astronautbroccolii · 1 year
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CW: trans death
I don’t usually post about losing our trans siblings but Eden Knight, a popular Twitter user, is being ignored by media. Her story seriously deserves more coverage. Eden was a young Saudi trans woman living in the U.S. until yesterday. Her family hired a popular Heritage Foundation-backed “fixer,” Michael Pocalyko, who arranged for her to undergo forced detransitioning. His associates trapped her in D.C. through financial coercion and threatened her with her undocumented status. She couldn’t take it anymore after a month of this treatment. She left a heartbreaking note that has been shared on Twitter thousands of times. The popular phrase “death before detransition” isn’t an exaggeration.
Not only was Eden influential in her own right but her story shows how the broader landscape of anti-trans fundamentalist organizing reaches across borders, religions, and ideologies. If you’re in media, please consider writing about her story. Her family has now confirmed all of it. Her family just confirmed everything. Unlike many posthumous trans narratives, she left us with information about exactly who/what killed her and how it happened. I’ve been in touch with her partner, who is as shocked about this information as we are. This dehumanizing treatment needs to end immediately. We are using #JusticeForEden and #HerNameWasEden for more information.
Update: Eden’s friends have compiled everything about her abduction in one place.
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
i’m guessing u didn’t get the whole initial “trans women aren’t the ones doing this” thing lmao. Also I don’t think anything would happen if we had this “the people affected have to sort everything out by themselves” thing with every issue ngl
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
Honesty like. Yeah. I agree. Men should never be allowed in womens spaces and these men are absolute fucking scum of the earth. The only thing I don’t agree in with this is that it shouldn’t only be people advocates for trans women trying to find a solution for this. The more people on this the faster a suitable solution can be found that doesn’t compromise trans women or even masculine-looking cis women just trying to pee.
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
i was replying to all the comments man lmfao
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
Tbh I didn’t make it very clear but I was addressing the comments and reblogs on the post. I also meant that if a gUY is dressing up as a woman just to get inside women only spaces they therefore wouldn’t call themselves a trans woman outside of those spaces and so he isn’t. Sorry abt the misunderstanding
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
for future reference
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the elusive 7 act Structure
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
Now onto the fourth book of the noughts and crosses series and I’m still shouting at the book like WHY IS EVERYTHING SO DIFFICULT AND AGRESSIVE before realising this is happening right now in the real world
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
“Still,” wrote van Gogh in a letter, “a great deal of light falls on everything.”
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
fuckin Daawniel it’s just my name in a weird accent
Find your REAL Angel name
• First two letters of your last name • First vowel of your first name • Third letter of your middle name (or parent’s first name if you don’t have a middle name • Last consonant of your last name • Add IEL or EL to the end!
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
i need this thank u
𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪 𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘥 3 𝘈* 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘈 𝘢𝘵 𝘈-𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭
𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒- 08/09/2020
hiya love
I am making this little blog post for past me, who would have needed this, bless her  𝓭𝓾𝓶𝓫 self. I thought that detailing the process and methods i used, for my  newly inspired study blog would be interesting to spread 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 and document my knowledge for future use and ideas for your 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇.
Anyway, lets get started.
 This is vital, challenging and rewarding, allowing for greater productivity while optimizing the space and time dedicated to your studies. Thus i will detail the manner which i decided to control the flow of my studies.
Schedules, work, but there are issues, which i had to work through. I had organised a schedule, i stuck to religiously. when deadlines came in I would stray from the schedule and complete the more urgent work and find I  would be off track- leading to the 𝔡𝔬𝔴𝔫𝔣𝔞𝔩𝔩 of that. I solved this issue by making dedicated time where i would have flexibility over tasks prioritizing and using my free lessons in school to focus on these. This seems really obvious but it took me a while to resolve (maybe I’m just slow :0) 
Having the weekends to study. I woke up at around 6-9 am each morning and studied until 1, then the rest of the day is free and can be used for urgent assignments or spent writing essays, going out or planning subjects for the next week etc.
Dedicated spaces for study/material and a clean and tidy space is important, i found having my desk be aesthetically pleasing motivated  me to work, pinterest board with ideas excited me creating positive  connotations when thinking about studying.
Lists, for everything, i mean everything, down to meal times, free time, Netflix time, etc it works so unbelievably well to keep you focused and on top of overwhelming days, although don’t be afraid to stray because studying should be enjoyable not stressful or pressuring.
Also it might sound obvious but having a proper sleep schedule helps you be more productive and organised, waking up early allows for you to be in the right mindset for studying which i find is the most effective way of studying.
The Pomodoro technique, most students know of this, it entails effective studying for 25 minutes and then a 5 minute rest and then repeat the topic which then makes the information more easily retained.
Constant practice tests/essays. when I say, I have written so many essays i mean it. I aimed for around 3 a week per subject, this not including homework or set tasks. Ask a teacher for past papers and after learning the bulk of any unit bash out as many past papers as you can. I went from having 18/30 on my essays when starting A-levels to my lowest being 26/30 after doing a lot of essays.
Mind maps and timelines, mostly for more oral subjects but simple, obvious and weirdly effective.
Pre-test, going over topics and guessing the answers even incorrectly before extensive studying, practice or learning the content. Research shows that the future learning you will performed is enhanced and from doing essays this way i can say that it is effective and improves post-test results.
Practice spaced out. spacing out studying certain topics over a period of days can enhance memory and allow you to retain information in your long term memory rather than short term which allows you to draw knowledge about this subject better. Flash cards is a good way to review and come back to subjects.A rule of this method also would be that information which is answered with difficulty should be reviews two days later and those answered incorrectly, the next day.
Interleaving practice. this is really effective and entails focusing on problems or topics which are all of the same nature but involving answering the questions with different methods. Instead of a block of studying, an example would be in math doing algebra trigonometry and Pythagoras questions consecutively you make your brain accustomed to exam styled questions.
Teaching what you’ve learnt to someone else, maybe a study group and take turns explaining topic to each other, it helps you to wrap your head around the subject and you can see what aspects you have trouble explaining.
𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓇𝒸𝑒𝓈 / 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘴
Quizlet- for making flashcards and testing yourself on flashcards other people made
One note, excellent for organisation and a good way to keep your noted in order especially if writing essays or doing things online
libraries, obvious but i find that being in a space which makes me excited and feel motivated makes me better and more productive, but again this may only be for resources because some find studying at their desks better, down to preference.
Momentum dash, cute screen saver app for aesthetic studying, especially if you want an aesthetic set up.
cam scanner, allows you to take pictures of your notes and turns them into PDFs which is useful for keeping digital copies of notes can be more handy than typing up notes.
Minimalist, for making lists, good for keeping a digital copy of what you need to complete with you so you can keep a record of what you need to do.
That is really all i have for this post, thanks for reading, also this is my first post so please don’t judge, if you have any feed back please let me know 
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
Happy thursday the 20th
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happy Thursday the 20th
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
Firstly thanks for being so polite i really appreciate it
And to answer your question: you can’t tell until someone starts doing something like this. It’s difficult to explain to someone who doesn’t have the same views as me, which is totally fine, but there’s two specific points to make 1. I’ve already said this but i do want to state that these perverted men aren’t trans women, they don’t have gender dysphoria, they are men dressing as women and are not female, they’re men. And 2. There’s a proportion of people in female bathrooms that will sexually assault people or harass people, some are men like this and some are women, it’s irrelevant of gender. We can’t just throw all women with a certain look or feel about them out of the toilets just because there’s some that sexually assault other people in that bathroom. For the same reason, we can’t throw anyone who is biologically male and trying to pass as female out of the toilets just because there are some that lie about being transgender to obtain some disgusting, stupid fantasy.
I would also like you to think about what am innocent trans woman would do if they were kicked out of the female bathrooms. Forcing them to go to the men’s bathroom would firstly be incredibly traumatic for them even if there wasn’t anyone else in there, and secondly, trans women are consistently assaulted in female bathrooms, and it’s even worse in male bathrooms. If trans women are being made to go to male bathrooms the overall amount of harassment going on would increase immensely and so this isn’t a good fix anyway but also being transgender is already incredibly difficult to deal with for a lot of people. Not being treated as the gender (not biological sex) you are, on top of the personal conflict, is unfathomably distressing. And what would you do if someone demanded you were transgender and said you needed to leave the bathroom? How are you supposed to differentiate between who’s biologically male and who’s not? Then it just becomes a thing of who passes as female, and a lot of people born female won’t while a lot of people born male, trans or not, will.
I hope you understand that I agree that this is absolutely disgusting but you also need to think about trans women. Trans women are still people and you cant just deny them access into places where they feel more comfortable, although a lot of the times they won’t because of “political” things like this. You can tell the difference between creepy men and trans women if they’re masturbating in women only places. Anyone doing that, wherever they identify as, should be kicked out immediately. This is women (including trans women) against perverts. Not cis women against trans women or anyone born male.
Sorry for the essay, I hope you understand where I’m coming from and I didn’t sound mean or anything :)
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
This is absolutely disgusting and absolutely has to be addressed but stop blaming this on trans women
Trans women in bathrooms just want to pee, trans women in changing rooms just want to get dressed, trans women don’t want to do shit like this SO STOP BEING TRANSPHOBIC FOR NO REASON
you all sound moronic :)
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
I need to stop telling myself I’m good at maths bc I have my pure and stats mock tomorrow and if i don’t revise in the morning i will just implode in my exam
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
I’m doing my A level mocks currently and I really needed this
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
do not look up prince albert piercing no matter how much your friends talk about it never fucking give in oh my god i’ve made a mistake never look it up
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astronautbroccolii · 2 years
read the Song of Achilles right after reading They Both Die at the End
i have school tomorrow and i am not emotionally prepared
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