Yes, Darling?
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This is an ask blog for Oscar/Noel/John and Arthur from Malevolent.Please feel free to ask anything.
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askourthur · 24 hours ago
Spots seemed to take pause for a moment as John replied no. He was trying to think of the best thing to say as he thought of the questions it could prompt and potentially loaded answers. Then again perhaps it was just the uneasiness that came with being unwell making his brain overreact.
He looked at John for a moment as he picked his words with a smile.
"I think...compassion is a rarity that often goes under valued... a match in a building without lights." his face then turned into something that appeared a bit pained. "But it's a field where many take glee in snuffing it out and I think thats a tragedy." -🐆
“Hmm yes. It’s true.” He paused and pondered for a moment before continuing, “I’m not sure I could do it but I do enjoy taking care of you.”
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askourthur · 24 hours ago
”You’re not keeping me John. I’m sure I can visit Oscar whenever I like. And you seemed very upset about being alone.”
Finch said earnestly, tilting his head and gesturing for John to sit with him.
John paused a moment before taking a seat next to Finch, his wings moving slightly to make room for him.
“Yeah, I- thank you.”
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askourthur · 3 days ago
”Mm… I think I will. But perhaps I’ll wait until Arthur returns so you’re not alone”
Finch said with a gentle smile, stretching in his seat and feeling his wings flutter behind him.
John was conflicted but felt so happy at the statement. “You… don’t have to stay for me. I don’t want to keep you.”
He very much enjoyed the company but didn’t want to cause Finch to not go.
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askourthur · 3 days ago
Finch was startled out of his thoughts, blinking up at John and only managing a small curt nod.
“Yes yes… quite alright. I think. U-Uhm Oscar had offered me… a chance to visit the church he works for. I just found myself thinking about that. What it would be like. Have you ever gone?”
His eyes were brimming with curiosity. This new religion he had found himself stumbling upon intrigued him.
“I…haven’t. I don’t think I’ve very much the religious type. However, if you are curious then you should attend.”
John gave a small smile.
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askourthur · 3 days ago
Spots managed to eat two slices worth of bread. Not a lot but he got the slight feeling internally any more would most certainly not stay down and so he refrained.
"Did you ever think about becoming a nurse?" He asked. "You seem really attentive at helping people. And you typically see that in people who thought about the career...did you ever consider anything other than detective work?" - 🐆
“No… I never really have. Do you really think I’d be good at it?” John pondered the statement.
He’s never been told he was good at taking care of someone before…
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askourthur · 5 days ago
Finch sat at his seat and finished eating his food, watching the others go their separate ways to start their lives.
Finch had remembered Oscar’s invitation to the church. What one even does there, he had no idea.
He had once prayed to a god he was told would give him everything he needed. Such thoughts and fancies are long gone now. But Oscar seemed so attached to his faith. And he was a good man and who took care of those he loved. So maybe this church would be a place Finch could find himself again.
John went around the kitchen to clean the plates left behind and took Finch’s too while he seemed to be contemplating.
“Are you alright?”
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askourthur · 5 days ago
Once Spots was helped back to the couch he curled up on his side and grabbed a pillow to rest his head on. He only intended to close his eyes for a short while, but by the time John had returned his eyelids felt rather heavy and it took a considerable amount of effort to open them again. As he did he smiled up at John. "I'm- I'm sorry in advance if I end up getting you sick from all this." He said, a very slight hint of guilt in his voice before switching to a lighter tone. "But I can promise this isn't an elaborate ploy for affection" - 🐆
John chuckled, “if it was, I fell hook, line, and sinker.”
He sat next Finch on the coffee table with a plate in his hand. “Here, eat as much as you think you can.”
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askourthur · 5 days ago
Finch’s wings seemed to flutter as he reciprocated the kiss, a smile finally gracing his face.
He extracted himself from between the two of them and walked back towards the kitchen. He felt like he was floating… in a good way he supposed. He felt so weightless, like nothing he could say or do could get them to hate them. Could get them to be frightened of him. Such devotion was unlike anything he had ever experienced.
Oscar, Noel, and John watched as Finch made his way to the kitchen hen counter to eat, wings fluttering slightly behind him.
Noel gathered himself together before announcing that he needed to go get ready for work and Oscar agreed that he should probably head to the such soon.
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askourthur · 5 days ago
Do y’all have any favorite books/novels?
“Believe it or not, im quite a fan of The Hobbit.” -Oscar
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askourthur · 6 days ago
Finch was happy about the change in subject, nodding his head and lifting his head from Oscar’s chest.
He didn’t want to ask but…
“One more kiss? Before I do?”
Oscar was surprised but not unhappy by the ask. “Of course.”
He leaned down and place a gentle kiss to his lips before finally placing a hand to his back to steady himself for the kiss.
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askourthur · 6 days ago
Finch’s face flushed and he nodded, leaning until his head rested against Oscar chest.
He didn’t understand why they were so accepting. Like this was another drop in the bucket for them. He felt like his whole life was changing and they just… accepted that.
Decided to make the adjustments accordingly.
It was terrifying. To be loved so openly and vulnerably.
Oscar wanted to touch Finch but was afraid to upset him again after the wings had pulled back from him earlier, instead deciding words would be more comfort. “Would you like to finish eating the amazing breakfast you worked so hard for?”
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askourthur · 6 days ago
[Geo hadn’t come out their room for about 2 weeks. It has been radio silent from him and it was getting worrying. After another day something had appeared at the front of their door. Magically a new hook had came out of nowhere. Noel’s coat was hung up neatly on the door, clean like it had never been covered in blood. There was something inside the pocket though, an unfinished granny square.]
[The pattern was knitted with gold and black yarn. The square went inward with a zigzag stitch that was made hastily. On the front was a gun and a cigarette crossed together with surprising detail. It would’ve been nice, but it was burnt on the edges and would come apart any moment. A strange gift to say the least, but the most mundane..]
Noel noticed his coat and the granny square, afraid the granny square would come apart, he gently picked it up and made his way to place it on his nightstand for safe keeping before returning to retrieve his coat.
“Heh, thanks Geo. I hope you’re ah- you’re okay.” He spoke the words to himself hoping they could hear.
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askourthur · 6 days ago
Spots arched his back and further pressed himself against John as he thought about his options. Right now the most appealing idea was if he could lie in bed curled up while John kept rubbing his back until he wasn't sick anymore, but sickness wasn't exactly cured by that. He also knew he likely didn't need to be sick for that either.
"I think its likely best if I stay on the couch in case things get worse ...I'll also give a try at the bread if its not too much trouble?" - 🐆
“Hmm alright.”
He could see Spots cycling through the options in their head before settling. He helped them make their way to the couch to lay them down while he ran to the kitchen and grabbed a third of a loaf of bread to bring back.
“I’ll break it into pieces for you.”
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askourthur · 6 days ago
“Oh Oscar… you don’t have to go through all that trouble for me I promise! I can work something out myself!”
Finch was quick to shut down the idea, making Oscar do extra work on his behalf. He already worked hard and sometimes very long hours at the community center. He didn’t want to take up more of his time.
“I don’t mind at all. This is a big adjustment and you don’t need to add sewing to that.” Oscar smiled.
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askourthur · 6 days ago
”well. They’re not very big. A bit shorter than my arm’s wingspan.” Finch chirped, turning around so his back was facing the two in front of him. His wings twitched, causing more feathers to fall to the carpet.
“I am sure I can just eh… wear something over it.”
“Hmmm… but what? I suppose I’ll have to cut holes in your new clothes for your wings.” Oscar pondered.
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askourthur · 6 days ago
Finch wrapped his arms around his midsection, trying not to let the words get to his head. As much as he was worried about becoming this.. becoming a monster. His friend and lovers said nothing praises.
Even with this new change he felt no different. He felt valued and loved. Appreciated by the people here.
“Ah… th-thank you. Both of you. I know it will be a lot to deal with though. If you guys are not ready for that.”
“We will take things as they come.” John chimed up from behind.
Noel nodded in agreement. “Let’s forget that for now, okay?”
“Yes… we uh… need to figure how you’re gonna go out.”
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askourthur · 6 days ago
Finch’s wings immediately retracted in on themselves, curling towards his back. He couldn’t meet either of the two in the eyes.
“You don’t… you don’t think I’m a monster?”
He asked, his a face still as red and bright as a ripe tomato.
“Oh- sorry… maybe I shouldn’t touch them…” Oscar retracted his hand sheepishly.
“No doll, you’re not a monster. When I was in the dreamlands I met a wide variety of creatures. They ranged from horrible to amazing. I’d have to say you are very much amazing.”
Noel pulled back and smiled.
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