So I am going to have to cancel this blog.
Unfortunately I have lost interest in continuing this idea of mine. I poorly planed this blog and hope to do better if I do something like this again. I am going to leave the blog up because, I don't think it is fair to delete the story that I made. For anyone who was invested in the story I am sorry I can't finish it.
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this can only go so well if we're basing this plan entirely on whatever Stickmin can pull out of his ass, anyone else got any ideas?
oh yeah also Stickman i've been meaning to ask! are you gay
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alright, now we've got disguises, how're we getting you three out of here?
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Dot: hey Charles I got a question as a pbs kids mascots my self are you self aware of toppats taking over the government
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Mod's got a new computer and is back.
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So my laptop has been running into issues charging and is kinda old so I'm going go on a bit of a hiatus untill I can get a new one.
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Hey Henry are you still terrified of teleporters?
Charles how do you keep getting new helicopters if you keep crashing them?
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Uh... Where's Henry then is he still stuck in the wall...
Also Charles do you listen to music on your headphones sometimes
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Mod: Happy Easter Everybody
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Derek: is there actually hast in there
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Mod: Also happy April fools day (this post is not a joke by the way)
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Derek: is that a can of hats?
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Mod: feeling a little under the weather so something short for this week
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Derek stickman: looks like I gotta get them out of this situation it's not like a can pop out of nowhere
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*duct tapes ellie's mouth shut just cuz*
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Mod: I don't think Ellie has the same humor. No background since this has nothing to do with the story at the time.
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Hey Ellie, what, uh…. Whatcha doin’?
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So, Dave How does it feel to be in a jail?
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Hey Ellie I atempted to draw you
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I apologize if it's bad I'm not good at drawing on the phone
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Mod: truth be told I do this with a mouse
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Alright so the issue is mostly resolved and I can focus on this again. So expect a new post on Saturday.
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So I'm gonna have to take a bit of a hiatus because of some personal issues arising and I dont know how long it will be. I dont want to but, I cant focus on this at the moment. I'll make a post when i can continue making this.
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