Grimm fan account Aspen (he/they) / AdultMain: @goatinacoat19
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I’m moving some plot stuff around in my fic.
This litterally only affects me, but I like to talk about my trainwreck of a writing process because it helps me think stuff through and so often I see people talk about their creative process and it’s so streamlined and I’m just not like that and I know I’m not alone in that and that’s okay.
Anyway, basically the thing in chapter 17 is getting moved to being much sooner because frankly I really want to write it and I think it works better in the new story to have it happen sooner rather than later. Also then I get to talk about the thing way sooner and I’m really excited for that.
It also ties the plot together better since the main plot lines of New World, Old Shadows are the aftermath of Fallon and Tim and Percy’s stuff, and to a slightly lesser extent alos the reoccurring antagonist who’ll be introduced in chapter 3. Doing the thing early means I get to tie these together better which leads into part 2.
Btw I have to just refer to it as the thing because I can’t say anything about it because it’s spoilers. This will make sense once I’ve written it but I’m just calling it the thing for now lol.
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The good news: I finished the family tree.
The bad news: It’s being a pain in the ass to share without nuking the ability to read it.
This is proving to be far moee frustrating than making it lol.
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The family tree is going well. It would look insane to anyone who does not have the context though.
Like foxes become cats which then become arachnids which splits into worms and insects. I know that sounds weird but it’s because of the Manticore and because arachnids are related to insects just more distantly and I am doing my best here lol.
I’m not 100% happy with all the placements, but there’s only so much I can do, so oh well.
I’ll probably finish it tomorrow, and then we’ll see.
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Update on the wesen family tree: All animal wesen have been categorised.
That’s any wesen that has notable animal characteristics.
What I have next are the non animal and near human wesen, which I have to find similarities between to be able to group them which will be fun.
I’m only doing wesen that actually appear in the show currently, but in the future I may add wesen that were in the comics and stuff like that. As long as I know what it’s based on, I could technically put it in this, but there are 95 wesen I’m working with (I think that’s all of them lol) and obviusly that’s quite a big number. Well, actually 96 because grimms are in this too. That may change though, I’m really tempted to do as many as I can.
Anyway, fun fact we only had 7 bird wesen appear in the show. We had 41 mammals, 13 reptiles, 4 fish, 2 amphibians and 10 invertebrates (specifically 6 insects, 1 cephalopod, 2 worms and an arachnid). Then there are the 2 hybrids, the manticore (arachnid/feline) and the Wettbewerbsgewinner (avian/reptile). I think those numbers are right. I’m going to double check everything before I make the actual tree lol.
If this doesn’t show how much of a bias humans have towards mammals I don’t know what will lol. You know how many cool animals there are? Most animals are insects (25% of all animals are beetles), so you’d think we’d have more insect wesen. Or invertebrate wesen tbh because you could make a really cool nudibranch wesen. Then there’s the severe lack of birds. Can you imagine how cool a peacock wesen would be? Or a hummigbird? Or maybe for the amphibians we could have a giant salamander wesen because they’re an awesome animal, or a caecillian because very few people know they exist even though there are litterally only 3 extant amphibian orders lol. Honestly the reptiles did well numbers wise, although it would be really funny if they had a slow worm wesen that people assume are related to the snake wesen (like lausenschlange) but obviously are not. It would just be a funny joke, at least to me (I love slow worms so much they’re one of my favourite lizards).
Can you tell I like animals? I’m having so much fun lol. I get to categorise and research animal evolution and all of it is related to my favourite show. 10/10 would recommend you do something like this but with whatever you’re interested in, it’s very fun. Find ways for your interests to intersect. You will have ethe time of your life.
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I’m doing one of the most autistic things I could do which is making a wesen family tree.
There are parts that will be related to some theories I have, but a lot of it will be based on how the real animals most wesen are based on evolved.
I’m currently grouping wesen together into their rough family groups and then figure out how I’m going to lay out this thing considering stuff like manticores would be related to both feline and arachnid wesen.
This is so fun for me lol.
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Silly headcannon: Hundjägers do a rottie rumble when happy.
For anyone who doesn’t know, rottweiler’s have a sort of happy growl which is referred to as a rottie rumble. I think hundjägers are mainly based on German shepherds, but I just think it would be funny that these wesen that have such a vicious reputation have this silly quirk. It’s vague enough on what breed they’re based on that I think it works, and again, it’s just a bit funny to me.
I actually saw a rottweiler puppy today and it was adorable and there was also this giant old German shepherd that said hello to it and it was adorable. It just reminded me of this headcannon I have lol.
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Out of curiosity, what’s your favourite season of Grimm?
For me it’s season 3 (other than the finale). Idk why I just love it a lot. I think it’s because it’s that sweet spot of Renard being in the main group, Juliette is awesome, and in general it’s just a really fun season (other than the finale because of Adalind).
Then it’s probably season 2, then 1, then 4. I think s6 is better than s5 as I think Black Claw was such a wasted opportunity and Renard’s character arc and Adalind and Nick’s relationship just is not something I like very much. S6 was rushed but I enjoyed it more than s5. S6 also has one of my favourite episodes in the whole show, Blind Love, which while I do have 1 major issue with it (that poor woman who worked there who Wu accidentally traumatised as oh boy it was not handled particularly well), it has some of the best comedy in the whole show (the corridor scene) and is nothing but chaos.
S2 and 1 are very close in how much I love them, but again, I really like it when Renard is helping the main group and again, Juliette is cool (once they resolve the coma and coma related stuff). S4 is a mixed bag for me as while I love villain Juliette, I hate how we got there because it doesn’t make sense and absolutely butcher’s Juliette’s character. I do love how dark it gets though and Kenneth’s death I think is one of my favourite moments in the show.
Anyway, those are some very rough thoughts. I could go way more in depth on why I like/don’t like certain seasons or even certain episodes, but not today because I am tired. Maybe I’ll start doing more in depth posts on certain episodes, but who knows.
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I have finished the chapter 3 plan. This one will be fun.
I think it’s going to end up shorter than the other 2, but that’s for the sake of plot mystery and also to give myself a little break considering how long it took me to write chapter 2 lol.
This one will be set up for 3 things (stuff that happens in ch4, a reoccurring antagonist and some wider plot stuff) and I’m very excited. Also it’s a Selene and Tim focused chapter, and that will always be fun. It’ll be interesting to figure out how i narrate for them too since they are quite similar in personality with a few key differences.
It’s nice to be past the first couple of chapters since those are always the hardest for me to write. I really struggle with writing beginnings for whatever reason. The middle and end I don’t often have problems with, but starting a story is really hard for me, so I’m glad to be pretty much out of that point.
I’m genuinely so happy to be writing this story. I’m having the time of my life lol. The potential for more Grimm content has given me so much motivation and I want to get as much of this fic done as possible before my hyperfixation changes again.
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The Grimm fandom better have a roaring comeback when the movie comes out (fingers crossed that it doesn't get shut down halfway through development). I want more gay rarepairs to hyperfixate on.
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What are your feelings on the reboot movie announcement?
Personally I’m excited, but a little nervous. I’m hoping for it to fill in some lore gaps left by the original show (in other words, the names of the other royal families and which countries they are from because I want to know) and I’m hoping for some new wesen too. I’m a little nervous though because Grimm does mean a lot to me and I’ve been wanting more Grimm content for years and I just want it to be good.
I’m super curious as to what the plot will be. The article was so vague and you can’t really tell much about what they’re planning.
I’m ngl, I didn’t expect a reboot, but as the original show is 8 years old now, I get it. It does mean I don’t have to worry about my sequel fic being too similar to anything in canon though lol. It also means that they can improve on things that they did poorly in the original show (looking at Adalind and Juliette). I am actually kinda hoping this won’t just be a retelling though. I think the original cast can’t be replaced, and while I would be happy to have them back playing the same roles, I do kinda want something different.
I’m not writing anything off though, and at this point as long as it’s decently written, I’ll be happy. There are so many improvements that you could make to the original show tbh, and as they now technically have a beginning and end point, they could actually improve off the original, like actually naming and using the other royal families, having the Resistance actually having more than 2 useful members, not rushing Black Claw, and elaborating more on the grimm knights and Zerstörer.
Anyway, those are just my thoughts. What do y’all think?
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And it is done! Chapter 2 is out!
Diana has to deal with a new cult that targets predatory wesen, and Freddy just wants to protect his daughter.
I hope you enjoy!
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I got the first draft of chapter 2 done finally so it is very likely to be out very soon.
This chapter is shorter than chapter 1 with the draft being just under 5000 words, but this one is mostly about Diana and Freddy with some small sections from Fallon’s perspective. It was pretty fun to write too which was nice. Also, I got to talk about Diana’s cats and that’s always a bonus for me lol.
Anyway, I am very tired right now (as usual I am writing this post past midnight because my sleep schedule is a train wreck) but I’ll hopefully be finishing the chapter at somepoint today.
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While I do really love chapter 2, I am looking forward to being able to move on from it because oh my god I’ve been writing this one for so long lol. I think I should finish it in the next couple thousand words and then I just have to edit. I do have to rewrite quite a bit of one of the scenes since Selene is now Hank’s adopted daughter, but oh well. With any luck it will be out this week.
Chapter 3 is Lennie and Tim focused and I am very excited about it.
I may actually change chapter 4 from what I initially intended it to be. Idk what it is about chapter 4, but I just don’t feel excited to write it and I struggled with it even in the original version of the story to the point I switched chapter 4 and 5 around to give me more time to figure it out. Anyway, I’ve been wanting to do something with mellifers for a while, as I feel they were a really interesting concept that were litterally used in 1 episode, and I have ideas for how I can use them in this story. It would also flow really nicely into chapter 5.
Chapter 2 is is also the last of the major set up really as the plot of part 1 is about the impact Fallon has on the wesen community in Portland with Percy and Tim having stuff going on in the background which slowly becomes more important the further in we get.
I actually really struggle writing beginings so it’ll be nice to be done with this section and start getting the plot really moving because I have plans for this story and I want to share it so badly lol.
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I wanted to see how many things I could think of that I wish Grimm either covered or went into more detail about because I know I have quite the list, but I’m curious so here we are. I’m writing this late at night so I will likely miss something, but feel free to add your own/your own thoughts because I’m curious about what other people think.
1) The other royal families. We have nothing on them, just that there are 6 others. We don’t know which country(ies) they were in or their names.
2) What are the royals? Are they human? They don’t seem to be grimms or wesen, but they don’t seem to be average humans either?
3) Why Zauberbiests and Hexenbiests are so weird. Like they are so different to other wesen. Why?
4) We get told that other grimms are scary, but I wish we met one that was not related to Nick (Rolek Porter barely counts). I want to see a born and bred grimm in action.
5) The Grimm knights. I am fascinated by these guys and we know nothing about them.
6) What Marie was like as a parent and how she handled being a grimm and raising Nick. I kinda wish we got a flashback episode or something with Nick reflecting on his childhood and being like oh that makes so much more sense now that he knows about wesen.
7) What happened to Alexander? We know he survived, but not what happened to him.
8) What were the Resistance actually doing? Meisner and Sebastien were carrying that organisation.
9) What’s the deal with Zerstörer? We know so little about him and I wish we got just a little more information on him.
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Okay, I’m going to make it official that Selene is Hank’s adopted daughter.
Sorry if it’s confusing, that’s on me. Usually I wouldn’t do something like this but it solves several problems with this story at once. It helps cut down on characters, I get to write less about Nick and Adalind’s relationship (this is a me thing, just the more I think about it the more I dislike them as a couple and it’s a whole thing) and I also then get to have a really fun dynamic with Trubel, Tim and Selene since they’re all orphaned grimms which is actually kinda plot relevant later.
Anyway, this means I have to do some small edits to chapter 1, but it will just be word choices really since Kelly and Selene are no longer siblings.
Sorry again for how annoying this is, but it will make the story better, and that’s what’s important.
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