It's the Man In The Paper
559 posts
An Ask blog for Illuso of JJBA. May be serious in tone due to being run by a writer. Current status: Okay. Accepting: Asks? - Open! Submits? - Closed...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
(( (wheezes) Please stop reblogging the food thing, I can’t handle so many requests right now OTL I have 30 I still have to do, and people are still reblogging it after my addition adding not to. Reminder that any reblogs after my second reblog (about 40 notes in) will not count. I don’t want to disappoint anyone else. I may try to go back to do the rest, but Tonio is mad at me for putting in so many orders and I think he might Hannibal Lecter my ass ;A;))
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
( casually leaves the art blog for paul and rocco’s adventures here 
Not sure when my next Illuso update will be due to a personal issue, but, hey.  If you want to plop your character here and interact feel free to. )
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
Send ♤ and i’ll draw our muses’ fusion.
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((I don’t know what is this but…!))
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
( I’ve been feeling uneasy all day, so, if someone has the time to, can I get a ramble prompt to talk about?
I can try and ramble about any subject from the JJBA universe. )
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
i would like to specify i am not drawing every badlydrawn if you see a post of me saying that its an old post
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
Would you consider having any more kids, Illuso?
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I-I mean... I don’t know how we’d do it - considering I just found the egg and such and I don’t have anything in the way of memories, if you get what I mean - but...
I... I just, haven’t been able to interact with Paul.  Giuseppe takes care of everything, and whenever I have him it’s just calming Paul or feeding him.  And...  I don’t know.  But... When you’re raising someone, you only have one shot: anything could happen to them, and the child would grow up affected by it.  And I... erm...
I just don’t know.  It could be a good idea, could be a bad one.  But... I want a shot at being a parent now, to... test a theory I have.  Not about the kid.
About myself.
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
Ghiaccio was frozen for a couple of days. How did you handle looking after Paul while he was... yeah?
Well, fairly easily.  I’ve taken the time to study books and such, but...
(scocophobia warning below cut!)
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That kid’s really attached to Giuseppe...   Paul was so scared about something, I honestly didn’t know how to calm him down.  So I just spent a few days reassuring him when he wasn’t in Panda’s hands.
I hope he grows up fine.
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
bland soundtrack softly cries
{Another crackle… and then the ice shattered as Ghiaccio leapt at the Anon!}
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{The Anon was grabbed by the throat, flash-frozen, and shattered with a barrage of punches. Afterwards, White Album dissipated, and he calmed down… just a little.}
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
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( in which the mod continues their disinterest in illuso
Some thoughts and headcanons below the cut about Paul and Rocco Specchio.  I might just go through with making them a blog of their own or something so I stop posting on here.  )
Paul was primarily raised by Ghiaccio, and furthermore spoiled by his father.
Calls Ghiaccio “dad”, Illuso “Lore”.  Ghiaccio named him after his favorite Beatles member (Paul McCartney)
Paul has a Stand, called Come Together.  It takes the form of his violet gloves and can also form other clothing, primarily silver and blue shoes.  Come Together’s ability allows Paul to create steam, in a similar method to a half-formed White Album’s mist.  It can also increase the temperature around Paul, but because he lacks the full suit look like his father, he never takes it any farther than radically heating up objects.
Paul has no piercings or body mods; he’s wary of needles, sharp objects and in general anything that can poke a hole through a person, thanks to his father’s stories.
Although he grew up privileged and taught to turn away from Passione, Paul idolized Ghiaccio’s strength and his brute nature against people.  Although as Paul grew up, he realized these were terrible traits, and he decided to prove to his dad what strength truly is.  Despite this, he has no real bad blood with Ghiaccio outside of everything tied to Paul’s wants and desires.
He has Ghiaccio’s bad vision, showing up in nearsightedness.  Paul’s pupils are also capable of dilating to fill his whole iris much like his father when stressed.
Paul’s sweater was modeled after Illuso’s, intentionally so as to defy Ghiaccio’s wishes against seeing his children in quiltsuits.
If asked what feline species Paul connected to the most, he’d name the Sphinx; he associates with the riddler persona he believes they have, and as such has adopted an affinity for covert jokes at others’ expenses.
Paul is interested in animals and insects but is musophobic and  mottephobic (fearful of mice/rats and moths respectively)
Paul’s considered what life would be like if Stands didn’t exist, and in all honesty is curious about how his brother sees the world and believes in.
Despite being rebellious against Ghiaccio, Paul will immediately become a kind-hearted, quiet child whenever Ghiaccio is in need of his company for a serious affair, with one example being whenever Illuso is sick or injured.  During these times, Paul won’t leave his Dad’s side, and reveals a lot more sweeter words to comfort.
Has no interest in dating, nor has found a specific preference.  He may actually be demisexual like his father.
Rocco was primarily raised by Illuso, due to being born while Paul was still physically a baby/toddler and thus required all of Ghiaccio’s time.
Calls Ghiaccio “father”, Illuso “mother” (while keeping male pronouns.)  Named after the Italian word for rest, found in a book of cat names Illuso had.  Incidentally also shares a name with a Saint, much like Illuso.
Rocco lacks a Stand.  He assumes it’s because he doesn’t have the will, or actual need, to fight to survive like his angry brother and his assassin parents.  It’s very likely he’ll survive being stabbed by the arrow, though.
Rocco has a silver earring on his left ear, to copy Illuso’s ear clip.
Rocco grew up hearing Illuso’s stories and regrets, and hearing about all of the the things that weigh him down.  As a result, he has no interest in continuing down that path and in fact went to great lengths to become a butler for a wealthy movie producer.
It’s unknown where his piebaldism comes from, though that said in this universe Illuso was resurrected through magical means.
The lion necklace, as well as Rocco’s general affiliations to lions, was a gift Illuso had.  According to Rocco, it has a mundane history; the back of the pendant is stained dark brown.
Rocco believes lions are a sign of strength, and thus likes them.  His favorite fictional lion is the Mister Donut mascot.
Rocco loves gardening, and has a very good green thumb.  His cool facade breaks when it comes to his garden, revealing a man who's a nemophilia and adores the hobby about as much as his father adored ice skating.  He’s highly defensive of it, and he’s often submitted crops to judging festivals (which he has two awards for).
Rocco, despite not having a Stand, firmly understands the concept and will not question others if they have one or not.  He also gives automatic respect to anyone with a Stand, despite hating the idea of personally having one.
Rocco is, obviously, the favorite son between the two.  Despite this, he’s anti-social and lacks any kinds of relationships, outside of obligatory ones like his family or his job.  Despite it, a few of his employer’s friends like his company.
It’s unknown what kind of person Rocco could fall in love with, but it’s known that he would appreciate the company of someone he could talk to.
He constantly needs something in his mouth when stressed, likely developed from a teething habit he never got over.  Currently he’s been using lollipops and hard candy to sedate this.
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
( I’m half-tempted to just make a doodle-blog of Paul and Rocco and have it open for asks or requests.
Would anyone be up for watching that kind of stuff? )
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
p.s ill update when finished
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
Illuso, I can totally see you going to a dog show just to steal dogs.
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Because that is what I would do.
Go to a dog show to celebrate dogs, yes.
And absolutely not steal them.
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
✍ part 3 Dio
Send me a ✍ and a character and I’ll draw the character horribly on MS Paint.
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((This drawing is cursed, my friend))
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
Askbox is Open
( The IP that was giving me problems has been blocked and in a few moments I’ll move over my blocked list, so, yeah.
Happy Zootopia event! )
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askbadlydrawnilluso-blog · 9 years ago
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( i should probably open the inbox up considering things but hey, guess who designed another egg child for illughi hell instead of thinking about answers
Here’s the first child if you missed him, who currently exists in a weird limbo in infinite infancy on Ghi’s blog. )
Rocco Specchio is the second child born via eggs to Illuso and Ghiaccio.  Raised primarily by Illuso, Rocco was born without a Stand, with most of Ghiaccio’s horrible genes (who has naturally cyan hair????), and grew up not understanding most of what was going on around him.  Illuso explained, as well as he could, to Rocco early on what Stands were; as such, Rocco assumes that Stands are similar to magic, and that each person with one can cast one particular trick.
However, in contrary to the rebellious Paul who has a serious problem with his father, Rocco is very mellow.  Having a taste for both worlds, he’s grown up preferring the lifestyle of being Standless and thus has no problem dealing with his family’s antics.  As an adult, he works as the butler of an Italian movie producer, giving him insight to the world of Hollywood.
He generally has a very “I don’t care” attitude, but is openly honest to people and doesn’t like tricks.  He’s very calm when it comes to handling Stands as well, and his situated outlook on life allows him to easily cool situations down.  
If he did have a Stand, it’d no doubt relate to teleportation.
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