What's your favorite thing about Nicholas?
And I can only pick one? It's gotta be how he manages to make me smile when I'm an anxious mess and just want to cry. I think without him I'd be a mess at the moment.
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why would you like a 16 tattoo? thats a weird one
Manhattan SVU is the 16th precinct. SVU has become my home, my family, why not get 16?
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How long have you been sleeping with Nick? Does IAB know yet?
We started sleeping together about a week and a half before you all found out, and no they don't. What goes on behind closed doors between two consenting adults is none of their business as long as it doesn't interfere with our work.
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You and Nick need to just admit to each other that you both have feelings for one another. It's so obvious!
Trust me, we talk about our feelings, we don't just have sex. Nick & I are on the same page feelings wise.
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bae stands for before anybody else, just thought i'd let you know :)
Thank you Anon!
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I think like bae means like babe or before anyone else? idek? What is your favorite cutesy nickname?
I don't know either anon, Haha. But my favorite nickname to call someone? The usual boring honey, baby, sweetie, sexy. I love being called beautiful, sexy,baby, babe, honey...
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If Nick told you that he loved you, or he was falling in love with you.. how would you respond?
I don't know. I suppose Nick & I will cross that bridge when and if we get to it.
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Nick should make you a period mix. For when you have your period, I hear it helps...
Like a mixed tape? I mean I wouldn't be opposed to it, but he's been so great the pasha couple months when I am on my period, he manages to make me laugh when I want to just scream and cry. But yeah, music is something I never turn down.
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Morning sex, afternoon sex, or night sex? Which is your favorite (and you can only chose 1)?
Hmm, morning sex. Best part of wakin' up ain't Folgers, baby.
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Not really a question but since I want to even out the hate you seem to get I just wanted to say a few things to you. I think you are an amazing person, you are beautiful, kind, compassionate, strong, caring, intelligent, thoughtful and a trustworthy person. I hope you are having a good day and that you remember to smile even if it is just for you, because you have the prettiest smile that could warm even the iciest heart. I am sending you much love and respect [hugs] :)
Thank you so much Anon, I really needed to hear that today. :)
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I think you're falling for Nick, whether you like it or not.
How many times do I have to go over this? That we're just having sex right now. If anything more comes of it, great. If not great. That's just how it is.
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Are you scared that your sister might not even be alive? Life's too short, you should try to contact her...
That thought does worry me. I have tried to contact her but she won't take my calls, she never texts back. I can only do so much.
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Do you think that you're ever going to see your father again?
Who knows? The ball's been in his court for two and a half decades.
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if i just randomly ran up to you and hugged you without saying anything and possible just broke down would you get mad
Absolutely not, I may be a little startled at first but I wouldn't be mad at all.
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Were you a fan of the documentary before you became apart of it, if you were, when did you start watching and did you watch regularly?
Oh I loved the documentary! I started watching probably in season 6, but then I watched all the reruns, used some of the research and work from a few of the cases down in Atlanta. 
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I to can also relate to you about your mother. My mom gave me my fair share of hidings that left me scared. But that never fazed me. What gets to me the most is the emotionally abuse and neglect from her. My mother is an alcoholic and she never cared who she sent me off with. Once I wasn't around to annoy her she didn't care. This meant that I found myself in some scary situations the worse was been raped by a stranger at 7. I would love to forgive her one day but I don't think I ever will/can.
I understand the emotional abuse and neglect. It's hard to think that someone who is supposed to love you and protect you could care less. And it's okay if you can't, but when and if you do, know that it'll be for you, and your healing, not for her.
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What made you want to become a cop? and especially a cop that wants to works in special victims. We all know that the reason Olivia wanted to work in special victims was because she the product of a rape, but what made you choose that field? I have been wondering that for the last 3 years.
I always wanted to be a cop, I don't really know why I wanted to become a cop, but when one of my friends was raped and the police didn't do anything, that's when I decided I wanted to work Special Victims.
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