Occ// happy birthday Victor!! 🎂 to my favorite postman!
#identity v postman#identity v victor#idv postman#ask the paperboy#identityv#idv#identity5#victor grantz
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Hey mod Abbx here!
I'm letting you guys the anons know that I won't have wifi for the next two weeks. So my inbox/askboxs open for the time being so send some questions or rps I will respond some time middle of December.
Thanks for reading from your fav rat Mod Abbx.
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Anon is ready to scare Victor because of Halloween month. As Victor was sleeping with wick. Anon suddenly scares him and his dog with a Jason mask with a fake axe!!
Anon: WAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Victor woke up from the scream of anon. He grabs the close thing and it was a flare gun to pointed at anon.

He keeps staring at anon and shoves the flare gun closer to anons face meaning to get out.
After anon left he put aways the flare gun back.
#identity v postman#identity v victor#idv postman#ask the paperboy#identityv#idv#identity5#victor grantz
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<:BO~: Victor's Halloween costume is coming soon!! Aka coming back!! *slightly crying of joy*

*draws Victor*
#identity v postman#identity v victor#idv postman#ask the paperboy#identityv#idv#identity5#victor grantz
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Did your mom about this?
The paperboy kinda jump to hear this and he pulls out a flare gun. Then puts it away the gun to grabs his note book. He wrote something on the note book.
Then he hands the anon the note book to read.
"Dear person, really with a joke??"
#identity v postman#identity v victor#idv postman#ask the paperboy#identityv#idv#identity5#victor grantz
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((Birthday Event coming soon on October 31 as same as Eli Clark the seer!!! -Rat Mod Abbx
Edit: it be Oct 24 thur 31 for that time))
To you the reader of this letter,
Make sure you dress up for this celebration of spooky season, there's going be lot trick or treats in store.
P.s can some make the cake for me please 🙏
Yours truly, Victor Gantz the paperboy
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I know it sounds weird, I don't have hole lot intercation with my blogs now days with anonymous asks. I find it weird scents late June, no one haven't vist the blogs that I have made including of my idv oc Xiao. I'm kinda worried if I did something wrong here? I try my best interact with everyone. So I will say this I'm going to make an birthday intercation with @ask-victor-thepaperboy near the last week of October so stay tune with that. Aka the celebration of his page being here for a year!
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((Birthday Event coming soon on October 31 as same as Eli Clark the seer!!! -Rat Mod Abbx
Edit: it be Oct 24 thur 31 for that time))
To you the reader of this letter,
Make sure you dress up for this celebration of spooky season, there's going be lot trick or treats in store.
P.s can some make the cake for me please 🙏
Yours truly, Victor Gantz the paperboy
#identity v postman#identity v victor#idv postman#ask the paperboy#identityv#idv#identity5#victor grantz
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Victor: *why I can see that happening *
Cant wait for the family reunion
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I haven't really haven't posted anything cause there's nothing in my inboxs at all. So I'm saying they are open. Again put suggestions or questions in the inbox I will answer them. So yep sea you yal later.
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So rat mod Abbx here!!

If you don't know the voice actor of Victor Gantz is Aleks Le who all so voice actor for Devil cookie.
When I got my art signed he said in I quote: "Wow! That's really cool art you got there! What you are fan of cookie run?"- " Awesome I glad someone from both cookie run kingdom and IDV came to the con. You made my weekend much cooler."
That melt my heart and made me smile underneath my mask.
Overall it's really cool experience with Aleks Le, hopefully next time I need get a selfie with next time when he is in town of course.
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Hey this Rat Mod Abbx here!
I know I been gone for awhile, I'm now in the process of waiting for my childhood home to be sold off. As right now I can get ahold of only couple pieces of paper aka scrap paper to able draw for couple asks that I haven't answered yet. Again sorry anyone who wanted to rp with me, it's been stressful for me to able draw so art block.
When I do come back from moving and to have stable place, I will get back on answering questions/asks on my blogs which I will tag below. For the mean time do send some, I only have four asks one each from different blogs. Like two from one blog and the other two on the other.
I will update you yal when I can sit down and draw, top of that I got laid off from my previous work so I'm back on full time babysitting so I might have a wacky schedule to post stuff on my blogs if you guys wanted to ask someone on my main here, I'm gladly to answer anything for the mean time.
Anyways that's what's been going on. Thank you from understanding my current situation and hopefully I get back on drawing soon for the blogs and give more depth/details on all of them.

Abbx out~
Following blogs;
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Please Reblog This If It’s Okay To:
Send questions about yourself
Ask questions to/about your characters
Ask about your headcanons
Send questions about your works (fanfics, art, music, RPs, etc)
Ask about popular ships/headcanons
Ask about plot ideas you’ve had but haven’t acted upon yet (snippets of AUs, a scenario you wish to write/draw but haven’t gotten to yet)
Questions about other ships/headcanons that aren’t as popular or are rarepairs
Questions or comments about favorite tropes, headcanons, characters, foods, weather, or anything else you are okay in answering!
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hiiii i am a new survivor here i think your name is ...victor right? that is cute name!
The paperboy look at the other survivor. He lightly blushing, then a smile following.
"Well why thank you, also welcome to the manor. Sorry if I didn't came up and say hello. I was doing my mailing route for the hunters, my apologies." He signed at the new survivor then kinda panicked of a what if they don't understand him.
#rat mod Abbx//sorry for every late replying causes there was lot going around.#rat mod Abbx// yes im the mod#identity v postman#identity v victor#ask the paperboy#idv postman#identityv#askvictorthepaperboy#idv
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Luka// “guess who’s back~?”
Edgar// “Back again.”
Andrew// “W-We are back from war,,,,- WAIT, JUST KIDDING!!!”
Victor// “Send this word to your friends!”
{*The boys are back and available,,,, So is the inbox!*}
Note// As long as is not NSFW and not offensive, we accept any form of shenanigans in our inbox,,,~ ;)
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Hey everyone, this Abbey or as Abbx. Right now I'm heavy packing my stuff to out my new place to this June. I'm to the point to bag my clothing and going to sleep in sleeping bag.
So out of June I'm going to be offline soon scents I haven't paid my internet bill for two months. So that being said. I'm going to leave my asks blogs open while I'm gone.
Sorry anyone who wanted to rp with me. You will get a late response. Or if you send rp to me still going get a late response.
Thank you for your understanding and patience that I'm going through right now.
Here's all the blogs to be open including this one;
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Meet Xiao Zhong, he is a master of wood carving tobacco pipes he also sells of his all time best smoking pipes. One wrong move he will not sell the pipes to anyone. He is the only one in this manor to make shop to fix pipes for the Baron but he is willing to take requests for both survivors and hunters.

Yet the young tan Asian man smoking his pipe and blowing out his smoking from his nose. To here footsteps he stood up from his seat, to turn to see some post man giving him a letter. He put his long pipe down and open the letter with one hand, he fix his glasses to see the letter to ask him from the Baron if he could join the the matchs.
As he read the last few words and set his letter to just pick up his own pipe with a lighter. To take a hit off his pipe then blow out both his nose and mouth as he speak.
"Well well~ the Baron wanted me, Xiao the Headcarver to play his silly game as survivor? Haha! Well if it's something else then sitting here doing my carvings then. Let's play~ ha!"
As the headcarver walks towards his door of his shop making the sign to flip close.
[Ask are open]
[Blog scents May, 26th of 2022]
[Blog is run by Rat Mod Abbx]
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