askratpark · 5 years
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Kenny: Yeah, your right 
Kenny: their eyes are more of a reddish-brown color btw
Karen & Butters: How do you know that
Butters: yeah like it might as well be red Eric’s like crazy I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a demon tbh
Karen: why are you two speaking in acronyms
Kenny: Hmm 
Kenny: What if I name them after everyone?
Butters: Isn’t that a little narcissistic?
Kenny: No this is 
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Karen: Your naming him Gregory
Kenny: I am naming him Gregory
Butters: Then fine
Butters: This one should be named Kenny
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Butters: Because it looks like it has a little parka on
Kenny: awww your right, he does look a littler orange parka
Kenny: Kenny Junior it is
Kenny: How about this little one is Karen?
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Karen: Why? 
Kenny: Because they look like you when you were younger
Kenny: just so sweet and kind
Karen: I am still sweet and kind
Kenny: :o really 
Karen: >:p
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Karen: yeah none of them really look like Butters
Kenny: what about that bunny 
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Kenny: we practically have just been calling it “Bunny Butters” ever sense it got here
Butters: Really you didn’t pick any of the names that I suggested to you
Kenny: dude you gave me girl names
Butters: no Alix isn’t just a girl’s name nor Azalea
Kenny: Azalea is a total girls name
Butters: it’s a name of a flower
Kenny: Butters that's the point
Butters: but what about Alix
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askratpark · 5 years
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Butters: Well yeah, I died my hair, I wanted to try something different
Butters: I am glad you asked
Butters: But enuf about me, what are you going to name them Kenny?
Kenny: Hmmmm 
Kenny: This one looks a little twitchy don’t you think?
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Kenny: Reminds me of Tweek when he was younger
Butters: Tweek is still twitchy
Kenny: Yeah but less so he can actually sit still for 10 seconds now
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Karen: REALLY that’s a new record!!!
Karen: Did Tricia mark it down? I hope she did
Kenny: No it was Craig
Karen: oh :<
Butters: Why are you marking it down?
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Karen: well one time when Tricia had me over to play Tweek was there and we were getting hungry
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Karen: So me, Tricia, Craig, and Tweek had lunch together and Tweek was looking off and stop shaking for 3 seconds!
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Karen: It was so beautiful seeing him calm, so me Tricia and Craig have been writing down the time date and seconds of Tweek just in a calm state
Butters: Really? I am glad that he’s getting better
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Karen: yeah but its now have been a rivalry, me and Tricia against Craig to see who can have Tweek calm the longest
Butters: Does Tweek know about this?
Karen: not yet but he’s been close to figuring us out
Karen: like when Craig tried winning by bringing him to this beauty place but that didn’t work, it just made him more stressed being in a new place, and the stress of choosing what he wanted 
 Karen: Currently Craigs winning since he’s with him all the time, but me and Tricia aren’t to close behind him
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Butters: So is that why you asked me to buy that watch for you
Karen: Yeah, and to also keep track of the time so i know when to get back home
Karen: ALSO no one tell Tweek this!!!
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askratpark · 5 years
Start of RatPark
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Karen: *sigh*
Karen: It’s been 10 minutes
Karen: Pick a damn card Butters
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Butters: mhmmmm
Butters: You always win our games
Butters: You have gotten so smart
Karen: Flattery won’t win you Uno, nor help you pick a card
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Karen & Butters: WTF KENNY
Butters: Wait what you have rats?
Karen: Yeah aren’t we supposed to keep this place clean and not bring dirty street rats in here
Kenny: But these aren’t dirty street rats
Kenny: There clean street rats
Karen: We’re here for 1 week and your already playing princess Kenny again
Kenny: >:0
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Kenny: Any way, it will be fine
Kenny: The landlord loves pets and practically lets us live here for free
Kenny: So, do you want to see one or not
Butters: They won’t bite right?
Butters: All the rats you get tend to bite really hard and I don’t want to go to the doctors again
Kenny: No no they don’t bite, look
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Kenny: All the rats I meet always bit me, but not these ones  
Karen: Just because a rat doesn’t bite you when you meet it doesn’t mean you can bring it home
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Butters: OOOOOOooooooooo
Butters: They have such cute markings!
Kenny: I know right!!!
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Karen: *sigh*
Karen: So how many do you have?
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[You can also ask me on my Discord server]
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