askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
OOC - Wake up call
Hey all, I have loved being a part of this RP, but I have made a decision to deactivate for personal reasons.  
To my poor anon from last night, I am deactivating not because I don't want to talk to you, but becasue there is a lot of explicit content on this RP that is probably not appropriate for you to be reading and I am making a decision not be a part of it anymore knowing someone as young as yourself might be reading it.
I really need you to talk to an adult about what is happening to you, and please let them help you.  Know you will be in my prayers every day for as long as I live.  I am so sad at what is happening to you and I am sending all the hugs and love I can.  If you need to talk, I know my other rp'rs would be more than willing to listen to what ever you need them to listen too.  I am going to leave with a word that Blaine texted to Kurt when he was hurting.....courage.
 - me
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
He's been doing it since I turned 11. And I will tell someone, I will. I just need to work up to it I guess. Can I still talk to you sometimes? If I need to? It's ok to say no..
You are so brave hon and a survivor.  It boggles my mind that adults could be so cruel to children.  Please do talk to me, anytime.  But please don't substitute talking to me for talking to a professional who can really help you.  My heart goes out to you.  
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
I'll try to... I'm scared about what he'll do if I tell, I'm only 13 and he's really strong, it took me weeks to work up the courage to tell you.. I probably shouldn't have though, I'm sorry.
Oh honey...I literally am crying for you right now.  You are soooo young!  I'm glad you told me...seriously that took so much courage!  I appreciate your trust.   If you trusted me enough to tell me, trust that I am looking out for you when I say please tell someone.  They can hook you up with people who can help you get out of the situation.   There are people who are can help, you don't have to deal with this on your own.
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
I (guess there's no point pretending) don't actually have parents, I live with my Uncle, he's all I have but I'm scared.
Oh dearest darlin, I'm so sad for you.  Please please please tell someone who can help!  Maybe a teacher or something?  You do not have to suffer in silence.  Please accept this hug!  Also, here is a link to an abuse hotline.  They could give you better and more professional advise than I can.  
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
Basically, you just play the music while Blaine (now Sebastian) sings the proper songs. And I dunno, I thought people could call you guys something like 'Warbler 1', 'Warbler 2', and so on.
I would like to think we do more than that.  While someone may sing lead I think we all are important to the performance.  We all have names, nice names that our parents gave us.  
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
I said.. if someones Uncle was making them /do/ things.. what would you tell them to do?
Oh wow, that is horrible!  I would let them know that they need to tell a trusted adult ASAP, without delay so they can get some help to get out of the situation.  Go to a parent, teacher, school counselor and tell them.  Trust them enough to do the right thing to help the person.  
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
So... I asked you a question and you didn't answer, I kind of needed the advice..
I sorry darlin, I didn't get the question, what was it and I'll do my best!
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
They wanted a threesome with you and Nick. You should really reconsider your whole anti-meeting people on the internet thing.
WHAT?  um...do you know me at all?  On what planet to you think I would remotely be interested in THAT!  Not exactly convincing me to meet people on the internet there bro...
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
Well, because you're all basically the lead singer's personal jukebox, right? So I didn't think it would be necessary to give you all a name ^_^
Personal jukebox?  I'm really confused here darlin...
If I didn't have a name how would people call me?  You have quite the imagination there.  
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
Jess I tried to set you and Nick up with some of my lady anons today. They really love you two. ;)
While I appreciate the sentiment sebastian, I'd prefer to meet girls in real life and not in the internet.
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
Sebastian has been trying to find a girl for you in his asks all day...
That's pretty funny...ha ha ha I'm laughing, 
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
Is your name 'Jeff'? I always thought you Warblers had no name...
Hi yeah I'm Jeff Sterling.  I'm confused, why wouldn't us warblers have names?  Nice to meet you!
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
If you were a crayon what color would you be?
If I were a crayon?  Um, how bout blue?  Blue is a nice easygoing color most people like.  
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
Perfect, I'll see you guys soon!
See ya...
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
Sounds good, text me and let me know what time you want to go!
about 5:30?
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
Hey Jeff, do you want to do something tonight? Maybe go grab some dinner?
Sure...that sounds ok.  I'm thinking Arby's?  I'll ask Nick and David if they want to come ok?
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askjeffwarbler-blog · 13 years
What is on your IPOD/ MP3 Player these days?
I have a little bit of everything from rap to r&b to pop.  I like all kinds of music.  
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