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93 posts
dni: literally everyone. how did you get here. I don't tag anything. honestly if you managed to find this blog DO interact with me I want to know ur secrets
Last active 60 minutes ago
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astrobot · 2 months ago
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Two at once,,,
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astrobot · 2 months ago
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Love this guy and his wife and their collective freaky ass Situation
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astrobot · 4 months ago
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Gotta show off the glowup
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Look at them!! They're all together!!
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astrobot · 4 months ago
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Love this bitch and her freaky ass Situation
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astrobot · 6 months ago
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Was wondering what art I was going to use for the center until I remembered I'm literally trying to get a fucking degree in art. I'm still proud of this drawing too
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astrobot · 6 months ago
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luvia.... More like. I luv-u-a. Got em
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astrobot · 1 year ago
I gotta post these somewhere where you can actually download the designs lol
Anyways here are the Fantasy Adventure Cures,
Starting off with Akira aka Cure Warrior
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Angelica, aka Cure Rouge!
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Emiko, aka Cure Wizard!!!
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And Kohana, aka Cure Barbarian!!
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astrobot · 1 year ago
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I am. So normal. And average. And reacting to side order the way an average person with an average amount of interest in things would
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astrobot · 2 years ago
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hi im incredibly normal (lying)
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astrobot · 2 years ago
The water was freezing.
Normally that wasn't a problem for her. She'd already given her heat and warmth to Him, let him take the steam from her breath; let Him replace it with frost, let Him change her blood to slush. The cold was a constant to her, it was the gateway to be closer to His heart- his hands. She was His bones and blood, lovingly turned into a mortal form.
A shaky, sickly mortal form.
She hugged herself, rubbing her blue skin for the hope of heat friction.
It got colder.
She was awaiting His orders. She'd done everything right. She had to have done everything right.
It wasn't her fault. He wouldn't punish her for it, right?
She'd turned her bones to ice for Him, crystalline and jagged. He wouldn't go back on it.
It wasn't her fault. She couldn't change her stubby little wings, unpreened, ragged. And flightless.
The ice in her in veins seemed to have shifted to her stomach, and it made her want to lurch. She was so cold. She hadn't stopped shivering since she gave herself up to Him.
It felt like eons, shaking in the shallow pond of icy water, frosty mist circling her like vultures. He wouldn't be mad. He was benevolent. Kind. Soft as snow and twice as pure. A ripple in the water caught her attention. Another angel had joined her in the pool; one of higher rank. His white gowns and ornate gold jewelry told her that he was a Bishop of sorts. He eyed her. His skin was cooler than her, a sickly grape purple. She wondered distantly if he ever felt as cold as she did.
"You failed your mission. " he stated, leaving no room for argument.
"I-I... Your g-grace it wasn't possible for me. I cannot f-fly"
He stared at her pathetic wings
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astrobot · 2 years ago
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I feel bad for not crediting the artist but then I remember that literally nobody except me will ever see this
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astrobot · 2 years ago
Writing shitty, unedited short stories is fun, actually
Smashed against a wall with a fist to his chest wasn't exactly how Hiro was expecting to spend this night.
It was supposed to be an easy mission. There was a beast raging down town, and Valentine told him and Lana to take care of it. Unfortunately, downtown happens to be the only place the media really cares about in their shitstain of a city.
Caring enough to send in their finest, at least.
Star Storm was small, but god was she buff. She had him pinned with just one arm over his chest, inching dangerously to his throat. Her white cape bellowed behind her, pushed by what Hiro could only assume was some anime force beyond comprehension. That, or being a modern day demi-god had a side effect of expelling your strength in a constant ambience.
She hadn't said a word since she flung him around the decrepit building like a well-worn chew toy. She was staring at him with an intensity he almost didn't think possible, a thousand emotions pulling her face an expression of extreme grief, anger... And fear.
It was subtle but it was there. The shine in her eye, the warble in her painted lips, the small shake in her unbreakable stance. He probably wouldn't have even noticed if she wasn't so confusingly familiar to him. Her face was like a childhood dream, a hazy memory you just can't place. He knows her; actually knows her. He knows the monster in front of him, and whatever he does know about her makes the thought of calling her a monster surge bile into his throat.
They stayed like that for what felt like minutes. Two strangers who knew each other like a nostalgic smell; two enemies on either side of a battle. Two teenagers way out of their depth.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Shoot a meteor through my skull and be done with it. " his own voice surprised himself, but he was never one to be patient. That took Star Storm by surprise, her eyes widening in an achingly familiar look. Her eyes got wetter, she looked down at his feet; galaxy coloured hair covering most of her face.
"... I don't want to hurt you. " her voice was so small, considering the mortal weapon behind it.
Hiro raised a brow, "That didn't seem to matter much a few weeks ago," a venom crept its way into his voice. She flinched like she'd been hit. Good. Make her feel half of what she put him through; and ignore the part of his brain screaming at him to stop being cruel to her.
She didn't say anything for a moment, until she said softly, fainter than a whisper, "it was an accident."
"An accident that left my arm unusable"
She didn't respond; didn't even move. It was like she didn't hear him. Her grip softened, which Hiro took as an opportunity. He reached for the Gleam nestled in his chest, and surged its energy up towards his hand. In a flick of his wrist, writhing pink vines sprouted from cracked concrete, twisting and growing with a mind of its own. Star Storm looked up at the sudden noise, but Hiro willed his magic towards her; and the vines obeyed. His creations surged and wrapped around her torso, pinning her arms close to her side; limply dangling her in its grip. Hiro caught himself before he fell to the floor, lacking the support her arm against his chest gave him.
Hiro stood to admire his catch, his adrenaline starting to pump as he prepared for a fight...
But she wouldn't move.
She wouldn't look at him. She stayed that way, dangling in the vines grip as they coiled tighter and tighter. Her breathing was getting laboured as they constricted her more. A voice in his subconscious was howling at him to stop them, to order his energy back.
His left arm trembled like it had been for the past few weeks.
His right hand clenched purposefully.
His constructs followed his command, tightening further, thorns growing larger and sharper. Blood trickled down Star Storm's legs and hands, but still she didn't move.
Rage bubbled in his chest. He could feel his Gleam twittering inside him. He knew she could get out of his grip, he'd seen it a thousand times before. Star Storm was a monster. She was horrific on the battlefield, practically invincible. She'd never lost a fight, and he knows damn well that she's never fought at her full strength before.
So why the hell wouldn't she move?
He growled, "Well? Do something!" he eventually shouted. She didn't budge, but he managed to catch her eye under her straightened hair. They were glassy, distant, and still sickeningly familiar. Thorns dug into her, sharper and sharper still, blood started pooling on the ground. His Gleam churned with energy, twirling and anxious to be free; to let out more power. To end the fight.
The bubbling inside him, the pumping in his veins, the sparks at his finger tips. A twitch of his hand and he could rid himself of the monster. He could finally put a dent in Stormco, destroy the company the same way it was destroying the city. The blood went from drips to streams, Star Storm hadn't moved an inch.
He looked up at her once more. She met his eyes.
She was crying, he realized.
He relaxed his hand. His Gleam growled in protest, the energy frizzing out in dissatisfaction. The vines retracted.
Star Storm fell to the floor in a heap, pinpricks dotting her skin from where the thorns protruded in them.
She looked pretty pathetic sitting there on her knees, her own blood staining her white uniform. Hiro bent down to her level. She finally looked up at him, star speckled eyes staring off behind him. He gently placed a gloved hand under her chin, and lifted her to face him fully.
They stayed like that for awhile, Star Storm still bleeding; his left arm still trembling.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" It was her who broke the silence this time, her voice was hoarse and thick with unshed tears. He was taken aback.
"What do you mean? "
"Shoot a vine through my chest? Tie them around my neck? Collapse the building on my arm?" Her voice broke, "I know you want too. I know I deserve it. "
Hiro faltered, the tips of his gloves were now stained with trickling tears. He pulled his hand back from her face like he'd been burned.
"I- I don't-" he stumbled.
"I'd be angry if it happened to me too, ya' know. You didn't deserve it. Leo told me that it wasn't my fault- but it was," there was a growl to her voice, and she continued before he could process what she'd said, "It absolutely was! I knew how bad my Gleam was! I know how much it wants out- I know how much it claws at my chest and lungs, begging to be let out. It's so, so much stronger than me... " She let out a wet laugh. "Mr. Zephyr says I'm gonna be a Grand Huntress in a few years- can you imagine? I can't even pass my fucking algebra course and he's already getting designers for stained glass in churches." She holds her sides in a mock hug, a sob wracks her chest.
Hiro stares dumbfounded. There's so much to unpack in what she said, but his mind lingers on one word.
"... Leo...? "
It couldn't be. It wasn't a super uncommon name. She couldn't be speaking of the same boy he knew; the one with wild ginger hair, the one who was all hiss and no bite, the one who loved a girl who Hiro can't quite picture at the moment, despite being her best friend...
The one who was way too smart for his own good.
A weak, pained laughter bubbled out of Star Storm, taking Hiro by surprise.
"He figured this whole thing out so quickly. I'm still not sure how he did it- I know your name but the transformation still makes your memory feel like fog. He's just smart like that," a lovestruck tinge still managed to punctuate the end of her words.
"Figured what out- you mean... Our identities..? " His heat started racing. Lana promised him that the transformation would hide his identity- that nobody would be able to tell it was him, no matter how well they knew him.
"Uh yeah," She laughed again, (Was she always so giggly?) "That's kinda what I just said dummy." Her voice was sweet, the same tone an old friend would use for a lighthearted jab.
The exact same tone a friend uses for her teasing.
His heart dropped to his stomach at the confirmation. Suddenly the corset that once felt so freeing was much more constricting; pinning his waist into an hourglass he'll never have. The skirt that bellowed out, that was once the most euphoric thing he'd ever put on, now felt like a silly costume- like a six year old's princess gown. Like a boy trying to be something he'll never be. A boy he'll never stop being.
Star Storm looked none the wiser to his internal battle, and merely sighed.
"I'm sorry, Hiro. "
And that was all he needed. A sudden clarity swept through his brain, the thick haze over his memories wiped away like it never existed. Star Storm knew him by name- and he knew her by her own.
Of course he fucking knew her. It seemed so obvious now- like a slap in the face. She was barely even disguised for Christ's sake.
The girl in front of him was a monster in a bloody uniform. She was destined to be a Grand Huntress, she practically was already. She was a modern demi-god, a girl possessing more power than his entire team of vigilantes combined and doubled. She was a celebrity, Stormco's poster child, and a monster.
And her name is Ramona de Luna.
The girl in front of him is the sweetest person he's ever met. She was willing to deal with him at his lowest, when his Gleam was still crawling at his skin and eyes- but his fear of rejection kept it closed off- she helped. She picked out a pink scarf, and told him he looked pretty in it. He twirled around in a skirt that night, blossom pink scarf trailing behind, and he felt whole for the first time ever.
She was a girl with her head in the clouds, an eye for fashion, and a love of everything and everyone. She was strong, sure, but she was sweeter than thick chocolate drizzled on stardust; and he couldn't ever imagine how he hated her only a few seconds earlier.
He sank to he's knees next to her.
They sat like that for a moment in silence.
"Well? Wait are you waiting for? Do something." Ramona filled the silence.
Hiro complied by surging forward and wrapping his arms around her. Sobs he didn't know he was holding came out, and he squeezed her tighter. His Gleam gurgled in his chest, and he realized belatedly that small, pink flowers were blooming over Ramona's wounds, and closing them tight with small vines. He let out a wet chuckle.
Once his Gleam had made quick work of the wounds, Hiro let out a sigh. The surging magic that'd been thrumming through his veins dissipated; along with his hero outfit. The magic blew off like dandelion puffs, only to be pulled back into the charm he kept on his beanie. He was back in his normal, comfy, emo clothes now. Ramona sighed too, and he felt the electric surge or her magic fizzle out into her earring. Her hair was curly again, and her outfit was as cute as always.
They stayed together in each other's arms for awhile.
"... Hiro?"
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. So am I."
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astrobot · 2 years ago
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Back on my bullshit
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astrobot · 2 years ago
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Dude I have so many of these fucking Elise gifs saved I'm just gonna make two of these
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astrobot · 2 years ago
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Man these things are way more fun to make when I'm not feeling miserable
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astrobot · 2 years ago
Shitty, unedited thing I wrote in one go late at night. This is gonna suck ass when I read it over again in the morning
Edit: This is me from the morning. Wtf do you mean I wrote this sleep deprived past my bed time why does this kinda own I hate it here-
Alterna was always way too fucking cold.
Dawnie grumbled to themself, pulling their oversized hoodie over their shoulders for once in his life. The snow underneath their bare toes was fake, it felt more like sand than anything; but that didn't stop the air around them from being frigid. It was bullshit, he decided. The ground and skies were all imitations of the real winter, fake hopes of a world outside. The level of detail was commendable, but ultimately unconvincing.
Except for the fucking temperature.
That's just where they had to pull out all the stops. Or maybe it was just cold underground. But Dawnie had lived in the dry desert sun their whole life, thriving off the unforgiving heat and grit. They weren't built for this shit.
They held their Heroshot tightly in their hands, a frustrated grimace wrinkling their beautiful face. Why he not only accepted this stupid job, but kept doing it, was beyond him. Maybe it was because those famous ladies kept stroking their ego, but even that was becoming a small, small positive in this frozen, and frankly depressing, wasteland.
He was about to head off to the next kettle to do whatever horrifying or annoying task that stupid A.I told them to do next; they already had hundreds of choice words and flowery complaints on the tip of their tongue. He reached the kettle, ready to blast it open, when a shadow took their attention. Dawnie held his gun up, ready to take aim at the supposed threat.
Out from behind one of the strange human structures came the Captain.
Oh joy.
It wasn't that Dawnie... Disliked... The Captain, per say. She was just strange. She dressed like a hobo, and spent most of her time boredly judging his every move. She had an ambient aura of superiority, a sort of heavy presence. Whether that was caused by a resting scowl on her face, the collage of scars on her finely defined muscles, or the ominous teal stain that scourged its way onto her eye, Dawnie couldn't tell. But what they could tell was that they probably did something wrong. Her constant scowl had turned into a grimace, her sharp orange eye boring their way into Dawnie. They swallowed the lump in their throat, despite to show any hint of weakness.
"Geez, you look extra grouchy today, Cap'n. Did your daily quota of scowling get interrupted?"
Perhaps they were poking a wasps nest, but they weren't going to let this woman be the boss of them... Even if that is technically her whole job...
The Captain said nothing, her grimace didn't even upgrade into a sneer at the taunt.
"Are ya' just gonna stare at me all day? I got a dumb grandpa to save, so shove on over. " They tried to push themself past her, but a sudden iron grip found itself on his shoulder. He was spun around to face the Captain. She was a fair bit taller than him, but he refused to meet her eyes. They hated that she looked down on them.
"I'm here to talk, Agent. Despite what you seem to think, I'm not here for an argument."
Her voice was always infuriating steady. Measured. Loud and confident, showing how comfortable she was in leading. Dawnie couldn't explain why they hated it so much. She turned around and headed towards the edge of the island, sitting down at the ledge, overlooking the sea. She patted the spot down next to her.
It was said like an invitation, but Dawnie figured it was an order. So they dragged their (still freezing) feet over and plopped down next to the woman, pointedly looking in any direction that wasn't hers.
"Do you have any idea why I called you here, Agent? "
Her voice was softer, as if she was trying to coax something out of them. Dawnie wasn't going to fall for it. She could pry his thoughts out of his cold dead hands.
"Do you wanna bitch about how I've been doing? I know you've been watching me. Judging me. "
"I'm not judging."
"I'm analyzing that's all. You have a very unique way of fighting. It reminds me of Agent 4"
Her voice went all soft again. Longing, affectionate. She's mentioned her old friends, her voice coated with honey filled adoration, and a bittersweet edge. She respects these people.
It's so, so different from how she speaks to him.
It's never 'Agent 3' it's always just Agent. With a hard edge and sharp eyes, her voice drips with venom. Dawnie doesn't know what he did to deserve it, but he wasn't buying any of the Captain's bullshit. She didn't like him, and he didn't like her back.
"Whatever. Can you get to the fucking point? You're not here to compliment me, I can tell. "
They seemed to have finally gotten a reaction out of her, her face falling into a scowl. There was a moment of tense silence as she contemplated her response.
"... Why do you stay here, Agent? You've made it abundantly clear that you don't like it here. Why are you sticking with this mission, if all your going to do is complain? "
She stared him down, but she didn't look mad. She looked... Hurt? It made them uncomfortable.
"I get two hot chicks telling me how great I am? Sounds nice to me. "
"You're lying. "
It wasn't an observation, it was a statement. Dawnie felt appropriately appalled at such a bold declaration.
"Excuse me? How the fuck would you know that! Your just a bitter, grumpy bitch! Listen I know you don't like me, but you can't just pretend that I'm lying about shit!"
"... You remind me of myself, Agent 3."
Dawnie felt themself clam up, their rage still threatening to boil over the lid that has been shut over them.
"You're cruel, self-absorbed, and so, so bitter. You are exactly like me, Agent 3. And I know exactly why you stay here. "
"It's because you have nothing else. Isn't that right? No one else will tolerate you. Except here. Except where your a hero"
They balled up their fists.
"That isn't true. "
"It makes sense you're my true successor, the next 'Agent 3'... Four and Eight came after me; but those two? They're gentle. Kind. They aren't like you and I. They don't deserve my old name. "
"... So you do hate me? "
She was silent for a moment, staring off into the sea.
"I used to. Back when I first met Four and Eight. I hate Agent 3 more than anything. Because she was something I could never be- she was a strong and noble hero. And I was a shitty, sad, bitter old bitch. But you know what? Somewhere along the line a beautiful girl took my hands and kissed me. And somewhere along there I taught a kid with pigtails how to break off her special limiter. And somewhere along the line I realized that they didn't seem to care that I wasn't a hero. That I wasn't a good person. Somewhere along that line I found people who loved me despite it."
She put a hand on their shoulder and looked straight into their eyes. A soft, look took over her features. Somehow it felt right.
"But this hero hasn't found that yet. So all you have are people who love someone who doesn't really exist. That's why you stay here, even if the tests are cruel and it's cold as hell. You haven't found anyone like that.
Dawnie couldn't find any words to say.
"And that's what I want to give you. Agent 3, you are bitter, cruel, and angry. And so am I. And I know how hard it is to stop being any of those things. And that's why I want to love you despite it. "
She opened her arms out wide, and Dawnie belatedly realized she was offering a hug. They carefully stepped forward before letting her wrap her arms around them.
"... Thanks... Captain... "
"Allison. Please, call me Allison. "
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astrobot · 2 years ago
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Remember when I said the turtles were waning that was a lie I made my own version of them
Mrs O niel love of my life
She's just me shoving 2012 and rise aprils into a mixing pot and adding some "depressed college student" for spice
Man. People are weird about 2012 April.
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