Elliott Cameron ~ 23 years old ~ muggleborn ~ Journalist / freelancer
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Elliott had felt bad since it seemed like they were always bothering the Ministers secretary, so that decided to get her something small. “Do you like chocolate?” They asked, pulling out a small box from their bag. If she didn’t then they also had a pack of candy as well. But they were waiting to see.
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“Are you serious.” She just looked up at them, completely deadpanned, before rolling her eyes. “Merlin. Literally why does it even matter? She’s going to get your ass shipped off to Azkaban if you don’t quit sneaking in here like some failed stalking attempt.”
“The people want to know what’s in store.” Elliott just shrugged, tapping the deck on their opposite hand. “It’s obvious I’m not gonna be able to see her- but I could do your reading? Free of charge of course.”
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👀 @astro-elliottcameron
“I highly doubt you can continue to attribute your snooping around to figuring out the minister’s zodiac,” Sofia commented, walking past them. “One day, someone might thing you look too suspicious.”
“I was actually hoping to give her a tarot reading this time,” They said, taking their deck out of their bag. “But I though you wouldn’t let me so I was trying to sneak past you.” Elliott shrugged, leaning against the wall. “As you can tell- I’m not very sneaky.”
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“Are you always going to be such a bitch, Eli?” Hugo asked with an overdramatic sigh – his usual – as he was tying up his ice skates. “Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand through the whole thing. Deal?”
Elliott scoffed. “You know what, that actually makes me want to do it even less.” The scrunched their nose. “But I’ll go! This is the only time this winter that I’m doing this, don’t think you’ll get me twice.”
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“I’m not going.” They said simply, putting their foot down. “Every year you try to make me embarrass myself by ice skating- but not this year!”
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“Mm,” Sofia hummed, admittedly, not listening much. She flipped through the folder she was holding, but then registered what the other had actually said and looked up at them. “Wait, what? Her what?”
Elliott nodded slowly, knowing it was ridiculous. “Her Zodiac sign- and not just her sun! They want me to do a full reading including her big three.” They shrugged. “I can’t leave until I at least find out her birthday.”
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“Do you need something or are you just walking around?” She questioned when she walked up behind the other. “The minister’s office has been a hot mess, so I’d avoid that side of the Ministry at all costs.”
// @astro-elliottcameron
“Oh I would love too, unfortunately my boss threatened to fire my if I didn’t at least attempt to come here.” They said, holding up their press pass. “Apparently finding out what Zodiac sign the new minister is and doing a tarot reading for her is of the highest importance.”
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“Right?” he grinned. “I’m also a little obsessed with holidays,” he chuckled. Nikolai hummed in interested. “You know, I’ve always been scared to do one of those. I feel like they’re going to be mean and tell me I’m doomed.”
Elliott scrunched their nose. “That is definitely not the kind of stuff they would tell you- at least not what I tell people. It’s all up for interpretation really. I’m mostly going to see if the person doing it this year is full of shit.”
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Nikolai clasped his hands together excitedly, “I saw a drink with a skeleton as a straw, we need to find that booth.”
“Oh definitely!” They grinned. “I love novelty stuff like that. Afterwards we gotta check out the tarot reader.”
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“Okay, not to sound cynical but do you think marriage actually can work? Like we live for so long and I don’t see the point in settling down with just one person for the rest of your life… Like… what if you get bored?”
Elliott shrugged, “My dad had to get married twice but it’s going pretty well for him the second time.” They’d never given marriage much thought themselves, not caring if it happened or not. “I think it just depends on the people.”
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Sometimes happiness looks like staying at home, minding your business, telling people no and doing you.
I heart intelligence (via resqectable)
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“I know it’s like, my dream and all, but running the bakery alone is rough. Like ‘maybe I’ll just quit everything and be a trophy wife’ level rough.” Chelsea sighed, slumping into her seat and downing the last of her coffee. “I should’ve listened to my dad.”
Elliott listened, eating a pastry while she spoke. “Why don’t you just get some help?” The solution seemed simple to them but maybe it was more complicated then they realized.
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Hayley pulled a face. “That’s so dumb, like it’s a horoscope, it’s not always going to be good, that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?” She didn’t really know if she believed in horoscopes but she read them for fun sometimes. “I guess there’s not much you can do other than rewrite it if they tell you too, have I mentioned that jobs suck? Because they do. Capitalism is the worst.”
Elliott waved exasperatedly before leaning back in their seat in a huff. “Tell me about it. And like, we’re freaking magic! So why do I have to earn money and all this other shit. Can’t I just like tell someone's future and then be left alone for a few years? Bills are ridiculous.”
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Cam looked in through the glass of the shop, peeking inside to see how busy it was. “Because I wanted coffee. And it’s not raining, so it’s a special occasion.” They looked back at Elliott. “Any particular reason you’re so opposed to the sunshine?”
Elliott raised their brows at being told it was a special occasion. About to retort something but was instead given a different opportunity. “I am actually part vampire- wait you didn’t know? I suppose know is a bad time to tell you that I don’t drink coffee or anything that isn’t blood?” They said with a smirk.
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She wrinkled her nose in displeasure at hearing about their problem. “That sucks, you think they’re doing it on prupose? Just to like piss you off or something?” She asked, looking over at them. “What were the reasons they gave?”
Elliott gave a rather large and dramatic sigh, throwing their arms up for effect. “One time they thought it was too morbid, another because they didn’t like the horoscope I gave their sign!” Elliott always tried their best to not make the horoscopes too run-of-the-mill but sometimes they just felt like it was a lost cause.
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“So any particular reason you dragged me outside of our very comfortable apartment?” Elliott asked, sitting down across from them at the table outside of the shop.
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“You’re a life saver. I thought I was going to have to sleep in the bar and if my boss caught me I’d probably get fired.” Hayley said, entirely too brightly because she wasn’t overly concerned about it. “But anyway, how have you been?”
Hayley seemed nonchalant about it so they decided to let the subject drop. Though they were still a little concerned. “I’ve been good! Hopefully Witch Weekly gets off my ass soon so I can start doing some freelance again. They keep having me re-submit my articles for bullshit reasons.”
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