asksavannahchild · 5 years
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girls talk boys // 5 seconds of summer
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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Allegiant, Veronica Roth
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
 “Relax. She only told me about this weird bird that’s been following you..I’d say that you should appreciate your first, and probably last fan,” she teases him. “But in all honesty, even I don’t know why it’s acting that way, and I grew up with worse. Have you tried looking into it?”
“Not exactly. At first sight, yeah, until they talk to me. Then they say I’m too intense. But I mean, I don’t need them anyway,” she shrugs, linking arms with him and continuing to walk.
Motorbikes were something new to her but she knew that they were fast, slightly dangerous and not the most common when it came to means of transport; in a few words, nothing short of exciting. Her expectations were beyond reached, cliche or not.
“Yeah, the only thing you’re missing is a tattoo shop...oh, wait,” she joked in response. “But in all honesty, it doesn’t really matter. Motorbikes are cool. Or at least, I heard they are. Where are you keeping it by the way? Does the school have a parking lot that  I didn’t notice or..wait. Did you sneak it somewhere so you don’t pay for the parking?”, she tilted her head, smiling. 
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 “Well, then, you’re in total disadvantage here. You won’t know what hit you. Like your new friend from the animal world?”, Ayana smirks, raising an eyebrow. Alemayehu had told her about the crow and she couldn’t lose the chance to mention it.
The girl rolls her eyes, “I’m not waiting here all day”.  she warns, but  it’s more of a joke. She didn’t like waiting but she was just as excited about the date” Oh, lucky  me.”. she jokes, not really surprised.
“I don’t know, somewhere far? Crowded places are suffocating and I’m not in the mood to stay here any longer.”, she shrugs. 
Tai recoils, as if struck in the face by her words. “What…what do you know about all that?” Oh, right, he remembers. They have a mutual friend. “Did May say somethin’? ‘Cause if she told you that I’m scared of a little birdie, that’s only partially true.”
“Hey, I’ll have you know I’ve got plenty of people lined up to grab a piece of this,” he adds, gesturing to himself by tugging on his shirt collar. “But I’m sure you know how that goes.” He stops beside her and offers her his arm to link hers through.
“That’s a mood. I know just the spot. Now, how do you feel about motorbikes?” he inquires, waiting for some sort of judgemental look that he’s sure he’ll get. Not because he feels motorcycles might be too much for her—he’s certain that it’d take a lot more to shake someone like her up—rather that she might laugh at him for being such a cliché.
“I know, I know. It’s bad enough I dress like this and don’t cut my hair. It’s just a frugality thing, I promise. I’m not trying to be some kinda VK stereotype, I just happen to like the fact that bikes are usually cheaper on gas and maintenance. And on that note, I hope you know we’re splitting the gas money,” he jests. Mostly.
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
child born                   with a storm    for a soul where the    lightning                              strikes the     sea                  yours is a     savage sort of beauty
but weep not                     for those                     lost          in your wake
like nature, like you, they too               will come back—
                                 ( better,                                               stronger )
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
“Got it”, she sighed. She couldn’t figure out what’s gotten into her, beating around the bush so much. It might have been the risks she took to have this conversation, as used to taking risks as she was. Still, she didn’t try commenting any further. The other girl has made her intents clear.
She chuckled a bit, “Nah, he’s an AK. You might have heard the story of Aladdin and his magic carpet? Well, it turns out his son has the same hobbies. So I convinced him to take me here and he could meet his pen pal. As for fitting in...I don’t know. He’s stupidly brave, but not Isle material. Though, I wouldn’t lose anything by asking,” she thought. If she stayed one night, she could at least have more time. Aziz could handle it.
“Lead the way”, she said in the end.
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
“Ah, fair. I don’t expect that to happen, really. I don’t even want it. But it’s just difficult to fit in here, you know? To say that it’s a culture shock would be an understatement after living in the Pridelands all my life. I suppose you might understand what I’m talking about. My father is Rafiki, shaman and royal advisor of the Lion King. You know, he used to be a baboon. Nothing like any of the royals whose descendants study here, for better or worse. Though, now that you mention it...he does have a habit of telling riddles instead of giving straight answers. I suppose I shouldn’t be that worried, but I wanna make him proud too. Ah, Motunui. I heard about you guys, the voyagers of the sea. That has to be amazing, seeing so many things and never settling.
“Hello! You’re new here, right? I don’t think we have met yet, my name is Kalani!”
“Oh, hi! Not really new, just isolated. But I’m cool with it, I didn’t expect anyone to approach me. But now that you’re here…I’m Ayana Kani. You have a beautiful name, Kalani. “
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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@rainchocolatecake  and Anonymous made me choose between Rafiki or Zazu
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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stay awake (dreams only last for a night) // all time low
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
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#that’s a whole beautiful disaster pansexual
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
“Ah, fair. I guess living there does teach you a thing or two about keeping to yourself. I imagine it’s a balance between staying hidden and getting out when you can to take what you need. I know right? I don’t get the education system either. I don’t know how they expect us to sit between four walls for 6 hours and pay attention too.,,it’s draining all my energy. Hmm, well I used to go to the  lake but then people started having dates there..climbing trees usually does the trick. Few people do that, let alone figure out that you’re there if they’re looking for you. And if we’re talking off- campus, abandoned places are the best. Beaches, buildings and the likes. “
So you tell weird riddles and stuff like your dad? @asklittlestsister
“Again, depends on what you mean by weird. Are they hard to figure out? Maybe, but they’re meant to guide you. Now, do I tell them as well? Not really, I prefer to say things as they are, as you might notice soon enough. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to inherit his job one day, but I wanna do my own thing with it.
Anyways, why do you ask? A royal looking for help or just someone really bored?
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
“Ah, that’s good news though”, Ayana thought. “I was just saying that because I have commitment issues and I assumed it might have been the reason. But if you can apply for a scolarship and you don’t have a Pride...”, she shrugged. But she didn’t finish her sentence. It was clear to see that the girl was tired of it by now and she sort of understood why. She’s been told before that not everyone liked making plans on a whim. To her, it was a habit.
“I see...so they left you? Picked another leader?”,she was curious. While she didn’t like Scar much, she recognised his royal origins and expected his daughter to be a natural leader.
She looked down, wondering how to answer. Of course she’d like to spend more time with her, telling her stories of the Pridelands. But her ride was waiting for her and she couldn’t afford getting stuck there if he left without her.��
She chuckled a bit, “Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do if I actually met the guy. I’m not afraid, though that I know. But you don’t have to do it, really. I have a ride waiting for me at the docks...let’s hope he hasn’t gotten himself killed yet,” she shook her head. 
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asksavannahchild · 5 years
“Don’t kiss me if you’re afraid of thunder. My life is a storm.”
— Anita Krizzan
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