askteamevolved · 6 years
(OOC: Getting to ask meme asks tonight and tomorrow night! Thanks guys! Inbox: 2)
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askteamevolved · 6 years
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askteamevolved · 6 years
Send Me a Symbol to look into my Muses Memories!
Send me “✤” for a memory that brings them happiness
Send me “✵” for a memory that brings them sadness
Send me “☾” for a memory they can’t remember
Send me “☼” for a memory they can’t forget
Send me “❧” for a memory that brings them anger
 Send me “◥” for a memory of someone they love
Send me “⋫” for a memory of someone they hate
Send me “◑” for a memory of someone they miss
Send me “⊛” for a memory of a place they love
Send me “◘” for a memory of a place they hate
Send me “✮” + a topic for a specific memory
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askteamevolved · 6 years
[ Ok but where did everyone go, my dash is Dead lol. ]
[ Plz reblog if you’re an active poke ask/daily blog so I can follow ;0; ]
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askteamevolved · 6 years
[ @wandering-canines | Ra ] *looks at Grune, tilting his head* "Wait... you're a Zoroark too, right? Do you use your illusions to make yourself look like that?"
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@wandering-canines “Nope, it’s all tangible! You won’t catch me using Illusion unless it’s for a specific reason. I’ll give you this to chew on, though - I was a totally normal Zorua.”
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askteamevolved · 6 years
Neto approaches Jet "may i ask about your family? Who are they?"
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@askfusionfriends “That’s how it was for me… I don’t remember much prior to being alone in Ultra Space for a long, long time! –”
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“–Until, of course, the owner of this ranch came through Ultra Space and picked me up. She, Amalthea, Grune and I have been buddies ever since.”
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askteamevolved · 6 years
Akumu@Grune: Are those flowers growing on your hair? How is that possible?
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@askhoennlegends “It seems like I must have some of that little legend’s blood.”
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askteamevolved · 6 years
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Introducing Team Evolved - a friend-ship consisting of totally unique pokemon!
This team has big plans once they get settled in, but in the meantime, go ahead and send some asks flying by!
[OOC: Ask responses will be on a not-quite-daily basis depending on how much time I have <3]
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askteamevolved · 6 years
LF Active Pokeask Blogs
Hi all!
I was around two years ago-ish as askivarandellie & askpokeenvoys (plus one other url that turned into askpokeenvoys.. I forget what it was). I dropped off because I no longer had the time, but I’d like to engage with the community once again. I have some ideas for this blog and will be working on it soon.
Meanwhile, I’m looking for poke ask blogs that are active ^_^ Please like/reblog so I can follow y’all!
It’s a pleasant surprise logging into this acct and seeing how many people are still posting who I followed the heck out of back in the day!
Footnote: While Ivar, Ellie and the Envoys are still dear to my heart, I don’t plan on reviving them in a major way. I just don’t know what direction to go with them. They can make cameos here though if you want to get in touch!
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