying to update as often as possible I just have to keep a balance between this and school. Hopefully though I can get another chapter up for y'all this weekend :D
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