jessie wilder. seventh year. gryffindor. eighteen. spoken for. dancing through life. {FC: Jennifer Lawrence, ERA: Marauder, part of the new marauder era RP group}
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Jessie smiled affectionately at her boyfriend. Little did he know (or perhaps, he was all the wiser), Molly had actually recommended Jessie keeping the dog as a test of sorts. For a child, yes, but first and foremost whether they could agree or compromise enough just like a married couple would. And as for the child test? So far, he had passed. “If she falls off the bed we pick her back up, love.” She shrugged. “Live and learn. I don’t own any puppy books, you plan on researching?” Jessie could already see the gears turning in his brain and she kissed his cheek.
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
#awww#he should tell her that#or she'll get frustrated that he won't call her by her name and then segway into the child conversation#xenobelieves
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Jessie lied down next to him and rested her head on his chest. She took his hand and intertwined their fingers, kissing the back of his hand before resting it with hers on her stomach. “I’ll make some, oh, I don’t know, fur repellant charm. Exempt to Luna of, I wonder how I could..” she murmured to herself while Xeno went off on a spiel about puppy-proofing the house. She giggled as Luna wiggled around to find a new direction. “She is! Molly trained her. Luna knows sit, stay, roll over, and go out. Aka, go pee, but she won’t understand that command.” Jessie grinned proudly.
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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“I won’t.” Jessie reassured him and came to sit on the bed next to him. She set Luna down and let her roam around, exploring under the covers. “We’re not dressing our dog. She has her own coat for a reason. What would we need to puppy-proof anyway?” Jessie had planned on sleeping with the dog in her arms for the first couple nights, at least, but she wasn’t about to tell Xeno that. Usually Xeno was the one holding Jessie, and she didn’t want him to be jealous—but that was ridiculous to be jealous of the dog, right?
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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"Whoa, I-" Jessie was cut off by his kiss. After a few minutes of letting this continue, she laughed softly. "Someone's frisky today."
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Send me § and my muse will react to yours pushing them against a wall and kissing them.
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“I like Luna better.” Jessie responded and kissed the puppy’s head softly, sweetly. She looked towards him curiously, waiting for him to finish the sentence. “It’s a term of endearment, love. I could call you my baby. It’d be weird, but it’s still figurative.” That didn’t mean she wished sometimes she could have her own baby, of course—how could she not with half of her friends getting married or pregnant already? But she wasn’t about to let Xeno know that. Yes, while Molly Weasley was having actual children, Jessie Wilder would settle for a ball of fluff as her baby.
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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She ignored his comments behind her until he spoke up about the name, turning around with a skeptical look. “Selene? Really? Why would we waste a perfectly good name like Luna, love?” She questioned curiously. Jessie cradled Luna in her arms, smiling down at her. “You’re my baby.”
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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Jessie laughed. “I didn’t lick you. Gross.” Her response was priceless as childlike delight took over her face. “Yeah!” She cheered and whisked the dog up into her arms. “You get to live with us, Luna!” Jessie exclaimed enthusiastically. She brought her into the bedroom, pointing around the room. “See, you can sleep here, I’ll make you a pillow to lie down on.” She began rambling on to the dog about how great their life would be together, having forgotten momentarily that Xeno was even standing there.
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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Jessie grinned in response to his smile, then giggled once the dog (which she had already named Luna, in her head) licked his face. She took the puppy back and hugged her to her chest, then set her down. The dog rolled over onto her back and whined for a little while, then fell asleep easily. Jessie stepped closer and tugged him forward by his shirt, then kissed him deeply and suddenly. After a little bit she pulled away. “You don’t taste horrible.” She smirked.
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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"Well, a specific spell, anyway." Jessie explained. The puppy wiggled in her arms, launching herself over to Xeno's chest and then licked his face vigorously. "It is not. We're discussing it right now."
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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“I know, I know. She would sleep in our room, in a bed. Probably in her kennel for a while. If we want to go on holiday, my parents will take her in a heartbeat. Pro, pro, pro. Con, picking up poop, but we can just vanish that easily. I’ll make a spell for it.” Jessie listed, eager. She paused and scratched under the dog’s chin. “What about Luna?” The dog perked her head up in response, wagging her little blonde tail. “See, she likes it.”
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
#HEADCANON#LUNA IS NAMED AFTER THEIR DOG#BECAUSE THE DOG IS LIKE THEIR FIRST BABY TOGETHER#xenobelieves#and xeno proposes with the ring on luna's collar#then the dog is old when they bring baby luna home and the dog luna loves baby human luna
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“Never too much of a good thing!” Jessie declared cheerfully. “It is sweet,” she insisted, “just not traditionally sweet.” The puppy opened her mouth and bit down gently on Xeno’s finger, not biting, but simply holding his finger in her mouth. Jessie laughed and pulled the dog gently away. “No. No biting.” She instructed her. “We get to pick. Does that mean we get to keep her? Please, Xeno?”
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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Jessie pulled out a tray of deviled eggs she had made earlier, along with some fruit and dip and crackers. “This alright? If we get hungrier we can just come back inside.” She reasoned, setting everything out on the counter. A thought popped into her head that Millie had told her once, that Xeno and Jessie acted “like an old married couple” already. She smiled and turned towards him, waiting for a response.
Is It That Easy to Forget?
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“What’s wrong with three blondes? We’ll make it work.” Jessie declared, laughing as the dog licked Xeno’s hand as he reached out to pet her. Jessie brought the bundle of fur up and buried her face in it, inhaling with a smile. “Oh, sweet puppy breath..” she trailed off with a nostalgic smile. “We have to keep her.”
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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Jessie eyed his expression warily, then gave in. She nudged open the door and picked up a golden ball of wriggling fur, otherwise known as a Golden Retriever puppy. It showered Jessie with kisses and she giggled in return. “It’s a she. And Molly and Arthur’s dog had puppies, so they needed to give them away..just look at her, Xeno, isn’t she adorable?” Jessie cooed, holding the puppy in her arms like a baby.
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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She smiled at his kiss and turned her head, kissing his lips in return. “Thank you.” Jessie squeezed his hand lightly. “Actually, you want to make a picnic and just take it out to the stream..? It’s gorgeous outside. And we can still celebrate her.” She smiled hopefully.
Is It That Easy to Forget?
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Jessie paused. “How much do you love me again?” She asked with a grin, dropping her hands from her sides. Bad mistake. The whines from behind the door grew louder and turned to soft whimpers.
"We are not getting a pet."
*whines* But Xeno! A puppy!
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