send me some requests for the Axis, I include 2p south Italy, and 2p Prussia, I will also attempt 2p Austria if requested. Ask box to talk to mun and characters: OPEN, requests: OPEN, shipping requests: OPEN, headadcanons always accepted ((Picture...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Is this blog still alive?
((I’m trying to be active but I don’t get any requests, or nothing is coming through if people are requesting))
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((Hey guys I just want you to know that I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting work has been crazy. Today was honestly probably the hardest day I’ll ever face in my working career (I hope lol) thank you all for staying patient with me. I love all of you. And if anyone is in a dark place in their lives and feel that there’s no choice, please reach out to freinds and family, please reach out this is the suicide prevention hotline it’s open 24 hours for anyone, they also have texting options if you don’t want to talk verbally on the phone. 1-800-273-8255.))
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hullo! pls like/reblog if you post hetalia :)
i will follow you from my main account!!
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Um... Do you take NSFW requests? 0////0
((Oui >:)))
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*sends Luci all of my uwus*
Luciano: “Gross” *Blushes*
Kuro: Hehehehehe
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fuckin tumblr why can't I leave 10 likes on a fuckin post dammit
(A fucking mood that’s for damn sure. And aw thank you so much!!!))
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shipping requests open?? YEs i want some of dat gerita plz
((OMG YES, SEND ME MORE SHIT LIKE THIS!!!! Normally it’s people sending descriptions of themselves and i pair them with a character but I LOVE THIS!!!))
“I swear to god. LUTZ!!!”
��Hm?” When he finally get a reply he’s almost too angry to even remember why he was calling the asshole in the first place. Oh right dirty laundry on the floor again. Lutz pops his head out of the bathroom, hair wet drops dripping from his blonde locks onto the hardwood. Great another mess he will have to clean up. “What have I told you about leaving your SHIT on the floor?”
“I didn’t shit on the floor, at least not anytime recently I don’t think.” He’s gonna die. Luciano huffs and points to the dirty laundry that is on the floor in a heap in front of him. then looks at Lutz pointedly. “OHHH!!! That shit.”
“Yes that shit. Clean it up and the puddle you’re making on the hardwood floors, I don’t want you ruining the floors even more. You never even lift your chair when scooting out from the dinner table so the floors in the dinning room are all scratched up there. Don’t even get me started on the floors by the front door.”
Lutz smiles at him and fully emerges from the bathroom, dripping wet white towel around his waist. he walks towards Luciano who is steaming from the ears and cups his face. “I’m sorry I’ll clean it up right now for you.” He proceeds to place a gentle kiss onto Luciano’s forehead, the water from his hair dripping onto Luciano’s face making his nose scrunch up from the cold water hitting his warm skin. He pushes Lutz and huffs again looking to the side with a blush growing on his face from the gentle touches. Lutz smile seems to widen at the sight of this, he holds his towel in place as he bends down to grab the pile of clothes. He then turns around and walks back to the bathroom right before he enters the bathroom he turns back to Luciano and sends him a wink making the other man flush red and stomp off. Lutz just really knows how to rile him up doesn’t he.
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all of the axis plus romano and prussia as gifs?
((Thank you so much for this, I’m gonna admit I have a head cannon that 2p Prussia when outside has this habit of pulling at the grass, picking flowers and pulling the pelts off and whatnot, because it makes him feel calm.))
2p Germany:
2p Italy:
2p Japan:
2p South Italy:
2p Prussia:
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what's this? have i found, finally... an active 2p ask blog?!
((Yes you have. I can really only answer really late at night and one Wednesday and Thursday though lmao))
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Please send me asks
((listen y'all I'm going through a rough time and I need to have a release please I'm begging yall to send me some asks))
#ooc#2ptalia#hetalia#2p!talia#2p#send me some asks#send me some headcanons#send me some shipping requests
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Reblog if you post most to all Hetalia
I am starting a list of active blogs in the community
here if youre: Ask blog Art Blog hetalia fanfiction rp blog
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Yandere Sentence Starters~! ❤🔪
{So this is my try at a few Yandere Sentence Starters! Hope you enjoy! ^^} {Might be updated!}
(PS: If you ever write something with one of my starters then please tell me! Cause I’d love to read it!!)
~I really want to be gentle to you right now, but you’re making it impossible.
~You lied to me…You know what that means right?
~You’re happy being together with me, yes?
~Should I just break your legs? That way you could never, ever run away again.
~I saw you laughing with him… That’s unforgivable, Darling…
~Why do you think I’m stalking you? I’m only keeping you safe and clean.
~I’m the only one that can kill you.
~If I’m going to die. I’m taking you with me.
~I loved you since I first saw you, much more earlier then… Him.
~If you’re with me. I don’t need anything else.
~Please don’t cry…
~You’re the only one for me.
~You don’t need anyone but me.
~Love me. Love me. LOVE ME! I just want you to love me!!!
~Don’t worry. He’s all taken care of.
~If you will never give me your heart, then we should just die together.
~Why are you trembling? It can’t be because of me…
~You’re absolutely gorgeous when you cry.
~I’d advice you think twice before saying things like that. You’re not leaving me, ever.
~You’re MINE!!! Is it that hard to understand?!
~I’ll break that spirit of yours. It’s gonna be fun.
~There is no escape from me and my love.
~I want to earn your trust. Your faith. Your heart. You will never be deceived.
~I want to mix our blood and put it in the ground, so you can never leave.
~This hurts? Good. Keep showing me that expression, my love.
~Anyone who gets between you and I shall die.
~Am I wrong? You want to be loved, Don’t you?
~I will eat up your heart and you’ll be forever mine.
~I will mark my proof on your entire body.
~I won’t let you run away.
~I will treasure all of these tears that you shall shed.
~There’s nowhere to run, so let’s just get it over~
~Soon I know you’ll see. You’re just like me.
~Don’t scream anymore, my love.
~Because all I want is you~!
~Only I can protect you~!
~I do EVERYTHING for you!!! Why can’t you just understand it?!
~I will gouge out those eyes. Then the last thing you will ever see is me.
~I’ll cut out your tongue, if you won’t stop yelling.
~I want your innocence.
~I want your every step.
~I will destroy everything in my way until I have you.
~Come to me and you won’t regret it.
~I’m not jealous. I just don’t like others watching MY property.
~You’re going to be mine, all mine.
~You’re much more beautiful when broken.
~You’re only my enjoyment.
~I love the way you react.
~You’re lying. You love me, I know it.
~This is all your fault. You have nobody blame but yourself.
~Choose me and I won’t kill anyone.
~I’m not asking for much. Just give me your heart.
~Tell me you love me!
~You’re so cute while sleeping!
~I’ll be watching you…~
~Oh can’t you see~ You belong to me!
~Get Ready! Cause here I come!
~I’ve never met someone who makes me feel the way you do.
~My love is pure and true.
~I’m gonna try to make you love me too.
~Let me in! Just let me in!
~I’m your Guardian Angel.
~Keep crying. I like that sound.
~It will kill me leave when you will leave me…
~You’re beautiful gagged and bound.
~Don’t scream!
~You know I did this all for you and me!
~Our love is caught in your eyes~
~You take my breath away.
~I don’t know what to do besides… killing you.
~I’ll kiss. I’ll touch. I’ll cut you.
~ know you feel the same!
~You’ll see that I’m the only one for you!
~I’ll break you to pieces~
~But you don’t understand! Why can’t you understand?!
~You do feel the same way… Do you?
~Don’t worry! You’re only like that so you couldn’t escape!
~I’ll cut off these wings, so you can no longer fly.
~I will monopolise everything you do~
~I’ll lock you up all for me, in a dark room~
~Even this beautiful hair covering your head. I won’t stop until it’s all red.
~Just looking at the face of the frightened you. Gives me a Thrill that’s unbearable.
~On this hand. On this eye. On this leg. On your cheek. My mark will forever show~
~I’ll make sure this time spent with you will not be ruined.
~I’m the only one who will ever love you.
~My love, keep your eyes on me.
~I am the only one who will treasure everything you do~
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Ghost AU
He sighs running his hands across the roses. It’s not often he gets to see the roses like these. The only flowers he can touch. He begins to weave them into a crown for himself, to think that he had to learn how to do this from his brother so long ago. His brother. He missed him. He glances at his two friends. They wouldn’t understand they hadn’t lost someone like him, they weren’t fading away. He places down at his hands realizing he was finished with the crown he sighs and places it upon his head. he wishes he could visit the cafe he wishes he cold still lay flowers down for him, he wonders if Gillen even knows that he died, he knows that GIllen is dead. He glances at the stone not far from his with his name on it, yet no body in the ground, no ghost nearby to keep him company, honestly he’s the one ghost he craves to see the most. He thinks about Gillen and how he would be so happy to be with him, he would have daisies and lilacs all around him if he was there as per his plan said if he was ever found. He sighs and looks up at the ghost in front of him now it’s Luciano who gives him a tight sad smile, he knows what the other is thinking about, he knows what he craves what he longs for. Lutz longs for his brother, one he might never see again because he was being forgotten.
#ghost au#2p germany#2p#2p hetalia#2p south italy#2p japan#2p italy#hetalia#2ptalia#2p!talia#send me some asks#send me some headcanons#2p prussia#headcanon#send me au stuff#angst
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((So I’m super high so I’m very inspired to write so please send me some asks while I push out whatever starts coming out from my fingers))
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Can you do a cuddle headcanons for 2p japan x s/o? :3
Alright this man is so clingy when he is actually into someone and loves to be held. He doesn’t want people to know though so he pretends he doesn’t enjoy cuddling if it’s ever a topic of conversation.
He loves to spoon though he loves to be the little or the big spoon. He loves arms around waists, gentle breaths on the back of the neck, legs rubbing against each other as you shift to get comfortable. He’s a slut for spooning.
He also likes to be held in general in public hold his arm he’ll seem a little distant at first but he will soon intertwine your fingers together and smile at you gently.
But if you bring this mans head to your chest and just hold him, run your fingers through his hair soft kisses on the forehead, soft looks from above he actually melts.
#2p hetalia#2p#2p japan#2p headcanons#hetalia#xonygx#2p!talia#2ptalia#send me some asks#send me some headcanons#send me some shipping requests#headcanon#send me au stuff#2p axis
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Let's do some thirst confessions!
Just go ahead and send me thirst stuff for the boys!
#2p!talia#2ptalia#hetalia#2p#send me some asks#send me some headcanons#send me some shipping requests#headcanon
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I’m coming back
((I’m starting my blogs up again so please send me some asks))
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