Ask Black Butler
200 posts
Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor! Feel free to ask us questions of any kind. We may roleplay if you'd like, just be sure to submit it to us. We also appreciate any fan-art or cosplay pictures you might want to submit. 
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
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Please accept the Young Master and I’s apologies as to the silence of the Manor once again. We were busy traveling for the past few days to assure Funtom Corporation’s smooth Christmas season, as well as to make sure all was well. Now that we are returned home, the manor residents and otherwise will be once again available to questions.
...And Grell herself wanted to bring back Truth or Dare, but I’ll defer to Ciel’s opinion, as well as yours, on if we should agree again. I believe the rules would be no more than 4 characters in one dare or truth.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Alois, would you ever try to take Ciel for yourself? By using magic or hypnosis or plain old mind control? Cause if so… I have some suggestions.
Dear Chaos,
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Oh, that's an interesting question... Part of me wants to, really, but then it's not Ciel's free will! Besides, I think my 'revenge' is really over at this point. It's much more exciting to get Ciel to come willingly, though I suppose I'd try magic or hypnosis if I were desperate. I've heard that it's a more recent discovery, hypnosis, but maybe that means it's more based on science? Either way, Chaos, if you really want to give me suggestions or see that happen, I think Grell came by the other day to propose Truth or Dare shenanigans again, though she was looking for approval from manor-goers as well. I'm sure Ciel would let me hypnotize him then!
~ Alois Trancy
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Claude, why do you still serve Alois? I thought he died and you were all in a really good place, from what Hannah I think said. He clearly remembers what you said.
Dear Anon,
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It's very simple. The way this... 'blog''s magic works, it seems to have revived everyone with the memories of what has happened in the past, while keeping them bound by anything from the past, as well. Thus, my contract with... Alois Trancy is still ongoing. It is annoying... but I suppose one cannot have rest until this 'blog''s magics are broken. While Alois may not be as fond as he was of me, that is why I still serve him.
...I do wonder if it will unmake me, Hannah, and Alois when it ends. I would assume so, putting our souls and otherwise back into where they belong. I'm sure the Reapers had a field day with the anomaly this blog presented.
~ Claude Faustus
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Hello again! I’m glad you all enjoyed the gifts! Alois and Ciel, what are your thoughts on masquerades? The mystery of the person behind the mask, being able to speak with people you normally wouldn’t, learn about them in ways you wouldn’t.
Dear purple-chaos-buttonmaster,
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Alois - You're back! Oh, how I've enjoyed your Ciel plush! I've brought him all around the Trancy estate. He's my precious little thing!
Ciel - As have I enjoyed your sweets. They go very well with my afternoon tea.
Alois - As for your question, hmm... Masquerades are quite interesting! You can get affection from someone who wouldn't love you otherwise... unlike... Claude.
Ciel - It's an intricate game of politics even then. If you say too much, you can reveal yourself, but if you're adept, the game is very interesting. Uncovering possible dirt is a very valuable skill Sebastian and I make use of for the Queen, and for my own pursuits, as well.
Alois - Oh, but the most fun part is the dancing! A mystery partner, that holds you so tenderly as you glide across the floor... And I suppose the conversation can be quite romantic as I said earlier! It's nice to be playful behind a mask so that people won't know it's me. Ciel, didn't you disguise yourself once?
Ciel - Yes, but that was far different from a masquerade... now everyone thinks I'm a girl...
Alois - I think you'd be cute as a girl, Ciel!
Ciel - I'm not a girl, and will NEVER BE a girl!
Alois - Oh, you're glaring at me... Thanks for the question, Chaos, but I think I'm about to be kicked out of the manor for a while! Please write me! My estate is much lovelier.
Ciel - Alois!!
~ Ciel Phantomhive and Alois Trancy
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Hi! Are you open for rp?
Dear Anon,
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We are always open to chance encounters. Now, forgive me for the terminology, but you should submit the starter to our Submissions box if you wish to have more long-form conversations than can be held in one letter. The manor and residents otherwise not in the manor await your questions and submissions for 'roleplaying', as it were. If you can't submit on your desired blog, simply link or tag your side blog which you will be 'roleplaying' on.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
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The young master and I were and still are very busy today. I apologize for our streak to go interrupted, but rest assured, any questions sent today will be answered tomorrow.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
If you take things for Lau and Soma I'd just like to say that I love you guys extremely much. Lau your eyes are so gorgeous and Soma your skin makes me jealous oml I'll stop rambling now.
Dear mekamechanics-blog,
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Lau - Even if we aren’t exactly ‘manor residents’, we are included with the package deal. Thank you for the compliment on my eyes... They are very unique, are they not?
Soma - Ah, thank you so much for the compliment, Meka! I would say your skin is just as radiant. Please, do not be jealous. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways.
Lau - I guess it’s back to the underworld now... Ta ta.
~ Lau and Soma
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Good afternoon Sebastian! How is the weekend going at the Phantomhive manor? Have you been too busy?
Dear cafeguaba-blog,
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Good afternoon. The weekend has been going splendidly. So far, nothing too pressing has come up, just letters and the usual rabble. I procured my young master some more tea, and of course made it for afternoon tea, in which he enjoyed some of the chocolate gifted earlier. I don't like his affinity for sweets, but I can't do much. Grell's supposedly planning something, so I fear that this period of calm won't be for long...
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
*says with a bow* Hello, Lord Phantomhive. i Have brought some gift for you from across the pond, some black tea and chicory , and a copy of Edger Allan Poe's poems. I do have two questions: Sebastian, have you read Edger Allan Poe's the raven? And lord Phantomhive, what is your favorite tea?
Dear shit-posts-and-others,
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Ciel - *puts the black tea and chicory on his desk, as well as the copy of Edgar’s poems* Thank you for these wonderful American gifts. It’s hard to believe almost 100 years ago, they were throwing the very tea you have graced us with over into their harbor. My favorite tea is Earl Grey, though there are others that almost reach its pedestal I’ve been known by Sebastian and the others to drink, such as Harrod’s White Darjeeling.
Sebastian - Ah, I should order more of that for you, my lord.
Ciel - Yes, you should. But onto your part of the question, Sebastian.
Sebastian - Of course, my lord. Before I was contracted by my young master, I did indeed read The Raven when it was first published back in New York in the New York Evening Mirror. It’s a rather fine work of art. His works strike a chord with me, with how dark they can be. We’ll be sure to take care of your copies in the manor’s library.
~ Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Sebastian, on a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate Grell? Grell, your reaction?
Dear hoshiloser-blog,
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Grell - Ooh! Bassy, I'm really interested in how you'll answer~
Sebastian - Please don't get your hopes up.
Grell - My body is ready!
Sebastian - On a scale of one to ten... I would have to say... seven.
Grell - *dramatic gasp* Sebastian, how could you say that to a woman's face?!
Sebastian - It's the honest answer. While I do find you valuable, your annoyance to demons in general as a reaper, and the disruptions to me and the young master lands you there.
Grell - So you do still have admiration for me!
Sebastian - If you want to take it that way.
Grell - Oh, Bassy!
Sebastian - *sigh*
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Hello again Sebastian, I was wondering what are you up to when not in a contract. How do you pass the time? Any hobbies besides the violin?
Dear cafeguaba-blog,
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My apologies for the misunderstanding. It has been quite some time since I've been able to think of free time, I assumed you meant while I was still serving. When I'm not in a contract, I roam the world freely, looking to tempt, cause some stir, or perhaps just exist. I am fluent in many languages, so I have no issue traveling to find cuisine or other contracts. As for my hobbies... The violin is one I like, but looking for cats to pet and peruse is... technically enough of a hobby, yes? And I've come to like cooking since I learned it. When Ciel's contract is over, that is what I'll do, roam the world in search of cats, debauchery, and another succulent soul, while learning to cook more of the world's delicacies for the next master I come across.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Truth or Dare? 2!
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It’s everyone’s favorite reaper~! I really want to surprise Bassy and the rest of the Manor and cast by organizing another Truth or Dare event. However, the times have changed (without us...) and I know that maybe, people like different things now! I really want to make this place welcoming for all the new people who send in letters, and finally... maybe be kissed by Bassy again..! Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself~! A woman’s passion has no bounds. I guess, what I’m saying, is to reply or send us asks approving of this or not, and then I’ll hopefully be able to negotiate it again with everyone! Hopefully some of you remember the first time we ran this event as well~ Please send the Phantomhive Manor your best regards!
~ Grelle Sutcliff <3
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Excuse me, Sebastian, did you cause black death when you where spawned, or did you do that later for the absolute hell of it?
Dear Anonymous,
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Spawned? I thought I’ve made it clear I wish to keep my age some sort of secret. Humankind also rid themselves of the poor cats that could’ve easily saved them from it. They brought it upon themselves, I merely helped spread it.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Hello Sebastian, what do you like to do during your free time?
Dear cafeguaba-blog,
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I suppose if Ciel allowed me some free time, I might play the violin for a little. I find its sound to be quite beautiful. Otherwise, I would likely default to my other butler duties, such as cleaning utensils and making sure the kitchen and gardens are in order, due to Mey-Rin, Baldroy, and Finnian sometimes finding it hard to do their assigned duties. I can never truly have 'free time', if I think of it that way... I am always working to keep my young master alive and as well as he can be.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Sorry i'm new to this page uhh... Sebastian, what do you think about Alois?
Dear Anonymous,
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Alois... Earl Alois Trancy is a very interesting contracted human. He’s definitely more childish than my young master outwardly, but he knows what he’s doing. He seems to want a lot of attention, and is rather obsessive of my young master even still. In the end, I suppose he longed for attention and affection. He still thrives on that. Thankfully, Alois and Claude haven’t attempted to steal my young master’s soul away again, if it was even able to be done. I suppose he’s fine enough, with simple wants and needs, but if he starts his shenanigans again, I’ll be there to stop them, if Ciel can’t, as his dutiful butler.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Um... What do I even ask...? Alois, here. *hands him a Ciel plushie and chocolate* Here you go, Ciel. *hands him candy/chocolate* Sebastian... *hands him a cat plushie* And Claude. *hands him a ticket for a spa get away* Have fun, I guess? Might come back. Also, Ciel and Alois. You tie for my fav. character. TTFN!~
Dear purple-chaos-buttonmaster,
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Alois - Ooh! Thank you so much! *excitedly grabs the Ciel plushie, as well as the chocolate* Claude, will you put this chocolate somewhere safe for later? 
Claude - Of course.
Alois - Oh, his hair is so soft! Thank you so much, Chaos! I’ll never forget this!
Ciel - *takes the candy/chocolate* Thank you for your gift, Chaos. I’m sure I’ll enjoy them the next time Sebastian makes me tea.
Sebastian - Young master...
Ciel - You know my stance, Sebastian. I doubt it is to change. Besides, I think you’ll be much more happy with Chaos’ gift.
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Sebastian - Oh... Oh! I... I thank you for this gift, Chaos. *pets the plushie’s fur* My, this is high quality. So soft... *smiles* It will be nice to have, though it won’t be as warm and living as a real cat. The young master may have you to thank for less allergies.
Alois - Huh? Oh, right, Claude! The nice person gave you a gift, as well! *cuddling the Ciel plush against cheek*
Claude - I see... An all expenses paid spa getaway. I’m unsure I will ever have time away from my master to attend, but I will make a mental note of your kindness towards my master and I.
Alois - So Ciel and I tie for your favorite character? Honestly, I would say Ciel is my favorite character, too, if we were all in a storybook! Though you know that already, you even gave me a plush-
Ciel - Yes, yes, Alois, thank you. If we linger on this ask for too long, it’ll take longer than we have in a day.
Alois - Oh, right! Time is a thing. Thanks so muuuch Chaos! As I said, I’ll never forget this! Isn’t he so cute?
Ciel - I do admit that the plush has a certain... quality to it.
Alois - Byeeee~! Come back soon, alright? I’ll tell you all about what I’ve done with him!
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askblackbutler · 2 years ago
Good evening Sebastian, I would like to know if you have bodily functions whilst in your human form? Are you hot or cold blooded? Do you sweat? Have a heart beat? Do you need to shower and then spend hours making your usual hair as mess... urgh I mean, as neat as possible? When Lady Frances isnt about that is... 😊
Dear Anonymous,
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My hair is perfectly fine for a butler, I've received no other complaints about it being 'messy' as you were about to say. Onto the rest of your questions, in my human form, I have answered before that as a demon, I do tidy myself up and shower to keep appearances. However, I do not need to use the bathroom in most cases as consuming a soul creates no toxins or waste. There may be moments when sampling human cuisine might create such things, or problems such as heartburn, however. Due to my form, I am warm-blooded, like any other normal human. I believe that I also have a functioning heart, at the very least, though piercing it wouldn’t be likely to end me in one swoop.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
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