Ask the Aftermaths
2K posts
This is a Rp ask blog and a cross-over of pretty much all the known famous indie game (for examble Undertale and Fnaf) but it's mainly Baldi's Basics. There aren't any rules yet tho, but NSFW or +18 content are NOT tolerated in this blog! Feel free to ask questions tho! ^-^
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asktheaftermaths · 5 months ago
You have brought out the malicious personality that he has in the most beautiful way possible-
~ NerdicPerson
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Salmiakki Axe
-Age: ???
-Gender: male
-Pronouns: he/him
-Sexuality: Aromantic and Asexual
-Species: half *unknown* half *unknown*
-Candy Type: Salmiakki
-Loves: (his family and friends) (sweet and salty foods) (and chaos and destruction)
-Hates: (rude people) (when his victims get away) (and his biological parents)
-Fears: (his biological parents)
-Chocolate Principal .A.K.A. Chocolate Tom (adopted dad)
-Cookie Scientist Baldi .A.K.A. Cookie Dean (adopted dad)
-Birthday Cake Chris (Brother/Sibling)
-Gold .A.K.A. Candy Sunshine (Friend)
-Toffee .A.K.A. Other Candy Chris (Friend/Rival)
(I finally managed to finish the candy version of Axe, and if you don’t know what Salmiakki is, then I suggest you Google it, but anyways I hope you guys enjoy this design, also the character Axe belongs to: @asktheaftermaths)
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asktheaftermaths · 6 months ago
i’ve been trying to think of what type of candy Axe would be, but I can’t think of anything, sooo
what type of candy do you think Axe would be?
Sorry for the VERY late reply!
Well, seeing that Axe is mostly just black ooze and usually a very mischevious person..
I'd say he'd be salmiakki. Its basically a quite salty variant of licorice. But, maybe like its melted salmiakki, so it'd match him being constantly "melting".
(yes, he's always "melting" he just manages to keep himself in one form over time)
Basically, to put it simply;
Chris is more like toffee (like you've already made him be).
And Axe would be like salmiakki.
Theyre both sticky, salty yet sweet treats!
Hopefully this helped!
~ NerdicPerson
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asktheaftermaths · 8 months ago
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(I need to draw them asap, I might give them updated looks since my drawing skills - and English - have gotten a lot better since back then qwq)
Thank you so much for this!
~ Nerdic - the mod
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asktheaftermaths · 8 months ago
That's it, I'm crying now-
MY Axe is your favourite??
I really didn't think people could enjoy the content I made a few years back that much!
Thank you, I really apprechiate it.. I really do..!
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Birthday Cake Chris (redesign)
-Age: 8
-Gender: male
-Pronouns: he/him/they/them
-Sexuality: Straight
-Species: *unknown*
-Candy Type: Birthday Cake
-Loves: (his family and friends) (chocolate cake) (shiny objects) (also cats and dogs)
-Hates: (rude people) (when someone takes his stuffed animal) (and his biological parents)
-Fears: (his biological parents) (and conflict)
-Chocolate Principal .A.K.A. Chocolate Tom (adopted dad)
-Cookie Scientist Baldi .A.K.A. Cookie Dean (adopted dad)
-Gold .A.K.A. Candy Sunshine (Friend/love interest)
-Toffee .A.K.A. Other Candy Chris (Friend)
(so quite a while ago I had made a candy version of Chris from @asktheaftermaths, but the post is really old and so is the design, so I decided to update the design, and here it is, also if you’re wondering who Gold and Toffee are, Toffee is another candy version of Chris, and Gold is a candy version of Sunshine from @ask-princibaldi-daughter, but just to be clear, Gold and Toffee were not made by me)
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asktheaftermaths · 8 months ago
My god, you remember my sweet, plausibly-murderous Axe as well-
You're gonna make me fucking cry here, I swear to god-
And, I live in Finland, it's 3:05 pm right now (UTC+2 timezone)
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Birthday Cake Chris (redesign)
-Age: 8
-Gender: male
-Pronouns: he/him/they/them
-Sexuality: Straight
-Species: *unknown*
-Candy Type: Birthday Cake
-Loves: (his family and friends) (chocolate cake) (shiny objects) (also cats and dogs)
-Hates: (rude people) (when someone takes his stuffed animal) (and his biological parents)
-Fears: (his biological parents) (and conflict)
-Chocolate Principal .A.K.A. Chocolate Tom (adopted dad)
-Cookie Scientist Baldi .A.K.A. Cookie Dean (adopted dad)
-Gold .A.K.A. Candy Sunshine (Friend/love interest)
-Toffee .A.K.A. Other Candy Chris (Friend)
(so quite a while ago I had made a candy version of Chris from @asktheaftermaths, but the post is really old and so is the design, so I decided to update the design, and here it is, also if you’re wondering who Gold and Toffee are, Toffee is another candy version of Chris, and Gold is a candy version of Sunshine from @ask-princibaldi-daughter, but just to be clear, Gold and Toffee were not made by me)
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asktheaftermaths · 8 months ago
Hey, @asktheaftermaths mod, Nerdic, here!
Holy cow, I almost completely forgot about the Toffee Chris design from back then!
Anyway, this one looks just as adorable! I can imagine Chris as a cake-themed being, seing his past- which we DO NOT talk about around him-
Just wanted to swing by and give my thank you and let you know I highly apprechiate my little bean being still remember here. I geniuently was worried this place has forgotten about him by now.. I'm really glad he's still on people's minds here!
~ Nerdic - the mod.
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Birthday Cake Chris (redesign)
-Age: 8
-Gender: male
-Pronouns: he/him/they/them
-Sexuality: Straight
-Species: *unknown*
-Candy Type: Birthday Cake
-Loves: (his family and friends) (chocolate cake) (shiny objects) (also cats and dogs)
-Hates: (rude people) (when someone takes his stuffed animal) (and his biological parents)
-Fears: (his biological parents) (and conflict)
-Chocolate Principal .A.K.A. Chocolate Tom (adopted dad)
-Cookie Scientist Baldi .A.K.A. Cookie Dean (adopted dad)
-Gold .A.K.A. Candy Sunshine (Friend/love interest)
-Toffee .A.K.A. Other Candy Chris (Friend)
(so quite a while ago I had made a candy version of Chris from @asktheaftermaths, but the post is really old and so is the design, so I decided to update the design, and here it is, also if you’re wondering who Gold and Toffee are, Toffee is another candy version of Chris, and Gold is a candy version of Sunshine from @ask-princibaldi-daughter, but just to be clear, Gold and Toffee were not made by me)
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asktheaftermaths · 2 years ago
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(( open RP,to join, you need to ask))
Ark was out in the rain equiped with a open umbrella at hand. He was in his human costume waiting for a city bus to go home. Ark sighed as he looked at the watch and his patience was wearing thin.
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
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✿ Splatoon Plush Pillows ✿
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
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Had to draw for this one, you made too cute of a Chris for me to not draw for this--
~ Nerdic Person -- The Mod
"Hello, Mr. Baldi!" Chris said while smiling happily and gave a polite bow. "My name's Chris Baldimore! How are you today?" Chris is a smol child, and he seemed to have a white box in his hands, which was why he didn't wave or shake Baldi's hand. A smell of warm chocolate cookies can be strongly senced comming from the box.
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{ these cookies, seems like something familiar...
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
Chris got up with Stine. "I'll head home, too, before Dad gets too worried.. You're always welcome to visit me and my family!" Chris said with a bright and warm smile.
Chris looks up at Stine. "Helloo! My name is Chris!" He held out his hand for a handsake. Chris always loves to meet new people, and he felt happy to meet someone new to the blog-universes! (I just found your blog and i noted its new, so i thought i'd bring my boi Chris to welcome you to the blog-universes! ^-^ ~ Schitzophriend -- The Mod)
Stine looks at Chris’s hand for a moment slightly confused before shaking it. “Thank you for the welcome! I do hope we get a chance to talk in the future!” //aaaaah!!! Thank you for bringing him over, and thank you for the welcome! – Mod Pastel//
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
Chris looked at Stine, and smiled brightly at him. "It was so nice to meet you, too! I'm always up to hang out with people that are new to the Blogverse!"
Chris looks up at Stine. "Helloo! My name is Chris!" He held out his hand for a handsake. Chris always loves to meet new people, and he felt happy to meet someone new to the blog-universes! (I just found your blog and i noted its new, so i thought i'd bring my boi Chris to welcome you to the blog-universes! ^-^ ~ Schitzophriend -- The Mod)
Stine looks at Chris’s hand for a moment slightly confused before shaking it. “Thank you for the welcome! I do hope we get a chance to talk in the future!” //aaaaah!!! Thank you for bringing him over, and thank you for the welcome! – Mod Pastel//
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
Chris laughed happily, as he slowed down, eventually sitting down next to Stine, smiling widely and happily.
((Then it was good that i found this rp interaction from my old posts XD
~Nerdic Person - The Mod))
Chris looks up at Stine. "Helloo! My name is Chris!" He held out his hand for a handsake. Chris always loves to meet new people, and he felt happy to meet someone new to the blog-universes! (I just found your blog and i noted its new, so i thought i'd bring my boi Chris to welcome you to the blog-universes! ^-^ ~ Schitzophriend -- The Mod)
Stine looks at Chris’s hand for a moment slightly confused before shaking it. “Thank you for the welcome! I do hope we get a chance to talk in the future!” //aaaaah!!! Thank you for bringing him over, and thank you for the welcome! – Mod Pastel//
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
Chris looked at Stine and he begun running around him. This kid sure did have a lot of energy to be a 9 year old..
((Im so sorrry for the super late reply! I didnt know you replied, Tumblr hadnt noted meeee! Q~Q
~Nerdic Person - The Mod))
Chris looks up at Stine. "Helloo! My name is Chris!" He held out his hand for a handsake. Chris always loves to meet new people, and he felt happy to meet someone new to the blog-universes! (I just found your blog and i noted its new, so i thought i'd bring my boi Chris to welcome you to the blog-universes! ^-^ ~ Schitzophriend -- The Mod)
Stine looks at Chris’s hand for a moment slightly confused before shaking it. “Thank you for the welcome! I do hope we get a chance to talk in the future!” //aaaaah!!! Thank you for bringing him over, and thank you for the welcome! – Mod Pastel//
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
Chris was smiling so happily, as he gave a nod to respond to Jack-O's question. He then pushed his arms out to give the present to her.
"C'mon! Open it!" He said while jumping a little.
Chris came to visit Jack-O-Chica once again! This time, he had brought a new gift for Jack-O, in a form of a small box of orange wrap paper and a black bow. "Happy Halloween, Chica!!" He shouted happily and so excitedly. He was jumping very slightly, as he was filled with excitement. Chris hadn't forgotten of his spooky friend!
*As soon as she heard Chris’ voice, Jack-O lit up with a grin and scooped him up in an enthusiastic bear hug-*
Oh my dear, it is a happy Halloween if you’re visiting! I- oh! Now what is this, then? *She gestures as best as she can to the gift he carries*
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
Madness!Chris was walking around. His legs were making excact same sounds as a normal animatronic would make. His neck keot letting out tiny sparks and his left eye keot shining brightly as M!Chris tried to look around him (i reposted the pic of M!Chris, you should find it easily)
Sorry about this being one of the missed ones. Whoops.
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
Madness!Chris was walking around. His legs were making excact same sounds as a normal animatronic would make. His neck keot letting out tiny sparks and his left eye keot shining brightly as M!Chris tried to look around him (i reposted the pic of M!Chris, you should find it easily)
Sorry about this being one of the missed ones. Whoops.
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asktheaftermaths · 4 years ago
So why're we both here?.. ó_ò"
Madness!Chris was walking around. His legs were making excact same sounds as a normal animatronic would make. His neck keot letting out tiny sparks and his left eye keot shining brightly as M!Chris tried to look around him (i reposted the pic of M!Chris, you should find it easily)
Sorry about this being one of the missed ones. Whoops.
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