askevanhansen · 7 years
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Trees can ‘talk’ by exchanging chemicals. They communicate through underground fungi, and whenever they recognize their relatives, they share nutrients. Basically, tree ‘families’ help each other out. Source Source 2 Source 3
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askevanhansen · 7 years
New Mod!!
OOC: Hello everyone! The blog is now officially under new moderation. I’m Ross, and it’s very nice to meet you all. I’ll answer any questions you guys have for me but, most importantly…
Evan is also taking questions again!
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askevanhansen · 7 years
trees r cool
Trees are very cool, I like them a lot. Um, did you know that some tree seeds were taken to space to orbit the moon in 1971? T-The seeds were planted on Earth though– they’re called Moon Trees. They’re, still thriving. 
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askevanhansen · 7 years
Hello Evan I hope you're doing well ! (And welcome Ross! )
Hi Anon, t-thanks! I hope you are too. 
((ooc: Hello!! And thank you!!))
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askevanhansen · 7 years
New Mod!!
OOC: Hello everyone! The blog is now officially under new moderation. I'm Ross, and it's very nice to meet you all. I'll answer any questions you guys have for me but, most importantly... Evan is also taking questions again!
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askevanhansen · 7 years
((hey all, I'm giving away this blog. message me if you want it and ill give it to the first person, or if there are too many people, ill do a spin the wheel or some sort of competition or smth idk.))
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askevanhansen · 7 years
((hey all, I'm giving away this blog. message me if you want it and ill give it to the first person, or if there are too many people, ill do a spin the wheel or some sort of competition or smth idk.))
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askevanhansen · 7 years
Evan, I'm glad you took the time off to focus on school and being productive. Trust me, I didn't take time off and look where it got me. All bad grades and almost no chance of college. Good job for acknowledging you need to step away from social media. I only wish it were the same with me.
I- thank you? I think? I’m sorry... sorrry that school hasn’t been doing well for you and with bad grades and stuff... but there are always other ways to go to college. Alternative pathways, and courses... I don’t know. Just, just don’t give up yet on what you want to do. 
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askevanhansen · 7 years
Hey Evan, do you identify as anywhere on the asexual (ace) spectrum? (If you're comfortable answering!)
Yeah, I identify as ace. Like, I don’t know- the whole idea of... well, being, yeah. It’s not so much talking about it or... it’s just the idea of me and... no.
I haven’t completey com out yet though, I, I’m still trying to understand it all.
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askevanhansen · 7 years
I love how you're so excited about trees, it's just so cute
I, I’m glad you appreciate my passion. Sometimes I- I don’t know it gets awkward because it’s like ‘ Evan shut up about trees no one cares’ but then it's like I just really love trees like surely someone has to care about them...? I mean, if you ever want to talk about trees, please, come talk to me about trees.
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askevanhansen · 7 years
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,,,,I wish I could say this was the half of it.
I- I know, I’m sorry I’ve been awful recently with communication and... stuff. I haven’t talked to Connor or Jared in ages and Ineither with my mom...
Things have just been overwhelming and the longer I’ve been putting it off, the more I’ve been anxious about... well, facing it.
But I’m here to face it now...ish. Slowly. Maybe. Please be patient with me... I have a lot of asks and questions and... I’ll get there. Eventually.
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askevanhansen · 7 years
((Hey guys! It’s the original mod back at it again with some shameless self-advertising. Before I disappeared for my hiatus ((still ongoing btw. Exams are so close)) I had a lot of people asking about my art and encouraging me to do more art based answers to asks. My time doesn’t really allow for that atm, however I thought I’d direct yall who are interested to my tumblr (@ass-gardiann) and my redbubble account.
 Both of these are full of my artwork and I am always open for at requests on my main blog- though I might not get to them immediately. I take both commissions and requests on my main blog and if you are even the slightest bit interested in my art please please please request something or spread the word! I put in a lot of effort to what I do and although I know it’s not ‘the best’ im reaching a place that I’m starting to really like with my art.
Sorry for the awkward self-promo but like, yeah. It’d mean a lot (and if you’re a fellow artist hmu on my main and we can get talking! I’m always up for a good chat with people, even if im terrible at keeping contact! I miss this and you all a lot. Thank you for your patience with everything here <3))
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askevanhansen · 7 years
((Hey I'm really bored ATM so send in some questions!))
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askevanhansen · 7 years
Hey guys sorry I've been off for a little while but I'm back now so yeah. Thank you for your messages I'm ok and feeling better. (Hi it's the new mod here! I'm a bit new to being evan so please give me criticism if I'm doing horribly! Hope your all having a good day!)
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askevanhansen · 7 years
((Heyall... me again. I didn’t have a lot of time on my hands... the show is over and I’m currently in the shool holidays, but it’s obviously been a while. I’m going to co-own this blog with one of the other mods in the group until I can find my feet on this again. A lot has happened since I’ve been gone and a lot continues to happen. I don’t want to hold anyone back with that nor let down all of you amazing people <3 thank you for being so patient and understanding!)
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askevanhansen · 7 years
((Hey guys so i thought id just drop by and explain myself a little? Tomorrow night is the opening night of my show and its been full ON for weeks the show doesn't go on for long, and hopefully next week I'll have a LOT more time on my hands <3 thank you all for your patience))
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askevanhansen · 7 years
((Hey guys! Mod here!! Just wanting to let you all know that I am going to be VERY DISTANT over the next couple of weeks. My director is knuckling down and I have so many assessments it’s not funny. I’ll try my best to answer an ask here or there, and try to chime in on the plots of my buddies blogs- but in general im just not going to be as active as I would like to be <3))
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