What was it like having Runaan, Ethari and Lain all there for Raylas birth?
Okay.. So two out of the three I could have done without-
Ethari was absolutely amazing, didn’t hover to much but was close by for when I needed something.
Lain was.. definitely stressed out. I think he was more worried than I was, but he’s my husband so I couldn’t kick him out.
Runaan? He was an absolute mess. I was very happy to kick him out of the room... either way i’m pretty sure he would have fainted if he watched... He may try to look tough but he hates seeing people he cares about in pain... though I think it would have been a pretty funny story to tell if he had stayed-
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No one gets away with it... Like I’ve said before, don’t call me Tia if you value my limbs... My husband only gets my ‘sass’, as Runaan calls it, because I love him and his limbs are important to me.
Care to tell me about Tiadrin? What's the deal with "Tia?" I hear she doesn't like that. Can Lain get away with it, at least? I've asked @ask-ethari-anything as well to shed light on this mystery.
Lain doesn’t “get away with it,” he pays the price. But sometimes it’s a tactical choice that he makes for the greater good. Once, Ethari and I were trying to sneak a surprise into her back room for her birthday and she nearly spotted us. Lain provided a distraction by calling her Tia, and she whirled on him and brought out her sharpest sass. But it worked–we sneaked that sword in without her noticing. And she loved it.
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