asktheninjafox 6 years
New Tumblr
Hello everyone
I will probably stop using this account, but if you want to keep following me you can do it at聽https://rayblitz.tumblr.com/聽where I will finally be active. Thanks and have a good day.
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asktheninjafox 8 years
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asktheninjafox 9 years
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asktheninjafox 9 years
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Hello everyone. Since I can鈥檛 come up with a good story for Ken Kagami yet, I鈥檒l be working on a new comic series about creepypastas. The story actually comes from a school project but I decided to make it a comic. I hope you like it.
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asktheninjafox 9 years
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Seitenkyu Taoist Temple in Saitama, Japan - the largest Taoist temple in Japan
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asktheninjafox 9 years
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walk in a bamboo forest
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asktheninjafox 9 years
how you actually look like? Like in real life??
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This is how I actually look in real life...(No, it isn't Photoshop)
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asktheninjafox 10 years
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I know, I haven't uploaded anything for ages, so here's a drawing and I hope I can finish my other projects.
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asktheninjafox 10 years
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I also have something really special to me...
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asktheninjafox 10 years
Why can麓t I have my own statue huh?
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Statue of Tsukahara Bokuden the warrior who was ahead of his time. a Samurai Legend
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asktheninjafox 10 years
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As you can see, I really like the idea of a rabbit in the moon, and it will aslo be like an inspiration for our hero.
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asktheninjafox 10 years
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Yep, Im planning to do a comic, and here's a main character: Shinji Tanaka. He will be really important in the story and, well, Ken needed a friend, don't you think?
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asktheninjafox 10 years
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Ken Kagami, the blue ninja-fox!!! Pretty cool eh?
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asktheninjafox 11 years
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As I said before, I LOVE creepypastas, and BEN is one of the best of all time...
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asktheninjafox 11 years
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There are some nights in which I can't just sleep....
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asktheninjafox 11 years
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Just to say, my favorite videogame character is SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, someday i'd like to be as fast as him.....
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asktheninjafox 11 years
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Stay concentrated to achieve your goals...... sumfin麓 like that....
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