askfnafmanager · 6 years
 sorry for the lack of updates! Been on my william blog.  oops.
However, I’m gonna update sometime soon! Hopefully today <3 
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
hey guys! this new blog is part of the manager’s au, but at a different point in time. Please take a look at “Bootleg” william’s blog and while there’s no much there right now, expect a wild ride.
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William Afton, the CEO of Freddy Fazbear’s, is trying to avoid being caught as the prime suspect in the missing children situation. While he does this, he also tries to avoid letting his wife and family know his crimes…But really, he’s not doing a good job of hiding any of it. He’s not even trying, if we’re being honest.
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
youre sure all the camera footage is gone? Seems awfully suspicious to me.
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GUARD: Well, I don’t know THAT....But let’s check the office next, as long as we’re on this topic.
MICHAEL: ...........
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
NOTE abotu the blog art
Expect it to change style here and there. I’m working on a side style beyond my main style, and I really wanna use it so~ sorry about the inconsistency to come!
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
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FIND FOXY ARC: Part three! (Part One) (Part two)
Well, that was a bust.
Current Clues:
Purple Hair Strand (Apparently not Maria’s...)
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
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five nights at freddys doodles i did for @charliekins discord
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
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FIND FOXY ARC: Part two! (Part One)
CLUE FOUND! Current Clues:
Purple Hair Strand
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
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Blog Event: Find Foxy!
Surely, the animatronic hs to be around somewhere! In this pretty interactive event, you’ll need to give these guys guides how to find Foxy, with their only provided clues and wits! Think of it as a game that you’re help driving, more than a story to watch.
The teams are: Michael and Nori, Freddy and Chica, and Bonnie and the kids! You can send any of them asks, and they’ll answer as they search for their pirate friend!
Send your asks here!
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
What are some rumors that spawned out of the pizzeria?
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CHICA: “It’s all we can do to get by, you know...”
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
Hello! Michael!
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MICHAEL: What do you mean?
CHICA: Well, with Foxy been missin’ today and all, I don’t think I could handle any other surprises!
MICHAEL: …………Missing? 
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
does that little girl have. bunny ears thats adorable
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
Hiya Michale! His it going at your job?
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MICHAEL: Wanna pizza or something? That’s about the best I can offer.
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
ps: added mr michael afton to the askable characters page wink
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
*Is excited to see if your on the "Shadows are evil" side, "Shadows are thought to be evil but are misunderstood" side, or the "Shsdows are good bois" side.* I also saw the shadows as representations of their (dead kids) anger and sadness. And yet, they're both good bois. But that's just mine.
;; not sure if u wanted this ic or ooc BUT ILL ANSWER OOC bc
i actually am still very much learning all the details behind literally everything in fnaf (which is one reason i decided an au is my safest bet - i wont need to stick to canon much unless i want to) so i didnt know the shadows were a thing until i got that ask but
im not sure what i beleive they are in canon, but on this blog they’re probably just known as “cryptid sightings”. they mess up camera equipment just by being seen on one, and theyre probably a little cursed / a bad omen of sorts, but if i end up giving them speaking roles they’re probably gonna be...morally gray, id say? we’ll see what i can come up with, rightn ow they arent a big part of the au but who knows if that’ll change
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
Uh, I don't know if this is a better question to ask animatronics, the manager, or what but, Are there any Shadow, like things that happen to look like Freddy or Bonnie around? Could ask either. Or both. Idk.
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GUARD: once I managed to avoid an entire camera system meltdown from those guys by yelling ‘Not today, satan’. Don’t know why that worked.
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
anyone else work there?
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“The staff is...lacking, to say the least. Most up and quit a few days in, not wanting to have any relationship towards a franchise that’s practically an urban legend now...However! Our newest employee, Michael - he shows promise.”
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askfnafmanager · 6 years
are hugs allowed w the animatronics or nah
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“Especially for kids who are regulars, such as little Maria here...”
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