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✧ Soul | 20 | INFP | she/they ✧
Last active 3 hours ago
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asoulsreverie · 3 days ago
Someone save this world
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asoulsreverie · 5 days ago
Mask off
What if the batfamily had their own spider?
Content you’ll see here: Batfam, neutral!reader, subtle crossover, weird romcom.
English it’s not my first language so please be patient!
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New York City was an important thing for you, of course it was your mother city and also the place that you feel more secure, let’s not talk about the rat problem or the homeless people, let’s just vibe out with it.
You and your mother weren’t people of money, your mother works on a non company, Alchemax, it’s not good paid but enough to let you survive with just a halftime job
You could ask your father for some money but… you don’t know who he is! You just know he is a rich playboy back in Gotham, anyways, neither you or your mother would ask anything from him, it’s not the way you do things
Oh! A surprise note, you’re a spidey, well not just a THE! There’s no one else like you out there, well the meta humans but they’re at cities that you don’t care much about, maybe a little but the only important thing is that they don’t make your job hard.
Speaking of which, you’re doing a great job as a hero beating the shit out of a non important villain, geez they want to ruin your dinner with your mother
Good that you just kicked their face and now they’re out
— Thank god! Okay, let’s do this quick, shall we? — you shot your webs wrapping them around their body, with an approval hum you used one web to take your backpack — Tell the cops that your friendly friend spidey did this —
You ran out of there trying to be as quickly as you can, if you aren’t quick you’ll miss the fancy dinner your mother worked for.
Swinging like you always do, you arrived at a near alley taking off your suit as you pulled out formal clothes doing your best to put them on and take off the suit without flashing anyone, not that there where someone but still
2 minutes before the curfew you entered the restaurant, fixing your hair as you sat down in front of your mother, like a clock a waitress puts a plate of food in front of you, how luxury was this place?
— You made it on time — She said with a serious expression as she started cutting her steak, you did the same — I’m getting better at this — with a chuckle you started chewing the food.
A trivial conversation started, your mom talking about some issues at work as you tell her your issues being a Spidey, after a seconds she looked at you, the smile on her face disappearing
— Love, I have something to tell you — Here it goes, you prepared yourself fixing your posture — give me your shot — You smiled at her
She took a deep breath, her face turning dark
— I need you to go to your father’s — and it felt like your life was falling apart, moving from New York? That was your city! You can’t just abandon it like nothing! — Before you say anything, I know you have responsibilities but so do I, and.. I don’t want to neglect you —
You kept your thoughts, your mother wouldn’t ask you this if she didn’t have to and that felt horrible, you nodded accepting her words.
— Good, you’ll leave this weekend — this is going to suck.
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Saturday morning, you were placing your things at the back of the taxi, it felt so wrong to leave but you can’t deny that it’s for the best.
Your mother looked at you, her have filled with regret but determination, she won’t ask you to stay and that makes you sick because you know that she’ll need to this.
— I need you to be safe there, Gotham isn’t like New York — she said as long as you turned to see her, you nodded walking to her and she kissed your forehead — I will mom—
Now on the car you think, you are leaving New York with no one to care care of them, the anxiety is on your stomach as you try to think that no one would do something
Dr. Octavia is in jail, the green gobbling too and many of them are too, maybe little criminals but you want to think the cops would do their job or at least you want that.
The taxi dropped you at the airport and you took the airplane, by the night you’re now waiting for one of your father’s employees to take you out, with a sigh you type a text to your mother
“Mom, I’m at Gotham”
No response.
— Are you miss (last time)? — an old man ask you and you turned to see him, with a nod you walked to the limousine.
An awkward silence filled the car as you tried to think of something else, you do know your father has another 4 children and you can’t but think they’re going to be bratty as hell.
You took a glimpse of the streets, they’re even more nasty than New York’s
— Im Alfred Pennyworth, by the way, I know you may be curious about your new home but don’t worry, Wayne family will treat you nice — the way he talked about it made you shiver
It felt weirdly wrong to not be able to tell, your spider sense won’t tell you about social damage and that pisses you off.
A few more minutes passed and you were already at the manor, for the last time you checked your clothes leaving the limousine
You don’t know why did they send you this when it was only you, you sighed again following the butler to the living room
— You must be (reader) — a man, you recognized him as Bruce Wayne greeted you with a smile and you analyzed his looks
That… didnt looked like poor Brucie, he shakes your hand, before you could pull away he pulls you but to hug you
— Im so happy to know you — another shiver, this man doesn’t know about consent.
He gives you a tour that you can’t remember now, anyways, you’ll be there only for a weeks and you’ll be back at New York, right?
— You’ll be attending the same school as my youngest, Damian — he said smiling at you, you had to lay your head showing your confusion for him to notice
— Oh, you don’t know your brothers.. we’ll have a dinner tonight for you to meet them —
He pats your shoulder leaving you there, you looked around assuming that this is your room, much bigger than the one you have on New York but that can work, you didnt notice when your bags were there
That butler sure is good, you think before sending your mom a text
“Im at my father’s”
Maybe she’s still at work you think, yeah, that’s it
You smiled scrolling through your phone, your friends asking you if you arrived safely, you’re going to miss them but you remind yourself that you’ll be there in a couple of weeks.
How many hours passed? You looked at the battery on your phone.. 27%
Before you could do anything, there’s a knock on the door
— Miss (Reader), dinner is ready — you made a sound making sure he knew you heard him before getting up
You sighed, how many times did you do it? You left your room following your intuition and magically it did lead you to the dining room, there, around four people were sitting there making you feel nervous
Where could you sit? You looked for an empty place but Alfred makes his way in front of a chair pulling it out of you, you thank him before sitting down.
— (Reader) let me introduce you to Dick, my oldest — you looked at the man who smiled making you smile at him, he looks like a good guy — Tim and this little tanned boy is Damian — you followed his gaze trying to memorize the faces
Well, they’re quite different so it would be easy
Wait, didnt Bruce Wayne have a fourth child? Weird, maybe you did your research wrong, anyways.
The dinner was silence, you were but everyone keeps talking to each other about things that you don’t know but you don’t plan to guess either
— You don’t look like father — The tanned guy, you assume it was Damian, say that looking at you with a completely blank face, you had to look at Bruce Wayne to notice that indeed, you don’t look anything like him — How do we know you’re his kid? —
Ouch, you can’t blame him, he’s a person of money of course you have to pay attention to details just to about scams, but you had to thought
You’re sure exactly like your mother, like, same hair and eyes maybe yours it’s a different hair type but that doesn’t matter
You sighed, there’s nothing you can use to prove that you’re nothing but a kid sent to take care of, something you sure hate
— Im sure my mom did a DNA test, Mr. Wayne sure has it — you said chewing your meat, you can hear a cough
— You can just call me dad — this person, Bruce Wayne looks like a person yearning for being part of you life and you can’t but think that he is like this because of what he suffered as a kid
Someone seeking for attention, nothing like you actually.
— It’s okay Mr. Wayne — You refused to give this man what he wanted, instead smiling as a way to shut his words, he looked hurt and you can’t blame him not when your words sounded harsh — Im just here until my mom feels is good for me to go back home —
But instead of receiving an answer you heard nothing, you raised an eyebrow but before you could say anything
— Im sure hungry for dessert! Aren’t you, little bird? — you waited for the person Dick mentioned to reply, nothing, you realized he was talking to you
— Me? Uhm, I don’t actually eat dessert — you mentioned new to this short chat, you sure did when you had the moment to eat a fancy dinner, this sure wasn’t but whatever
— Really? Well, you have to get used to it — you still don’t understand the rich people and their actions.
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The way to the school was silent, sure Damian is younger than you but only by a few years so you still had to be with him at school, speaking of which
This is nothing like the public school you used to go to, you’re sure that this place isn’t something fancy because they’re various type of students, not just the typical white students from an American comedy.
Walking through the halls as you wrote the steps you just did in your head to not forget them on your first day, sure it is a huge school but your intuition may help right.
You opened the door of the classroom making your way to an empty seat, the class didnt last long ‘til it started, you didn’t hear much of what the teacher she was saying until she started passing list
— (Reader) Wayne? — you made a confuse expression
— Here, and it’s (Last name) not Wayne — you said not wanting to be disrespectful but the idea of being placed as a rich person made you feel sick.
The teacher looked at the papers on her hands humming
— It says that you’re a Wayne, im sorry — so it wasn’t a thing she said because she knew who your father was
So weird.. maybe they did this so you won’t need of your mother, anyways, you’ll be here only for a couple of days.
The class continued like it should, the others did too so you found yourself on your way home sitting beside Damian who was scrolling through her phone
— Uhm, Mr. Pennyworth — you called
— You can call me only Alfred, miss — that sent a shiver through your back, you couldn’t
— Yeah, uh, it looks like I’m not being called by my last name on the school system —
The man stays silence before he chuckled, you assumed that it was of how weird it sounds, but you guess he would have it cover
— You’re a Wayne — Damian said, rising his gaze from his phone, you had to whisper a low “excuse me?” For him to show you something
And for second time in this week, you felt your heart going down
Alchemax, the place were your mother work exploded in an accident just the night before, how could you? Wait
The looks everyone gave you at the dinner, did they already know? But how could your mother know that it was going to happen?
Why? Why?
But the way back was silent.
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asoulsreverie · 11 days ago
So... I was running to board my plane from the other end of the airport because I'm a thrill seeker (I was eating chicken wings at burger king) and I stopped to get coffee from a vending machine and it got stuck, and there was no one there to help so I left it and ran to my gate which was one minute from closing.
That coffee was expensive too please I'm crying
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asoulsreverie · 13 days ago
Hey so how do you think Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim would deal with their s/o thinking Damien’s adorable. Like he’s aggressive stray cat that doesn’t scare her kind of adorable? He might have this s/o wrapped around his fingers kind off, but they Don’t let him get away with things. Like Damien having beef with Jason and Tim and s/o does speak up for their boyfriend. Meanwhile, Jason and Tim starts something with Damien and s/o scolds their boyfriend?
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At first he was thrilled. Elated. The two of his favorite people are getting along with each other. But now?
“These cookies are quite good. Are there more?”
“Of course! Good ahead and help yourself to the whole tray.”
Blankly, he watches the teen grab another one from the third batch you baked this week. The very batch that was meant for him after he had complained how you’d go on a baking spree only when Damian comes over to hang out and not for him. The very batch you just easily handed over because you simply found him adorable. 
With a huff, he walks over and plops himself onto a chair. Grabbing a cookie, he takes a bite and pointedly looks away from you with arms crossed and lips puffed out in a pout. 
“Oh, don’t mind me enjoying MY cookie from MY cookie tray that was supposed to be for ME.” He takes another bite, placing an arm over his chest while further slumping into the chair. 
“You can’t be real.” You mutter under your breath, a hand partially covering your face. 
Damian slowly takes a sip from the glass you gave him, eyes trained on the one Bat he too was close with.  “Is he usually like this?” 
“Yes, when he’s being very much neglected by the person who isn’t giving him enough time and attention.” Down goes another bite of his cookie, knowing full well what expression you’d be wearing. 
“I do though!”
“Well, not enough if I’m getting seconded to my own sibling!” Especially considering when today was supposed to be date night too! He snatches another cookie and chews on it. To think you’d be giving these cookies to Damian and not to him when they’re this good. Unbelievable. 
“Dick.” He doesn’t care if he’s acting like a petulant child, he refuses to look at you. Only to stiffen once you sigh and he starts hearing shuffling noises behind him. 
He was expecting you to come over and stand in front of him, hence his eyes closed when all of a sudden, he’s being hugged from the back while being kissed on the crown of his head. 
“I wouldn’t do this to someone who’s only ‘second’ in my heart, would I?” 
He ignores Damian gags as he presses his face to the crook of your neck, tickling you with his lips. 
“Lucky me that I’m your number one then.”
Later on, after Damian left and he successfully persuades you to bake him a whole batch for him to keep to himself this time, he gets a text telling him to decrease his PDA with you when in front of those younger than him by Bruce. He texts back to his fatherly figure only if the older male finally settles down. 
He’s had enough. While you were busy in the kitchen, he quickly grabs Damian by the scruff and proceeds to walk towards the door.
“Unhand me at once, Todd!” 
“Not a chance this time, kiddo.” He smirks, being unfazed by all his pressure points being pressed as the teen, noticing this, resorts to tugging and twisting his wrist. 
This whole week he’s been wanting to have some alone time with you, recharge himself after being gone and away from you for over a month from being on stupid mission Bruce had requested him to do. Problem was, during his absence, you had taken a liking to the evil brat. How, he doesn’t know. From what, he also doesn’t know. What he does know is that it was reciprocated where the brat said over the table during family dinner last week, and Jason quotes, “the one best thing Todd has ever done”.  Unfortunately for him, fortunately to Damian, you weren’t there when he said that or else he could’ve watched how you would’ve defended his “honor”. Either way, it was the worst thing for him to find out when he came back and saw you and him chatting over tea, TEA, of all things.  
“Jason, what are you doing?” Dammit. He was so close! 
He stops in his tracks and slowly turns around. 
“He said that he wanted to go home, so I was helping him walk to the door?” 
“Lies!” He clicks his tongue while the younger points and shoots at him a glare. “He was trying to kick me out!”
Hands on then hips, lips in a straight line - Oh no, he’s familiar with that stance. One second passes, his eyes pleading into yours. Then another. Finally, with a groan, he begrudgingly and slowly lets him down. 
“See? The wasn’t so hard?”
It was hard. Very hard. 
“Agreed. You should learn to be mature like your s/o, Todd.” He scowls, wishing looks could bury a person as Damian flashes a smug grin back at him. 
“Not so fast, Damian.” He turns towards you, confused as to why you’re directing your disappointed frown at him now. “Don’t think I didn’t catch you cheating while playing Smash against Jason.”
Instantly, their expressions swapped, Damian scowling while he snickers and mouths “loser” at him. 
That’s how they ended up getting stuck with washing the dishes after you put them in a ten-minute time out. They nearly get in trouble again with Damian trying to stab him at any given moment while Jason dodges and eggs him over how he can’t properly wash a dish. At least he gets his well deserved time with you once the former leaves, albeit sulking with you not taking his side completely. 
Every single time your back is turned, it’s a battle. From mouthing insults to physical attacks (he’ll argue and die on this hill all of those were one-sidedly from Damian), they’ve long passed the point of no-return and are currently at where there could only be one left standing. Is it ridiculous? Yes. However, he’s willing to put up with the fight if it means to prove his point that you like him more! 
Hell, he doesn’t even know what Damian did to make you dote on him so much. Stray cat? Cute aggressiveness? There’s nothing like that, not even a resemblance of it. Yet, apparently, you can see it with how you tend to get that little demon pet treats for all the animals he’s raising in the manor. 
The fact that it’s mutual makes the whole situation worse. Damian genuinely enjoys your company to where he had asked about your well-being once he somehow found out before him, your boyfriend, that you were sick. Tim has told you multiple times the teen didn’t approach you out of pure intentions, that it was all a trap so he could spite him. You ended up brushing it off, telling him he has such a good relationship with his younger sibling leading him to mourn he was too late and you were brain-washed. 
“Well, I was here first!”
“No, you weren’t Drake! I was here before you!”
“I’m pretty sure I was.”
“Says who? You?”
The two of them continue to squabble over who gets to sit next to you on the two-person sofa while you’re making popcorn for the movie. A decision which was made when the two of them had argued over watching documentaries on endangered animals and playing video games. Also another argument that started from who gets to hang out with you today. Which, he still thinks, he should’ve been chosen since he’s YOUR boyfriend. But, again, that’s just what he thinks. 
“Alright! Popcorn’s ready!” Neither of them hear you, their argument escalating.
“I’m obviously the favorite since I get invited all the time!”
“As if! You do realize I’m the boyfriend here!”
It’s then they pause realizing it’s been quiet the last minute. Too quiet. Eyes like deer in headlights, their eyes went from each other to seeing you standing behind the sofa and munching on popcorn. 
That’s their cue. There were nudges and jabs being made as they got up from the floor but eventually they straightened their clothes and stood with their heads hanging low. And as expected, both of them got scolded like children, you telling Damian the need to use words rather than action while to Tim, he shouldn’t be trying to kick his younger sibling out from the start.
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asoulsreverie · 13 days ago
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There's something about dating Dick that makes you feel so... Pretty.
Sure, other partners have made you feel pretty before, but one quite like Dick has.
It's the little things, really.
It's 12pm. You've over slept by a pretty wide margin. You're in this muumuu that's slightly too big for you, having been handed down to you by your mom after she got new ones. You're bare faced, bonnet on, unpampered. Hell, you haven't even brushed your teeth yet.
But Dick is looking at you. He's dressed for the day, halfway out the door for work. But he's frozen. He's staring.
"Good afternoon, gorgeous." He says so breathlessly it's like you can see the hearts in his eyes. "Breakfast is in the fridge."
He closes the door behind himself, already removing his shoes again in the small entryway.
"You're gonna be late for-"
"Can I kiss you? Fuck sorry, that was uncouth. What were you saying?"
Your heart gives an especially hard beat.
Normally you hate to be interrupted, but this feels weirdly good for some reason...? It's hard not to feel wanted, sexy, when he looks at you like that.
"You're going to be late for work, baby."
Dick smiles, placing your hand in his before you've registered he's even crossing the room.
"This is more important. Kiss me?"
"But I haven't-"
"Don't care. Kiss me, please?"
You lean in, and he pulls you closer, meeting you in the middle. The kiss is deep, eager. His hands are roaming around your back like he can't figure out where to place them. Like every part of you is more perfect than the last, and he just can't choose what he wants to touch the most.
You could almost swear there's a tiny tremor in his fingers. It's hard to feel while he grips the fabric of your nightie.
"Didn't mean to jump you like that." Dick murmurs when he pulls back. "You're just so- fuck- I don't know. Pretty isn't a good enough word."
You pull him back in, swiping your tongue over his lips.
Because really, you can settle for pretty. Pretty is good.
Really good.
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Can you believe this blog is run by an aromantic ? It's about the vibes, people, the intimacy.
Anyways, if you're Dick Grayson's true and real partner lemme hear you say HELL YEAH 🗣️🗣️🔥
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asoulsreverie · 16 days ago
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THE AVENGERS PHOTOSHOOT (2012) Tom Hiddleston as Loki
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asoulsreverie · 16 days ago
We used to make posts about loki on here
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asoulsreverie · 16 days ago
Hi!! I’m new to tumblr so I’m not sure if I’m doing this right but I just wanted to make a request. And I wanted to say I read your fics and they are amazing!
I was wondering if you could do a fic where the reader is an avenger, and everyone lives in the avengers tower (ignoring endgame and civil war). And there’s lots of tension between the reader and Loki and the other avengers notice. Then they start secretly seeing each other while sneaking around the avengers tower trying not to get caught.
Sorry if this is too much to ask, thanks!!
Loki x Reader
Hi! Thank you so much for reading and requesting! This is officially my first request!
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You shut the fridge with a huff, disappointed at the lack of breakfast options it contained. You turned to the pantry, hoping to make yourself some toast for some quick energy before your morning run. Opening the pantry door, you were met with a completely empty bread bag.
"Okay, guys," you said, snatching the empty bag from the shelf. You brandished it in front of everyone occupying the kitchen.
"If you're going to be greedy and eat my bread, you can at least throw the bag away."
"Don't look at me," Natasha replied, waving a yogurt-covered spoon at you.
You turned your accusing glare to Sam.
"Nuh uh," he said, pointing a finger at you as he left the room.
Wanda laughed as she placed her dish in the sink.
"You might want to ask the Asgardian's brother," she mentioned before leaving.
Of course.
You and Loki had a... complicated relationship, for lack of a better term. He was constantly finding little ways to irritate the hell out of you. Leaving your bedroom door open when specifically asked him to close it, setting the thermostat way too low, interrupting you when you clearly had headphones on.
You angrily threw the empty bread bag in the trash, giving up on the idea on the idea of breakfast.
Fasted cardio it is.
You made your way to your room, quickly changing into some leggings and a long sleeve and pulling your shoes on. Thor and Loki were walking by as you went to leave, your eyes narrowing on the dark-haired brother.
"Laufeyson," you muttered to yourself as you left.
You paused your music as you entered the elevator, anxious to shower and grab something to eat. The elevator dinged as it reached the top floor and you were met with a blast of freezing air, made even colder by the sweat you had worked up. You rolled your eyes, already knowing exactly who was behind the drop in temperature.
You stomped through the common area, too annoyed to notice that the entire team was present. You scanned the room for Loki and found him leaning against the island countertop.
"Laufeyson," you said accusingly.
He turned to face you, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Quite. Touching. The thermostat," you snapped, punctuating each word with a sharp poke to his chest.
"It is way too cold in here and not all of us are Frost Giants."
He looked down at you with that insufferable smirk still in place. His silence made you pause, feeling your face begin to burn as you realized you had an audience. You risked a glance around the room, feeling everyone's eyes on you. Natasha raised an eyebrow as your gaze met hers, forcing you back to reality.
"Just.. quit touching the thermostat," you muttered.
"Duly noted," Loki replied, watching as you retreated from the room.
"What was that?" Tony asked, clearly speaking for the entire team.
You grunted as he landed yet another hit to your torso, growing increasingly frustrated with yourself. Loki grinned, clearly pleased with himself and his ability to best you again and again.
Steve had organized a team training session that day and as luck would have it, you were partnered with Loki. You both knew that it was a completely unfair match but that didn't stop you from attempting to take your frustration out on him.
With every offensive move he blocked and every hit he landed, your irritation with him grew. Something in you snapped as he moved to throw another punch your way and you grabbed his arm, twisting it as you forced him to the floor. The matches that had been occurring around you promptly stopped, the entire team pausing to see you straddling Loki, pinning him to the floor. The silence was deafening has he looked up at you, your heavy breathing the only sound in the room.
"You can release me now, darling," he said softly.
You immediately let go of his wrists, quickly standing up and offering a hand to help him up. He took it, allowing you to pull him up from the floor. He stared down at you, seemingly unbothered the team's stares.
"Alright, alright, get back to work," Steve said, finally breaking the silence. "One more round and you all can be done for the day."
Your final match commenced with less fanfare than the previous one, but you were distracted. He had let you pin him. Right? There was no other explanation. But why?
That night, you had resigned yourself to your room, craving some time alone and away from him. You lit a candle on your nightstand before cracking open a book you had been neglecting.
After half an hour, you were finally beginning to relax and unwind from whatever this weird tension was that existed between you and Loki. Craving something sweet, you abandoned your book to scrounge around for a late night snack. As you walked down the dark hallway toward the kitchen, you could hear footfalls behind you.
Upon entering the kitchen, you swiftly turned, positioning yourself in preparation to attack the intruder. A strong hand caught your arm before you could strike, forcing the stranger into the light of the empty kitchen.
"That's no way to greet a friend, darling," Loki's low voice chided.
You snatched your arm back from him.
"You and I are not friends," you mutter, making your way to the pantry. You opened the door and quickly scanned the shelves for a suitable late night snack. Grabbing a tin of vanilla wafers and turning to leave, you felt your back press against his chest and jumped slightly. You hadn't even heard him step closer. You froze, feeling your heart begin to race.
"What do you want, Loki?" you sighed, letting your arms drop to your sides. You fought a shiver as he brushed your hair back from your shoulder, embarrassed by how responsive your body had become to his touch.
You knew what this was. This odd strain that had developed between the two of you.
You liked him.
The realization began to sink in as you turned to face him, suddenly anxious. By the smirk on his face, you knew that he had figured out your feelings toward him long before you had.
"I think you know," he replied, caging you loosely against the wall with his arms. You couldn't help the flush that rose on your cheeks.
“You’ll have to clarify,” you said with a confidence you didn’t feel. If he wanted to see where this was going, you were going to make him say it out loud. He leaned down to close the gap created by his towering height.
“Stop me,” he said, voice barely above a whisper as his lips ghosted over yours. You stayed quiet, silently willing him closer as you closed your eyes.
After an excruciatingly long second, his lips claimed yours, eliciting a small gasp from you. You felt him smile into the kiss, sliding his hands down your sides to draw you closer by the waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck in response, pulling him down closer to your height.
You threaded a hand through his hair, pulling slightly at the roots. He grunted softly, picking you up by your thighs and walking over to the kitchen island to set you on the countertop. His mouth trailed hot kisses across your jaw and down your neck, drawing soft sighs from your body. His hands moved to the hem of your shirt, barely beginning to lift the fabric before you interrupted.
“Wait. Stop,” you whispered hastily.
“Yes, darling?”
“Bedroom. Now.”
You couldn’t conceal your grin as he lifted you up once more, carrying you straight to your room and shutting the door behind him.
“Someone’s coming,” you whispered, breaking your kiss.
Loki pulled back slightly to listen for footsteps but heard nothing.
“Darling, I don’t foresee anyone coming out to the fire escape,” he replied with a lighthearted smile. Hiding your relationship from the rest of the team had made you jumpy, but that didn’t stop him from seeking you out at every opportunity.
“You don’t know that,” you said, pulling him back down to continue your previous ministrations.
“I’m fairly certain I do,” he mumbled against your lips, going silent again as you wrapped your legs around his hips. He pressed you down against the metal grating of the fire escape platform, grinding against you to create some much needed friction. Your lips parted in a silent moan, encouraging him to continue.
Your phone beeped loudly, interrupting the intimate moment with a notification calling for all team members to report to the conference room for a meeting. You groaned as Loki’s pager received the same notification.
He smiled softly as he stood, offering you a hand. You take it and allow him to pull you to your feet, a frown on your face.
“Leave it to Stark to be a cockblock,” you muttered as the two of you climbed back into the tower, making your way to the conference room for whatever mind-numbing announcement Tony had in store.
The previously chatter-filled room when silent as you entered, Loki close behind.
“What the hell is that?” Sam asked, pointing at you from his seat at the back of the room.
“What is what?” you shot back, quickly becoming annoyed.
“That thing on your neck,” Wanda said, handing you an opened compact mirror. You took it, quickly checking your reflection and immediately seeing the sizable purple hickey Loki had left on the side of your neck.
“Damn,” Clint sighed, slapping a small wad of cash into Natasha’s open hand.
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asoulsreverie · 17 days ago
the city lights blurred into a mess of colors and shapes with the way the neon signs and streetlights mingled together — but none of it mattered, not when DICK GRAYSON was there, his strong arm casually wrapped around your waist.
“you,” pointing an accusing finger right to the center of his chest, you announced loudly for the whole street to hear. but no one heard you. it wasn’t like you weren’t completely alone there. “are the handsomest, most beautiful man i’ve ever seen.”
an amused chuckle escaped his lips. “oh yeah? is that the tequila talking or your hidden desires, baby?”
“both. but mostly your stupidly perfect face,” you tried — tried! — to reach up for him, aiming to cradle his sharp jawline, but your coordination was close to nonexistent. instead, the tips of your fingers grazed his chin before you missed and smacked his shoulder. the alcohol in your veins turned the embarrassment into more giggles, and you slumped into him, forehead resting against his bicep.
“you are so drunk.”
but you were not satisfied with your failure. being near him wasn’t enough — you longed for him, the kisses and the warmth. the safety of his embrace. the light of his smile.
“so drunk from your love.”
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asoulsreverie · 17 days ago
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two pretty boysss!!
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asoulsreverie · 17 days ago
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asoulsreverie · 17 days ago
╰➤Food Love
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Jason watched you with amusement as you carefully peeled the pickles off your burger, stacking them neatly on the side of your tray like they were some kind of crime against humanity.
“You know,” he said, leaning his chin on his palm, “you could just ask for no pickles.”
You wrinkled your nose with a huff. “Yeah, but then you wouldn’t get extra.”
He just smirked. “You giving me all your pickles now?”
You wordlessly slid your tray closer to him, a silent offering. He huffed out a laugh, plucking one of the pickles off your pile and popping it into his mouth. “You’re too good to me, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled anyway, taking a bite of your burger. The diner around you was alive with noise—low chatter, clinking plates, the sizzle of something fresh on the griddle—but sitting here with Jason, it all faded into comfortable background noise.
Jason reached over, stealing one of your fries. “So, this some kind of love language?”
You arched a brow. “What, giving you my pickles?”
“Yeah.” He chewed thoughtfully. “Like… ‘I’d die for you, and also, you can have my unwanted burger toppings.’”
You snorted. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
Jason’s smirk softened just a little, something warm settling in his eyes. He nudged his plate toward you. “Well, then you can have the last onion ring. Y’know, ‘cause I’d die for you, too.”
You grinned, taking it without hesitation. “Romantic.” Your voice came out sarcastic but still playful.
Jason chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah, yeah. Eat your damn burger.”
And you did—without pickles, but with Jason sitting across from you, stealing your fries and giving you onion rings like it was a promise.
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asoulsreverie · 19 days ago
†  a bluebird & a phoenix : dick.
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♦ request: kinda - dick & his jean grey s/o ♦ beta’d: nope ♦ a/n: enjoy~ ♦ grayson tags: @americaarse
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 —
dick grayson has never seen you the way the rest of the world does.
the world looks at you and sees power - raw, unstoppable, terrifying power. They whisper about the danger you could cause if you lose control. If you decided to turn against them.
some of them call you a hero, some of them call you a monster.
but dick? he looks and sees just you.
the way you hands shake, the way you flinch when someone calls you something negative, the way you carry so much weight alone because you're afraid to let anyone else bear it.
he knows what it's like. to have people look at you and expect something bigger than yourself. to be put on a pedestal so high that if you fall, they will never let you get back up. and, no one will help you.
and he'll never let you forget who you are beneath it all.
"you're not some untouchable force. you're not just your power. you're you. and i love you for that. not for what you can do."
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ( 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 ) —
the first time he met you, it was chaos. a mission gone sideways, an enemy that should've been outmatched - and then the air itself shifted.
one moment, the fight was balanced, gotham's usual brand of crime. the next - you stepped into the fray, and everything changed.
he felt it before he even saw you - the pressure in the air, the weight of something unnatural, something bigger.
and then, there you were.
red and gold light flickering around your fingertips, eyes burning, power crackling in the space between you.
you were terrifying.
and yet, somehow, he wasn't afraid.
"you got a name?" he asked, expertly flipping his escrima sticks in his hand, a cocky grin just barely hiding the sharpness in his gaze.
you shot him a look that said to stay out of your way.
but then he watched you fight, watched the precision, the control, the way you held back when you could have ended everything in an instant.
it didn't take long to realize you weren't just power - he could see the slight struggle in your eyes.
you were restraint. discipline. something just as haunted as the rest of them.
it was an accident.
a chance encounter.
a mission ended, a villain locked away, and somehow - you both ended up at the same coffee shop, miles from the city, breathing like people instead of weapons.
he saw you first, recognized you immediately - you hadn't even noticed him.
he could have left it alone. could have let you walk past, let you disappear back into your own world.
but, of course, he didn't.
instead, he called your name as you walked by, just loud enough for you to hear.
you froze. head turning, eyes narrowing.
all he did was smile. a slow, easy, too-familiar smile. the kind that made it impossible to be mad at him.
"relax," he said, hands raised in mock surrender. "I won't tell if you won't."
and just like that - everything changed.
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 —
dick fell first. hard.
he flirted shamelessly, grinned every time you rolled your eyes at him, never let a chance slip to tell you exactly how beautiful he thought you were.
"you're ridiculous," you muttered one night, after he had pulled you into an impromptu dance in the middle of the Batcave.
"and yet, here you are," he teased, twirling you under his arm, completely smitten.
and, he was right. you never walked away. you never said no. you never turned down his advances.
he never saw you as dangerous. never feared your power. never once flinched away.
"i trust you," he told you once, voice steady, no hesitation. "do you trust me?"
in that moment, you knew you loved him.
𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 —
he steals your coffee. every time.
"babe, that was mine---"
"not anymore."
lazy mornings tangled up in each other, because after years if being soldiers, you both finally learned how to rest.
"five more minutes," he mumbles against your shoulder, even though he's already been awake long enough to be watching you sleep.
he buys you flowers all the time.
sometimes red roses, sometimes wildflowers, sometimes something so oddly specific that it means he remembered something you mentioned months ago.
the way he looks at you when you're not paying attention.
like you're something mythical. like you are a miracle.
he memorizes the way you laugh, because there was a time you didn't.
and he swears, he will spend forever making sure you never lose it again.
𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 —
forehead kisses, constantly.
holding your hand under the table, during briefings, in restaurants, anywhere he can.
pulling you close in his sleep, even if you started on the opposite sides of the bed.
tracing patterns on your skin, absentmindedly, like he just loves the feeling of you.
defending you to everyone. even when you don't need it. even when you could melt someone's brain with a thought.
calling you "sunshine" just to see you roll your eyes.
absolutely spoiling you. it's not even about money - it's the thoughtful little things. your favorite snacks on the counter. a playlist left on your phone labeled "songs that reminds me of you." a note on the mirror that just says "you're perfect."
𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 —
dick loves you in a way that never makes you feel like you have to be perfect.
he loves you in the aftermath, when you’re exhausted from holding too much power inside yourself, when you are worn down and afraid of what you could become.
he loves you in the small ways— pressing a kiss to your forehead when you’re too lost in your thoughts, pulling you into his arms after a nightmare, whispering "I’ve got you" when you don’t know how to keep going.
and you love him for that.
because he never sees you as something to be feared.
he only sees you.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 —
𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘞𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦 –
damian did not trust you at first. not because of your powers, but because you were an unknown factor, an unpredictable force.
He was convinced you were hiding something, that you would betray them the moment it benefited you.
but then, he saw you protect dick.
he saw the way you threw yourself between his brother and an attack without hesitation, the way you let yourself be hurt to keep someone else safe.
and suddenly, his perception of you changed.
"your strength is great," he admitted one night, arms crossed as he studied you. "but your loyalty is greater. That is... acceptable."
𝘑𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘥 –
jason understands you.
he knows what it’s like to have people look at you like you could be a villain, to have the weight of what you’ve done hang over you like a shadow.
and that’s why he doesn’t treat you any differently.
no fear. no judgment. just understanding.
"look, I’ve been where you are," he tells you one night, sitting beside you on the rooftop, both of you watching the city. "and the way i see it? you can either let them define you, or you can make them eat their words."
𝘛𝘪𝘮 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘦 –
tim has read every report, watched every bit of footage, analyzed every possible angle.
and he still doesn’t see you as a villain.
"the numbers don’t lie," he tells you, clicking through his files on the batcomputer. "your power is dangerous, sure. but you’ve never used it maliciously. every incident? it’s always been about protecting people. if you were really a villain, your track record would look a lot different."
tim believes in facts. and the facts say you’re one of the good ones.
𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯 –
absolutely will fight anyone who talks badly about you.
"oh, you think she’s scary? buddy, have you met batman??"
she goes out of her way to make sure you feel included, welcomed, seen.
because if there’s one thing Steph hates, it’s people being ostracized for things beyond their control.
𝘋𝘶𝘬𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴 –
duke gets it.
out of all the batkids, he is the one who understands the struggle of controlling something that could easily destroy everything.
"i know what it’s like to hold back," he tells you one night, both of you sitting in the Watchtower, watching the city below. "to worry that one slip-up could change everything."
but then - he smiles.
"but I also know that we don’t have to carry it alone."
𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 —
the energy crackles, the world bends, and for a moment - you are afraid of yourself.
but dick does not flinch.
he does not hesitate.
he steps toward you, slow, steady, sure, and cups your face in his hands.
"breathe," he whispers, his forehead pressing against yours. "you’re not losing control. you’re just holding too much inside. let me help you carry it."
and for the first time in a long time - you let someone.
"𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮." —
it wasn’t supposed to happen. it was never supposed to happen.
you had spent years - years - perfecting your control, keeping yourself contained, ensuring that nothing inside of you would ever slip. dick supported you - believed in you.
but that night - everything shattered.
the fight had been brutal, drawn-out, too much, too fast. the enemy had come prepared, with weapons designed to push you to the edge. they had known, somehow, exactly where to strike - mentally, emotionally, physically.
you had held on as long as you could.
until you couldn’t.
the breaking point came in the form of pain, overwhelming and sharp, a blow to your skull that sent something cracking through your mind like a fault line splitting open. you remember the white-hot surge of power spilling out, unstoppable, raw, too much-
and then - nothing.
not just from the enemy. from him.
from dick.
you remember turning, your breath coming fast, panic starting to creep in as you saw him on his knees, head bowed, hands clutching at his temples.
you remember the way his shoulders shook, the way his breathing was uneven, the way his name had caught in your throat like a jagged piece of glass.
you remember the exact moment you realized what you had done.
when he finally looked up - there was no recognition in his eyes.
"who the hell are you?"
his voice was hoarse, raw, lost.
the world tilted beneath you. your chest felt hollow, your stomach dropping into something cold and endless.
"dick, it's me," you had said, stepping toward him, reaching for him..
already knowing, already knowing, already knowing-
he had recoiled.
stepped back.
your heart shattered.
because he had never stepped away from you before.
the batcave was eerily quiet.
bruce stood with arms crossed, his expression unreadable, while tim clicked rapidly through medical scans, searching, searching, searching for something that might fix this.
but they weren’t looking at you.
because they all knew.
you were the reason this happened.
your fingers dug into the edge of the table, nails biting into metal, breath unsteady, mind racing through every possible way to fix this, to undo what you had done, to put him back together-
and then - his voice.
“can someone just tell me what’s going on?”
The way he said it - exasperated, but light, casual, like this was just another mission, another weird Gotham night - except it wasn’t.
because he didn't know where he was.
because he didn’t remember.
didn’t know you.
didn’t remember the years of love, of laughter, of whispered conversations in the dead of night.
didn’t remember the way he had promised, once, that no matter what happened, he would always come back to you.
except this time, he was gone.
and it was your fault.
𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 —
and suddenly - it's all gone.
no more stolen coffees, no more lazy mornings, no more forehead kisses.
he looks at you, and he does not know you.
and you don’t know how to exist without him knowing you.
but you are determined to bring him back.
because somewhere, deep inside, he still loves you.
even if he doesn’t remember.
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asoulsreverie · 20 days ago
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And you get a web and you get a web
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asoulsreverie · 20 days ago
To anyone who collects photocards, I need an opinion–
Should I get a A4 (9 slots a page) or A5 binder (4 slots a page) Binder?
I just want to know which one you feel is easier to handle, since I've only had a small one slot binder so far
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asoulsreverie · 21 days ago
This was sitting in my drafts for well over a year btw
Make a potion 🔮
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asoulsreverie · 22 days ago
so my uncle is a priest and apparently can’t deny when i ask him to bless something so i now have a blessed laptop, blessed loaf of bread, and blessed underwear. 
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