Also im still giving out asks
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He might be afraid or amazed depending on which pokemon you are
HE probably will offer one of hes crystals from the cave
Likes to trade stuff
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If you are an ask blog or a daily/occasionally/sometimes/etc blog and don't mind getting asks from anyone, please reblog this!
I get super nervous when sending asks sometimes, especially when sending to blogs that don’t follow mine (ヾ(´・ω・`)
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Pokemon Blog?
I need some more blogs to follow, so if you’re a Pokeask/ Daily Blog please like/ reblog this post so I can check you out. It’s also a good way to see who is active in the community.
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Strawberry and Snowyheart appear at the chrismas event
“it’s been a good bit since i’ve seen you relax like this sis” Strawberry said to Snowyheart
“i can sense that i don’t need to be on guard to protect my little sister” Snowyheart said to Strawberry
“you are literally five seconds older than me Snowy as you crawled out of our egg first” Strawberry retorted 
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reblog if you’re a pokeask blog
i’d like to send jhudora out for some asks tomorrow, so reblog this if you’re a pokeblog!
note: if i can’t find your characters, or if your blog is cluttered with ooc, it is unlikely that ill send you an ask
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* please reblog this if you are a pokemon ask blog! i’d like to follow as many as possible! ^^ *
-mod cowboy
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Poke Christmas Community Event!
Hey guys It’s BlueDawn mod from @middaily-lycanroc and I saw there was no Christmas event this year so I decided to fix that! Everything is under the cut c:
Keep reading
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Character development time! Give me some interesting questions about my character and I will answer.
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If you are an ask blog or a daily/occasionally/sometimes/etc blog and don't mind getting asks from anyone, please reblog this!
I get super nervous when sending asks sometimes, especially when sending to blogs that don’t follow mine (ヾ(´・ω・`)
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