astraldreams-ids · 8 days
id: screenshots of tumblr/twitter posts and messaging apps, overlaid with ace attorney characters. 1) phoenix: I fell off a 50 foot ladder this morning trucy: OMG dad are you ok?! phoenix: Yes. Thankfully I was on the first step 2) ema: Do you think two girls could on purpose kissed? maya: It would be tricky but I it could be tbe done ema: Working tirelessly in the lab to figure it out 3) Apollo: Have you seen the dogs bowl? Phoenix: I didn't know they could Apollo: I am so fucking tired 4) Phoenix: now im no big titty lawyer, Mia: i am excuse me *Pushes boobily into the courtroom knocking over stacks of papers with my huge naturals* 5) Maya: Tried Wendys for the first time today… treated like burger Maya: *tasted Maya: They did NOT put on me the grill 6) gen z prosecutor: in the courted room. straight up "alleging it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. Your charges 7) Athena, about Phoenix and Edgeworth: Overheard in the office hallway between two older businessmen: "Don't you dare pull my shirt up, I have a meeting." Athena: You know what happy pride to those two guys Klavier: no they never explored each others bodies. he had a meeting. end id.
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even MORE ace attorney text posts that have been sitting in my drafts for ages
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astraldreams-ids · 8 days
id: a necklace made out of glittery heartshaped beads in a rainbow pattern. at its center is one large pink heart charm. end id.
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Glitter Heart Necklace 🌈💖
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astraldreams-ids · 8 days
id: five white dog plushies wearing knitted purple sweater and beanies sitting in the snow on the side of a hill, as if they were sliding down it. end id.
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astraldreams-ids · 8 days
did we ever learn why graham ate those notebooks
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astraldreams-ids · 11 days
i havent been posting much lately cause ive been super busy lately uhhh i miss transcribing posts my drafts are super full also. watch this space maybe i hope ill be posting more again soon thumbsup smile
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astraldreams-ids · 23 days
did we ever learn why graham ate those notebooks
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astraldreams-ids · 24 days
id: webweaving comprised of written text and dungeon meshi panels.
1) "Q: Have you ever gotten everything you ever wanted? A: No. but I once got very close. Q: What happened? A: I don't know. Everything disappears. Even dreams. I suppose I just flew too close to the sun." 2) Marcille, crying, looking at the Winged Lion's book in her hand. 3) Marcille, with open hair and a shocked expression, sitting on the Winged Lion's hand, as it talked to her with a serene expression. 4) "Very early in my life it was too late." 5) Marcille and her mother, both wearing funeral attire. Marcille is crying as her mother places a hand upon her shoulder and tells her: "You run at a different pace than everyone else. From now on, you'll have to watch as others pass before you." 6) "Because you are no longer an angel but a person all alone on two tired feet upon this earth that turns, that wakes terribly young every morning." 7) Marcille, with her hair undone and a frightened/sad expression. She is bundled up in a shawl/poncho, and ascending dark stairs. 8) The stairs are now crumbling beneath Marcille's feet as she is running and reaching out towards a closed wooden door at the top of them. 9) "[…] she left this one. (highlighted) I invented a world because death is unknowable and someone I loved was about to live there. (end highlight)" 10) Marcille, in her nightmare as a child, sobbing, yells: "Everyone gave up on running together with me and got swallowed up by it! Papa! Pipi! And Farlyn, too! Everybody!! That's why i studied magic so hard…" 11) "Desire is no light thing." 12) Marcille, with tears in her eyes, yet determined: "I want to eliminate the differences in lifespans across all the races." 13) Closeups on the Winged Lion and Marcille, continuing from previous panel. Lion: "'All the people in the world', you say… Indeed, that isn't the kind of wish that could be fulfilled with a mere half-hearted desire. However, you came to this dungeon filled with the resolution to see it through, correct?" Marcille, still crying, resolutely: "Of course!" 14) "You're addicted to loneliness and desperation. It's the strongest emotion you've ever known, so your subconscious tell you that it's your destiny." 15) Thistle, mocking Marcille in his house: "Half-breeds cannot live their lives in the same flow of time as any other race! A hundred years from now, nobody will be there to sit around a table and share a meal with you! Does that make you terrified? Is that why you desire the dungeon's power? So you can change your fate?" Marcille looks shocked, unsure, then replies: "No, you're wr-…!! That's not…!!" 16) "Still, there is this terrible desire to be loved. Still, there is this horror at being left behind." 17) Marcille, surrounded by the party's corpses. She's leaning against Laios', as if in a hug. "Did you even stop to think about what it would be like for me to be surrounded by everyone's dead bodies…?" 18) "We want to hear someone say, 'I give you my heart,' meaning, 'summer and winter,' meaning, 'all my time in this world,'" 19) Marcille, in her dungeon lord outfit, looking up at Laios: "I just want to live out my life with all of you at my side. In order to do that, is it so wrong for me to wish to keep death at bay?" 20) "Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story." end id.
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Doomed from the beginning
Unknown / Marguerite Duras / Blanca Varela / Ramona Ausubel / Anne Carson / Heather Havrilesky / Michael Cunningham / Lisel Mueller / Richard Siken x Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: a digital drawing of the third doctor and delgado!master from doctor who. they are fencing, leaning towards each other with their faces inches apart and only seperated by their crossed rapiers. the doctor has a focused expression on his face and the master is smiling. there are hearts drawn around and between them. end id.
I wish gay people were real
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: closeup photo of a casio calculator. on its screen is the text, in all caps, "have you ever loved a machine... just kidding hahaha... unless (smiley face)". end id.
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: a digital drawing of gaster and ralsei from undertale. ralsei is standing in the center of the piece, looking towards the viewer with a concerned expression on her face. gaster looms down behind her, one hand holding onto her shoulder, the other reaching towards her. there are red strings tied to his hands and spilling out of the cracks in his face. end id.
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: digital drawing of killua and alluka from hunter x hunter. alluka is wearing a red sweater, with a white hem with two heart embroidered on it, that reads "something", a kneelength green skirt, high white socks, and brown loafers. she has a heartshaped bag slung over her shoulder, and has pink and blue hearts clipped into her braids. killua is wearing a hooded t-shirt over a blue and black striped shirt, brown pants, and dark brown boots with blue laces. alluka is grinning wildly, her right hand raised in a peace sign, and holding onto killua's hand with her other, as he walks towards her with a large smile. end id.
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Drawing some old outfits I designed for them again
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: photo of a sorbet in a fancy glass bowl, topped with strawberries, cream, and star-shaped fruit and cookies. end id.
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: a pencil drawing of chara and asriel from undertale. they are sitting on two swings tied to a large branch; asriel is swinging forwards with a big grin on his face, while chara has twisted up the ropes of their swing and is now spinning quickly as it unwinds. they are smiling. end id.
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: the phantom from ace attorney (in their default bobby design) is sitting on a chair, hunched over, their forearms leaning on their knees and their head facedown resting on their clasped hands (the 'shinji pose'). overlaid is the text "me after taking 20 personality tests (i still have no idea who i am)". end id.
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i saw this one meme and could not stop myself
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: a set breakfast table with condiments, a cup of coffee, and two pancakes on a plate in the center. end id.
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: drawing of laios' party from dungeon meshi as pokemon. from left to right: senshi as perrserker, holding an oran and sitrus berry. chilchuck as rattata. laios as sirfetch'd, holding a pan and kensuke instead of the leek shield and sword. marcille as braixen, still holding her staff. izutsumi as meowth. end id.
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gotta eat em all!
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astraldreams-ids · 2 months
id: closeup photos of a black cat with glitter all over its fur. end id.
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Source: poeticalphotos
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