astralee · 2 days
party pooper
remus lupin x fem!reader
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parties are the worst. you decide that after your first ever party with your friends when you’re all pissed off your heads and throwing up. you’d sworn them off forever- well you did until a certain person entered your life.
‘certain person’ goes by the name remus lupin, one of the four marauders. he’s a rather sarcastic boy with a gorgeous smirk that’d knock the socks off of anyone. unfortunately for you, the other 3 marauders were a package deal that came along with your relationship and the package deal love throwing parties.
that’s how you end up here, surrounded by sweaty bodies that are shitfaced and all up over eachother. it’s like hell- scratch that. you’d much prefer hell, but for remus you’ll continue to go to the dreaded parties.
“still feeling alright?” remus quizzed when you shuffled over to stand between his legs. he was sat on the couch and the space next to him was sadly already occupied. “we can get off if you want.”
you’d love that, but remus is surrounded by his friends and he’s having fun. “better than alright, can i have some of your drink?”
wordlessly, he handed you the drink over and watched as you took a sip. when you finished, he had taken it out your hand, shoved it into marlene’s and reached up for you. “remus!” you chided as he gripped your hips and spun you around before pulling you down onto him. “i could’ve flashed the whole room.”
“you didn’t.” marlene chimed in with a goofy smile, she was definitely drunk. “wish you had though- have i ever told you how gorgeous you are?”
“don’t think so, you gonna tell me?” you grinned at her mischievously, the grin turning into somewhat of a smirk as you felt familiar hands roam around your thigh before settling in one place with a squeeze.
marlene grinned back just as cheeky. “can’t.” she worded simply. “think your fella is getting jealous.”
that brought a laugh out between you all, remus had definitely felt a little jealous. “i’m ready to go upstairs.” he brought his mouth to your ear so he could whisper. “shall we?”
“dunno.” you shrugged. “might stay with marlene.” she wasn’t even paying attention to you both anymore, you just loved to tease.
remus chuckled, stretching his hands around your thighs and poking his fingers just a little up your skirt. the pair of you weren’t usually up for a lot of pda but somehow you both end up really affectionate after a sip of alcohol “and your room is a state.”
remus groaned. “you can’t torture me because the boys are messy.” it was true, the three other boys in the room were beyond messy. remus likes to keep things neat, organised around his bed but the walk through the room to his bed is a hazard. “and we hate your room because the blonde girl is always eyeing me up.”
god she was always eyeing him up. you hadn’t even noticed at first, not until remus mentioned it and from then on you always caught the long stares she’d give him. it didn’t make you jealous, remus would never do anything to hurt you but you knew it made him uncomfortable. “alright let’s go up but if it stinks in there i’m not sleeping, okay?”
“it won’t stink.” remus promised. it probably would but there’s nothing a little spell won’t fix up. “come on then love, let’s get in bed.”
the pair of you ignored the loud protest coming from sirius when you announced you were calling it a night, too entranced in eachother to care and so excited you could finally leave the party
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astralee · 3 days
hot weather
james potter x fem reader
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“it’s too hot.” james complained, his hand covering his eyes as he grumbled about the weather. he hadn’t stopped complaining since the temperature spiked up and it didn’t seem like he’d be stopping anytime soon. “i’m serious i think it’s killing me.”
“why don’t you go for a dip in the lake?” you suggested, not even bothering to open your eyes and look at him. “that waters always freezing it’ll definitely help.”
he was quiet for a minute then you heard him shuffling about and the sun suddenly stopped burning your eyelids. “hi.” james spoke as soon as you blinked your eyes open. he was leaning over your body and looking right down at your face.
“hi.” you murmured back.
“come for a dip with me?” he questioned. his hair was stuck to his head and there was a slight flush to his cheeks, he looked really really pretty.
“don’t wanna get wet.” you shook your head and laughed when he groaned and completely flopped down onto you. “get off! it’s hot!” you cried out playfully. “and you’re all sweaty.”
james payed no mind to your complaints as he dug his fingers into your sides and started tickling you with no mercy. “can’t go swimming by myself- someone’ll see me and think i’ve got no mates.”
“everybody knows you have mates.” you argued back. “and there’s people in the lake already just go and talk to them.”
he groaned again but finally stopped tickling you. “fine.” he huffed. “but when i strip off my top and the girls are oogling because you’re not there don’t complain.”
“that’s fine.”
“yeah sure. fine. whatever.” he grumbled to himself as a last attempt to get you in the lake with him. he wasn’t scared to go over by himself, he’s outgoing and he can make conversation with anyone, but he doesn’t want to leave your side. “you’re gonna be alone y’know.”
“go swim.”
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astralee · 4 days
marauders x reader
your friends are jealous you’ve decided to make other friends
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“well, well, well.” sirius spoke with mock surprise as you walked through the portrait hole. “look who’s finally decided to join us.”
you rolled your eyes at his dramatic performance and dropped yourself down onto the couch next to peter. “you’re acting like i’ve been missing all week.”
“you have.” sirius was quick to retort. “right prongs?” james was even quicker to agree and so sirius turned to remus next who only shrugged.
“i’ve been around. i see you everyday. right pete?” you quipped back nudging the boy next to you.
peter shrunk further into the couch under the hard stares of sirius and james. “i guess.” he muttered just loud enough for you all to hear. “can you guys stop looking at me like that!”
“you’re supposed to be on our side!” sirius pointed at him in betrayal. “you can’t just agree with her when she’s trying to replace us.”
you barked a laugh and the four boys were quick to turn to you. “it’s not funny.” james huffed. “does our friendship mean nothing to you?”
your laughing had died down when you realised they were deadly serious about this. you go make a few friends of your own and all of sudden they think you’re replacing them. “you can’t be serious.”
“we are serious.”
“even you moony?”
remus shrugged again and then decided to open his mouth for the first time during the whole conversation. “i would hope not.”
“and that’d be right.” you spoke incredulously. “i’d be terribly sad if i didn’t have you annoying gits as my best friends.”
they seemingly perked up as you expressed your friendship with them and soon enough sirius was pretending to wipe his imaginary tears. “i love you guys.” he declared. “we should all get married and stay together forever.”
pin drop silence.
“ah. well y’see that’s just a bit too far.”
“what the fuck y/n.”
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astralee · 6 days
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sirius doesn’t know what possessed him to stand in front of you and ask for a hug but as he stares at your shocked expression, he’s already regretting it. “ah y’know what, it’s fine. dunno what came over me.”
you catch onto the sheepish expression on his face before he lowers his head to stare at his shoes. it’s not like you’ve never hugged before so why were you so shocked? “of course you can have a hug sirius. i was just shocked you asked me is all.”
“thought you might not have wanted one, i didn’t just wanna jump you.” he murmured but made no move to hug you.
taking the lead, you wrapped your arms around him first and he sagged into you as though you’d taken a heavy burden off of his shoulders. his hold on your waist was tight and secure and you come to realise he must’ve really needed this hug. “you okay?”
you could feel him nod before he spoke. “m’fine.” his words were mumbled into your jumper so he lifted his head and rested his chin on your shoulder. “weathers just miserable.”
you’d noticed he was often a bit more down during shitty weather, how could you not take notice that the usually loud boy was unusually quiet. “shall we go and listen to music? blast it loud enough to cover the storm.” you suggested. “we can close the curtains and act like it’s not even happening.”
“you want to?” he pulled away and questioned. “don’t wanna make you stop reading just because i’m a bit dramatic.”
“i want to.” you assured him. sure, the weather was perfect for getting cozy and submerging yourself in a book but there’s always time to read. making sirius cheer up was the only thing you wanted right now. “and for the record, you can hug me whenever.”
you couldn’t quite tell what he felt when he stared at you but the smile on his face hinted at something positive. “yeah?”
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