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Hey Chippy- I mean starlow, did you still keep in touch with bowser after the dark star incident?
🌙: snorts I know I didn't comment on it before, but… Chippy? ⭐: (flustered) Hey, hey, I had to take on another name so Bowser wouldn't recognize me as a Star Sprite! 🌙: Interesting. This'll make for good blackmail. ⭐: Ugh. To answer the question: as I said in a previous ask, yes, I do. Sometimes, at least. We're on good terms when the bros aren't around.
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Hey Star siblings, question: Would you rather have infinite games but no game console, or have all your hopes and dreams crushed. - Z.
🌙: Great question, Z, with the exact right amount of ominousness. ⭐: Well, the latter already happened, so games without a console it is for me. … And you call me dramatic. Games for me too, though.
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Mario & Luigi, what are your favorite Bros Attacks?
🔥: I feel like we should-a go adventure by adventure to make this easier for ourselves. What do you think, Luigi? ⚡: Good idea, Mario! Alright, back in the Beanbean Kingdom, I loved spiking that giant fireball when we did our Advanced Fire Bros move! I even kept that spike for Smash Bros! Honestly, I also liked popping out of the ground with Advanced Thunder Bros! I fully get why Ryu uses his Shoryuken. During that whole time travel mess, I loved Pocket Chomp! Riding on the little guy when we were younger was fun, plus I think he - or, sometimes she - was cute! You have a weird definition of cute. Well, I liked Ice Flower. Not sure why, but it's cool. But, jokes aside, I always liked ice for some reason. Hilarious pun. Alright, during the whole Dark Star mess, I enjoyed Jump Helmet! I went-a so sigh and did-a so much damage! My neck hurts just-a thinking about it. Next time we use it, I call dibs on jumping on it! Anywho, I liked Spin Pipe. It's the doohickey! Your mind is an enigma. Speaking of your mind, over on Pillow Island, I loved Bomb Derby! Might be my favorite one in general! Don't I know it. Amazing segue, by the way. Well, my Bros Attacks weren't the best, I got good Luiginary Attacks instead. Dropchopper was neat, but I'm glad Toadette made it less-a finnicky when we used it again. Gadd is more of a concept guy than an execution guy. Speaking of the time Toadette helped us with Bros Attacks, I loved Bomb Derby- No, that's-a cheating, pick a different one. Oh, spoilsport. Fine, I guess I liked-a Toad Trail. We helped all those Toads and they helped us in return, it's a nice feeling. Mega Thwonk was my favorite that time! I loved our giant battles in the dream world, so being giant in the real world was even cooler! Hoo boy, that was all of them, I think. Well, we are currently getting some new ones- 🌙: Hey, don't spoil any surprises! (grumbling) At least you're not-a bringing Bomb Derby back again.
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Luigi, Mario and Starlow, How was Concordia?
⭐🌙🔥⚡: What?
🌙: What's a Concordia? Sounds like a poorly selling video game.
⚡: No, that's-a Concord. It sounds more like a notoriously difficult video game.
🔥: No, that's-a Contra. I think Concordia is an illegal item to take onto a plane.
⭐: No, that's Contraband. I think Concordia is that thing that you use to message people online.
No, that's Discord. Concordia is probably a thing which opposes or prevents something else.
No, that's-a Counter, Concordia is-a definitely this!
(exhausted) Luigi, that's a frigging hammer.
It's a contraption!
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If you were to create a new flavor of ice cream, what flavor would it be? You can be as specific or absurd with it as you want!
🌙: Your mom.
⭐: …
🔥: …
⚡: …
Moving on, I'd probably want stardust, however one would interpret it. I think it would be magical-
Magical, eh?
I know what you are, sis.
Family flavor.
What, is the scoop shaped like Vin T. Zel's head?
An ice cream flavor made to be-a consumed together. They said we could be as absurd as we-a want. Also, it'd give you the warm feeling of being around those you-a care about.
Does that even count as a flavor? Well, uh, then I think it'd be really funny to put the essence of electricity in ice cream.
You two have been hanging out with Sonic too much.
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To Mario and Luigi: What do you both think of Starlow and Lunaris?
🔥: Starlow is-a very nice, and has proven herself quite-a dependable during past adventures.
⚡: Especially when she saved us from getting roasted by Bowser during the Dark Star mess.
Exactly, although she could treat-a Luigi a little better. I think she goes too far with her teasing at times.
It's-a no biggie, don't worry about it. Lunaris is also fun, although we haven't known him quite as long.
He's certainly established himself in the short amount of-a time, though. He's a fun guy!
Certainly better than the fungi we deal with usually, hehe.
…Luigi was that-
Yes, yes it was.
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🌙: Hey, bozos! ⭐: (whispering) Who starts an announcement like that? It's been fun to answer all the different question you guys have asked, but it's about time we don't restrict ourselves to just me and boring ol' Starlow! I'm taking over before you make this more ridiculous. Since we're travelling together right now, you all can now also start asking questions for Mario and Luigi. Don't worry if you don't understand their Italian accents, they'll type in regular English. 🔥: Hello everyone! I hope that this-a blog has been fun to read through so far and that my bro and I can add some of our own flavor to it! ⚡: You know we don't need to type the "-a" bit, right? Luigi, you gotta keep up a gimmick for the sake of-a recognizability. If you say so, Mario.
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To both Starlow and Lunaris: How rare is it for Star Sprites to be born from the same stardust? Or is it quite common?
🌙: ULTRA rare! We're a one in a million chance, baby! ⭐: Stars, I could've gotten a lotto ticket with those kinda chances, and instead I have you around. (grinning) Aw, I love you too, sis. …
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Hey Starlow! Can you tell us why Lunaris got banished, or is it nothing that serious
🌙: … ⭐: … Who starts a conversation like that?
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Starlow, lunaris, if you two had to fight with the help of your respective bros, who would win and why?
⭐: Mario would win even alone, I've made my point before. And with the Stellar Attacks I can give him, he's practically unstoppable. 🌙: Lame and boring. Luigi and I would win because we're headstrong! You lack basic tactical intelligence. You'd bring a knife to a shootout. AND I'D WIN!
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To both:
What topics are you both nerds (have very good knowledge) at?
⭐: (squinting at Lunaris) Star Spirit Law. 🌙: Rude. I myself know a lot about Star Magic! Did you know we can turn invisible? Now look at Starlow, now back to me, now back to Starlow, now back to me, now look at the ground, now back to me. Where did I go? I disappeared! Lunaris, stop hiding behind me. You never let me shine!
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If you had to change something about yourselves, what would you change?
🌙: NOTHING! I'm way past cool! ⭐: Lunaris, I don't think you can say that. Why? No copyright law in the universe can stop me! Lunaris please.
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Happy new year chumps!
Especially you, chippy!
- King Koopa, Bowser.
⭐: … One, how do you even know about this Blog? Two, this is extremely out of character for you, I hope you know that. Three, thanks, happy new year to you too! 🌙: Heh, bet he had to type this out one letter at a time with his gigantic claws.
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To Starlow: What made you lose touch with Lunaris as you got older? Lunaris had said you two were inseparable
⭐: Inseparable? That's an… interesting way to put it. In short, he got banished and I had my duties in Star Haven, so we couldn't really spend much time together. I would've probably at least looked for him in my free time if he hadn't disrespected all of our principles and… Nevermind. Forget I said anything.
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Hey Starlow, have you worked on your pep talks?
⭐: Of course I have! I've been improving! 🌙: (mumbling) Could've fooled me. Excuse you! Didn't Luigi tell you about how I managed to cheer him up when he temporarily lost TWO Marios to King Boo? Knowing you, he cheered himself up, heh. (grumbling) You're impossible.
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Starlow, Lunaris, what is your personal life like. What is your daily life like. Do you have anyone special in your life?
⭐: I suppose it would be good to catch up again when this is all over, Its been years after all.
🌙: Boring as usual huh starlow? Just talking and catching up? Cmon, We're going to get everyone together and just have a blast! Like the good ol days! I cant be the only person you wanna catch up with!
A get together when we have some downtime would be nice, Yeah, I wonder how Zinta's doing at the moment, you think she's still doing her magic stuff?
Eh probably, Didnt seem like she was giving that up any time soon, Wonder what Denigo's been up to lately, We should get together again and just go travelling, Kicking up a ruckus and all that. Not causing trouble obviously, doubt you'd let us anyway, Ms. By the book.
Hey, Me being by the book keeps us out of trouble! Something someone has problems with!
Yeah yeah
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Do you hate Mario/Luigi Starlow/Lunaris?
⭐: Uh, no? I think it's best we cover all our bases here.
🌙: About time we agree on something.
In short, I highly value Mario and occasionally tease Luigi a bit. I don't hate either of the two, I just wish Luigi would live up to his brother's example more. He has one, so what's his excuse?
Mario's kinda boring, but overall chill. Luigi's fun! So yeah, I also don't hate either one.
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