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Call me Aster! Current Interactive Fiction Project: Nevermoore
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asteristories · 3 years ago
Personal Update
Uh…Yeah, hi. 
I’m still alive lol. Sorry for the habit of disappearing for weeks/months at a time, things irl has been…intense, to say the least. Nothing too serious if you’re worried, just a lot to deal with. 
But I know you guys have a few questions you want to ask, so here’s a little FAQ:
Is Nevermoore still being worked on?
Well, yes and no. It’s definitely NOT abandoned I’ll tell you that. Just haven’t touched the wip in a while due to a mix of writers block/loss of motivation/personal life. So I suppose I’d classify Nevermoore as being on hiatus for an indeterminate amount of time? 
Though I am determined to finish it no matter how long it’ll take me, so I hope you guys are up for playing the waiting game lmao. 
When will the Nevermoore reboot be released?
I’m not really sure, it just depends on my circumstances I guess. Please refer to the last question for a more details.
What about your other IF wip, [Untitled] Ever After?
Don’t worry, it’s still a go. 
Nevermoore is just my top priority right now. The posts I have in the blog is more of an interest check than anything, so I haven’t done much for it yet like make playlists or pintrest boards.
( Also for the people who sent asks for that IF that are still unanswered, know that I see them and hope to get to them soon) 
Why hasn’t there been any activity/updates in your blogs for so long?
Life. Currently feeling like the upside-down smiley face emoji. 
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asteristories · 3 years ago
Personal Update
Uh...Yeah, hi. 
I’m still alive lol. Sorry for the habit of disappearing for weeks/months at a time, things irl has been...intense, to say the least. Nothing too serious if you’re worried, just a lot to deal with. 
But I know you guys have a few questions you want to ask, so here’s a little FAQ:
Is Nevermoore still being worked on?
Well, yes and no. It’s definitely NOT abandoned I’ll tell you that. Just haven’t touched the wip in a while due to a mix of writers block/loss of motivation/personal life. So I suppose I’d classify Nevermoore as being on hiatus for an indeterminate amount of time? 
Though I am determined to finish it no matter how long it’ll take me, so I hope you guys are up for playing the waiting game lmao. 
When will the Nevermoore reboot be released?
I’m not really sure, it just depends on my circumstances I guess. Please refer to the last question for a more details.
What about your other IF wip, [Untitled] Ever After?
Don’t worry, it’s still a go. 
Nevermoore is just my top priority right now. The posts I have in the blog is more of an interest check than anything, so I haven’t done much for it yet like make playlists or pintrest boards.
( Also for the people who sent asks for that IF that are still unanswered, know that I see them and hope to get to them soon) 
Why hasn’t there been any activity/updates in your blogs for so long?
Life. Currently feeling like the upside-down smiley face emoji. 
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asteristories · 3 years ago
What do the ROs look like dear author? Thank you!!
How do the ROs look like? - anon
AAAAAAAAA I'm so enamored with this concept and its characters!!! May I ask for a description of the ROs appearance? Thank you ╰(*°▽°*)╯ - anon
Can we have some physical descriptions of the ROs please? Thanks!!  - anon
Sorry this took a little while, but here you go!
My descriptions are rather simplistic at the moment, but please also note that this isn’t everything yet since we’ll be getting into more detail of their appearances in the actual game! 
Base Skin Tones: 
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The Paragon (K)
6′1. Toned build. Long, dark hair tied to a braided crown-like hairstyle. Brown eyes with a silver ring around the irises. Has a white, ceramic mask (Think of those masquerade masks). Elegant facial features.
The Spymaster (A)
5′11. Willowy frame. Wavy auburn hair that reaches the chin. Teal eyes. Dimples. Slight gap between their front teeth. Fingers often stained with ink and wax. Sharp facial features. 
The Calamity (Vahnis)
7′5. Broad-shouldered, heavy but well-built.  Amber eyes. Dark blond hair in a tight bun. Covered in scars. Undecipherable tattoos run down their left arm. Rugged facial features.
The Runaway (Oz)
5′5. Mousy. Short, curly black hair. Hazel eyes. Freckles all over. Sand caught in his clothes. Hands that haven't yet seen a day of physical work. Delicate facial features.
The Phantasm (Maise)
5′7 in her human form (mostly used for disguises).  5′10 when in her banshee form (Plus an additional feet or so off the ground). Curvy frame. Skin has a light bluish-gray tinge to it. Light-gray hair the floats freely around her. Wine-red eyes. Steely facial features.   
The Weaver (Briar) 
5′4. Petite. Shoulder-length white hair. Violet eyes with slitted pupils. Deer-like antlers coming out from their head. A pair of feathery wings on their back. Ageless facial features.
Thank you all for the asks!
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asteristories · 3 years ago
*Watches scenes from my WIP like a tv show on repeat in my head instead of ever writing them down*
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asteristories · 3 years ago
So uh...Happy 2022 everyone! Sorry once again that I keep phasing in and out of existence on this blog, life's really been keeping me on my toes haha.
But despite it all, I still wanted to show you guys the official reveal of my second IF! I'm super excited to work on this one in the future...after I get some substantial progress done for Nevermoore first of course. It was fun to work on the intro post as well, it even helped a bit getting over some writers block I'm having for NM.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little surprise! Feel free to send asks/questions to the @untitled-if blog and I'll do my best to answer them inbetween doing the Nevermoore reboot!
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“Stories never do truly end…” 
A young heir from one of the many kingdoms that dot the continent of Esterion runs away after witnessing their corrupt uncle orchestrate the death of their parents, thus allowing himself to seize control of the throne. 
But it wasn’t until five long years, a prophesied quest, magical power-ups, and a found family of questionable misfits later, where that said heir then returns home in order to save their people from his iron-fisted rule. 
This is a story that has already happened, and not to mention a story that’s incredibly, and embarrassingly, cliché. Still an arguably enjoyable read regardless, even if it only ever existed within the pages of your old notebook from middle-school. 
…Or at least, that’s how you expected it to stay.
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‘[Untitled] Ever After’ is an isekai-fantasy IF made on Twine where you play as a young adult that somehow, either by luck or divine intervention, finds yourself standing in the vast world of the story you’ve once written…More than a decade after its initial ending, apparently.
The lines of creation begin to blur, revealing a setting that is more dynamic and alive, and evolving far beyond the limits once set by your imagination. 
Which then begs the question on what came first; The world that clearly moved on without it’s creator, or the creator that left their world behind? 
Meanwhile, in a dying land across an endless sea far, far away, there it patiently lies.
It has a hunger that grows, lurking amongst the carcasses of what once was and what never will be.
It killed the old gods…All except for the First.
It will not keep them waiting.  
Keep reading
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asteristories · 3 years ago
So uh...Happy 2022 everyone! Sorry once again that I keep phasing in and out of existence on this blog, life's really been keeping me on my toes haha.
But despite it all, I still wanted to show you guys the official reveal of my second IF! I'm super excited to work on this one in the future...after I get some substantial progress done for Nevermoore first of course. It was fun to work on the intro post as well, it even helped a bit getting over some writers block I'm having for NM.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little surprise! Feel free to send asks/questions to the @untitled-if blog and I'll do my best to answer them inbetween doing the Nevermoore reboot!
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“Stories never do truly end…” 
A young heir from one of the many kingdoms that dot the continent of Esterion runs away after witnessing their corrupt uncle orchestrate the death of their parents, thus allowing himself to seize control of the throne. 
But it wasn’t until five long years, a prophesied quest, magical power-ups, and a found family of questionable misfits later, where that said heir then returns home in order to save their people from his iron-fisted rule. 
This is a story that has already happened, and not to mention a story that’s incredibly, and embarrassingly, cliché. Still an arguably enjoyable read regardless, even if it only ever existed within the pages of your old notebook from middle-school. 
…Or at least, that’s how you expected it to stay.
‘[Untitled] Ever After’ is an isekai-fantasy IF made on Twine where you play as a young adult that somehow, either by luck or divine intervention, finds yourself standing in the vast world of the story you’ve once written…More than a decade after its initial ending, apparently.
The lines of creation begin to blur, revealing a setting that is more dynamic and alive, and evolving far beyond the limits once set by your imagination. 
Which then begs the question on what came first; The world that clearly moved on without it’s creator, or the creator that left their world behind? 
Meanwhile, in a dying land across an endless sea far, far away, there it patiently lies.
It has a hunger that grows, lurking amongst the carcasses of what once was and what never will be.
It killed the old gods…All except for the First.
It will not keep them waiting.  
Keep reading
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asteristories · 3 years ago
Hi anon! Sorry for the late reply lol, but what I personally used for that particular banner was made on a site called Canva!
I'm not sure where the other IF authors make theirs, but from what I've seen it all looks so good and I wish I had that talent haha.
Thanks for the ask!
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asteristories · 3 years ago
*Emerges from my cave to drop the teaser intro post banner for my second IF* 
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asteristories · 3 years ago
a wee update + a surprise
Hi all! I know I’m terrible at devlogs and keeping y’all updated in general, and I’m so sorry for that!! Self-imposed deadlines are my enemy, apparently.
A couple weeks ago, I thought I was thisclose to having chapter 2 released in full…but then I realized that I was only truly happy with about half of what I had written. I talked about it with the besties on the Discord server who convinced me that I shouldn’t release until I’m legit super happy with it, so now here we are.
To be completely honest, I’m far from happy with the chapter. BUT all the writer’s block lately has given me time to play around with coding…yay? And I was thinking that maybe it’d be fun to release….
💜 a free twine sugarcube 2 template 💜
I’m not an expert at HTML/CSS or JavaScript by any means, so there are probably plenty of ways to make this template better. But I’m hoping that having another template floating around out there (in addition to the fabulous templates by vahnya, cerberus, & nyehilism) could benefit all of the IF authors either just getting started with their game or trying to make the switch from CS<3
Please let me know if something isn’t working correctly or you have any questions or suggestions! I still consider myself to be fairly newbie when it comes to all of this, but I’ve been having a lot of fun learning more about custom templates so I figured I’d share the love.
Features include:
Responsive & mobile-friendly UI
Custom save names/autosaving features
Settings for changing light/dark modes, fonts, & font size
Settings for toggling notifications & dialog tags
Imported fonts, including OpenDyslexic by Abbie Gonzalez
Built-in stat bars (with HTML/CSS & JavaScript sample)
General theme styling, but feel free to change it up!
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You can find the template here. Happy coding, friends!!
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asteristories · 3 years ago
hi i just want everyone to know that i will never ever EVER be angry with anyone for not replying to my texts even though you’re visibly online and reblogging/posting. i understand that holding a conversation takes a lot more energy and effort than scrolling and posting and that’s 100% okay. take care of yourself first. the whole idea that you HAVE to reply to someone when you’re online is toxic and makes mentally ill people feel as though they are bad friends just because they can’t always reply within minutes. 
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asteristories · 3 years ago
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DEMO (tentatively Mar 2022)
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Strange Case at Harbord is an urban fantasy interactive fiction, where you delve deeper into your family’s long-hidden legacy, as well as the paranormal world they have long been familiar with.
They say when you came into the world, mountains quaked, earth trembled. The sky shook itself with a never seen before force… for the most normal baby in the family to be born.
You’ve been kept in the dark for your whole life. Your relatives are abominations of half human half animal, and they are adamant to keep this secret from the outside. You were considered one of those outsiders, until one day, a pair of wings shoots out of your back. Suddenly, you’re tied to numerous responsibilities as a member of your bizarre family.
Now returning to your hometown, you have to deal with the residue from this new, supernatural revelation, all while trying to hide your giant wings. Will you abide to your paranoiac family’s rules, or become their source of headache like your mother? Or perhaps do you want to find out what exactly has happened to your body?
Whatever you do, though, be careful, because public uproar is the least of your family’s concern if words get out. There are people who hunt them (and you) in the purest of sense.
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Customize your own MC, from gender to personality to responses.
Be part of a narrative where your choices can take an unexpected turn.
Build relationships with a variety of characters, platonic or otherwise. Five romance options with tropes including friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, slow burn, interspecies romance, and forbidden love.
Learn how to control your wings, or just screw it and walk like a normal person.
Get into heaps of supernatural shenanigans, intentional or not, giving your best friend an aneurysm.
Show your adversary you’re not as bad as they think, or give them exactly what they presume you would be.
Maybe join a cult?
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Robin | The best friend
Male, Female, Non-binary
Being your roommate, they had the misfortune of catching you with your wings, and now have to accompany you and your parents back to your hometown. They’re calm, cool, rational, with a fine reputation. Your town mates has always thought of them as a nice and friendly person, but only you know them for the little prick they are…
You guys have been doing questionable things that toe the line of friendship, but will you be the one to take that final step?
Nelly | A curious one
An unfamiliar face in town, who seems to appear out of nowhere. She’s sweet and enthusiastic, and has a special fascination regarding supernatural subjects. She also knows everything about anything. You wonder if she perhaps knows about your family as well.
She appears to have taken an interest in you, but will you be able to bring that interest into something further?
Loki | That damned spirit
Literally the embodiment of the hill your elders reside in, might as well say he’s your family’s landlord. It’s quite surprising that he’s not a popular figure amongst your family, despite his laidback and cheerful attitude. Not so surprising when you learn about his hobby to push people’s button.
He especially likes teasing you. Could this be a form of special treatment?
Keith | New guy
A friendly and refreshing face. Would be great if he wasn’t part of the faction that wants you and your family dead. Due to unforeseen circumstance, you guys become partners, and he’s been an uncuttable tail ever since. He doesn’t know about your wings, and it’s important you keep it that way.
He seems nice, very nice, but will he still be if he knows what you truly are?
Lana | New danger
She wants you. Or your head, same thing. You’re not sure what brought her into this town in the first place, but it’s ill-advised that you stay and find out. She’s stubborn, disciplined and determined, and she’s not generous enough to give you a head start on the chase.
There’s a tension between you two all right, but is it the tension of belligerent attraction, or just pure belligerence?
And many more!
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asteristories · 3 years ago
Hey everyone! Sorry for the radio silence lately, life got very stressful and just feeling 🙃 in general lol. Nothing too serious or anything, but yeah..You guys still deserve a progress update, despite this rushed post.
Anyways, I swear I'm still working on the Nevermoore reboot, just experiencing some writers block for certain scenes atm.
Also I have the premise of a second IF project in the works (yes I know), and will have the intro post up soon as like, an interest check! Don't worry though, Nevermoore is still my top priority haha. Just wanted to temporarily try something different so I don't burn myself out!
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asteristories · 3 years ago
Hey everyone! Sorry for the radio silence lately, life got very stressful and just feeling 🙃 in general lol. Nothing too serious or anything, but yeah..You guys still deserve a progress update, despite this rushed post.
Anyways, I swear I'm still working on the Nevermoore reboot, just experiencing some writers block for certain scenes atm.
Also I have the premise of a second IF project in the works (yes I know), and will have the intro post up soon as like, an interest check! Don't worry though, Nevermoore is still my top priority haha. Just wanted to temporarily try something different so I don't burn myself out!
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asteristories · 3 years ago
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Ten years ago you went missing.
It was a normal day. You woke up, had breakfast with your roommate and left shortly after for a full day of college classes and errands, only to never return home that afternoon.
Ten years ago you fell through a blip in time. Today you show up on your mother's doorstep, unaged and unaware of the time you lost.
Mirror Mine is a sci-fi work-in-progress interactive fiction coded in Choicescript, with certain elements of horror. It is rated 18+ for graphic content.
Demo TBA - RO Appearances
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Fully customisable MC
Three possible romanceable characters
Solve the mystery of what happened to you
Make crucial decisions that will affect the story
Learn the ins and outs of time travel
Take back the life that was stolen from you
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Grayson Donohue - 32, M, RO. Your childhood best friend and college roommate. Now a detective. Passionate, intelligent and determined; he's dedicated the past ten years of his life to find you. He dropped out of college and quit his pursuit of a business degree, joining the police force instead. Despite having not seen him in a decade, there only difference you notice about him is that he's older. He's still the same man you always knew and he loves you more than ever.
Kennedy Rose - 34, F, RO. Your tutor turned professor. Your relationship was somewhat complicated; neither of you liked the other and yet you were forced to spend time together. However, two years spent in each other's company had you two becoming somewhat fond of each other. Something someone might call friends. After your disappearance, she was distraught, soon coming to regret ever growing close to you. She closed herself off, becoming cold, hard and aloof. It's going to take a lot to gain her trust back, and even more for her friendship.
Alex Colwell - 32 F/M, RO. An old friend of yours. You were close friends in middle school and you dated on and off throughout high-school. You thought they were it. The one. Until they moved away after graduation and you decided to break up. Now they're back, spurred into action by the news of your disappearance. Will you rekindle and rebuild the love you two once had or will you distance yourself from them further?
Kelsey Montgomery - 39, F. Grayson's work partner. You don't know much about her and you're not sure you want to. She has her suspicions about you. She doesn't believe your story. Decide if she can be trusted to help you or she deserves to be left in the dark.
Nora & Callie - 54 & 26, F & NB. Your mother and sibling. They were both devastated by your disappearance but they never have up hope of your return. While still curious about what happened to you, they mostly just care that you're safe and back home where you belong. Although... are you really all that safe?
Demetri Renfield - 58, M. Your estranged father. He left when you were twelve and you hadn't seen or heard from him since. Now he shows up one week after your return and you have your own suspicions about him. Certain elements of his story aren't adding up and his timing is a little more than coincidental. Can you really trust him?
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asteristories · 3 years ago
Since the Nevermoore reboot will inevitably come with some changes to character bios, lore, etc, I’ve decided to put as much as I can remember into a list here (at least the ones I deem important enough to mention so you guys can be aware of it before the update goes live)
I’ll most likely be updating this in the coming months!
- Pavel/Priscilla/Presley’s last name will be adjusted from ‘Falken’ to ‘Falksen’ to better fit Norwegian naming conventions
- Instead of MC and their parents living in a location that was purposefully left ambiguous, I’ve decided to have the setting to be in Ontario, Canada since that’s where I live and where I’m most familiar in writing about. 
- Reduced the range of Nevermoore’s influence (basically the area where people will disappear before ending up in the town) from the whole of North America to simply eastern Canada. So yes, Nevermoore is technically a Canadian town now (that may or may not be trapped in a pocket dimension). 
- Simon/Sarai Zhang got a minor career change. They’re still in the science field like their father (who was a physicist). But now instead of being an unspecified ‘jack-of-all-trades’ type scientist, Zhang is now a high-school science teacher who was also studying to be a biochemist. Their motive as to why they’re so determined leave Nevermoore has also been adjusted to fit this. 
If I have more I’ll be sure to add them here!
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asteristories · 3 years ago
found this and i think it's the perfect character meme
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asteristories · 3 years ago
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Chapter Three of Body Count is now available to play on Dashingdon!
Choose what to believe about Ellis’ death.
(Officially) Meet some new arrivals to the villa.
Make your suspicions known. 
Take a nice, chill post-murder nap. 
Uncover a secret.
Word Count: 185,789 (+52k) | Average Playthrough: 29,955 (+6k)
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Demo | Project Intro | Patreon | KoFi
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Please make sure to check the updated trigger warnings before you play.
This chapter is a little different (because plot is happening) and not all of the ROs appear.
As this is the last update before the Twine move, I’ve left the personality coding more minimal (to save myself effectively having to code it twice lol). Doesn’t affect gameplay, but something to be aware of for future. 
Evergreen reminder that Body Count is an 18+ game!
Happy Halloween!
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