*For a moment, Jisuku looked caught off guard, but it was only for a moment until her expression became that of false sympathy*
I’m not gonna do anything for you.
*Then, she stood up, and stepped back as she watched the effects of the venom set in. She watched as Persephone’s remaining eye became red and bloody until it suddenly popped with a sickening splat, and some of the splatter managed to land on her cheek. She watched as Persephone began to vomit blood and entrails until there was nothing left. She watched as the woman below her convulsed and jerked around like a crushed bug until she stopped, finally going limp as she drew her last breath. The deed was done, and Persephone was dead. Satisfied with her work, Jisuku turned and left the room, making sure to lock the door on her way out*
*There was a delicate knock on Persephone's door, and when she opened it, all she could see was a bright green eye looking up at her before she was tackled to the ground* @asktheultimatescienceexperiment
Persephone looked toward the door once the knock came. She put her cigarette out in her ash tray as she stood up to answer the door. As soon as the door was opened, she let out a yelp as she was suddenly tackled, hitting the back of her head against the hard carpet of her hotel room. She grimaced a bit as she looked up, finally realizing her attacker, now baring her teeth. “So… you actually came…” 
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*The venomous barbs stayed lodged in her skin until Jisuku decided to pull them out with a painful yank, taking away some of the skin on the area. A sudden smile split across her face as she sat back and watched intently, waiting for the venom to take affect*
Any last words, bitch?
*There was a delicate knock on Persephone's door, and when she opened it, all she could see was a bright green eye looking up at her before she was tackled to the ground* @asktheultimatescienceexperiment
Persephone looked toward the door once the knock came. She put her cigarette out in her ash tray as she stood up to answer the door. As soon as the door was opened, she let out a yelp as she was suddenly tackled, hitting the back of her head against the hard carpet of her hotel room. She grimaced a bit as she looked up, finally realizing her attacker, now baring her teeth. “So… you actually came…” 
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*The blank expression on Jisuku’s face didn’t change in the slightest, not even as she scooped out the remains of Persephone’s eyeball and licked her thumb clean. Her voice was soft, yet held a dangerous edge to it, like she was barely containing herself*
I want you to think about why I’m doing this. I want you to remember all the horrible things you put Alex through, and I want you to know that you deserve every single bit of pain you’re getting. This is what you deserve.
*Sitting back slightly, Jisuku watched as her stingers twitched with anticipation before they both lurched forward and jabbed into Persephone’s shoulders, piercing effortlessly through the skin and pumping deadly venom into her body, all while her face was kept completely neutral*
*There was a delicate knock on Persephone's door, and when she opened it, all she could see was a bright green eye looking up at her before she was tackled to the ground* @asktheultimatescienceexperiment
Persephone looked toward the door once the knock came. She put her cigarette out in her ash tray as she stood up to answer the door. As soon as the door was opened, she let out a yelp as she was suddenly tackled, hitting the back of her head against the hard carpet of her hotel room. She grimaced a bit as she looked up, finally realizing her attacker, now baring her teeth. “So… you actually came…” 
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You don’t have to tell me twice.
*Jisuku’s playful tone instantly vanished, and she wasted no time in jamming her thumb into Persephone’s eye, staring into her remaining eye with a completely apathetic expression. She twisted her thumb deep into the socket, watching the blood pour out around her hand, and she only released the other woman’s throat so she could hear her screams more clearly*
*There was a delicate knock on Persephone's door, and when she opened it, all she could see was a bright green eye looking up at her before she was tackled to the ground* @asktheultimatescienceexperiment
Persephone looked toward the door once the knock came. She put her cigarette out in her ash tray as she stood up to answer the door. As soon as the door was opened, she let out a yelp as she was suddenly tackled, hitting the back of her head against the hard carpet of her hotel room. She grimaced a bit as she looked up, finally realizing her attacker, now baring her teeth. “So… you actually came…” 
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*Jisuku’s smile faded for a split second, and was replaced by a brief look of confusion before her grin came back, stronger than before. One of the stingers drooped down to brush against the woman’s cheek, just barely grazing the skin and leaving a faint burning sensation where it touched*
Aw, do you really think it’s gonna be that easy for you? After all this, you think I’m gonna go easy on you? Nah, I wanna take my time. I wanna watch you suffer, and we have all night together.
*Suddenly, Jisuku’s hand was wrapped around Persephone’s throat, and she squeezed with just enough force to make breathing difficult without choking her completely*
Maybe if you beg for mercy, I might just go easy on you.
*There was a delicate knock on Persephone's door, and when she opened it, all she could see was a bright green eye looking up at her before she was tackled to the ground* @asktheultimatescienceexperiment
Persephone looked toward the door once the knock came. She put her cigarette out in her ash tray as she stood up to answer the door. As soon as the door was opened, she let out a yelp as she was suddenly tackled, hitting the back of her head against the hard carpet of her hotel room. She grimaced a bit as she looked up, finally realizing her attacker, now baring her teeth. “So… you actually came…” 
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You think a knife is gonna scare me?!
*Jisu suddenly shrieked in Persephone’s face before breaking into a fit of hysterical giggles*
This is exactly what I needed!
*Without any warning or hesitation, Jisuku thrust her arm out and dragged her wrist along the blade, slicing through the skin and getting blood all over Persephone. Then, she did the same thing to her other arm, cutting all the way to the crease of her elbow while she stared and grinned at the woman below her. Then...*
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I’m gonna show you what real pain is, you rotten bitch!
*There was a delicate knock on Persephone's door, and when she opened it, all she could see was a bright green eye looking up at her before she was tackled to the ground* @asktheultimatescienceexperiment
Persephone looked toward the door once the knock came. She put her cigarette out in her ash tray as she stood up to answer the door. As soon as the door was opened, she let out a yelp as she was suddenly tackled, hitting the back of her head against the hard carpet of her hotel room. She grimaced a bit as she looked up, finally realizing her attacker, now baring her teeth. “So… you actually came…” 
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*There was a wide, feral grin stretched across Jisuku’s face as she held Persephone down with inhuman strength, matching the manic look in her eye*
Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? Did you think I would be too scared? 
*She practically cooed, then giggled as she grabbed Persephone’s hair and yanked her head up*
What a fucking joke.
*There was a delicate knock on Persephone's door, and when she opened it, all she could see was a bright green eye looking up at her before she was tackled to the ground* @asktheultimatescienceexperiment
Persephone looked toward the door once the knock came. She put her cigarette out in her ash tray as she stood up to answer the door. As soon as the door was opened, she let out a yelp as she was suddenly tackled, hitting the back of her head against the hard carpet of her hotel room. She grimaced a bit as she looked up, finally realizing her attacker, now baring her teeth. “So… you actually came…” 
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Mun vs Muse - Jisuku
Five similarities
We’re both cute
We both like candy
We both love small animals and fluffy things
We’re both dumb in certain areas
We both need a hug
Five differences
She’s murdered several people while I’ve never killed anyone (duh)
She’s much more willing and able to manipulate people than I am
I can actually read while she can’t
She has a pet rat and I don’t (maybe someday)
She’s super short while I’m average height
Tagged by: @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer 
Tagging: @ask-theshadowcyborg @ask-the-ultimate-housewife @ask-the-ultimate-psychoanalyst @ask-disaster-necromancer
MUN      VS.     MUSE-Ron
Both of us, tend to focus on helping the people in front of us..
The two of us entertain.
Both of us have friends named “Link” and Charlie
Set us up for a joke, and we will make it if we think its worth it.
Both of us suffer from seasickness.
_______      Five Differences
Ron tends to wear more silver, while I wear more black.
Ron’s eyes are green, while I have brown/yellow eyes.
Ron’s hair is spiky while my hair is only spiked when I make it spiked. 
Ron is a tsundere, being all tsun-tsun, around his SO, and I’m more  quiet and unable to speak to the girl I like. 
Ron tends to wear shades, The only shades I have, are my glasses.
Tagged by: @tomeofwanderers
Tagging @valorandgold @rockinmusician @zmsmultimuseworld @afortiicri @girlsfullofhopeanddespair @shxxtteredfantasy @shootingxstardust @goddessofpathos @vexingvixens @thedetectiveofinaba @the-cherry-blossom-healer @delunegirls
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Okay, then! Just gimme a few hours and I’ll be done!
*She took Shadow’s face in her small hands and pulled him down to kiss him lovingly, letting it linger for a few seconds before she moved away*
Please feed Kyuu for me while I’m gone. I love you!
*With that, she let go of Shadow and made her way out of the room, already setting up a plan in her mind*
A knock came to Jisuku's door, but a very soft one. On the other side stood Shadow, with sort of a blank expression.
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Oh- Alex? What’s wrong?
*Jisuku would be lying if she said she didn’t have a hint as to what Shadow wanted, but she wanted to hear what he had to say, first*
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*Jisu immediately began purring loudly as Shadow stroked her hair, nuzzling into his palm to get more affection from him*
You know I’d do anything for you, Alex. I’ll make sure to make it as slow and as painful as possible. Do you know where she is right now?
A knock came to Jisuku's door, but a very soft one. On the other side stood Shadow, with sort of a blank expression.
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Oh- Alex? What’s wrong?
*Jisuku would be lying if she said she didn’t have a hint as to what Shadow wanted, but she wanted to hear what he had to say, first*
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It’s okay. I like helping you with stuff like this.
*There was a delicate purr in her voice that would’ve been impossible to pick up had Jisuku’s mouth not been so close to Shadow’s hand, which she kissed affectionately*
Just give me the word, and she’ll be dead in no time.
A knock came to Jisuku's door, but a very soft one. On the other side stood Shadow, with sort of a blank expression.
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Oh- Alex? What’s wrong?
*Jisuku would be lying if she said she didn’t have a hint as to what Shadow wanted, but she wanted to hear what he had to say, first*
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*Jisu took a step forward and gently grabbed Shadow’s wrist, then brought his hand to her face and nuzzled her cheek into his palm. Her scales brushed against his hand, and the loving gesture starkly contrasted her words*
I’ll kill her, Alex. I’ll make sure she feels every bit of pain she ever caused you. I’ll make her last moments hell, just for you. I promise.
A knock came to Jisuku's door, but a very soft one. On the other side stood Shadow, with sort of a blank expression.
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Oh- Alex? What’s wrong?
*Jisuku would be lying if she said she didn’t have a hint as to what Shadow wanted, but she wanted to hear what he had to say, first*
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*Just like Shadow, there was no hesitation in Jisuku’s voice. She might not have known the severity of Persephone’s actions, but if he wanted her to die, then she would ensure her fate was sealed*
I was waiting for the chance to kill that bitch. How do you want me to do it? Do you want me to make her suffer?
A knock came to Jisuku's door, but a very soft one. On the other side stood Shadow, with sort of a blank expression.
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Oh- Alex? What’s wrong?
*Jisuku would be lying if she said she didn’t have a hint as to what Shadow wanted, but she wanted to hear what he had to say, first*
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*She knew instantly what was up, and there was a brief pause where she just tilted her head and looked up at him curiously*
What do you need me to do, Alex? 
*She asked innocently, as if she didn’t know how absolutely furious her boyfriend was*
A knock came to Jisuku's door, but a very soft one. On the other side stood Shadow, with sort of a blank expression.
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Oh- Alex? What’s wrong?
*Jisuku would be lying if she said she didn’t have a hint as to what Shadow wanted, but she wanted to hear what he had to say, first*
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“Jisuku-chama!” Hikari smiled and ran up to Jisuku for hug
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Ah-! Oh, hi there! I remember you!
*Jisuku gave Hikari a soft pat on the head*
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A knock came to Jisuku's door, but a very soft one. On the other side stood Shadow, with sort of a blank expression.
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Oh- Alex? What’s wrong?
*Jisuku would be lying if she said she didn’t have a hint as to what Shadow wanted, but she wanted to hear what he had to say, first*
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Hi everyone, Mod Crash here! I just wanna say sorry for being so inactive lately. I kinda lost motivation for my blogs and really fell out of it but I’ll try to be more active here. Thank you all for understanding, and I’ll do my best to do more here!
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