askduelistyugi · 2 years
Hey yugi I wonder can you beat me in a duel without cheating?
Cheating? Uh, not sure what you mean by that... a real duelist never cheats, you know! So I'd love to have a duel with you, but you shouldn't assume people cheat....
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askduelistyugi · 2 years
Hey Yugi! I just wanted to say that I hope you're having a fantastic week, and thank you for being a little ray of sunshine that brightens everyone's day ❤️❤️❤️
Haha aw, thank you so much!! Such a nice message haha, thanks Anon!😊 Hope you have a great rest of the week too!
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askduelistyugi · 2 years
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A Tribute to Kazuki Takahashi, creator of Yu-Gi-Oh! and lover of game and comics. You will be missed.
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askduelistyugi · 2 years
Yu Gi Oh is a story of grieving. Of understanding that nothing is eternal or immortal. Of accepting that a goodbye always ends up coming, but that it doesn't have to be a fatality or the end of the world, even if it hurts.
Behind it's façade of "card games manga", it dealt with themes that are often, voluntary or not, hidden in children's media, despite being realities any person can end up living.
If today, countless of people learned how to continue walking even after a loss, it's a bit thanks to you Kazuki Takahashi.
Thank you, and may you rest in peace.
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askduelistyugi · 2 years
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friendships are formed
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askduelistyugi · 2 years
what is your opinion of joeys creepy chin face
Oh, that weird face he makes? Ha! Its pretty funny, he does it whenever he's super pumped about something- i think its funny! Maybe a little strange, but mostly funny- that's Joey for ya! 🤣
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askduelistyugi · 2 years
"Look, I still just don't see how summoning demons to play video games with us is dangerous."
"....Because demons might not have your best intentions at heart Ryou!!! .....if you really need a player 2 you know I'm usually available hahah.... and I'd like to think I'm better company than a demon"
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askduelistyugi · 3 years
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askduelistyugi · 3 years
Yes... and also I am most definitely not impressed!!! This stuff is dangerous Ryou-kun!! >:0
omg can you do ryou/yugi #2 (ghost story) pleaseee
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Ryou wakes up the next day like ‘I got possessed by a ghost, friggin amazing’
Yugi is Not Impressed
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askduelistyugi · 3 years
You just gotta believe! Sometimes the cards won't give you exactly what you want, but rather what you need, to win the duel!
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askduelistyugi · 3 years
"Sounds perfect!! Awesome, I know i have a box mix somewhere in the pantry- well, come over quick!! See you soon!" He said goodbye, honestly really looking forward to this.
Ryou was one of his closest friends. But he also knew how much of an introvert Ryou was, and he often left early when hanging out with a group. Some one on one time was just the thing. He hoped Ryou would like the cake he got.... it was an oreo ice cream cake, perfect for a summer birthday.
continued from x
Pokemon Stadium. Excellent. The other amazing thing about gaming with Yugi was that he brought out Ryō's very rare competitive side. And Pokemon Stadium was perfect for that. Choosing different Pokemon from scratch to brawl against one another, it was perfect.
"I can even make brownies while we play! I'm definitely in a snackish mood."
He had gotten in the habit of telling his friends his moods and eating habits. Mainly because of his history of his body being left, well, starving and rather numb due to the Millennium Ring.
[ @askduelistyugi ]
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askduelistyugi · 3 years
"Ah, awesome!! Great, I'd love to play some old school pokemon stadium with you if you wanna!"
Yugi had also picked up a little suprise for Ryou on his way home for his birthday, but he wasn't about to tell the other boy that until he got there.
Hey Ryou!! Hey I know its late but... wanna come over and play some video games? Sorry today was so busy for me- I would have messaged you to come over sooner honestly!
"Yugi-kun, I'd love to come over! And don't worry about that, we all get busy from time to time." the taller male smiled softly to his best friend, "Which games did you want to play?"
Yugi was Ryo's favorite as far as gaming went. They could play anything!
"I keep falling face first into Nintendo games. Animal Crossing, Smash, Splatoon, Pokemon."
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askduelistyugi · 3 years
My favorite outfit you wore throughout the series was the Dungeon Dice Arc. It’s simplicity is the best part and it’s a shame we never saw it again unlike your whole black outfit which made a short cameo in a recap episode. What was your favorite outfit?
Aw thank you! It was one of my favorites too! My favorite outfit... well aside from my classic navy pants and jacket, my favorite outfit is the one I wore when my friends and I were hanging out at the ice cream shop in the mall, shortly before the whole... Aigami scandle, haha.... still a great outfit though! I think purples look best on me, heh.
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askduelistyugi · 3 years
how is this real
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askduelistyugi · 3 years
What's your opinion on isono?
He's seems like a nice guy! Maybe a little stoic, but I see Kaiba and Mokuba really trust him! I'm sure he really helps Kaiba run things smoothly.
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askduelistyugi · 4 years
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Yu-Gi-Oh Valentines for the special Duelist in your life <3
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askduelistyugi · 4 years
Yugi what is your favorite hot drink? and what's your favorite iced drink?
Favorite hot drink is definetly coffee haha, though I like it pleanty sweet- (Grandpa is always scolding me not to eat too much sugar but eh, you only live once right??)
And favorite cold drink.... hmmm does an ice cold Coke count? I know its cliche but its what I usually prefer to drink when I have a hamburger n_n
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