1237 years old Faerie Owner of Little Read Books Council Member
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“My pockets can handle it. I’m Sebastian by the way-” He waved down the bartender, ordering her drink and his own in the process. “What brings you out here anyway?”
“ I’m Astrid. And apparently according to some very close friends of mine I have an unhealthy workaholic life style. So I thought I’d spend some time outside of work and my house. The bar seemed an inviting idea at the time.”
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“That sounds like a amazing way to spend the week. I haven’t run into old friends but I’ve made some new ones. I think that’s just as good.” A smile turned up her features as she was always willing to talk about the vacation. “Ireland and Greece.”
“Oh Ireland! Oh you have to tell me about it Remy!” Astrid exclaimed. Sometimes she wondered why she left Europe. She missed it so much. “What did you do? Did you meet new friends there? You know we should go have some tea.”
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She laughed, “Yes, well when it comes to my brothers, Fickle is an understatement. Right now I just have no Idea what ether of them are thinking and worst of all, I am not sure I care enough to figure it out.” she said with a sigh. “ After over eight-hundred years of their nonsense, I am afraid I have grown rather numb to it all. I find myself blissfully ignoring it for the sake of my own sanity and that isn’t something I want to do.” she said sighing.
“Oh love,” Astrid said sympathetically trying to think of what to say about her brothers. Really Astrid had no experience with siblings seeing as she never had any of her own. “You can’t keep beating a dead horse though love, it’ll only bring you grief. And we live too long to drown in something like that because of the people we love. What exactly have they been doing that bothers you so much?” She asks concerned.
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“ I spent all of mine time in France. I have a lovely home there with a large greenhouse and all my art stuff. I moved to the last town so I could be closer to my brothers. I am still not sure if being near them has brought us closer or driven us further apart. It’s a work in progress.” she joked as she linked arms with her and started walking.
Astrid nodded and smiled, “Families a fickle thing.” She was glad Matilda still had hers around. Not everyone was really as lucky these days. “I wish I had gone to France, I really miss it but I just needed to leave Europe. I had been there way to long anyway.” She secured their arms together as well squeezing only slightly as it was a familiar gesture between them. “I never enjoyed the city life too much, the parks only provided so much of that country side we were accustomed to.”
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She seemed apathetic and unimpressed, which really sucked out the fun out of everything. ❝Neither. I don’t have a reason to do things.❞ He brought his drink to his lips, watching her dial the number on her phone. ❝Are you always like this? So …. monotone?❞
“No, I am not always so monotone.” There was some bite in that last word. “I’m just more in control of my emotions and impulse’s. Unlike some people.”
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“I wouldn’t complain if you did. What will it be?”
“You should be careful with those words. For all you know I’lll be ordering top shelf all night. Think I'll have a rum and coke for now.”
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“A stranded island….I need to read that, read which one survives.”
“Its Shakespeare so someone always passes. I wish it was easier to find books like that, I miss the feeling of getting my heart ripped out when a character I love just dies, or some fantasy love ends tragically. It was so much fun when it was all new and grand.”
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“Wish more people could be like you,” she admitted, “everyone’s so easily scared and I’m wondering if it’s actually worth the fear” she chuckled. Raising a brow as she listened to the girl, she let out a small sigh, “this is starting to sound like the beginning of a really good horror movie”
“Hm, who do you think would die first? You or me? I’m willing to bet I could get away faster than you.” Astrid said turning this into more friendly banter, or at least hoping to. While thw woods cold be scary there was no point in dwelling on it now. After all it was daylight and most things that go bump in the night ony come out at night.
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“Let’s play.“
“I guess something about you right? You buy me a drink. I get it wrong?“ Mav crossed his arms on the bartop. “I’m buyin’.”
“Okay. Lets play.” Astrid hadn’t played a game in awhile. “No limits, say whatever you want maybe even tell how you came to that conclusion? I’ll buy you two then.”
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Brady stared at the nunchucks again. “How much you want for them?” he asked as he sat them down and pulled out his wallet. He was already trying to figure out how to put them up in his house and where he could display it. “I’ll pay almost anything for it.”
“Almost anything? I’m glad you like them so much.” Astrid hadn’t met someone into weapons like this in awhile. She was sure he would just do as she did and hang them up, but she wasn’t just going to let them go without a price tag no matter how much she liked them. “They did cost me a pretty penny so we’ll just say forty and you can walk away with them. I have some battle axes that have been collecting dust in the back that could use a good polish and sunlight.” Astrid would need to remember why she had these weapons, what was going through her head at the time?
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“What, are you saying that my epic teenage romance wasn’t something out of a romance novel?” Lee said, clutching a hand to her chest in mock hurt. “I’ve already done a bit of traveling, although I will admit I haven’t crossed the ocean yet. Although you should be careful what you say. I could up and leave and then you’ll be stuck with no employees.”
Lee did as Astrid asked with no complaints, sensing the change in tone. “Naiads. Okay. I think I’ve heard about those?”
"Seems one has popped up in Lake Harmony if rumors are true and I don't like that." Astrid took her position as Lee's mentor as her father did for her very seriously, and honestly with all the supernaturals that lie behind every corner here she wanted Lee to be informed of new changes that may effect her. "I saw one back in Scotland one time with my father, their beautiful outside the water but unlike you straying from it is a more serious offense to their health. I want you to be careful Lee, they could careless who or what you are. If you get close enough you will be their next meal.”
“Their fierce under the water, they turn monstrous. They have no language of their own. I haven’t seen one since Scotland, and I don’t know if it was ever killed. But we were pretty sure they were responsible for the recent deaths that had been happening at the time.”
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“It’s not a bad trait. You just have to know when to take a break is all.” She watched Astrid play in the dirt a moment longer, wondering what brought on the sudden need for nature. “I’m good. Just got back form a mini vacation of sorts. How about you? Anything exciting?”
"I’ve tried the laast couple weeks and I was surprised when I did. Two close friends of mine have popped up while I was on these breks. I’ve missed them both terribly so we’ve been catching up.” She smiled and brushed some hair from her eyes. “Where did you go for your mini vacation?”
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“I never actually heard of that book before,” Mercedes admitted to them. “And you say it’s pretty good?”
“Granted its not the most popular one but I always enjoyed it more, I mean it took place with them stranded on an island! Way more interesting then two warring families.”
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“Well they are a dangerous place,” she told her as she stepped closer. “It’s normal for people to be weary of places that they’ve been told are filled with creatures who can harm you” she added. “You would be right, I am,” she laughed lightly, extending a hand out the her, “Demi”
"I’m not very scared of those stories. Well not certain stories, you just have to know when to run. I used to live in a similar landscape maybe that’s why I’m not as scared." Mostly because she believed she could evade any creature that came for her. Well most. Her smell may give her away but as a faerie she was naturally good at stealth, so thinking quick on her feet would be easy. “Welcome to Ashbourne Demi, this place is rather scary at times though I admit. The stories are...interesting for a small place. Usually you only hear about so many things in old towns. But Ahsbourne has chapter after chapter sometimes built on rumors and sightings.”
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“Come on, stay a while. Let me buy you a drink. What do you say?”
“Alright, alright. You’ve nconvinced me. You can have me for one more drink. Course if you keep paying I might consider two.” She teased.
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Sloane slouched in the chair, her arm extended to the other. Her words were grumbles of disagreement at needing to be tended to by someone else. Blue eyes focused on the other’s movements to tend to the cuts on her arm. The blonde let out a sigh, her head thrown back over the back of the chair. “Ironic, isn’t it? A doctor can’t even tend to her own cuts.” A small chuckle passed her lips, but she winced when alcohol hit one of her worse cuts.
Astrid chuckled as she continued to clean the wounds. “It does not instill confidence but I am sure you have just had an off day. “ She says brushing the evenly brushing the alcohol over a few more closer cuts. Once that was done she took the bandages and opened them up to wrap around the cuts. “Even doctors need a doctor, you can’t just preform everything on yourself. Now relax, pretend your at the salon and you have some lovely stylist washing your hair just spoiling you with attention.”
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“Thought these things were gone by now,” Brady said as he started playing with his old nunchucks from when he was obsessed with Martial Arts movies and Bruce Lee. He played with them for a while before staring at them again. “Missed these things.”
Astrid looked over and smiled, “Then purchase them, I’ve had them lying around for a few years now.” More like several decades, seven if she were to put a number to it. She got them during a little trip over seas and really they were just some ornaments hanging around the place, made the bookstore’s action section more appealing she thought. Like the flowers by the romance section. If someone could get some enjoyment out of them she didn’t mind parting with them.
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