astro-stargazer · 5 years
🌹 a flower for everyone not feeling their best today
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astro-stargazer · 5 years
Moon Sign and Pain
Aries: An Aries moon will tough out there pain, and not open up about it. They try to keep it hidden from others, even if it sometimes explodes out. Some may think they do it because people fear that they are weak, they really do it to appear brave. When they show and feel their emotions (especially related to pain), it’s really intense, and sometimes off putting to other people, so they try and put up a front, but sometimes they eventually snap and lay everything out on the line. They really feel their emotions strongly, even if they don’t want to admit it. An Aries moon will feel their pain very strongly for a while, and then once it’s felt, they can snap back into their normal selves.
Taurus: A Taurus moon never forgets. If you cross them and cause them pain, they will remember it for a long time. So it’s very hard to be forgiven by them once you’ve done something wrong. A Taurus moon is usually very collected, and they don’t have emotional outbursts when they feel hurt. They will try to do something productive to keep their mind off of the pain, they really try to avoid feeling pain. A Taurus moon is very stubborn, and will often not admit when they are hurting (even to themselves). All that can cause a build up of negative emotions, that when finally felt can really get them down. 
Gemini: A Gemini moon will be passive aggressive about their pain. Sometimes they will take their pain out on someone else, or if someone caused them pain they will be cold and cruel to them. One moment they will say that they feel nothing (everything’s fine) and the next their world is crumbling and they feel awful. It takes time for a Gemini moon to process their pain, and to overcome their rationality. It’s hard for them to not be rational, but sometimes being hurt isn’t rational, and a developed Gemini moon can realize this. It takes a lot to make a Gemini moon cry, but when it does happen, they feel embarrassed an want to retreat. 
Cancer: Cancer moons are known for being in touch with their feelings. However, when it comes to pain they are very sensitive. Some may say that they have mood swings, but in reality they are just very sensitive to pain in general, and are empathetic to other’s pain as well. They may hide their pain behind their hard shell and act like nothing bothers them, but on the inside they are soft and falling apart. They really just want someone to listen to them when they feel hurt and to fix whatever is causing the pain. They are very good nurturers, and that includes self-nurturing as well. They learned from a very young age how sensitive to pain they are, so they got really good at dealing with pain as well.
Leo: So it really depends on if they receive pain in a public or private setting. In public, Leo moons will put on a show and stuff their pain away, so that they can continue to appear fine. However, they will remember what happened later and ruminate on it, so they will eventually confront it. If it happens in private there seems to be a theme of dramatics. They feel greatly, and love hard, so when that is compromised their inner world gets shattered. They can cry very loudly at home (or when alone), secretly hoping that someone will hear them and comfort them. It takes a lot for a Leo moon to forgive once their trust is broken, and a lot of pain can come from people they trust the most.
Virgo: Virgo moons try to hide their pain and save face 24/7. They want to pretend that they aren’t sensitive to other people’s actions, because that just wouldn’t make sense to them. In reality a Virgo moon cares a lot and once they experience pain from someone they care about, they will carry a deep hurt within them. When they are alone they can allow themselves to cry, but that usually just ends with them feeling worse about themselves. Sometimes their pain stems from self-esteem issues, and feelings not in control. Virgo moons want to fix other people and their problems, but they often sacrifice their own selves doing so.
Libra: Their relationships with others and the destruction of those said relationships can cause great pain to Libra moons. It’s hard for to hide their pain, but they usually put it off in public. They are an intellectual air sign, but their pain can become overwhelming which often leads to them trying to channel that pain into something else, whether it be poetry, fashion, or even scrolling on tumblr and pinterest to try and forget about everything. Don’t be fooled though, they are usually very rational people. Libra moons love to be social, and they put a lot of effort in their relationships with others. Actually, a lot of their self-worth stems from their relationships. So abuse or maltreatment (being taken advantage of) by someone they care deeply about can be absolutely devastating, and is often the source of their true pain.
Scorpio: Much like Aries, Scorpio moons have an emotional intensity so when a Scorpio moon feels pain it can be a very passionate experience. When they feel like someone has caused them pain, they want revenge, even if it is just a little part of them wanting it (they won’t admit this though). They want the other person to feel what they have felt. A Scorpio moon’s sting is one of the worst to be felt. While these deep emotional people also have very kind hearts, they are not to be trifled with. A Scorpio moon feels their pain profoundly and they don’t usually cry in front of others. When they are alone or in the shower, then they can fully let out their cries, but until then they hold a bold face. They are warriors, and they can deal with a great amount of pain, but they never forget their pain and how it made them who they aim today.
Sagittarius: Finding the good in everything, or at least finding some meaning in a painful experience, is what Sagittarius moons are all about. Yes, they know that everyone will face pain, but they see it from a more philosophical point of view, and try to find at least some point to it all. When there was no point in their pain, they can become despondent and lose their enthusiasm for a little bit. Pain for them is more of a journey. To feel, process, and to find use for it. For example, my sister in law who is a Sag moon channeled her pain and depression into Buddhism. This is not to say that they do not face pain, they do and it can be crushing. They have a horrible occurrence of going from great happiness to great pain, and that can be very confusing for a person. However, Sag moons can draw wisdom from their experiences and even use it to help someone else. 
Capricorn: Ah, here is one of the placements where people hide their pain from others the most. The truth is that this is a true sensitive spot for the moon, and they really feel deeply. However, they have trouble expressing this and until they really trust someone, they will not let anyone else in to see their pain. Often this placement has people who struggle with emotional pain: feeling like they aren’t good enough, like they won’t ever achieve their goals, being melancholy, and more. They usually have a tough skin, and much like Cancer, they are soft on the inside. They put so much responsibility on themselves, that they fall apart when something goes wrong. Or worse, they cannot help or provide for their loved ones. Their pain will linger, and it will stay with them for a long time, and they will often drawback on it in times of depression.
Aquarius: Here’s another tough skin placement. Aquarius moons are incredibly good at hiding their pain, and often they won’t feel much pain from basic insults or minor incidents. If they are close to someone, that’s a whole different story. They put a lot of weight into their loved ones, and when a loved one causes them pain, they immediately retreat heartbroken. Yet, it’s hard to know when an Aquarius moon is in pain because they will disappear and avoid people. In reality, they are alone processing their pain and letting themselves cry without letting another person know they had power over them or that they are sensitive. They tend to over intellectualize things, and that can cause them even more pain. They need to know that everyone is a little sensitive, and that no one will think they are weak if you explain to someone what was hurtful.
Pisces: Here is the sign where people will try to escape their pain, either by drinking, drugs, art, creativity, religion, or some other distracting form. They feel so much and they are hurt very easily. They are often empathetic and often act as the sponges for other people’s hurt. One can almost always tell when a Pisces moon is in pain because it seems to radiate. They sometimes let the wrong people in, and get taken advantage off because of that. Their pain can come from addiction, being taken advantage of, abuse or other mistreatment. They are truly kind people, but when the feel pain it seems to swallow them whole and it’s sometimes a battle to get past it. Pisces can however turn and be cold once they’ve been hurt. It will be a side no one recognized before, and they can turn into very mean people if they’ve been hurt long enough.
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
no offense but i’m a cat i’m a kitty cat and i dance dance dance and i dance dance dance 
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
what does the signs fall in love with? ☾
aries: selfness, dark features, working good in teams, sharing things;
taurus: familiarity, loyality, tenderness, sharing relaxing/intimate memories;
gemini: the details (sparkly eyes, high fivers, clumsy grins, sighs), mysteries;
cancer: comfort, the color blue, people with golden hearts and snarky humor;
leo: clumsiness, cute laughs, gentle physical contact, messy hair, confidence;
virgo: (falls with) time, suits and ties, ponitails, aesthetical prettiness, neatness;
libra: playfulness, kept promises, closenes, sharing secrets, caring words;
scorpio: winky, funny jokes, meaningful conversations, bright/shining eyes;
sagittarius: freedom, late night talks, cute smiles, good style, luscious lips;
capricorn: sweetness, cuteness, nice hair, passion, kind and hard working people;
aquarius: mind connection, friendship necklaces, super nice sense of humor;
pisces: affection, coziness, heated sarcasm and funny stories, inside jokes.
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
Ascendant, Moon, Midheaven
On the outside, I appear…
Aries rising: active, enthusiastic, straightforward
Taurus rising: steady, grounded, sensual
Gemini rising: adaptable, inquisitive, talkative
Cancer rising: cautious, caring, sensitive
Leo rising: confident, energetic, charismatic
Virgo rising: competent, poised, reserved
Libra rising: charming, pleasant, artistic
Scorpio rising: private, observant, magnetic
Sagittarius rising: adventurous, optimistic, restless
Capricorn rising: determined, responsible, serious
Aquarius rising: curious, independent, approachable
Pisces rising: gentle, easygoing, changeable
Deep within, I am…
Aries moon: spontaneous, passionate, strong
Taurus moon: guarded, sentimental, loyal
Gemini moon: intellectual, restless, open-minded
Cancer moon: empathetic, devoted, moody
Leo moon: affectionate, expressive, stubborn
Virgo moon: detail-oriented, practical, shy
Libra moon: fickle, peaceful, objective
Scorpio moon: intense, intuitive, secretive
Sagittarius moon: free-spirited, upbeat, impatient
Capricorn moon: stable, dutiful, self-critical
Aquarius moon: detached, idealistic, eccentric
Pisces moon: compassionate, emotional, impractical
However, I aspire to be or would like to be viewed as…
Aries Midheaven: confident, pioneering, enthusiastic
Taurus Midheaven: sensible, assured, tenacious
Gemini Midheaven: intelligent, creative, adaptable
Cancer Midheaven: dependable, nurturing, kindhearted
Leo Midheaven: bold, generous, commanding
Virgo Midheaven: helpful, organised, reasonable
Libra Midheaven: peaceful, well-mannered, sociable
Scorpio Midheaven: deliberate, mysterious, passionate
Sagittarius Midheaven: knowledgeable, dynamic, versatile
Capricorn Midheaven: controlled, wise, hardworking
Aquarius Midheaven: innovative, flexible, cooperative
Pisces Midheaven: intuitive, understanding, artistic
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
Janurary Whore - o - scopes
check sun + rising
A R I E S|| get to it! after a long time of you feeling like you are held back or restricted your lust for life is making a come back. Get ready to for hard work and aim for the things you desire, it’s time to stop making excuses - use your fire before you burn it out. 
T A U R U S|| you’re ignoring the people around you to much, it’s time to stop being so self involved - yes that was good for the time being but now it’s time to check in with the people around you. you’ve been having some trouble with making decisions in your life, the resources are around to help you but you aren’t listening.
G E M I N I|| you may go through some weird transition phase but trust it, don’t worry about it - it’ll work out in your favor in the end, trust your instincts! don’t let outside influences hinder your intuition, those close to you will provide encouragement and you’ll see who really rides for you
 C A N  C E R || time to let go of fear and step out of your comfort zone bb, you have so much bright energy it’s time to use that and to share it with the world! your dreams can now become a reality if you let them, keep dreamin but start putting things to work! commit and go!
L E O|| time to balance your work and play time, in general that’s your advice for the year. last year you slacked a bit in both departments, time to shine - get to workin and have some damn fun. You may get some insight on how to make this happen so pay attention to the signs around you. Time to get your light back.
V I R GO|| this month you should focus on the things you love rather than the things you think you need to love, try to use this to become more productive - you’ve been too wrapped up in other peoples convictions you’ve lacked attentiveness to your own needs and wants, be brave you got this.
L I B R A|| it’s time to go back to your roots, balance is the key this month. Learning how to juggle your responsibilities is important, things look like they’re about to pick up so get it together boo! You will probably feel more drawn to more independent tendencies, but it may feel weird to you as it seems like it’ll be something that will come about on its own, go with it, its for the best. 
S C O R P I O || For this month your theme is introspection and evalution, you got some things you need to think about and come to terms with. set your goals write them down, follow them this time it’s a good year to go after what you want, but realize you need to put in the work and it wont just come to you, this a powerful time for you - use it to your best advantage. 
S A G I T T A R I U S || you have so much vitality this month and your self confidence is deff on the rise - and if not - it shall be soon. this month is warning you to be careful with over doing it, with everything! Don’t overstep your grounds, use your creativity and power to get that bread, get a new hobby, enjoy yourself but also limit yourself and watch it
C A P R I C O R N || you’ve been a little bit too wrapped up in yourself(which was good don’t get me wrong) but it’s time to join the people around you again. With this trust me, it’ll serve you good as well. Get out there with your peers again, spend time, discuss wants, discuss life, have some fun with friends and family, it’ll serve your soul good!
A Q U A R I U S || don’t feel too proud to ask for help, there really isnt anything wrong with it and those who care for you will gladly help! your ideas are clear and your mind is ready but don’t allow yourself to be easily persuaded, new social times are ahead of you and for the love of God don’t always say no, your relationships hold the key!
P I S C E S ||  hold your head high and don’t let these bitches shake you - i mean really fuck everyone, take care of yourself and decide what is best for you - no one really knows except for you, also think about networking this month for some reason I find that it may benefit you in the long run. Meeting some new people you may find there are people out there who genuinly want you to succeed and do your best - and may even have the same goals as you - also take on some physical  activity.
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
Leo Venus + Mars Combo
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Leo Venus + Aries Mars: Conquest and competition take the front seat with this combo. This individual needs to be careful of getting too obsessed or caught up in winning in love rather than just experiencing it. Passion and challenges need to be elements that make up their bonds. 
Leo Venus + Taurus Mars: Appeal to their senses and to be honest, sometimes their pride or ego. Build them up and they will purr for you. This is someone who won’t let the courtship die in a relationship. They want passion but with a firm foundation. Can be a bit bossy or overbearing in relationships. 
Leo Venus + Gemini Mars: A conversationalist, an entertainer, an adventurer, and scholar all wrapped up in one! At least that is how they want to come off to friends, love interests, and partners. Independent but social. Fears being ignored or rejected immensely. 
Leo Venus + Cancer Mars: Has their moments of sensitivity and drama in love. They want romance and glamour. They can be forward, even loud with their passion and wants but when conflict, stress, or vulnerability hits they shut the doors. 
Leo Venus + Leo Mars: Magnetic in so many ways. Deep down they want attention and admiration. Friends and partners need to stand out, they need to impress. There is warmth, playfulness, and creativity in how they love. You will feel the heat in their anger but also libido. Selfishness, competition, and pride can be their challenges to love and friendship. 
Leo Venus + Virgo Mars: Can you meet their checklist? They have try outs for dating and an application for friends. Is devoted and on top of taking care of others. Their standards can certainly make things tough. They can be critical and judgmental at their worst. Helpful, reasonable, and thoughtful at their best. 
Leo Venus + Libra Mars: Flirting with everyone and crossing their fingers it doesn’t break the peace. Can crave attention and admiration but when we get into the deeper side of this combo we see someone who is actually very eager to please a partner. They genuinely just want to have fun with friends. Out of everything they always want to be heard!
Leo Venus + Scorpio Mars: You can’t look away! Here is a bewitching individual that loves with sunlight but attracts with the night. Their libido can be incredibly high. They are faithful, stable, and very heated. Power struggles, a vengeful side, and general willfulness can be challenges. 
Leo Venus + Sagittarius Mars: Zesty! They make romance exciting. This person easily trusts others or falls for others. They can quickly burn through relationships. They make for an honest and demonstrative lover. Being overly focused on the self can make them blind to things until it is too late. 
Leo Venus + Capricorn Mars: This is someone who might have an idea of who they want to be with at an early age. They are attracted to influence, talent, and status. Materialism or being too concerned with surface level can get in their way, along with their mission to find their dream partner. They want to take the lead and control over a relationship. They do want others to look up to them, go to them for help, and sound advice. 
Leo Venus + Aquarius Mars: Wants to be admired and have some fun but also wants to look past the self, look past the typical in relationships. Celebrating love comes naturally to them. They can look outside the box and be objective towards other’s relationships but not always with their own. Here is a problem solver but also one who can struggle with intimacy and vulnerability. 
Leo Venus + Pisces Mars: Falls in love with a person in a painting, an actor, or fictional character. Borderline obsessed with love or really romance. Their rose-colored glasses is their downfall. Disappointment in bonds can happen frequently. Makes for a sweet, imaginative, playful, and warm lover. 
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
Actually can u pleease make a post describing each moon sign’s eyes??😍 that would be so cool p.s. I love your blog❤️❤️😊
Of course I can lovely! 💛
👀Aries moon eyes: striking, strong, determined yet they are joyous and hold a childish sparkle that glows and strums in their eyes. Ready to jump into any situation.
👀Taurus moon eyes: safe, loving, tired. Their eyes hold the truth, they hold softness like they’re a comfy blanket you can collapse your feelings and thoughts into.
👀Gemini moon eyes: sneaky, mischievous, playful. Their eyes are fun, teasing, they want to pull you in and tell you everything they know and learn everything you can offer.
👀Cancer moon eyes: secure, promising, helping and understanding. They stare at you as if you are the only person in their world. They look at you as if they wish they could protect you with their everything.
👀leo moon eyes: feline, majestic, hungry and competitive. They are warm hearted and daring. Their eyes shine risk and desire, you speak and roar through your eyes.
👀Virgo moon eyes: cool, strong, observant and calculating. Your eyes hold many different thoughts and feelings. People can see that you are always thinking and turning gears behind those eyes.
👀Libra moon eyes: calm, unsure, here for the ride and a charming gleam. They are always holding fairness and non-judgmental eyes for the most part. They look and try to see every side or every story.
👀Scorpio moon eyes: passion, mysterious, intense. They stare at you as if they’ve already met you, learned about who you are, and has seen you already pass out of their lives. They see through you.
👀Sagittarius moon eyes: old, wise, funny, and flamboyant. They share wisdom in just a few glances and offer crazy untold stories within the depths of them.
👀Capricorn moon eyes: steady, hard, accomplished and goofy. They exude patience and grounded authenticity. They shine want for achievements.
👀Aquarius moon eyes: flighty, exuberant, closed off and friendly. They stare at you like they can offer you an adventure but it’s a look of independence and want of experiencing.
👀Pisces moon eyes: dreamy, mystical, eluded. You have fantasies and ideas of running away ticking in your eyes and glowing. You stare and watch people with out of mind style.
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
🔍 Pluto obsessions 🔎
I’m obsessed with [house where Pluto is].
1st house: my face and hair, myself,  what I wear, how I come off to others, changing my style.
2nd house: my possessions, money and collections, my financial status, what I eat.
3rd house: learning, changing my mindset, how things are made, languages.
4th house: my home, safety and security, my ancestry, history and artifacts.
5th house: the arts and talents, sex and romance, creating something original.
6th house: my health, what I put into my body, lifestyles, the details, work.
7th house: romance and relationships, other people’s whereabouts, fair harmony, music.
8th house: the afterlife, the grotesque, secrets and taboo topics, changing myself.
9th house: ideologies, religion, higher thought and philosophy, different cultures and countries.
10th house: my reputation and public image, success and career, becoming the authority.
11th house: hopes and dreams, connection and friendship, utopia, organizations of change.
12th house: spirituality, the hidden subconscious, dream meanings, the intangible.
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
When I’m with my friends I’m ___. (11th)
Aries ~ energetic, bold, enthusiastic Taurus ~ reserved, gentle, easy-going Gemini ~ chatty, affectionate, f a s t CCCancer ~ comfortable, caring, cling Leo ~ extravagant, youthful, inventive Virgo ~ accommodating, systematic, Soft Libra ~ collaborative, fair-minded, amiable Scorpio ~ exclusive, trusting, loyal Sagittarius ~ optimistic, adventurous, spacious Capricorn ~ committed, independent, responsible Aquarius ~ unconventional, charitable, permissive Pisces ~ secretive, artistic, ethereal
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
what i see in sign’s eyes
aries: fire
taurus: care
gemini: home
cancer: comfort
leo: stardust
virgo: truth
libra: velvet
scorpio: gold
sagittarius: sunlight
capricorn: determination
aquarius: planets
pisces: glow
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
i may give earth and air signs shit for being detached, but once they are attached, they are in it for the long haul. in sickness and in health, in happiness and sadness, til death do us part, period.
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
whats it like to date the signs
Aries: arguing about nothing, dance parties, making out just like the movies,  road trips, constant roasting, hella possesiveness, lots and lots of affection and attention given and received, extremely playful moments, clinginess beyond belief, jaw kisses & neck kisses out of no where, agressive but in a fun way
Taurus: helllla affectionate, like expect to be held, kissed, and hugged 24/7, super selfless always puts you first, lots of relaxing moments, tenderness, romantic as shit, their sensitive as shit when it comes to dating so expect dumb lil fights, wants attention b, hand holding galore, goofy as heck.
Gemini: Hickie freak, nickname queen/king, very dominating, kind of wild on a good and bad side, super responsible for you more than themselves, extremely playful, mean to you but loves the shit out of you, moody, literally puts your needs first, makes sure you’re happy 24/7, always looking out for you
Cancer: kinda b to buy you coffee and a donut every morning, plans fun dates, super sentimental like writes down all the cute shit,big hearted, just wants to cuddle, and make out,super sensitive to you, probably will cook for your ass or some cute shit, passive aggressive during fights, does a lot of little things for you
Leo: okay this bitch is gonna show you off first of all, treats you like a saint, filled with so much love, they fall for their partner fast so be prepared to be their world basically, super pouty and annoying when mad, needs ego stroked, bossy, weird as hell, y’all will be doin weird shit, literally just wants to please you in all ways oops, flirty 24/7, late night talks, PDA GALORE, hella protective and easily jealous
Virgo: such a little asshole to you but loves you to death, pushes your buttons, y’all will be belting some songs n shit, they really be playin too much but aye what do you expect, super touchy but in private, massages, pampering, cool adventuring like random coffee shops n shit, notices all your little shit, such a practical little lover but it’s so cute
Libra: charming as shit, naturally sexy, be prepared to be outdoors doin all kinds of shit and bein social, always has their significant other by their side(or it’s what they prefer anyway), romantic lil shits in a super intellectual way, kinda controlling, super simple, loves hard, super funny, also super mean to you but in a loving way
Scorpio: always got shit to say, super focused on you, steals yo shit, super seductive like oooh bitch, wants to know every little thing about you, inside jokes like the stupidest ones you can think of, admires you like you’re the center of their universe, cheesy like lets lay on the roof and watch the stars but only for their boo
Sagittarius: wants to try new things with you, loves tight hugs, cuddling, all that shit, will probably show and teach you new and weird ass shit, super creative in the things that y’all will do together, big love big, not a jealous one, super chill, likes finding views and taking you out, may get distracted easily, like really easily 
Capricorn: practical, nice job probably, takes good care of you in all aspects, loyal and super committed, old fashioned as shit, will literally take care of all the problems, loves being in control, big on cuddling and kisses, will always provide.witty as frick, lots of little arguments,will probs lie in bed with you all day, likes ass, sunset chasing
Aquarius: super innocent yet hella dirty jokes 24/7, brags about your ass, headass much? yeah, literally plans everything, probs texts first, super strange but in the most amusing way, difficulty showing love thru words but actions speak loud, stubborn lil shits, funny as heck, 
Pisces: Loud, outgoing, reminds you they love you all the time either thru words or actions, the most lovable lil things, clingy, clingy, clingy, will plan the future so quick like marriage and kids, big on love and sex, sensual, super faithful, shows lots of love, literally the type to write you some poems or some shit
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
What the signs usually fall for
aries: the cry babies
taurus: the compulsive liar
gemini: the hoe
cancer: the inconsiderate asshole
leo: the cocky and conceited
virgo: the messy/unstable
libra: the neighborhood pass around
scorpio: the pure/innocent
sagittarius: the strong and almighty
capricorn: the most intimidating person within looks but a sweetheart within themselves
aquarius: the goofy weirdo with the weird laugh
pisces: the emotional fuckboy .
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
Moon Sign Observations
🌙 Aries Moons have bold and unique methods to comforting themselves and relieving their intense emotions. Most of them resort to heavy music or intense/energetic hobbies to help deal with their rage, sadness, and restlessness. Some even give themselves drastic makeovers when met with deeper emotions. If their feelings are not dealt with, they will lash out on either themselves or others.
🌙 Taurus Moons may not be the best at expressing their emotions but they are perfect with keeping eye contact and making sure they show how they feel through body language.. And through their bustling humor. They rely more on what they can physical feel rather than what cannot be acknowledged through their senses. They are creatures of comfort and express how they feel through sensuality.
🌙 Gemini Moons process emotions through intellect, thinking, and communication. They are extremely moody and restless, always searching for answers through the internet, through past experiences, or through other people. They will google the symptoms of their emotions as a distraction or as a means to understand what they are going through. They will also gladly explain their feelings but usually, they add a tinge of humor or sarcasm to make themselves feel like they are still in control of the situation and are not coming across as weak.
🌙 Cancer Moons are only comfortable when their needs and their loved ones’ needs are met. They will go to extreme lengths to provide security, stability, and affection for the people they care about, often smothering their loved ones in the process without realizing it. Essentially, they care too much and they will see a fault in themselves if one of their loved ones are feeling down.
🌙 Leo Moons have a hard time expressing sympathy in a conventional way. When someone comes to them with an emotional issue, they think the best way to handle it is to distract the person from their feelings through creative projects, parties, or by bringing up things they need acknowledgement for themselves. They can seem vain because of this, but for them, this how they show love and generosity.
🌙 Virgo Moons find comfort in productivity, organization, and stability. How they view such traits depends on them. Some Virgo Moons are organized in their chaos and their messy environments, whereas others are so focused on perfectionism that they keep everything spotless. Either way, they know where everything is and how everything operates. When something is wrong, they will express the opposite of what they view as organized. 
🌙 Libra Moons are very emotional and people-oriented. Because of their compassion and consideration for others. But what people seem to dismiss is that they are still air influenced, meaning they process feelings through their intellect and logic. They focus more on the feelings of others than their own feelings due to their need to provide harmony and balance, usually putting their emotional well being aside.
🌙 Scorpio Moons experience powerful feelings that are so “loud”, they try to control them and quiet them down by attempting to ignore them. For this reason, they seem emotionless and cold upon first impression. Spend awhile with them and you will see them begin to struggle to keep themselves stable. Inside them are raging waves and thunderstorms begging to flood their surroundings. They require constant reassurance and devotion to help them find balance.
🌙 Sagittarius Moons feel confined by their emotions and usually form various methods of escapism in the process. They are known for attempting to stimulate their mind or their body to cancel out their feelings. Their stimulation ranges from gaming to music to sports or to sex to distract themselves. When they are met with their feelings with no way to escape, they become irritable and reckless. In a means to escape, they say or do things they don’t really mean and later cool off and feel horrible about their impulsive nature.
🌙 Capricorn Moons have the most difficult time dealing with their emotions since the moon, ruling Cancer, opposes the sign. They try to dominate their own heart in an attempt to feel powerful and dominant. They often equate emotional expression with weakness and vulnerability and usually cannot understand someone who expresses their feelings to them. When feelings are involved, they go blank. Overtime, they will be met with various emotional breakdowns and karmic experiences to help them battle their need for control. They will eventually take authority over their own authority, so to speak.
🌙 Aquarius Moons have a chaotic relationship with their own feelings. Sometimes they take pride in their ability to process their emotions intellectually instead of actually “feeling” them. Other times, they become frustrated with their inability to express their emotions in a conventional way. They want to connect but feel as though it will strip away their freedom and individuality.
🌙 Pisces Moons are often so out of tune with reality, they develop a victim complex. Their emotions are so vibrant and deep, they resort to specific habits that help them escape from their vulnerable heart. Often, they don’t even realize they are doing this and when met with reality checks, will only break down and victimize themselves more. This is why they need to isolate themselves from time to time. They will also need to develop healthy coping mechanisms to overcome their self-pity and put their feelings into something of value.
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
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astro-stargazer · 6 years
“Compatibility” is restrictive, and the Universe is endless. Astrology can describe love, but it doesn’t dictate it.
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