askpocharilen · 7 years
This is stupid
But seriously, after thinking about it, I really have no reason to continue this lol. I don’t really have friends here so I don’t see much of a reason to stay, I highly doubt this blog is even entertaining and the thought of keeping something so stupid going just seems silly to me. I would love to keep up with @asklennell but it’s such a pain to get asks and seems pretty pointless anymore, same for @askdream-eater, he’s been empty for so long and I don’t think he’s going to get anymore any time soon. I’ll keep his kink blog up since it’s got about 4 asks and maybe I can keep it going but that seems pretty dumb too. Either way, I just don’t think anyone would want me to keep lingering around here and complaining about something that just won’t happen lol. Guess we’re never getting to that 500 mark like I’d been looking forward to lol
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askpocharilen · 7 years
Cinnamon: it's been a loooong time since I've seen you! Hey hey hey... spiders or snakes?? >:)
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Um… n-no offense… oh… U-uhm… m-maybe I should have answered the… question first…. um… s-snakes…
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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Um, okay... so... I’ve been a little kid before so... there’s that... and uhh... I’m not interested in being in a relationship right now so yeah... O-OK? Right? Y-yeah...
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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But I’ll never be a grown up so that’s OK
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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H-hey~ You know what would be fun?? If one of you grey guys “messed” with the kitchen a bit... while I was really close and MEIKO-nee or someone happened to see the after math.... y- you know what, scratch that, that’s a REALLY bad idea...
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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To be honest I’m not sure who these are for so I hope this is alright. They’ve been acknowledged!
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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I-I mean.... yeah, I’ve noticed it... but it’s nothing real concerning or anything, y’know? It just... happens from time to time...
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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It was... pretty hard to handle and... I forgot it was summer...
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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I mean.... I just... guess it showed then....
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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I guess it really depends on the situation....
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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askpocharilen · 7 years
You guys are so cute !! Do u still sing?
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Maybe in front of other people…
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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((Since he doesn’t allow himself to vent or do anything he feels will drive more people away...))
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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I’m sorry if that’s not the answer you were looking for....
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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askpocharilen · 7 years
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It actually just.. got out of hand I guess...
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askpocharilen · 8 years
Yo my friend Happy Valentine's Day idk if you even like chocolate but here's a box of em they're a really good brand now please don't shut this blog down have day bye *runs off*
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Thank you….
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