asocialpessimist · 10 hours
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Tiberius Ciucinciu.
"Foraging Wild Edibles" 2023.
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
'do you think you're superior for not using AI in your work' thank you for asking! yes i do
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
The moment being old prevents me from doing something that I used to be able to do as a youthful man is the moment I am leaping off the Grand Canyon
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
I would like to see more people talk about how jobs treat disabled employees.
I used to prep, wash dishes, and cook at mellow mushroom. I had chronic pain that wasn't NEARLY as bad as it is today, but it was still very debilitating. I told my employer "i cannot stand more than 4 to 6 hours. I CANNOT do shifts longer than this due to my illness." And even though i made my boundaries VERY clear, everyday i worked it was 8 hours at the least and 10 or 12 at the most. I would go up to my manager and say "look i really need to leave, my shift is over, my chronic pain is killing me." And he'd say "we really need to here, you HAVE to push through." And so i did, and after one, ONE month of that job my crps got incredibly worse to the point where i could no longer walk my dog around the block which was .5 miles. I quit, and that was FOUR years ago, and ever since that day I HAVE BEEN BEDRIDDEN AND HAVE TO USE A WHEELCHAIR. It is my biggest regret in life.
My best friend who has seen my whole journey has recently developed undiagnosed chronic pain, and she is in the EXACT same scenario i was 4 years ago. Busting her ass at a pizza place with extreme pain that hurts her so much she tells me "im in so much pain i don't even feel like a person." She doesn't feel LUCID. And her manager and coworkers are saying the same thing "if you don't help us you will let us down, we'll be in the shit."
That job thats hurting you isn't fucking worth it. I promise you no money is worth losing all your physical abilities and never getting them back. Your coworkers and boss do not give a shit about you, so don't you dare suffer for them. They will never understand your struggle and they will never try. They truly think being understaffed is worse than whatever pain you experience. They would rather you permanently damage yourself than inconvenience them. FUCK THEM. DON'T FUCKING DO IT!
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
eye of the tiger plays as i enthusiastically jump out of bed and hit my head on an overhead lamp and remain unconscious for the rest of the day
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
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This is Karma. She is asking us to do the impossible. But we will do our best.
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
Aroace culture is being THE BEST at never have i ever
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
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Winnie the Pooh (2011)
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
lowest stakes website for people to be mad at you on bc nobody can drive or make phone calls or come up with insults that dont read like slam poetry from a presbyterian
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asocialpessimist · 15 hours
feeling depressed? rewatch that show from the 2000s that you know and love that has several seasons and sooo many episodes.
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asocialpessimist · 18 hours
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French Hot Chocolate
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asocialpessimist · 22 hours
>be me
>be having sex for the first time in two years.
>with a guy ive spent three years wanting to have sex with. first time together.
>spotify is on shuffle with a long queue
>just settled in to a new position. am about to get my dick sucked. things going great
>queue runs out because gay sex is longer than a long spotify queue
>spotify shuffles her options and out of over Four Thousand Songs offers up the most HONKY TONK BANJO MUSIC KNOWN TO MAN
>i mean honky tonk. I mean so honky tonk it loops around and becomes tonky honk.
>ruins my day.
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asocialpessimist · 22 hours
fanfics are one of the best things that humanity has come up with. i fucking love reading stories about my favorite characters from people who have the same brainrot as me
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asocialpessimist · 23 hours
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asocialpessimist · 23 hours
Everybody secretly wants to be in a time loop at least a little bit
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asocialpessimist · 1 day
"do it scared" ok but I would like to do something some other way occasionally. Like at least once. For a change.
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