askwatevrawanabi · 5 years
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not that we’ve had any problems with that kind of thing.
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askwatevrawanabi · 5 years
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it’s fine though, i know he’ll be back soon to help run the kingdom and raise robin. he leaves robin with me sometimes, because the kid seems to like the castle a lot and he has a lot of fun here. 
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askwatevrawanabi · 5 years
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askwatevrawanabi · 5 years
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askwatevrawanabi · 5 years
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“if I had it my way, he would live here full time, but he has to go back to Gotham every once and a while, which is fine. Emmet and I are still getting use to the fact that i’m his... creation and that makes me his daughter in some way.”
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askwatevrawanabi · 5 years
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Hi everybody! it’s me, your Queen, Queen Watevra Wana’bi. Ever since the systar system and apocolypse berg came together to make Syspocolypse star, people have been constantly asking me questions, and my friend Balthazar said this app would be a good place to answer them, so ask away!!
Mod fairy here! yes, the same one from that shitty next gen blog. don’t worry, I’m not getting rid of that blog, just starting a new one for a character I didn’t see any ask blogs for and decided to make my own! - mod fairy
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